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冯玲  金延 《管理评论》2012,(2):45-52
随着海峡两岸"三通"的正式启动以及两岸金融监管谅解备忘录(MOU)的生效,两岸的经贸交流日趋紧密,因此人民币与新台币之间尽快实现双向直接兑换就显得更加迫切。本文采用直接定价和间接定价两种方法对人民币与新台币的汇率做出定价,直接定价法是根据购买力平价理论和货币模型,通过多元线性回归得到两地汇率与我国大陆和台湾地区产出水平、货币供应量和利率的关系。而间接定价法是根据利率平价理论,通过对人民币兑美元的NDF汇率、远期汇率和即期汇率以及新台币兑美元的NDF汇率和即期汇率分别做单位根检验,协整检验和格兰杰因果关系检验后,发现人民币与新台币各自的汇率之间存在显著的相关关系,因此我们利用NDF汇率替代利率平价公式中的远期汇率,计算出人民币与新台币的即期汇率,通过比较发现:间接定价法更适合于人民币与新台币汇率的决定。  相似文献   

生产资本资产定价模型从企业利润最大化角度出发,推出资产的均衡价格.相较于消费资本资产定价模型,生产资本资产定价模型能更好的满足信息完全和决策者理性的假设条件.本文从生产资本资产定价模型出发,利用现值模型将生产的系统性风险因子,即生产的贝塔因子分解为现金流贝塔和折现率贝塔,并采用社会总投资和股市数据进行实证检验.本文发现生产-现金流贝塔是中国股市的重要定价因子,可较好地解释股权溢价的截面差异.相比之下,消费资本资产定价模型对不同资产之间风险溢价的解释能力较弱.  相似文献   

实证研究了沪市和深市价格和交易量之间的线性和非线性因果关系, 研究结果表明, 两 个市场之间存在着收益对交易量的线性Granger 因果关系和双向的非线性Granger 因果关 系. 在经过周末效应和GARCH 模型调整之后, 沪深两市量价之间的非线性因果关系消失了  相似文献   

中国股市总流动性与资产定价关系实证研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
我们建立了一个包含市场风险和两种流动性风险的三因素资产定价模型,研究中国股市总的市场流动性风险是否在资产定价中得到了反映,其中流动性风险包括用协方差度量的市场收益对总流动性的敏感性风险和用方差度量的总流动性的波动性风险。研究结果表明,中国股市不仅存在显著的市场风险溢价,而且存在显著的流动性风险溢价,而流动性风险中市场收益对总流动性的敏感性风险对资产定价的影响更为显著。  相似文献   

外国直接投资(FDI)是发展中国家谋求经济起飞的重要资源,外国直接投资通过资本形成和技术进步促进东道国经济增长,而东道国经济增长又进一步带动外国直接投资的流入。本文从数量分析的角度,利用协整理论考察了巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国四国的FDI与经济增长的关系,并建立误差修正模型刻画它们的动态均衡关系。实证分析表明:长期内,巴西、印度和俄罗斯的FDI与经济增长之间存在显著的Granger因果关系,而中国的FDI与经济增长之间则不存在稳定的Granger因果关系;短期内,巴西和俄罗斯两国的FDI与经济增长具有显著的互补性,但中国的经济增长只能单方面吸引FDI的流入,印度的FDI也只能单方面对经济增长起推动作用。  相似文献   

人民币汇率形成机制改革后的股价和汇率相关性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过协整检定、向量误差修正模型和VEC格兰杰因果检定,使用2005年7月22日~2007年4月27日的日交易数据,实证考察了人民币汇率形成机制改革之后,人民币兑美元汇率与我国国内股价之间的关系。结果发现,人民币兑美元汇率与上证综合指数间存在协整关系,达到了长期均衡;股票价格和汇率间存在着由人民币兑美元汇率到上证综合指数单向的长期和短期因果关系,不存在由上证综合指数到人民币兑美元汇率长期的或者短期的因果关系,人民币兑美元汇率是上证综合指数变化长期的和短期的原因之一。  相似文献   

大多数资产定价模型常常用静态横截面回归(the static cross-sectional regression)进行定价表现评估,从而投资组合回报率的时间变化性并不能被时变的风险承载或者(和)时变的风险溢价所解释.本文从经济学的角度,运用一种新的金融动态横截面回归(the dynamic cross-sectional regression),首次考察了基于中国股票市场和美国股票市场的条件资产定价模型的定价表现:股票市场投资组合回报率的时变性是否能被时变的风险溢价所解释.本文发现,短期收益反转和流通市值加权市场换手率为条件变量的条件资本资产定价模型和基于消费的条件资本资产定价模型,能更好的解释中国股票投资组合的回报时变性,其时变性主要来自于时变的风险溢价.另外,本文发现一些拥有持续(persistence)和缓慢变化(slow-moving)特性的条件变量更能够解释横截面投资组合的时变回报.  相似文献   

假定全融市场中简单投资者具有暧昧厌恶偏好,在期末获得 1个单位随机禀赋(非全融资产收益),而当前时刻他们对随机禀赋与风险资产未来收益之间的相关系数存在暧昧性,考察这种暧昧性对资产定价和社会福利的影响.研究表明相关系数暧昧性将导致投资者有限参与和资产定价扭曲.如果随机禀赋与凤险资产负相关,且凤险资产权益溢价为正,则简单投资者的超额收益为正,如果不相关,或者凤险资产权益溢价为零,则简单投资者无法获得超额收益,其它情况下简单投资者的超额收益为负.为缓解参数暧昧性,提高投资者参与市场的积极性,市场管理者可能实施提高复杂投资者的准入门槛、增强信息披露等管制措施.进一步研究发现,提高复杂投资者的准入门槛将减少其投资者占比,降低社会福利水平,而加强信息披露,提高市场透明度的措施可以提高社会福利水平.  相似文献   

R2是最近十几年迅速发展的一个研究课题,其研究取向从纯粹的计量经济学符号演变为股价同步性特征变量,并与公司特质信息含量联系起来,赋予了全新的内涵.学者们通过跨学科的交叉与融合,从法与金融理论、委托代理理论、信息不对称理论、公司治理理论等视角对R2背后的生成机制、作用渠道和影响后果展开富有成效的研究.本文首先梳理从资产定价模型到R2,再从R2到股价同步性中间的学理关系和因果顺承,接着回顾了关于R2形成机理与经济后果的相关讨论,然后对R2的学术争论进行总结和评述,最后就R2的溯源问题、以及文化与政治潜在影响对未来R2研究提出展望.  相似文献   

本文首次采用1990-2008年的数据研究我国人力资本对各生产性服务业贸易竞争力的影响方向和长短期作用机制,并进行比较分析。结果表明,长期内人力资本对我国生产性服务业中的运输、保险、金融、计算机和信息、专有权利使用费和特许费行业的贸易竞争力具有明显提升作用,其中对金融行业贸易竞争力的提升作用最大。短期来看,人力资本与保险、金融行业的贸易竞争力正相关,与运输、计算机和信息、专有权利使用费和特许费行业负相关,其中对金融行业的促进作用最大,对计算机和信息行业的反向作用最明显。最后结合各行业的特点提出了结论和相关政策建议。  相似文献   

本文以14家同时发行H股与ADR,6家同时发行B股与ADR的上市公司为样本,利用GARCH(1,1)-MA(1)模型,探讨ADR与原股报酬波动的外溢效应,以了解我国证券市场与美国证券市场的整合程度。结果发现,我国H股与ADR之间存在报酬波动性的双向相关性,B股与ADR之间存在报酬波动性的单向相关性。本文认为,投资主体差异、市场发展程度不同以及汇率制度是三个影响我国市场和美国市场整合程度的主要因素。  相似文献   

战略性转移定价承诺策略与下游创新之间的交互影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以一个按照MTO模式运作,并且面临交货期-价格敏感性需求的“供应商-制造商”供应链为研究对象,对该供应链中上游供应商的战略性转移定价承诺与下游制造商创新之间的交互作用,以及这种交互作用对最优的交货期设定、转移定价决策,以及渠道内各合作伙伴的行为取向所产生的影响进行了初步探讨.通过分析发现,战略性转移定价承诺与下游创新之间的交互作用不会影响到最优的承诺交货期设定,但是,供应商实行完全地转移定价承诺策略将会激励制造商进行更多的投资创新活动.最后通过赋值分析对前文的理论研究进行了证实/伪.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the awareness, use and effectiveness of improvement initiatives in organisations of different sizes and in different countries. In particular, comparisons are made between large firms and small and medium enterprises (SMEs), between organisations in the developing and developed worlds and between organisations in China and India and the rest of the developing world. A questionnaire survey of 453 organisations across 44 countries was conducted with the findings indicating that there are significant differences in comparability of tools. For some tools there are no significant differences between developed and developing countries as well as between large organisations and small organisations. For other tools, there are significant differences with organisations in developing countries, in general, more aware and more likely to use business improvement initiatives when compared to organisations in developed countries. Similarly, organisations in China and India have a higher awareness of and are more likely to adopt improvement initiatives when compared to the rest of the developing world. Finally, larger firms are more aware and more likely to use improvement initiatives when compared to SMEs.  相似文献   

We derive the asymptotic sampling distribution of various estimators frequently used to order distributions in terms of poverty, welfare, and inequality. This includes estimators of most of the poverty indices currently in use, as well as estimators of the curves used to infer stochastic dominance of any order. These curves can be used to determine whether poverty, inequality, or social welfare is greater in one distribution than in another for general classes of indices and for ranges of possible poverty lines. We also derive the sampling distribution of the maximal poverty lines up to which we may confidently assert that poverty is greater in one distribution than in another. The sampling distribution of convenient dual estimators for the measurement of poverty is also established. The statistical results are established for deterministic or stochastic poverty lines as well as for paired or independent samples of incomes. Our results are briefly illustrated using data for four countries drawn from the Luxembourg Income Study data bases.  相似文献   

Arun P Sinha 《Omega》1984,12(6):539-546
The growth of any manufacturing business seems to pass through qualitatively distinct stages, having differential needs for innovation. This relation, between evolution of technology and its demand for innovation, is tested here. With firm-level data from Indian industry, collected specifically for this study, the proposition finds a high degree of support. It is further supplemented by data on the stimulus for innovation which explains why the theory is only partially adequate.  相似文献   

Arising from interest concerning the possibility of causal relationships among the three components of the Maslach Burnout Inventory, several process models have been proposed for the development of burnout. The present paper first reviews the evidence in favour of the three most influential of these (Leiter and Maslach's model (1988); Golembiewski, Boudreau, Munzenrider, & Luo's (1996) phase model; and Lee and Ashforth's model (1993)). These three models, and our own model (which integrates of two of them, and includes feedback effects of depersonalization on emotional exhaustion) are then compared with each other using structural equation modelling, drawing on longitudinal data from two Dutch samples (total N=1185). The review revealed that none of the seven previous studies on this issue provided any convincing support for any particular causal order proposed so far. In contrast, our own study showed that high levels of exhaustion were associated with high levels of depersonalization over time across both samples. Further, higher levels of depersonalization led to higher levels of emotional exhaustion and lower levels of personal accomplishment. To our knowledge, the present research is the first to provide reliable longitudinal evidence for the conceptualization of burnout as a developmental process, although the effects are not large enough to be of practical use in the recognition of burnout.  相似文献   

Building on the conservation of resources theory and self-determination theory, the present study develops and tests a moderated mediation model of organizational citizenship behaviour, in which a) emotional exhaustion serves as a mediating mechanism linking role overload with organizational citizenship behaviour, and b) supervisor autonomy support moderates the relationship between role overload and organizational citizenship behaviour through emotional exhaustion. Results of a time-lagged study of 144 workers from various Canadian organizations provided support for the hypothesized model: supervisor autonomy support buffered a negative effect of role overload on emotional exhaustion and, indirectly, organizational citizenship behaviour. This research sheds light on the intervening variables that may explain the relationship between challenge stressors and extra-role behaviours. It also provides information on managerial practices that may protect employees’ optimal functioning against an excessive workload.  相似文献   

Based on the existing social influence literature, we predict that a supervisor's affective commitment to the organization may influence his or her subordinates' level of affective commitment, which subsequently affects their task performance and extra-role behavior. We further propose that the relationship between supervisors' and subordinates' affective commitment is moderated by subordinate individual power distance orientation. The results support our hypotheses using a sample of 111 full-time employees in Macau. We found positive relationships between supervisors' and subordinates' affective commitment, and between subordinates' affective commitment and their task and extra-role performance. Consistent with our prediction, the relationship between supervisors' and subordinates' affective commitment was stronger among subordinates possessing low power distance orientation.  相似文献   

中国进出口贸易市场的混沌特性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于经济管理系统混沌的检验,主要体现在证券、期货和外汇市场,由于其他经济领域序列数据的匮乏,传统混沌分析方法的应用受到了限制。本文采用最新的基于小数据样本的临近返回检验,研究中国进出口贸易1989年1月到2003年5月的月度数据序列,发现了混沌的拓扑特征;进一步应用小数据量方法计算最大Lyapunov指数,数值结果同样证实中国进出口贸易市场存在低维混沌,从而佐证了国际贸易市场混沌的存在;实证结果为国际贸易系统模型的建立和预测提供了新的理论依据。  相似文献   

"机构投资者持股对股价崩盘风险的影响是正向还是负向?现有研究文献并没有得到一致的结论,本文认为这个问题需要通过对市场条件进行细分来深入研究.为此,本文以2011年~2015年我国A股上市公司为样本,采用门限模型研究机构投资者持股对股价崩盘风险的影响是否会因市场效率和市场化程度的不同而发生变化.研究发现:机构投资者持股与股价崩盘风险之间存在市场效率和市场化程度的门限效应:当市场效率处在高水平时,机构投资者持股会降低股价崩盘风险,当市场效率处在低水平时,机构投资者持股会加剧股价崩盘风险;上市公司所在地区市场化程度处在高水平时,机构投资者持股会降低股价崩盘风险,上市公司所在地区市场化程度处在低水平时,机构投资者持股会加剧股价崩盘风险;在目前我国的整体市场环境下,机构投资者持股会加大股价崩盘风险."  相似文献   

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