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This study investigates the relative roles of school district and school-level decision-makers in the implementation of effective substance use prevention curricula. Drawing on a "Site-Based Management" approach to effective decision-making, we hypothesized that schools whose personnel played active decision-making roles would be more likely to implement effective curricula than those in which decision-making was the prerogative of school district personnel. Study data comprised 1369 questionnaires completed by a representative national sample of both district-level prevention coordinators and middle school-based lead prevention teachers. From the perspective of the lead prevention teachers, the school district-level prevention coordinator was more influential than school staff in selecting effective prevention curricula. However, we did find some support for our hypothesis from our district-level informants, who indicated that community groups and advisory committees also play a modest role in the selection of such curricula.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between student- and school- characteristics and different implementation parameters of “Active All Year Round”, a nationwide Danish school-based physical activity program. The study is based on data from multiple sources: questionnaire data from students from 16 fifth-grade school classes (n = 276) and their teachers (n = 16), in-class observations (n = 15) and register data. Predictors included the student-level characteristics of gender, family affluence, immigration background, and perception of school connectedness as well as the school-level characteristics of school size, school parental education level, school physical activity policy and school’s prioritization of health promotion. Implementation was assessed by creating an implementation score from data on program psychological reach, dose delivered, dose received and fidelity. Data were analyzed by multilevel linear regression analysis. Findings indicated that the program was more easily implemented for students with higher school connectedness. To conclude, school-based health promotion programs can be improved by knowing, before the program is implemented, which factors increase the odds of better implementation.  相似文献   

Active parental consent policies have been blamed for low participation rates and selection bias (i.e., loss of "high-risk" youths) in school-based studies. In this article, the authors describe active consent procedures that produced an overall active consent rate of 79% in a sample of more than 4,500 middle school students attending 29 schools in seven cities across the United States. Consent rates, however, varied considerably both within and between schools. To better understand factors associated with active parental consent rates, the authors examined district-level, school-level, and teacher-specific effects on consent rates.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether the type of parental permission affects prevalence estimates for risk behaviors from the national 2001 Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Participants were 13,195 students from 143 schools, of which 65% used passive permission and 35% active permission. Student participation rates were 86.7% in passive permission schools and 77.3% in active permission schools. For 24 of 26 behaviors tested, no significant differences were seen in the prevalence of risk behavior by type of parental permission. As long as high response rates are obtained, type of parental permission does not affect prevalence estimates for risk behaviors that are based on self-report.  相似文献   



Soziologische Theorie, Handlungstheorie, Methoden, Familiensoziologie, Sozialstrukturanalyse, Raumsoziologie, Stadtsoziologie, Ged?chtnissoziologie, Religionssoziologie  相似文献   

在黑龙江海伦市海兴镇,有一位"鹅司令"毕秀丽,她原本只是一名普通的农家妇女,近几年,她不仅靠养大鹅发家致富,而且把大鹅养殖做成了一个带动乡亲致富的产业,备受乡邻称赞.  相似文献   



Wissenssoziologie, Methoden, Soziologie des Lebensverlaufs, Exklusion, Sportsoziologie, Ged?chnisforschung, Soziologie der Gewalt, Europaforschung  相似文献   

母亲说,当护士刚把我们俩抱到她面前的时候,我第一个睁开了眼睛,顺手在他脸上轻轻挠了一把,还在襁褓里的他顿时疼得哇哇大哭.从那时开始,我们之间的争斗就没有停止过. 他比我早出生8分钟,我得叫他哥哥.不过,他天生体质就弱,发育得慢,和我在一起时总是受我欺负.小时候,我没少从他手里抢糖果吃.大家都说他的性格像爸爸,我像妈妈. 家里自从有了我们俩,就再没有一刻安宁的时候.从学会说话开始,我们不是在一起吵嘴,就是撸起袖子打架.  相似文献   

~~宝宝,老婆,喂@汤馨敏 @刷刷~~  相似文献   

2013年7月8日—14日,笔者有幸参加了厦门国家会计学院举办的"骨干教师能力提升培训班"学习。本文总结了这次学习的几点收获。  相似文献   



Soziologische Theorie, Franz?sische Soziologie, Religionssoziologie, Soziale Ungleichheit, Arbeitssoziologie  相似文献   

人是适应宇宙规律变化来求得生存,并探索宇宙规律来求新获得自身发展的复杂的动物。知识是人类历史实践中积累的人类共同认可的可以帮助人们实现需要的无形的工具。人要生存必须要知识,知识更多是又由教来获得。人离不开知识,知识需要教,教又需要人来教。所以,本文从教育哲学的角度就人、知识、教的关系进行了阐述,并剖析当今教育存在的一些不足,提出教育活动中应该关注人的本质和知识的选取以及运用合适的教法。  相似文献   

正实力双盈,整合国际顶尖团队,缔造全实景区域销冠社区实力企业航母双盈地产,整合上海日清建筑,瑞典SED新西林、香港高文安设计工作室等顶尖公司,倾力开发国耀·上河城。其首开以来多次蝉联区域销冠。而且一期二期现已全部完工,并已经全部入住;奢华品质,全已货真价实的呈现出来。北环线繁华副中心,三大配套体系,尽享繁华都会生活吃喝玩乐购,360°全维成熟配套体系。国耀·上河城立身于天津北拓发展的环线副中心——双街核心住区,周边集结休闲、餐饮、购物、娱乐等成熟生活配套。如永辉超市、肯德基、大地数字影城等。五大名校、一站式名校教育。包括天津市重点中学——天津市第四十七中学,北辰模范小学,以及华辰中学、天津市九十二中学等。  相似文献   

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