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This paper engages a close analytical reading of the lyrics of ‘God Save the King/Queen’ in order to understand what the functional survival of this song tells us about the rhetorical/affective investments of national devotion in the British sense. This study asks also how the lyrics of ‘God Save the King/Queen’ figure in the general definition of anthem and in the generic classification of anthems worldwide? Because of the song's international spread, and status as ‘Ur-anthem’, much may be gleaned from it as to both the nature of the speech act entailed in the prayer-type of anthem and the nature of ‘anthem quality’ more generally. ‘Anthem quality’, for the purposes of this paper, is defined as that soul stirring effect which certain combinations of music and lyrics achieve, most typically in the service of national affiliation. Theories of nation and nationalism are drawn on to frame affective relations between nation, state and citizenry as implied by, fostered by and utilized in anthems. Parodies and other derivative texts are considered in order to reach a better understanding of the sources and the pragmatic uses of anthem quality in the world today.  相似文献   

目前国内外关于民族主义定义众说纷纭。在分析研究已有民族主义概念的基础上,本文试图重新定义民族主义,即民族主义是指在人类社会历史发展进程中,建立于民族共同体基础之上的维护和扩大本民族政治、经济和文化等权益的思想观念、理论思潮和实践活动,以促进本民族的生存、独立和发展。  相似文献   

Much of the discussion surrounding nationalism still revolves around the ethnic versus civic nation divide. For purposes of this paper it is more useful to view the United States from the tri-modal perspective offered by Anderson, in which the United States is a creole (or settler) nation. All of Anderson's types can be seen as variants of ethnic nationalism. Kaufmann argues that the US evolved from ethnic to civic nationalism by the 1960s. This argument overlooks the importance of phenotype-based racism in the evolution of creole, or white settler colonial nationalism. We want to argue that US nationalism evolved from ethnic, to white racial nationalism in the interwar years. Since the 1920s, the political establishment has opted for civic nationalism that is based upon ‘white assimilationism’. This civic nationalism has been challenged by multiculturalism since the 1960s. In the context of a democratic political culture, the content of American nationalism has become ‘populist’ in the sense that it has come under popular contestation from the assimilationist right and the multiculturalist left. This populist nationalism includes aspects of ethnic and civic nationalism. Racial formation theory will be used to show that national identity may remain under ‘relatively permanent political contestation’ with racial cleavage as a major fault line in that contest. The issues of immigration and the treatment of Muslims since 9/11 will be addressed in order to make the case.  相似文献   

伴随着全球化的到来,民族主义浪潮再度兴起。在民族主义的催生下,多民族国家内的少数民族的民族认同得以强化,相应地可能弱化国家认同,国家的统一和稳定受到严重威胁。显然,当代民族国家的国家认同危机的症候是民族认同与国家认同的紧张关系。何以消解这一紧张关系?一些民族国家曾经采用过或仍在继续所谓的同化和多元化等策略,前者已经被人民强烈地抵制,后者也凸显出诸多问题。为此,本文尝试基于对民族国家实质的分析,结合考察已有的理论范式的不足,并探究一体化的路径,即通过构建国家民族来实现民族认同与国家认同的关系的和谐。  相似文献   

纵观19世纪以降民族主义思潮的发展历程,总体上可以划分为“系谱论”民族主义观与“反系谱论”民族主义观。“系谱论”民族主义观试图将“进化论原则”与“民族观念”相结合,从历史演化的线索中审视某一民族并分析其不同于其他民族的特性;“反系谱论”民族主义观则强调民族主义研究有其特有的方法论和可能性的历史前提。西方现代民族国家的建构虽然依托于作为意识形态的民族主义,但是在民族共同体范围内的“民族自决”、“民族身份认同”却与政治场域中的“公民权利”、“公民身份认同”发生内在性冲突。系谱论民族主义观侧重于从民族有机体“自然演进”的角度在“时间维度”上解决这一问题,而反系谱论民族主义观则强调要从民族主义意识形态“主体性建构”的空间维度化解这一矛盾,但结果证明,两种民族主义观念都无法顺利走出民族主义所面临的现实困境。  相似文献   

高奇琦 《民族研究》2012,(2):1-12,108
近年来兴起的日常民族主义理论已经在西方民族理论领域产生较大影响,并且正激发出两种不同路向的新思潮:日常次民族主义和日常超民族主义。日常民族主义理论的提出将原生主义开启的微观民族分析推进到一个更为规范化的分析阶段,其意义在于部分消解了宏观民族分析中内在的冲突性和爆炸性,同时也展示了一个以民族成员个体为中心的民族意义世界。该理论的困难主要集中在其缺乏对精英功能的考虑及对历史变迁的整合这两方面。笔者尝试引入西方社会学理论中的成果来克服这一困难。在美国社会学家柯林斯仪式互动链理论的启发下,笔者提出一个族内互动场的分析框架,以期从社会学的视角对西方的日常民族主义理论进行总结和概括,并对日常民族主义理论进行一些补充和发展。  相似文献   


Histories of East Africa in this century generally focus upon the political dimensions of resistance, culminating in the nationalist movements which brought about independence by Kenya African Union KANU and Tanganyika African National Union TANU in those respective nations in the early 1960s. This essay examines a cultural basis of nationalism, namely the taarab orchestras and music clubs that proliferated in coastal Kenya and Tanganyika, and on Zanzibar, shortly after World War II. They were formed by Waswahili, residents of the region who spoke Kiswahili, as the language is known. I analyse a form, taarab, probably the most typically Swahili popular music, its origins, history, and role in revitalising the Waswahili. Through taarab music clubs, the Swahili developed and paid homage to their language and traditions, providing the cultural basis from which political nationalism might operate.  相似文献   

在经济全球化、民族主义高涨和社会日益世俗化的当代,要努力强化大学生国家观念和民族意识,要帮助大学生正确认识民族主义,积极引导其民族主义,要不懈地对大学生进行时代共同理想和忧患意识的教育.只有这样,才能极大地保有和提升大学生的民族凝聚力.  相似文献   

"奥斯曼主义"是奥斯曼帝国后期兴起的一种民族主义思潮,其理论源流虽为近代西方兴起的民族主义,但始终是一个为了维护多民族、多宗教的多元文化帝国的统一而被民族主义者创制出来的一种意识形态,且因无法建构各族群对帝国的统一认同,以致在不断变异的过程中走向衰亡。"奥斯曼主义"的兴衰凸显了"民族主义催生了‘奥斯曼主义’,却又消灭了‘奥斯曼主义’"这一悖论内在逻辑命题。  相似文献   

This article critically analyzes the origins and nature of American nationalism. The first part examines the historiographical debate on the question in what period the formation of an American national identity occurred, i.e. before or after the American Revolution. The second part is concerned with the nature of American nationalism, casting doubt on the claim that American nationalism is exceptional, i.e. inherently different and morally superior to other nationalisms. It refutes the exceptionalist claim by applying recent findings in European nationalism research to the American case and by reinterpreting American nationalism not as an introspective phenomenon but as a demarcation process.  相似文献   

The term ‘religious nationalism’ is often theorized, at worst as antithetically conjunctive where religion is defined as the allegiance to God and nationalism is the allegiance to the nation, and at best as instrumental. I argue here that this fusion of religion and nationalism takes place most convincingly if we understand religion as adherent performance rather than solely as a theological container of tenants. I illustrate this through American Christian Zionist performances and discourses regarding their self-imagined identity as being in a national diaspora for Israel. I argue this religious nationalism is possible because Christian Zionist performances of a national allegiance to Israeli Jews are grounded in an apocalyptic narrative of the future.  相似文献   

The discourse on the nation is one of the theoretical cores of all expressions of nationalism, but varies in its elaboration from one to another and even within one particular form of nationalism by virtue of the identifying aspects that can be used in each case, and of historical and spatial context. The article analyses the example of Basque nationalism, which, through time, has developed two great official discourses and a third non-official one related to space. In effect, given that neither of the official discourses is entirely political and territorial, contradictions arise among nationalists (in the case of all of its trends) and, in particular, in certain areas not presenting the more or less primordial and objective characteristics. At the same time, a second, more subjective, discourse, one that is extendable to all nationalists and reaffirms them in their national identity, has developed in order to overcome these contradictions.  相似文献   

文章认为西部边疆民族地区民族分裂主义是由于民族社会分割形成的“温室效应”、种族民族主义阴魂不散、民族区域自治制度的宣讲力度不够、网络政治文化的全球化以及西方国家人权的双重标准等多重因素结构性互动的结果,并有针对性地提出了一些对策性建议.  相似文献   

梁君思 《民族学刊》2021,12(2):31-40, 96
中国共产党民族理论百年演进的奋斗历程表明,必须把马克思主义民族理论基本原理与中国民族问题的具体实际相结合,建立中国特色的民族理论体系。中国共产党的民族理论既不是先天长成的,亦不是后天做成的,而是多种因素合力下长成的。其中,作为“材料”的民族主义、作为“方法”的民族运动、作为“他者”的民族国家、作为“根基”的民族精神、作为“使命”的民族复兴五重面向,反映了党民族理论历史起步时期不同阶段的主题、内容及特征。当然,这些面向并非边界清晰可判,在不同的阶段有时侧重突出一面,有时多面交织呈现。虽然此时的民族理论不可避免地呈现出某些不成熟的面向,但已初具雏形,并为其后的渐进改进提供了理论前站、搭建了总体框架。这一探讨,对理解中国共产党民族理论百年演进的艰难性、曲折性、多元性和复杂性具有重要的价值。  相似文献   

On the surface, ideas of a Nigerian state with common citizenry, free from ethnicity, religious bigotry and regionalism were pursued by Nigerian nationalists. Generally, a state united in common political practices, equal opportunities and under the same law was envisaged. However, the process leading to independence was characterised by ethnic nationalism. In the decolonisation era, group interest was reified and elevated above national struggle for self-government. The post-colonial project of constructing a common citizenry with the same aspirations, one Nigerian identity with a cosmopolitan outlook instead of ethnic loyalty, therefore largely eluded the country. Over the last five decades, the deepest attachment has increasingly been that of ethnic and regional consciousness. Ethnic nationalism has increasingly won support in an atmosphere of greed and clientelism. Several complex crises are currently manifesting themselves in ethnic forms. The situation has been exacerbated by political and economic exclusion, which has awakened forces and organisations that fight for ethnic and regional aspirations. This paper deals with the issue of group identification during the colonial period, especially from 1945. It also explores the extent to which the pattern of nationalist struggle defined the crucial issues of ethnic crises in post-colonial Nigeria. Finally, it examines the dimensions of the contest for citizenship.  相似文献   

The imprisonment and trial of Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks catalysed widespread public debate in Australia over issues of nationalism and citizenship. This article discusses the competing forms of nationalism that underpinned this debate, especially critical nationalism, which evidences both a critique of and caring for the nation. Following Ghassan Hage's notion of the dichotomy between national caring and worrying, the article looks at a theatre production based on the David Hicks story to illustrate the role the arts play in challenging and redefining our attachment to the nation.  相似文献   

This paper uses data from a new question in the 2011 UK censuses of population to investigate national identities among ethnic and religious minorities. It focuses primarily on Scotland, while presenting comparative data for England and Wales. A robust comparison of national identities between different minorities in Scotland and with similar groups in other nations of Britain has previously not been possible because ethnic and religious minority groups represent a small proportion of Scotland’s population and are weakly represented in sample surveys. The new census question on national identity therefore offers an unprecedented opportunity for this kind of analysis. The analysis is used to critically evaluate previous claims of the existence of multicultural nationalism in Scotland and previous research that has suggested that Scottish identity is relatively inclusive of people in minority groups. The findings suggest that while Scottish national identity is relatively inclusive of minorities in some respects, the conclusions of previous research should be treated with some caution.  相似文献   

Identity research in the Pacific region has been dominated in the past by discussions of reconstruction and mobilisation of symbols of cultural tradition as a medium of anti-colonial resistance and nationalism. The present article proposes to widen the scope of this literature by exploring mass tourism as a contested field of collective identification. It outlines the historical making of the colonial and post-colonial imagery of indigenous Fijians and its subsequent reification and essentialisation in the context of twentieth-century mass tourism. It further highlights the implication of this process in colonial, anti-colonial and post-independence national politics, in which indigenous Fijians have been variously located: the imagery has been claimed by Western colonialism, transnational corporate capitalism, ethno-nationalism, and counter-hegemony. The article illustrates that collective identity construction is not political in a uni-dimensional manner but constitutes a dynamic arena of ongoing ‘cultural battle’ where multiple power relations unfold simultaneously.  相似文献   

国家认同、爱国主义与民族主义是当代国家建构过程不可回避的重大现实问题,也是学界持续探讨的重要理论问题。本文对国外有关国家认同、爱国主义和民族主义的最新实证研究成果进行梳理,勾勒出目前国外相关领域的研究现状、关注的问题以及理论视角,并对中国国家认同问题研究不足之处做了简要分析。  相似文献   

This article argues that, in order to overcome the national(ist) common sense that continues to haunt everyday political and scholarly interpretations of mobility, scholars need not diagnose nationalism with greater vigour, but should rather move beyond facile diagnoses of nationalism. The article calls for a meticulous tracing of relations and practices of emplacement and displacement that ubiquitous national(ist) interpretive frames both co-opt and exceed simultaneously. The argument is elaborated on the basis of an analysis of historical articulations of emplacement and displacement in Latvian understandings of ‘the good life’. The article pays particular attention to the ways in which the figure of the migrant has emerged historically as an aberration to Latvian understandings of the good life. It also considers how this ethical configuration is being unsettled through massive labour migration to Western Europe—or ‘the Great Departure’.  相似文献   

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