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本文对20世纪80年代以来情境相关的中西方领导研究文献进行了全面的分析和综述。首先对近20年来情境相关的领导研究进行了整体性的归纳与总结;然后从组织结构、组织文化、组织氛围及状态、其它组织内部情境和组织外部情境五个方面对领导研究中涉及的情境内容进行了梳理与具体分析,并从理论的情境化和情境的理论化两个视角对已有领导研究中的情境处理方法进行了探讨;最后进行了总体性评价与讨论,并对未来的研究给出建议。  相似文献   

Plan evaluation is a well-established part of the planning canon. While this subject has received considerable attention from planning scholars in recent years, plan evaluation methods are not commonly used in practice. This paper examines the factors that contribute to the underuse of plan outcome evaluation in local government planning practice. The concept of evaluation is explained, and the relationship that exists between program evaluation and plan evaluation is explored.  相似文献   

Strategic renewal has become a prominent theme in a variety of organization and management research domains in recent years. It refers to the process that allows organizations to alter their path dependence by transforming their strategic intent and capabilities. With contributions from an increasing range of theoretical perspectives and research contexts, the strategic renewal literature has become fragmented and lacks common definitions and conceptual clarity, which prevent cross‐fertilization and harm further development. This study systematically reviews the various literature streams on strategic renewal to provide a more integrative perspective. The authors identify three key theoretical tensions at the heart of strategic renewal research, namely learning vs. resource, induced vs. autonomous, and co‐alignment vs. co‐creation. By exploring these key tensions, the authors define strategic renewal's conceptual core, identify gaps in the past literature, and provide guidance for future research.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurial learning (EL) has emerged as an important concept at the interface of entrepreneurship and organizational learning. Although EL research has gained momentum in the past decade, the literature is diverse, highly individualistic and fragmented, hindering the development of EL as a promising research area. In this paper, a systematic analysis of the EL literature is first conducted in order to take stock of the theoretical and empirical development and identify research themes and developmental patterns of EL research. Second, three pairs of key learning types that deserve more attention in future research are discussed, namely individual and collective learning, exploratory and exploitative learning, and intuitive and sensing learning. These learning types correspond to three key challenges that are derived from the EL research gaps identified in the systematic literature analysis, and provide fruitful avenues for future research. Third, by exploring the three pairs of learning types, further insights are drawn from entrepreneurship and organizational learning to help to advance EL research, and also feed back to the entrepreneurship literature by discussing how these learning types can help to understand the challenges at the centre of debate in the entrepreneurship literature.  相似文献   

The regulation and management of hazardous industrial activities increasingly rely on formal expert judgment processes to provide wisdom in areas of science and technology where traditional "good science" is, in practice, unable to supply unambiguous "facts." Expert judgment has always played a significant, if often unrecognized, role in analysis; however, recent trends are to make it formal, explicit, and documented so it can be identified and reviewed by others. We propose four categories of expert judgment and present three case studies which illustrate some of the pitfalls commonly encountered in its use. We conclude that there will be an expanding policy role for formal expert judgment and that the openness, transparency, and documentation that it requires have implications for enhanced public involvement in scientific and technical affairs.  相似文献   

During the last decade, cultural industries have grown in economic importance, and research interest in them has increased. Despite prolific research, there is a lack of a comprehensive view on the subject. The purpose of the present paper is to offer a reconceptualization of cultural industries by tracing their boundaries, their features and the dynamics that follow from these features. This is achieved through a review of 314 cultural industries studies, whereby a classification system of three main and six sub‐categories is constructed. On the basis of the review, a framework for future research is presented. Most importantly, future research should examine selection criteria and selection performance, and explore the relationships between tastes, sales, diversity and quality. In this way, researchers might be able to create some order in the extreme uncertainty that cultural industries managers face.  相似文献   

 电子健康的产生和发展为解决现阶段医疗资源的紧缺和分配不均、医患关系紧张等问题提供了新的途径,同时也带来了新的问题和挑战,而当前关于该方向的基础理论和方法尚不完善,亟待研究者和实践者的关注和探索。结合国内外研究现状,对电子健康服务包含的4个主要方向(即健康大数据分析、基于数据的健康评估和疾病预警、服务管理和价值创造、服务管理实践)进行回顾和梳理,并对中国的研究和实践现状进行详细分析。        基于数据驱动的电子健康服务管理的实践和研究现状,对当前研究中存在的问题进行分析和总结,主要包括由于健康数据的多源性导致的信息管理问题、多参与方导致的服务管理问题和管理实践问题。在此基础上提出健康大数据分析方法、数据驱动的健康评估和疾病预警、基于大数据的电子健康服务过程和管理机制研究、基于大数据的电子健康可持续性价值创造机理研究和管理实践研究5个未来研究方向,健康大数据分析方法包括有偏样本数据检验和矫正方法、纵向研究中健康大数据分析方法、中文医疗信息处理,数据驱动的健康评估和疾病预警包括基于电子病历和移动医疗的个人健康评估和疾病预警、基于电子病历和社交媒体的群体疾病监测和预警,基于大数据的电子健康服务过程和管理机制研究包括用户决策、服务传递和服务管理,基于大数据的电子健康可持续性价值创造机理研究包括用户持续使用、反馈有效性,为今后的电子健康相关研究提供理论和实践指导。  相似文献   

Vulnerability and Agenda: Context and Process in Project Management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper explores how the project management role is conditioned by the context in which change is progressed. The argument draws on Pettigrew's (1985, 1987) contextual and processual view of change, a view which does not clarify the management implications of contextual variation. Using data from a two-stage research design combining diary and survey methods, four context dimensions are identified, concerning ‘interlocking’, ‘shifting sands’, ‘ownership’ and ‘senior management view’. For analytical purposes, two extreme contexts are characterized as exposing the project manager to high and low levels of ‘vulnerability’ respectively. Project management literature typically offers a rational-linear account of change, and concentrates on ‘content’ and ‘control’ agendas, concerning technical expertise on the one hand, and planning, budgeting and monitoring techniques on the other. Sociological analyses reveal the limitations of the rational-linear account, and focus on the political and cultural dimensions of the ‘process’ agenda. The data suggest how contextual variation affects the relative priority of these agendas. The management implications of these findings are explored, for project management selection, career progression, and the development of diagnostic skills and ‘agenda management’ strategies.  相似文献   

Sergio Bruno 《LABOUR》1987,1(2):127-151
ABSTRACT: The high macro supply elasticity experienced by industrialised countries during the second post-war boom is not explainable as the aggregate effect of current variations of companies’output in response to current variations of demand. A firm cannot adapt rapidly its output to higher demand unless it has decided fairly in advance to expand its productive capacity. Macro elasticity depends thus on the existence of ex ante excess capacity, built on the basis of expectations. The post-war boom is thus explained in terms of a virtuous sequence expectations-decisions-events. This approach helps in understanding the inversion of the expansionary phase to one of stag-flation, the failure of Keynesian policies and the subsequent industrial restructuring which gave rise to the present employment squeeze. Flexibility is something which depends on the relationships between individual expectations and decisions and their systemic results; the presently pursued micro-flexibility is at high risk of producing increasing macro-rigidity.  相似文献   

This study investigates service quality in the Greek Inland Revenue department. We examine differences in perceptions and expectations of service quality among tax-officers and tax-payers and identify the importance that service quality dimensions have for the above groups. One hundred eighty-one tax-officers and two hundred tax-payers completed a self-reported questionnaire. The analysis demonstrates citizen’s dissatisfaction of service quality. This is consistent with people’s impression of the efficacy of the public service and the low level of service-quality delivered. In terms of the five dimensions of service quality, reliability was rated as the most important dimension and tangibility as the less important one. Understanding citizen’s expectations of service quality will enable tax officers to identify practices in order to accomplish customer commitment and avoid future discontent.  相似文献   

Evidence‐based management (EBM) has been subject to a number of persuasive critiques in recent years. Concerns have been raised that: EBM over‐privileges rationality as a basis for decision‐making; ‘scientific’ evidence is insufficient and incomplete as a basis for management practice; understanding of how EBM actually plays out in practice is limited; and, although ideas were originally taken from evidence‐based medicine, individual‐situated expertise has been forgotten in the transfer. To address these concerns, the authors adopted an approach of ‘opening up’ the decision process, the decision‐maker and the context (Langley et al. ( 1995 ). ‘Opening up decision making: the view from the black stool’, Organization Science, 6, pp. 260–279). The empirical investigation focuses on an EBM decision process involving an operations management problem in a hospital emergency department in Australia. Based on interview and archival research, it describes how an EBM decision process was enacted by a physician manager. It identifies the role of ‘fit’ between the decision‐maker and the organizational context in enabling an evidence‐based process and develops insights for EBM theory and practice.  相似文献   

德鲁克论21世纪管理挑战——信息挑战   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
彼得·德鲁克在其新著中解释,一个新信息革命正在进行中,它将彻底改变信息对企业和个人的意义。它不是技术革命,而是概念革命。至今,信息技术集中在数据,聚焦在“IT”中的“T”;新信息革命聚焦在“I”。 德鲁克论述了15世纪印刷技术的历史教训,对比了传统成本会计与基于活动的成本核算,说明企业需要的信息,具体提出了管理现行企业所需要的四套诊断工具与战略所要求的外部信息,明确了主观人员工作所需的信息观念,其形成必须由主管提出两个问题开始“我给什么?”“我要什么?”然后论述了组织信息问题,提出若干方法学概念。德鲁克敦促企业与个人必须学会组织信息作为它们的关键性资源,以迎接21世纪的管理挑战。  相似文献   

This study addresses calls for closer examination of board dynamics by offering an inside view of director interactions. Video observations of three board meetings at each of two Australian corporations matched with director interviews and secondary data reveal distinct patterns of director interactions, their sources of variation and their impact on perceived board effectiveness. The data reveal that director interactions are multidimensional and dynamic: while group interactions across agenda items are similar, with a few directors leading the discussion, the contributing directors change across items. Moreover, directors' inclusiveness and evenness of participation are associated with higher perceptions of board effectiveness. Lastly, the study found that director interactions change with the nature of the items, board climate and board meeting arrangements. The study contributes to the literature by moving beyond the individual‐level analysis of directors' skills or independence, and offering a detailed view of how the joint group and individual dimensions of board dynamics affect board functioning.  相似文献   

工程项目全过程风险管理模式探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文在分析工程项目风险管理研究现状的基础上,从全过程管理角度,提出工程项目全过程风险管理模式:全过程风险管理机构的设置、全过程风险管理计划的制定、工程项目定义与决策阶段、设计与计划阶段、实施与控制阶段、竣工验收阶段四个阶段的风险管理。为项目业主和承包商更好的进行风险管理提供参考。  相似文献   

The way in which bounded rationality enterscontemporary organizational economicstheorizing is examined. It is argued that,as it is being used, bounded rationalityis not necessary for producing the results of organizationaleconomics. It is at best a rhetorical device,used for the purpose of loosely explainingincomplete contracts. However, it is possibleto incorporate much richer notions of boundedrationality, founded on research in cognitivepsychology, and to illuminate the study ofeconomic organization by means of such notions. A number of examples are provided.  相似文献   

Seth Guikema 《Risk analysis》2020,40(6):1117-1123
Artificial intelligence (AI) methods have seen increasingly widespread use in everything from consumer products and driverless cars to fraud detection and weather forecasting. The use of AI has transformed many of these application domains. There are ongoing efforts at leveraging AI for disaster risk analysis. This article takes a critical look at the use of AI for disaster risk analysis. What is the potential? How is the use of AI in this field different from its use in nondisaster fields? What challenges need to be overcome for this potential to be realized? And, what are the potential pitfalls of an AI-based approach for disaster risk analysis that we as a society must be cautious of?  相似文献   

Firms in global high technology industries face key challenges. This paper presents an integrative framework that delineates aspects of their context, organization and human resources. It also identifies tensions within the firm that can only be resolved by increasing the capacity of the firm to deal with multiple and conflicting pressures. High technology firms muct be adept at resolving tensions and learning in a very fast paced and changing world.  相似文献   

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