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本文基于中国综合社会调查2006年的数据,引入了绝对收入和相对收入变量,运用有序概率估计法,实证地研究了收入和幸福感之间的关系。研究显示:不管是否考虑相对收入,绝对收入对幸福感的影响作用都很大,考虑相对收入后,绝对收入的这种影响作用有所减弱。相比较而言,以平均收入衡量的相对收入对幸福感的影响要强于绝对收入。收入的相对变化情况以及对未来收入情况的预期会显著影响人们的幸福感水平。  相似文献   

Despite the abundance of sociological research on the gender wage gap, questions remain. In particular, the role of cohorts is under investigated. Using data from the Current Population Survey, we use age–period–cohort analysis to uniquely estimate age, period, and cohort effects on the gender wage gap. The narrowing of the gender wage gap that occurred between 1975 and 2009 is largely due to cohort effects. Since the mid-1990s, the gender wage gap has continued to close absent of period effects. While gains in female wages contributed to declines in the gender wage gap for cohorts born before 1950, for later cohorts the narrowing of the gender wage gap is primarily a result of declines in male wages.  相似文献   

李华香 《兰州学刊》2013,(12):114-119
现代人对住宅的需求就如古代人对土地的渴望,而各大城市不断上涨的住宅价格成为广泛关注的热点与焦点问题.文章以天津市南开区654个楼盘为研究基础,使用Surfer软件,采用Kriging插值法,绘制南开区住宅价格空间分布图;使用stata软件,采用多项hedonic模型,分析影响住宅价格的多元社会经济因素.结果表明,南开区住宅价格总体呈现“一个高点,两个中心,东高西低”的空间分布格局,区位特征、学区房、居住环境等变量成为住宅价格的决定性因素.  相似文献   

Age, period, and cohort effects on religious activities and beliefs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Despite the theoretical emphasis on religious decline in modern societies, sociologists remain divided over trends in religious activity and belief that support or refute claims of religious decline. Much of this disagreement stems from the inability to distinguish between period and cohort effects when analyzing repeated cross-sectional survey data. I use the intrinsic estimator, a recently developed method of simultaneously estimating age, period, and cohort effects, to examine changes in Americans’ religious service attendance, prayer, belief in the afterlife, and biblical literalism. Results show that regular service attendance declines, predominantly across cohorts. There are also period- and cohort-based declines in biblical literalism and a cohort-based decline in prayer. Belief in the afterlife is relatively stable across periods and cohorts. These results provide mixed support for theories of religious decline, and they demonstrate the importance of differentiating between period and cohort effects on social change.  相似文献   

在经济社会发展过程中,艺术设计已经成为社会意识的一种体现形式,它与社会经济发展有着密不可分的关系。艺术设计的技术性、经济性、文化性决定了只有社会经济高度发展才会有艺术文化的繁荣。反之,作为艺术与科技相结合的产物,艺术设计同样也是一种生产力,推动着社会经济的繁荣发展。  相似文献   

对城中村经济社会功能与问题的再认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城中村具有一定的经济社会功能,其存在具有历史合理性,城中村一定意义上降低了城市化成本,推动了城市化进程。城中村是一个制度意义的农村,城中村问题是一个特殊的"三农问题"。改造城中村的必要性和迫切性来自于"三农问题"事关全面建设小康社会和社会主义现代化建设的全局,是全党工作的重中之重,来自于统筹城乡经济社会发展的宏观战略背景,改造城中村的核心目标是实现社会和谐发展。  相似文献   

Recent network research indicates that native youth prefer to befriend immigrants with stronger rather than weaker host country identification. Surprisingly, however, no respective preference of high-identifying immigrants for native friends has been found, and there is little evidence that friends influence immigrants' identification. Seeking to make sense of these unexpected findings, my aims are twofold: First, I reproduce an earlier study using three waves of newly collected network panel data. Second, going beyond a robustness test with better data, I suggest that relative group size within school accounts for earlier findings. I hypothesize that immigrants' host country identification only affects their own friendship choices in schools with high shares of immigrants, because only in those schools they can be picky about befriending natives. Stochastic actor-oriented models support this notion, pointing to an interplay of preferences and opportunities in shaping the relation between host country identification and interethnic friendships.  相似文献   

The relationship between intergeneration occupational mobility and income is examined in three independent studies: (1) a sample of older men in Detroit, (2) a sample of working age men residing in one of six medium to large sized cities, and (3) a nationally representative sample of working age men. In all three studies, mobile men have lower incomes than do stable men. However, neither the direction nor the degree of mobility appears to affect income in any of the studies examined. The basic relationship between mobility per se and income does not disappear when controls are introduced for work experience, schooling, occupational origins, and occupational destinations. The observed impact of intergeneration occupational mobility on income is consistent with the view that fathers can use their personal and organizational connections to help their sons secure well-paying positions so long as the sons remain in occupations that are similar in status to those of their fathers.  相似文献   

Like others before us using different data, we find significant effects of parental family income on the completed schooling and wage rates of adult children using intergenerational data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. We explore various hypotheses regarding these effects, finding substantial support for the economic hypothesis that income, regardless of its source, is invested by parents in their children; mixed support for the hypothesis that fathers serve as role models for their sons; and no support for the welfare dependency hypothesis. Rather than serving as positive role models, working mothers appear to have significantly less successful sons.  相似文献   

扈兵 《兰州学刊》2005,(1):231-233
在我国国力繁荣的背后,存在一支庞大的低收入阶层队伍,这不仅有违社会公正,而且也不利于经济社会健康发展.综合运用各种政策措施,提高低收入阶层的收入水平,不仅有利于维护社会稳定,而且对建设全面小康社会也有深远的意义.  相似文献   

根据美国 2 0 0 0年人口普查资料及美国政府和民间机构一些有关少数族裔的报告 ,通过对当代美国少数族裔人口在增长速度、出生率和死亡率、地区分布、城乡分布、年龄结构、家庭与婚姻和人口流动性等方面特征 ,以及教育、职业、收入和住房、医疗保险等方面社会经济状况进行的比较分析 ,得出如下结论 :总体上看 ,美国少数族裔的社会经济状况差过人口主体非西裔白人 ;而各少数族裔之间及内部在社会经济状况方面本身也存在巨大差异 ;少数族裔低下的社会经济地位及主流社会种族歧视的普遍存在 ,是导致一系列涉及少数族裔社会问题的重要原因  相似文献   

不同经济集团之间利益关系的调整是制度变迁的主要动因 ,收入分配是利益关系调整的主要方式。我国 2 0多年的改革开放使不同的经济集团收入差距增大 ,突出的是国家与地方利益、城乡利益、区域利益、政府工作人员和群众利益。调整利益关系可以减少制度维护成本 ,促进经济持续发展  相似文献   

Research on residential inequality focuses heavily on adult economic outcomes as crucial components of the intergenerational transmission of poverty. Yet, empirical evidence on whether youth neighborhoods have a lasting impact on adult economic outcomes at the national level is scarce. Further, we know little about how youth neighborhood effects on adult economic outcomes manifest. This study uses 26 years (14 waves) of restricted panel data from the NLSY79 and the NLSY Children and Young Adults cohorts – data that have never been used to analyze long-term neighborhood effects – to examine whether youth neighborhood disadvantage impacts adult economic outcomes through sensitive years in childhood, teen socialization, duration effects, or cumulative effects. Sibling fixed effects models that net out unobserved effects of shared family characteristics suggest that youth neighborhood disadvantage increases joblessness and reduces income in adulthood. However, exposure across specific developmental stages of youth does not appear to act as a significant moderator while sustained exposure yields pernicious effects on adult economic outcomes. Moreover, these results are robust to alternative variable specifications and cousin fixed effects that net out potentially unobserved confounders, such as the inheritance of neighborhood disadvantage across three generations.  相似文献   

试论对私营企业主收入的合理界定及引导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马望英  郑东华 《北方论丛》2003,3(6):112-114
在我国社会主义市场经济条件下,私营经济的发展有其I必然性,私营企业中存在的剥削问题也是无法回避的现实。社会主义市场经济条件下的私营企业主绝大多数都是作为管理亲自参加劳动的,因而对其收入进行合理的界定也是应该的。在马克思主义立场上,运用劳动价值论的方法界定我国私营企业主的收入,即区分私营企业主的剥削收入和劳动收入,有赖于“双重人”概念的提出;运用历史唯物主义的方法对我国私营经济中剥削存在的现实合理性和历史局现性的分析,即区分合法剥削与非法剥削,有助于对我国私营经济中的剥削进行规范、限制与引导。  相似文献   

This article analyzes how the family and the welfare state influence household income trajectories after job loss in the United States and in western Germany. Drawing on panel data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) and the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP), I study the income buffering effects of the family and the welfare state in the short an in the long run after job loss. I demonstrate that household income trajectories after job loss in the two countries are similar for couple households. However, men in the United States rely relatively more on family resources to overcome income loss, whereas German men’s incomes are secured mostly by the welfare state. Women’s unemployment in both countries is mainly buffered by their partners’ higher earnings. Because single households have no access to family support, they face much higher losses in the United States than in Germany. I also show that the more generous German welfare state triggers less private self-help in the form of increased labor force participation on the part of women when their partners lose their jobs. Over time, the family has become more important in buffering incomes after job loss in the United States which smoothed men’s and roughened women’s income trajectories in couple households. In Germany, worsening re-employment chances increased income losses in the long run after job loss.  相似文献   

中国农户经济收入增长、结构变迁及根源   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对“九五”期间中国东中西三大地带农户经济运行进行比较后发现:目前中国农户经济运行正处在一种徘徊趋势中,而农户家庭经济结构则处在一种微调状态下。农户家庭经济资源利用效率呈恶化趋势。尽管农户的经济行为是严格按照经济理性原则进行的,但受家庭人力资本等积累水平制约,农户经济非农化进展缓慢。为此,政府应当在农村教育上加大投资力度,在产业结构调整上更加尊重农民的选择,在非农化发展方向上进一步降低资本门槛。  相似文献   

贫富差距背景下的社会心态简析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
改革开放以来,我国社会的贫富差距呈快速扩大的趋势,目前已经达到了十分悬殊的程度。这种状况在社会心态上的反映是多方面的,其表现主要有:社会成员对贫富差距空前清晰的主观认知;对于贫富差距的消极否定的价值判断;以及对于富裕阶层的消极的定势反应等。由于贫富差距所导致的社会政治后果并不完全取决于贫富差距本身,而是在一定程度上取决于由贫富差距所引起的社会心态状况,所以应该充分重视对于社会心态的监测,同时还要注意通过有效的途径对各种消极的社会心态进行及时的疏导。  相似文献   

扩大中等收入者比重 构筑现代社会结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代化的社会结构以中等收入者为主体,社会结构的形态不再是金字塔型,而是橄榄型.经济的现代化需要社会结构的现代化,如果没有社会的发展和社会阶层结构的相应变化,经济的发展终究会难以为继.  相似文献   

This paper develops the concept of “targeted education,” a theoretical ranking of college curricula, into a multidimensional framework. The new scales, based on the traditional stratification dimensions, prestige, authority, and income, are then used in a study of sex differences in the process of occupational achievement among men and women with college degrees. The targeted education scales predict occupational prestige and wages 7 years after the college degree, and they point out interesting differences between male and female attainment processes. In general, targeted education has a greater quantitative impact for men's occupational outcomes than for women's prestige and income, but results also suggest significant qualitative differences between men and women. A large proportion of women target their education toward, and end up in, an under-employed labor pool for the primary and secondary school system.  相似文献   

我国现行个人所得税法,要在科学发展观的指导下,进行简化征税范围、对象及税率,实行分类与综合相结合的征管制度,完善对年终加薪的计征,适时调整免征额等方面较大的修改,构建以人为本的个人所得税制度。  相似文献   

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