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感知上级信任作为一种信任类型日益受到学者们的重视,一些学者认为它可以激发员工的积极行为,但近年来学者发现它也会导致员工的消极行为。根据工作要求-资源模型,结合资源保存理论,本研究认为感知上级信任既是一种益处又是一种负担,并构建了感知上级信任的双刃剑模型,即:激发主动性行为的赋能路径和阻碍主动性行为的超载路径。此外,本研究还检验了权力距离倾向在这两条路径中的调节作用。基于三个时点的303份员工自评数据,运用结构方程模型对研究假设进行验证。研究结果表明:感知上级信任既可以激发员工的自我效能、促进主动性行为,又会加重员工的角色超载、阻碍主动性行为;权力距离倾向在感知上级信任和角色超载之间起到负向调节作用,即权力距离倾向越高,感知上级信任与角色超载的正向关系越弱。  相似文献   

曲如杰  朱博琪  刘晔 《管理评论》2022,(10):180-190
职场八卦普遍存在于各类组织中。现有研究主要针对职场负面八卦展开研究,忽略了职场正面八卦的积极作用。本研究结合了资源保存理论和积极情绪的拓展—建构理论,探究职场负面八卦与职场正面八卦对员工创新行为的影响机制及边界条件。通过一项两个时间点的时间滞后研究设计,本研究获取了来自某国有商业银行的241份有效的上-下级配对样本,结果表明:(1)职场负面八卦通过削弱工作繁荣负向影响员工创新,职场正面八卦通过增强工作繁荣正向影响员工创新。(2)感知上级信任对职场负面八卦与工作繁荣的作用关系具有调节作用:当员工感知到的上级信任水平较低时,职场负面八卦对工作繁荣的负向影响更强;感知上级信任对职场正面八卦与工作繁荣的作用关系具有调节作用:当员工感知到的上级信任水平较低时,职场正面八卦对工作繁荣的正向影响更强。(3)感知上级信任进一步调节职场负面八卦通过工作繁荣对员工创新的间接影响:当员工感知到的上级信任水平较低时,职场负面八卦通过工作繁荣对员工创新的负向效应相对较强;感知上级信任进一步调节职场正面八卦通过工作繁荣对员工创新的间接影响:当员工感知到的上级信任水平较低时,职场正面八卦通过工作繁荣对员工创新的正向...  相似文献   

杨东涛 《管理学报》2014,(4):533-540
通过问卷调查343位被试,从工作需求-资源模型的视角,探讨了诚信型领导对员工态度和行为影响的中介机制及情景因素,包括信任氛围感知、工作投入、组织承诺和个体主义。研究发现,诚信型领导对员工工作投入和组织承诺均有显著正向影响;诚信型领导通过信任氛围感知的中介作用影响员工工作投入及组织承诺;个体主义对信任氛围感知与员工工作投入、组织承诺之间的关系具有调节作用,员工的个体主义越高,信任氛围感知对员工工作投入、组织承诺的积极影响越小。  相似文献   

员工组织内信任对其工作态度的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对928名被试的调查,探讨了员工对上级和组织的信任对其工作态度(包括工作满意度、组织承诺和离职倾向)的影响。结果表明,员工对直接上级和对组织的信任对员工的组织承诺和工作满意度有积极的影响,而对员工的离职倾向有负的影响,并且员工对组织信任对组织承诺和工作满意度的影响通过员工对上级的信任部分中介。而员工对组织信任对离职倾向的影响通过员工对组织的信任完全中介。该研究结果进一步充实了中国背景下员工组织内信任的理论研究。  相似文献   

韩平  陆艳秋  吕春晓 《管理学报》2015,12(2):215-222
在现有研究的基础上,通过问卷调查,利用对应分析方法对中国企业组织中基于信任的员工归类与下属支持行为的对应关系进行了探究。研究结果表明,领导者倾向于向有才能的下属寻求决策方面的支持;向关系亲密的下属寻求情感方面的支持。对关系亲密,忠诚度高且能力强的下属领导者会向其寻求战略或政治支持;对关系亲密,忠诚度高但能力较弱的下属寻求情感支持。对关系亲密或忠诚度高,能力较强的下属寻求行动建议;对关系疏远,能力较弱但忠诚度高的下属寻求原始信息。此外,忠诚是领导者对下属信任最重要的考虑因素,并且领导者职位层级越高越重视忠诚因素。  相似文献   

领导处于自我损耗状态会产生一系列连锁反应,资源丧失的风险感知会增加领导的授权行为,使员工面临更多的工作压力,进而引发员工自我损耗。在这个过程中,授权行为充当着领导自我损耗与员工自我损耗之间的中介,并且受到领导信任的调节,领导对员工的信任水平越高,授权行为越能够发挥积极作用,员工自我消耗水平越低;反之,则产生相反的结果。基于此,领导应积极强化自我和员工的素质与能力,并提升授权与信任行为的精准性,避免陷入自我损耗的恶性循环。  相似文献   

领导关系中的角色信任主要包括相同目标、工作配合和情感认同等三个板块内容,这也从根本上影响着组织领导工作的有效开展。命令与竞争是传统领导关系中角色信任的核心特征,表现为组织领导单向命令下属、下属绝对服从强势领导以及领导层之间显著的竞争关系。为了克服这一问题,应将合作与协同视为构建新型角色信任的核心理念,包括重新识别领导关系的主体价值,积极推进领导与下属的合作行动,强化领导层之间的协同意识。  相似文献   

信任缺失会给上级带来责任、权力、利益的疑虑。逆向领导中,上级信任具有认同、约束、简化、协调功能。下级要以获得上级信任为核心来实施逆向领导:重视发展关系,增进沟通了解;加强品行修养,坚持诚实守信;提升个人能力,运用理性策略;维护上级权威,勇于忠诚担当;适应管理情境,能够通权达变。  相似文献   

王鹏鹏 《经营与管理》2011,(12):111-113
本文以长三角地区的10多家大中型企业员工为调查对象,对工作压力、组织信任、工作绩效三者的关系进行了实证研究。结果表明:工作压力中的工作本身压力对工作绩效具有显著的正相关关系;组织氛围压力、角色压力、工作家庭分界面压力对工作绩效具有显著的负相关关系;组织信任对工作绩效具有显著的正相关关系,而组织信任中的企业信任和同事信任对工作压力与工作绩效的关系存在调节作用。  相似文献   

一、引言 信任是当个体收益依赖他人并且此收益存在风险时,个体对他人对己收益影响的预期和假设.在当今社会,信任已经成为提升组织效能与维持组织生存的重要影响因素.如果信任缺失,没有人可以逃避风险,而所有人将损失从合作和分享中获得的益处.斯普伦格甚至将信任称为除权力和金钱外企业三大主导因素之一,组织中信任的研究也正得到越来越多学者的关注,而其中,员工对上级的信任是组织中人际信任的核心成分,对员工个体和组织结果变量的影响效应最大.那么,上级的哪些行为特点(上级信任因素)更有利于提高员工对上级的信任呢?  相似文献   

吴铭 《领导科学》2001,(3):16-16
新任领导特别是一把手到任后,面临的一个很现实的问题,就是如何对待本单位的"旧臣",特别是如何对待前任领导的亲信.从实际情况看,这个问题处理得好,就能充分调动全体工作人员的积极性,形成很强的凝聚力,并能在原有的工作基础上有较大创新;处理得不好,就会挫伤一部分同志的工作积极性,严重的还会形成团团伙伙,影响正常工作的开展.因此,如何对待前任的亲信,是新任领导特别是一把手到任后必须认真解决好的一个重要课题.  相似文献   

Although identity research in organizations has increased in recent years, none of the current perspectives has examined the role of emotion for understanding how individuals construct and enact professional identity. In this paper we examine how emotions affect the development, conduct and meanings of professional identity among a sample of 20 doctor managers from two Spanish hospitals. While not excluding other approaches, we found that a social identity approach was especially useful. The contribution of this paper is threefold. First, our results provide new insights about how, in a work setting, emotions prioritize awareness of identity issues that need attention. Second, we discuss the role of emotions for understanding complex role identities by reference to the enactment of different sides of doctor managers' identities. Third, we show how our analysis of the findings may be used to embellish the social identity approach.  相似文献   

贺海峰 《决策》2010,(5):38-40
“幸福江阴”是执政理念的创新,具有长远眼光。但这种探索无论从理论层面还是从实践层面来说,都才刚刚开始,还有许多课题需要深入研究。  相似文献   

During the last decade, a great deal of news media attention has focused on informing the American public about scientific findings on global warming (GW). Has learning this sort of information led the American public to become more concerned about GW? Using data from two surveys of nationally representative samples of American adults, this article shows that the relation between self‐reported knowledge and concern about GW is more complex than what previous research has suggested. Among people who trust scientists to provide reliable information about the environment and among Democrats and Independents, increased knowledge has been associated with increased concern. But among people who are skeptical about scientists and among Republicans more knowledge was generally not associated with greater concern. The association of knowledge with concern among Democrats and Independents who trust scientists was mediated by perceptions of consensus among scientists about GW's existence and by perceptions that humans are a principal cause of GW. Moreover, additional analyses of panel survey data produced findings consistent with the notion that more knowledge yields more concern among Democrats and Independents, but not among Republicans. Thus, when studying the relation of knowledge and concern, it is important to take into account the content of the information that different types of people acquire and choose to rely upon.  相似文献   

在长期的地方领导工作实践中,我深深体会到,真正做好取信于民的民情调查工作,必须通过领导干部直接到群众中听取意见、帮助群众解决实际问题的方式,实行干部与群众新的"三同"(即同吃、同住、同劳动),才能有力地促进各级领导干部转变观念、改进作风,真正做到想群众之所虑、急群众之所难、谋群众之所求,基层工作中的许多疑难问题也往往会迎刃而解.用民情调查这把"金钥匙",可以打开基层工作和群众生产生活中许多热点、难点问题之锁.从株洲近几年的实践情况来看,领导干部做好民情调查工作要把握好以下三个关键.  相似文献   

This paper explores the emotion of disappointment in organizations and develops a new line of theorizing inspired by psychoanalytic object‐relations theory. Existing literature frames disappointment as a threat to organizational effectiveness, as both a response and an anticipation of failure and as an emotion that needs to be managed in order to prevent it from damaging organizational morale and performance. This only captures part of the complexity of disappointment and leaves unexplored its potential contribution to organizational and individual learning and even creativity. The paper develops a theoretical framework which depicts disappointment in three configurations or positions, and it establishes the potential of disappointment acting as an integrative emotion within organizations. The framework accounts for an apparent contradiction in organizational members' experience of disappointment – that it is, at the same time, seen as ‘of little concern’ to individuals, and yet viewed as capable of undermining stability and destroying positive feelings. The paper shows how disappointment is connected to the dynamics of blame in organizations but, when fully appreciated, can offer a way of moving beyond these dynamics by recognizing partial failure within an organization and turning it into the basis for organizational learning.  相似文献   

Feeling at Risk Matters: Water Managers and the Decision to Use Forecasts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Experts contend that weather and climate forecasts could have an important role in risk management strategies for community water systems. Yet, most water managers make minimal use of these forecasts. This research explores the determinants of the use of weather and climate forecasts by surveying managers of community water systems in two eastern American states (South Carolina and the Susquehanna River Basin of Pennsylvania). Assessments of the reliability of weather and climate forecasts are not driving their use as water managers who find forecasts reliable are no more likely to use them than are managers who find them unreliable. Although larger systems and those depending on surface water are more likely to use forecasts for some (but not all) purposes, the strongest determinant of forecast use is risk perceptions. Water managers who expect to face problems from weather events in the next decade are much more likely to use forecasts than are water managers who expect few problems. Their expectations of future problems are closely linked with past experience: water managers who have had problems with specific types of weather events (e.g., flood emergencies) in the last 5 years are likely to expect to experience problems in the next decade. Feeling at risk, regardless of the specific source of that weather-related risk, stimulates a decision to use weather and climate forecasts.  相似文献   

企业动态竞争中,从身份域视角来探讨企业"攻击—回应"竞争行为具有丰富的理论意义。借鉴动态竞争理论中经典的觉察—动机—能力模型,本文通过对阿里和腾讯在互联网第三方支付及其相关业务领域系列竞争行为的案例研究,发现企业身份域范畴内部的竞争行动主要由经济理性驱动,而企业身份域范畴外部的竞争行动则主要是由情感认知驱动。发生在身份域范畴内部的企业竞争行动凭借核心技术、市场经验等资源优势,通常能够获得良好的竞争效益,相反,企业在身份域范畴外部实施的竞争行动效果往往一般。因此,在市场变革的巨大压力下,企业为了获得在未来核心业务上的长期竞争优势,需要通过联盟、兼并等方式获取外部核心技术、知识等稀缺资源,来重构企业核心竞争力。这也在无形中拓展了企业的身份域范畴,从而又将企业的竞争行动纳入到身份域范畴之内。这项研究较好地阐明了动态竞争中企业竞争行动的决策机制及其效果,并尝试构建了一个企业"攻击—回应"竞争行为的完整框架,拓展了动态竞争理论的研究。  相似文献   

Previous research has documented that intra‐group respect fosters individual engagement with work teams or organizations. The authors extend this work by empirically distinguishing between perceived inclusion of the self in the team and perceived value of the self for the team as separate psychological consequences of respect. Based on a social identity analysis, it is predicted that perceived inclusion facilitates the development of a positive team identity (how the individual feels about the team), while perceived value elicits the willingness to invest in the team (what the individual is willing to do for the team). Support for these predictions is obtained with structural equation modelling among two independent samples of professional soldiers working in military teams (ntotal = 495). Reports of individual team members about positive team identity and willingness to invest in the team correlated with supervisor ratings of the team's action readiness.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2021,54(5):101987
Existing research on digital platforms emphasizes the contexts that enable such platforms – and their sponsoring firms - to emerge and achieve market dominance. However, this body of research has not sufficiently addressed the ability of certain platform sponsors to persist over time, despite the existence of competing platforms or new entrants. Drawing upon research on network effects, competitive dynamics, and complementor interaction, we develop propositions highlighting the role of network, platform, and complementor attributes that facilitate or hinder the persistence of a technology-based platform in the market. In doing so, we conceptualize platform dominance as part of a dynamic process, rather than a static outcome as often characterized by previous literature. Our propositions advance research on digital platform strategy and user networks by examining the factors that enhance the continued viability of a platform, and generates a number of important directions for future research on technology management, innovation, and strategy, as well as for managerial practice in platform-mediated markets.  相似文献   

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