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The current study tested the effectiveness of using National Alcohol Screening Day (NASD) to deliver personalized feedback via mail. At-risk NASD participants were assigned to either personalized or generic feedback conditions and attended a 4-week follow-up. Results failed to find any group differences on alcohol-related variables. However, participants in the personalized group reported a reduction in the maximum number of drinks consumed on one occasion. The personalized group also had a more accurate view of the amount of alcohol their peers consumed. NASD is a vehicle to efficiently deliver feedback to individuals about their alcohol use; however, more research is needed to determine the types of feedback that would be most effective.  相似文献   

College students have been shown to consistently overestimate the drinking of their peers. As a result, social norms approaches are effective in correcting these misperceived norms to reduce alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems. In this review of literature, the authors critically evaluated the effectiveness of personalized normative feedback. In addition, the authors reviewed personalized normative feedback interventions and provided suggestions for increasing the efficacy of these interventions by making better use of salient referent group data.  相似文献   


Objective: To improve the CAGE (Cut down, Annoyed, Guilty, Eye opener) questionnaire's predictive accuracy in screening college students. Participants: The sample consisted of 219 midwestern university students who self-administered a confidential survey. Methods: Exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, receiver operating characteristics (ROC), and Cronbach's alpha were used to analyze factor structure, validity, and reliability. Results: The modified CAGE correctly classified students with alcohol abuse (“AA students”; area under the curve [AUC] = 0.7765) and students with alcohol dependency (“AD students”; AUC = 0.8392) more often than CAGE (AA students: AUC = 0.6977; AD students: AUC = 0.7437), and these differences are statistically significant (AA students: χ2(1) = 14.72, p < .001; AD students: χ2(1) = 7.71, p < .01). Using 2-point cut scores, CAGE correctly identified 59.38% of AD students as AD, whereas the modified CAGE correctly identified 87% of AD students as AD. Using 1-point cut scores, CAGE correctly identified 65% AA students, whereas the modified CAGE identified 85.29%. Conclusions: The modified CAGE has better accuracy than CAGE in predicting AA and AD among college populations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The authors' goal was to show how risk perceptions regarding unplanned sexual activity following alcohol use are prospectively related to subsequent alcohol consumption. PARTICIPANTS: Undergraduate students (N = 380) completed questionnaires at 2 time points during their freshman year. METHODS: In the middle of the academic year (T1), students estimated their risk of engaging in unplanned sex and reported their alcohol use during the previous term. Four months later (T2), they again reported alcohol use and indicated whether they had engaged in unplanned sex since T1. RESULTS: Students who consumed more alcohol at T1 rated their risk of unplanned sex more highly, suggesting relative accuracy. Those with higher risk perceptions consumed more alcohol at T2 (controlling for T1 use), suggesting that they maintained the high-risk behavior. Last, those who were unrealistically optimistic (ie, estimated low risk at T1 yet had unplanned sex by T2) reported greater alcohol use at T2. CONCLUSIONS: These findings highlight the role that risk perceptions regarding sexual activity may play in college students' alcohol use.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of an experiment designed to determine the impact of a group discussion about second-hand consequences of alcohol use on college students' intentions to consume alcohol. Participants were students enrolled in two large Community Health courses at a large Midwestern university (n = 184). After randomization of class sections into an intervention or a control group, intervention group students participated in a class discussion on the negative consequences college students experience as a result of other students' drinking behavior, prior to answering survey questions regarding their drinking behavior intent. Compared to controls who completed the questionnaire only, intervention group participants reported intent to limit themselves to fewer drinks per drinking occasion (p = .003) and fewer drinks per week (p = .004). The effects of the brief educational intervention were analyzed using structural equation modeling, to test the feasibility of a hypothesized intervention mechanism.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a case study within an engineering consultancy firm, where engineering designers and ergonomists were working together on the design of a new hospital sterile processing plant. The objective of the paper is to gain a better understanding of the premises for integrating ergonomics into engineering design processes and how different factors either promote or limit the integration. Based on a grounded theory approach a model illustrating these factors is developed and different hypotheses about how these factors either promote and/or limit the integration of ergonomics into design processes is presented along with the model.  相似文献   

Employees of a large suburban health care center were asked to identify their needs and preferences for child care, and existing fringe benefits that they would be willing to give up in order to obtain employer supported child care services. Results indicate that a majority of the 41 employees in the sample with children under 12 years of age experience problems relating to child care and that those problems affect their work performance. There is no clear preference for type of child care, however, and employees are unwilling to give up existing fringe benefits to obtain child care services. Results are discussed with implications for provision of employer supported child care that is sensitive to the individual needs of employees.Terese Dressel is a clinician/consultant with the DuPage County Health Department, 111 North County Farm Road, Wheaton, Illinois 61087. The research reported was conducted as part of her Masters thesis in the Department of Human and Family Resources, Northern Illinois University.Michael Martin is an Associate Professor in the Department of Human and Family Resources, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois 60115. Research interests include child maltreatment and family violence.  相似文献   

The PQ framework for qualified social workers has struggled to become consistently established within workplace training and practice organisations across the UK. This is likely to become a focus for change as the Government reviews current structures and attempts to 'modernise the workforce' by encouraging the creation of cultures of post-qualification learning and continuing professional development [PQ/CPD]. This paper argues that the current emphasis upon the rhetoric of 'performance management' needs to be balanced by attention to the realities of integrating operational and professional development demands within socio-cultural contexts. This paper reports and discusses the results of a questionnaire survey into the experiences of registered PQ candidates within a Local Authority SSD. A summary of key results is provided. The discussion identifies a number of themes and strategies for integrating PQ into the workplace. These are based upon a range of attitudinal and practical factors, such as decision-making; supervision; study arrangements; mentoring; and motivation, that cover some of the experiences of candidates. The paper concludes by drawing parallels with similar developments within nursing and recommends that all stakeholders involved in PQ development need to help establish the conditions within practice contexts where social workers can link service and policy initiatives with the requirements for post-qualification study.  相似文献   

This study investigated the roles of emotional intelligence and perceived alcohol peer norms in relation to alcohol use. Two hundred and forty-two undergraduates completed the Campus Survey of Alcohol and Other Drug Norms (Core Institute, 1997) and the Emotional Intelligence Scale (Schutte, Malouff, Hall, Haggerty, & Cooper, 1998). Contrary to emerging research findings, emotional intelligence (EI) was not directly associated with the study's alcohol-use variables. However, the moderating role of EI was supported in the relationship between perceived alcohol peer norms and students' alcohol use. Among college students with lower EI, there was a significantly stronger association between these variables, compared to students with higher EI.  相似文献   

Identification of procedures to document physical activity is critical to developing interventions to improve physical health. The purpose of this pilot study was to describe the feasibility and acceptability of pedometers to document physical activity in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSDs). Twenty-four outpatients were provided with extended-wear pedometers and instructed to wear them daily for 1 week without altering their usual activities. All participants completed the 1-week data collection period. Twenty-one (87.5%) participants wore their pedometer at least 6 of the 7 days. Difficulties with the pedometers were few and minor. These preliminary findings indicate that a majority of individuals with SSDs are willing to wear pedometers for activity monitoring and can do so with few problems. Possible barriers to the use of extended-wear pedometers in this group include cognitive and memory deficits. Future investigations should test concurrent validity by examining the correlations between pedometer data and self-reported activity level.  相似文献   

We examined the mutability of naturally occurring mutual cooperation and mutual defection. Forty-five pairs of subjects participated in an extended iterated prisoner's dilemma (median duration 1807 trials) using a monetary payoff matrix. When stable cooperation or defection emerged, false feedback was provided indicating to each subject that his partner was choosing contrary to previously stable play. This was followed by recovery trials in which false feedback indicated to each subject that his partner had resumed making the previously stable choice.While stable cooperation occurred more frequently than stable defection, it was considerably more vulnerable to the false feedback manipulation. This was true both in terms of the extent to which choice changed in response to false feedback (p=0.006) and in terms of the extent to which the disruption persisted (p<0.001). While the effect of four false feedback cooperations was undone by a single recovery false feedback defection, the effect of even a single false feedback defection was still apparent after seven false feedback recovery cooperations. These results are discussed in relation to the analogy between interpersonal bargaining and intertemporal bargaining within individuals.  相似文献   

To determine the extent and nature of alcohol screening and referral services provided by college health centers, the authors conducted a state-stratified, random sampling of 25% of 327 4-year accredited US colleges and universities with health centers. Of the 249 survey respondents, 32% routinely screened students for alcohol use. Urban, public, and large institutions were most likely to screen routinely. Only 11.7% of the sample reported they used standardized instruments, predominantly the CAGE. The health centers used an average of 3.4 referral options, but only 27.5% offered students access to campus programs specifically designed for students who are substance abusers. Findings suggest that the majority of college health centers are not providing routine alcohol screening for students or using standardized screening instruments. In addition, students are often referred to services that may be inappropriate or ineffective in addressing the needs of college drinkers.  相似文献   



The purposes of this study were to identify 1) the feasibility of a novel exercise protocol (elderly Japanese male version of high-intensity interval aerobic training: EJ-HIAT) and 2) its preliminary data (%V?O2peak, rating of perceived exertion) in comparison with traditional moderate-intensity continuous aerobic training (MICT).


Twenty-one sedentary elderly men, aged 60–69 years, performed two exercise protocols: EJ-HIAT, consisting of 3 sets of 2?3-min cycling at 75?85%V?O2peak with 1??2-min active rests at 50%V?O2peak between sets, and MICT, consisting of 40-min cycling at 65%V?O2peak. The completion rate, defined as the rate of participants who 1) did not demand withdrawal, 2) were not interrupted by the tester, and 3) did not change the workload during either exercise protocol, of EJ-HIAT was similar to that of MICT (EJ-HIAT: 100%, MICT: 95.2%). Maximal perceived exertion ratings assessed by Borg scale were also similar between EJ-HIAT and MICT. However, objectively measured maximal intensity assessed by %V?O2peak was higher for EJ-HIAT than for MICT (EJ-HIAT: 86.0 ± 5.6%, MICT: 67.1 ± 6.4%).


These results suggested that EJ-HIAT has good feasibility and perceived exertion similar to MICT despite having higher objectively measured intensity than MICT. An intervention aimed as identifying the effects of EJ-HIAT on exercise tolerance should be performed in the future.

Trial registration

UMIN000021185 (February 26, 2016).

Enriching home visiting services by incorporating scientifically-supported interventions is a means for improving their effectiveness in promoting child development. However, deliberate efforts to ensure that home visitors are fully knowledgeable and supported to implement interventions with parents of young children are necessary. In this experimental study, a randomly-assigned group of Early Head Start home visitors monitored the fidelity of their provision of a scientifically-based intervention, Little Talks, and the program's general child development services. On a bi-weekly basis, home visitors received performance feedback specific to their implementation of Little Talks and based upon the fidelity data. Findings demonstrated that home visitors showed immediate and consistent mastery of the Little Talks content, while the quality of their implementation, including their clinical decision-making and collaborative processes, improved to adequate levels over time. The Little Talks home visitors showed generalized improvements in their ability to obtain Parent Input while providing the program's typical child development services were detected. In fact, Little Talks home visitors' were superior in obtaining Parent Input relative to comparison home visitors. Further, parents for whom low-quality intervention implementation was observed discontinued their enrollment in home visiting prematurely, while high-quality implementation was associated with sustained enrollment. Limitations for this study are identified, leading to future directions for advancing home visitors' incorporation of evidence-based practices.  相似文献   

Young adults who had previously participated in a longitudinal survey of youth were sent a questionnaire. They were randomly assigned to receive a $20 prepayment, a $20 postpayment, or a $25 postpayment for participation in the latest survey. Those in the large incentive condition were 7 percentage points more likely to return a survey than those in the smaller, postpayment group. Prepayment had a smaller, less reliable effect. Effects of incentive magnitude and timing were consistent at each month of the study period; only better high school grades distinguished early responders from late responders. Nonresponders had characteristics suggestive of low social conformity and were more likely than responders to be African American and male and have low SES. The discussion centers on motivations for participating in research and differences in the incentives likely to promote continued response versus initial study enrollment.  相似文献   

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