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Book Reviews     
《The Sociological review》1972,20(4):601-630
Book reviewed in this article: The Social Psychology of Race Relations by Leonard Bloom. The English and Immigration: A Comparative Study of the Jewish Influx, 1880–1910 by John A. Garrard. Sexuality, A Search for Perspective edited by D. L. Grummon and A. M. Barclay. The Sociology of Religion: A Study of Christendom. Vol. V. Types of Religious Culture by Werner Stark. The Sociology of Mental Disorder by R. Bastide, translated by Jean McNeil. Max Weher and Sociology Today edited by Otto Stammer. Local Prisons: The Crisis in the English Penal System by Richard F. Sparks. Societyf Culture and Personality: An Introduction to Social Science by Zevedei Barbu. Sociology of Literature by Robert Escarpit, translated by Ernest Pick. Retirement in American Society: Impact and Process by Gordon F. Streib and clement J. Schneider, S.J. The Feminine Character: History of an Ideology by Viola Klein. George Simmel on Individuality and Social Forms edited and with an Introduction by Donald N. Levine. The Origins of Human Social Relations edited by H. R. Schaffer. Mass Culture Revisited edited by B. Rosenberg and D. M. White. African Businessmen: A Study of Entrepreneurship and Development in Kenya by Peter Marris and Anthony Somerset. Readings in the Theory of Educational Systems edited by Earl Hopper. Religion in Radical Transition edited by Jeffrey K. Hadden. Interpersonal Relations and Education by David Hargreaves. The Social Frameworks of Knowledge by Georges Gurvitch, translated by Margaret A. Thompson and Kenneth A. Thompson. Herbert Spencer: The Evolution of a Sociologist by J. D. Y. Peel.  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1967,15(2):221-261
Book reviewed in this article: Genetic and Environmental Factors in Human Ability edited by J. E. Meade and A. S. Parkes Adolescent Boys of East London by Peter Willmott Adolescents and Morality by E. M. & M. Eppel Learning Theory and Social Work by Derek Jehu Mental Health in the Service of the Community edited by K. Soddy and R. H. Ahrenfeldt Margery Fry: The Essential Amateur by Enid Huws Jones Schools for Young Offenders by Gordon Rose Organisations for Treatment by David Street, Robert D. Vinter, and Charles Perrow Medical Practice in Modem England: The Impact of Specialization and State Medicine by Rosemary Stevens Race Community and Conflict by John Rex and Robert Moore The Concept of Equilibrium in American Social Thought by Cynthia Eagle Russett The Psychology of Human Ageing by D. B. Bromley Adoption, Policy and Practice by Iris Goodacre Foster Parenthood: A Role Analysis by David Fanshel Sociology in Social Work by Peter Leonard An Introduction to Administration for Social Workers by Joyce Warham The Student and Supervision in Social Work Education by Priscilla Young Social Technology by Olaf Helmer Caring for People-Staffing Residential Homes. The Report of the OMnmittee of Enquiry set up by The National Council of Social Service Multivalent Man by A. McClung Lee Questionnaire Design and Attitude Measurement by A. N. Oppenheim Social Problems: A Modem Approach edited by H. S. Becker African Law: Adaptation and Development by Hilda Kuper and Leo Kuper (ed.) Social Structure and Mobility in Economic Development edited N. J. Smelser and Seymour Martin Lipset Health and Welfare Services in 1975 by Deborah Paige and Kit Jones The English Voter by A. J. Allen British Political Parties by R. T. McKenzie (2nd Edidon) Black British: Immigrants to England by R. B. Davison Ideology and Organisation in Communist China by H. F. Schurmann Stayed in China by William G. Sewell  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1972,20(3):441-472
Book reviewed in this article: Social Conflict and Educational Change in England and France, 1789- 1848 by M. Vaughan and M. S. Archer. British Parliamentary Election Results, 1950–1970 by F. W. S. Craig. Readings in Race and Ethnic Relations edited by A. H. Richmond. East Indians in Trinidad: A Study in Minority Politics by Yogendra K. Malik. The Sociology of Family edited by M. A. Kanwar. Family Structure in Nineteenth Century Lancashire by Michael Anderson. Sociology and Industrial Life by J. E. T. Eldridge. Henry Home, Lord Kames, and the Scottish Enlightenment: A Study in National Character and in the History of Ideas by W. C. Lehmann. White Society in Black Africa: The French of Senegal by Rita Cruise O'Brien. Patterns of Residential Care: Sociological Studies in Institutions for Handicapped Children by Roy D. King, Norma V. Raynes and Jack Tizard. Urban Residential Patterns by R. J. Johnston. Knowledge and Control: New Directions for the Sociology of Education edited by Michael F. D. Young. Capitalism and Modern Social Theory: An Analysis of the Writings of Marx, Durkheim and Max Weber by Anthony Giddens. Alienation: Marx's Conception of Man in Capitalist Society by Bertell Oilman. The Sociology of Planning: A Study of Social Activity on New Housing Estates by Lynnette Carey and Roy Mapes. Rôles and Values: An Introduction to Social Ethics by R. S. Downie. Residence and Student Life: A Sociological Inquiry into Residence in Higher Education by Joan Brothers and Stephen Hatch. Health and Sickness: The Choice of Treatment by M. E. J. Wadsworth, W. J. H. Butterfield and R. Blaney. Population: Facts and Methods of Demography by Nathan Keyfitz and Wilhelm Flieger. Toward a Sociology of Irreligion by Colin Campbell.  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1966,14(3):345-375
Books review in this article: Emile Durkheim by Robert Bierstedt Ideology and Crime: A Study of Crime in its Social and Historical Context by Leon Radzinowicz Crime and its Correction: An International Survey of Attitudes and Practices by John P. Conrad The Delinquent Solution by D. M. Dowries Comparative Criminology, A Text Book by H. Mannheim Borstal Reassessed by Roger Hood Theories of Primitive Religion by E. E. Evans-Pritchard The Relevance of Models for Social Anthropology edited by Michael Banton Political Systems and the Distribution of Power edited by Michael Banton Urbanisation and Migration in West Africa edited by Hilda Kuper Mental Health in a Changing World. Volume I of a Report of an International Study Group convened by the World Federation for Mental Health. Edited by Kenneth Soddy and Robert H. Ahrenfeldt Professional Employees by Kenneth Prandy The Elite in the Welfare State by Piet Thoenes, edited by J. A. Banks The Hidden Society by Vilhelm Aubert Social Sciences at Harvard, 1860-1920; from Inculcation to the Open Mind edited, with a preface, by Paul Buck The Protestant Establishment by E. Digby Baltzell  相似文献   

Books review in this article: The Affluent Worker: Political Attitudes and Behaviour by John H. Goldthorpe, David Lockwood, Frank Bechhofer, Jennifer Plan International Systems and the Modernization of Societies by J. P. Nettl and Roland Robertson The Educational Innovators, Vol. 2 by W. A. C. Stewart Readings in Urban Sociology edited by R. E. Pahl One in Twenty: A Study of Homosexuality in Men and Women by Bryan Magee The African Predicament by Stanislav Andreski The Sociology of Education by Olive Banks Social Stratification by Carol Owen Industrial Disputes: Essays in the Sociology of Industrial Relations by J. E. T. Eldridge Society and the Adolescent Self-Image by Morris Rosenberg Main Currents in Sociologial Thought II by Raymond Aron Social Stratification edited by J. A. Jackson Readings in Reference Group Theory and Research edited by H. H. Hyman and E. Singer Dialectical Sociology: An Analysis of the Sociology of Georges Gurvitch by Phillip Bosserman Urban Sociology by R. N. Morris Political Mobilisation: A Sociological Analysis of Methods and Concepts by J. P. Nettl Commitment to Welfare by Richard M. Titmuss Israeli Society by S. N. Eisenstadt Organizational Careers: A Sourcebook for Theory by B. G. Glaser A Reader in Social Administration edited by A. V. S. Lochhead Theory and Methods of Social Research by J. Galtung Halfway Houses by R. Z. Apte Comparative Social Administration by Barbara Rodgers, John Greve and John S. Morgan Personnel Management in Context by Anne Crichton Readings in the Sociology of Language edited by Joshua A. Fishman Progress and Disillusion: The Dialectics of Modem Society by R. Axon The Affluent Worker: Industrial Attitudes and Behaviour by J. H. Goldthorpe, D. Lockwood, F. Bechhofer, J. Platt  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《The Sociological review》1990,38(1):151-207
Book reviewed in this article: The Origins of European Through about the Body, the Mind, and the Soul, the World, Time and Fate R. B. Onians The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity Jürgen Habermas An Introductory Guide to Post-Structuralism and Postmodernism Madan Sarup On Social Fuels Margaret Gilbert. Social Anthropology: An Alternative Introduction Angela P Cheater Keynesianism. Monetarism and the Crisis of the State Simon Clarke The Capitalist Class T- Bottomore and R. J. Brym. (eds) Knowledgeable Women: Structuralism and the Reproduction of Elites Sara Delamont Whose Justice? Which Rationality?. A. Maclntyre Social Anthropology and Public Policy in Northern Ireland Hasting Donnan and Graham McFarlane. (eds). Whose Justice? Which Rationality? A. Maclntyre Against Criminology Stanley Cohen Regulating Fraud: White-Collar Crime and the Criminal Process M. Levi Negotiating Control: A Study of News Sources R. V Ericson, Patricia M. Baranek and Janet B. L. Chan Changing Patterns of European Eamily Eife: A. Comparative Analysis of Eourteen European Countries K. Boh, M. Bak, M. Pankratova, J. Ovortrup, G. B. Sgritta and K. Waerness, (eds) Family Planning and Population Control: The Challenges of a Successful Movement Kurt W Back Full Circle? Bringing up Children in the Post-Permissive Society Digby Anderson, (ed.). Raymond Williams: Writing, Culture, Politics Alan O'Connor Social Semiotics Robert Hodge and Gunther Kress Picturing Power: Visual Depictions and Social Relations Gordon Fyfe and John Law, (eds.) The Museum Time Machine: Puttmg Cultures on Display Robert Lumley, (ed) The Gold Standard and the Logic of Naturalism: American Literature at the Turn of the Century Walter Benn Michaels Literary Methods and Sociological Theory: Case Studies of Simmel and Weber Bryan S. Green  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1973,21(4):657-684
Book reviewed in this article: Small Groups and Political Behcwiour: A Study of Leadership by Sidney Verba. Power in Britain edited by John Urry and John Wakeford. Society and the Policeman's Role by M. E. Cain. A Sociology of Religion by Michael Hill. The Dialectics of Social Lije by Robert F. Murphy. Sociolinguistics edited by J. B. Pride and J. Holmes. Plans and Provisions for the Mentally Handicapped by M. Bone, B. Spain and F. M. Martin. Community Studies by Colin Bell and Howard Newby. Progressives and Radicals in English Education, 1750–1970 by W. A. C. Stewart. Survey Research in Africa: Its Applications and Limits edited by W. M. O'Barr et al. Migration and Race Relations in an English City: A Study in Bristol by A. H. Richmond et al. Education and Modernization in the USSR by S. M. Rosen. The Family by Robert O. Blood. The Education of Teachers in Britain edited by D. E. Lomax. The Formal Organization edited by R. H. Hall. Herbert Spencer on Social Evolution edited and with an Introduction by J. D. Y. Peel. Regional Variations in Britain: Studies in Economic and Social Geo-graphy by B. E. Coates and E. M. Rawstron. Reflections on the Causes of Human Misery by Barrington Moorej Jr. Careers in Dope by Dan Waldorf. A Critique of Max Weber's Philosophy of Social Science by W. G. Runciman.  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1968,16(2):257-280
Sociological Theory and Modem Society by Talcott Parsons. The Lorry Driver by Peter G. Hollowell. Organization and Bureaucracy by Nicos P. Mouzelis. Systems of Organization by E. J. Miller and A. K. Rice. The Impact of Television: Methods and Findings in Program Research by W. A. Belson. Causation and Functionalism in Sociology by Wsevolod W. Isajiw. Taken for Granted: A Survey of the Parish Clergy of the Anglican Church of Canada by W. S. F. Pickering and J. L. Blanchard. The Phenomenology of the Social World by Alfred Schutz, translated by George Walsh and Frederick Lehnert. Child Development Research, Editors, Lois W. Hoffman and Martin L. The Community by Rene König. Child Development Research, Editors, Lois W. Hoffman and Martin L. Hoffman. Race Relations by M. Banton. System, Change and Conflict by N. J. Demerath III and Richard Peterson. Union Character and Social Class by R. M. Blackburn.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《The Sociological review》1997,45(2):325-360
Book reviewed in this article: Images of Aging: Cultural Representations of Later Life M. Featherstone and A. Wernick (eds), Inequality and Old Age John A. Vincent, Disciplining Old Age: The Formation of Gerontological Knowledge Stephen Katz, Children, Health and the Social Order Berry Mayall, Family Connections: An Introduction to Family Studies David H.J. Morgan, Technologies of the Gendered Body: Reading Cyborg Women Anne Balsamo, Marx, Durkheim, Weber: Formations of Modern Social Thought K. Morrison Sage, Sociological Theory. What went Wrong? Diagnosis and Remedies Nicos Mouzelis, Culture, Modernity and Revolution. Essays in Honour of Zygmunt Bauman Richard Kilminster and Ian Varcoe (eds), Between Facts and Norms: Contributions to a Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy J. Habermas, Culture and the Public Sphere Jim McGuigan, Challenging Codes: Collective Action in the Information Age Alberto Melucci, Sociology, Environmentalism, Globalization: Reinventing the Globe Steven Yearley, The New Age Movement Paul Heelas, The Problem of Nature: Environment, Culture and European Expansion David Arnold, The Meaning of Race, Race, History and Culture in Western Society Kenan Malik,  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1972,20(1):105-128
Book reviewed in this article: Marxist Sociology in Action by J. A. Banks. Ferdinand Tænnies on Sociology: Pure, Applied and Empirical. Selected Writings edited and with an introduction by Werner J. Cahnman and Rudolph Herberle. Alfred Schutz: On Phenomenology and Social Relations edited by H. R. Wagner. The Social Psychology of the Child with Epilepsy by Christopher Bagley. Separated Spouses: A Study of the Matrimonial furisdiction of Magistrates Courts by O. R. McGregor, Louis Blom-Cooper and Colin Gibson. The Relevance of Sociology edited by Jack D. Douglas. The Impact of Sociology edited by Jack D. Douglas. Women in Top jobs by Michael Fogarty, A. J. Allen, Isobel Allen and Patricia Walters. Sex, Carrer and Family by Michael P. Fogarty, Rhona Rapoport and Robert Rapoport. Deviance and Respectability: The Social Construction of Moral Meanings edited by Jack D. Douglas. The Future of Work and Leisure by Stanley Parker. The Social Consequences of Conviction by J. P. Martin and D. Webster. Behaviourd Worlds by P, G. Herbst Applied Factor Analysis by R. J. Rummel. Imperialism by George Lichtheirn.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《The Sociological review》1984,32(4):761-763
Book reviewed in this articles: Radical Earnestness, English Social Theory 1880–1980 Fred Inglis, Martin Robertson That Noble Science of Politics S. Collini, D. Winch, J. Burrow The Analysis of Power: A Realist Approach Geoffrey Debnam War in the Modern Great Power System 1495–1975 Jack S. Levy Social Control and the State Stanley Cohen and Andrew Scull (eds) The Protection of Children: State Intervention and Family Life R. Dingwall, J. Eekelaar, T. Murray Capitalism, the State and Industrial Relations Dominic Strinati Mexico: Class Formation, Capital Accumulation, and the State James D. Cockcroft The Management of Scottish Society, 1707–1764 John Stuart Shaw Patronage, Power and Poverty in Southern Italy: A tale of two cities J. Chubb Black Gold: The Mozambican Miner, Proletarian and Peasant Ruth First Crime, Justice and Underdevelopment Colin Sumner (ed.) Power, Crime and Mystification Steven Box Marxism Structuralism Education Madan Sarup Family and School Daphne Johnson and Elizabeth Ransom Experiencing Comprehensive Education Robert G. Burgess Images of Welfare: Press and Public Attitudes to Poverty Peter Golding and Sue Middleton Youth and Leisure Kenneth Roberts The Traveller Gypsies Judith Okely Haruko's World; A Japanese Farm Woman and her Community Gail Lee Bernstein Women and the Public Sphere J. Siltanen and M. Stanworth Forever Feminine: Women's Magazines and the Cult of Femininity Marjorie Ferguson Writing and Sexual Difference Elizabeth Abel (ed.)  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Young at Eighty: The Prolific Public Life of Michael Young Geoff Dench, Tony Flower and Kate Davron (eds), Psychosocial Disorders in Young People: Time Trends and their Causes Michael Rutter and David J. Smith, (eds), Gender and the Professional Predicament of Nursing Celia Davies, A National Health Service? The Restructuring of Health Care in Britain since 1979 John Mohan, Drugs and Narcotics in History R. Porter and M. Teich (eds), Invented Moralities: Sexual Values in an Age of Uncertainty Jeffrey Weeks, Childhood and Parenthood: Proceedings of the International Sociological Association Committee for Family Research Conference Julia Brannen and Margaret O'Brien, (eds). Changing Ethnic Identities Tariq Modood, Welcome to the Jungle: New Positions in Black Cultural Studies Kobena Mercer, The Urban Context: Ethnicity, Social Networks and Situational Analysis Alisdair Rogers and Steven Vertovec (eds), Acknowledging Consumption: A Review of New Studies Daniel Miller, (ed.), The Sociology of the Meal Roy C. Wood, Interrogating Inequality: Essays on Class Analysis, Socialism and Marxism Erik Olin Wright, Bataille: Writing the Sacred Carolyn Bailey-Gill, (ed.), The Birth of the Museum: History, Theory, Politics T. Bennett, Disney and his Worlds Alan Bryman, Mapping the Subject: Geographies of Cultural Transformation Steve Pile and Nigel Thrift, (eds), Border Approaches: Anthropological Perspectives on Frontiers H. Donnan and T.M. Wilson (eds).  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1976,24(3):609-657

《The Sociological review》1970,18(1):115-151
Book reviewed in this article: Politics of Social Research: An Inquiry into the Ethics and Responsibilities of Socail Scientists by Ralph L. Beals. Organisational Behavior by Joe Kelly. Construction of Preference Spaces: An Investigation into the Applicability of Multidimensional Scaling Models by L. Delbeke. The Theory of Social Change: Four Views Considered by John McLeish. Middle Age and Aging edited by B. L. Neugarten. The Business Enterprise in Modern Industrial Society by John Child. Caring for Children in Trouble by J. Carlebach. The Family by C. C. Harris. The Theory and Practice of Vocational Guidance: A Selection of Readings by Barie Hopson and John Hayes. The Concept of Community edited by D. W. Minar and S. Greer. The Desegregation of the Mentally Ill by J. Hoenig and Marian W. Hamilton. Max Weber on Charisma and Institution Building edited by S. N. Eisenstadt. Towards a Sociology of Mass Communications by D. McQuail. The Logic of Social Inquiry by Scott Greer. Computer Methods in the Analysis of Large-Scale Social Systems revised edition, edited by James M. Beshers. Social Networks in Urban Situations edited by J. Clyde Mitchell. Ownership, Control, and Ideology by Theon. Small Town in Mass Society: Class, Power and Religion in a Rural Community by A. J. Vidich and J. Bensman. Modernizing Peasant Societies: A Comparative Study in Asia and Africa by Guy Hunter. Sport, Culture, and Society:a Reader on th Sociology of Sport edited by John W. Loy and Gerald S. Kenyon. Adolescent Girlds in Approved Schools by Helen J. Richardson. Studies in British Society edited by J. A. Banks. Social Research by Michael Schofield. Values and Involvement in a Grammar School by Ronald King.  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1977,25(3):623-659
Book Reviewed in this article The Wedding Complex: The Social Organization of a Rite of Passage by Trudy Knicely Henson in collaboration with Wayne Wheeler The Sociology of Developing Societies by Ankie M. M. Hoogvelt The Dialectic of Ideology and Technology: The Origins, Grammar and Future of Ideology by Alvin W. Gouldner Communism in Italy and France by Donald L. M. Blackmer and Sidney Tarrow (eds.) Economics and Demography by Ian Bowen Manpower Planning by D. J. Bartholomew (ed.) The Business of Crime: Italians and Syndicate Crime in the United States by Humbert S. Nelli Sociology's Models of Man by W. L. Skidmore Social Issues in Business by Fred Luthans and Richard M. Hodgetts (eds.) A Social History of Engineering by W. H. G. Armytage Theorizing by Alan Blum British Syndicalism 1900–1914 by Bob Holton Crimes of the Powerful by Frank Pearce The Sociology of Organisations by Angela M. Bowey Social Anthropology in Perspective: The Relevance of Social Anthropology by I. M. Lewis The Dual Vision: Alfred Schutz and the Myth of Phenomenological Social Science by Robert A. Gorman Critical Sociology: Selected Readings by Paul Connerton (ed.) Urban Sociology: Critical Essays by C. G. Pickvance (ed.) Origin and Significance of the Frankfurt School: A Marxist Perspective by Phil Slater  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Women's Work Is Never Done: Comparative Studies in Care‐Giving, Employment, and Social Policy Reform. Sylvia Bashevkin. (Ed.) Learning to Be Old: Gender, Culture, and Aging. Margaret Cruikshank. How Families Still Matter: A Longitudinal Study of Youth in Two Generations. Vern L. Bengtson, Timothy J. Biblarz, & Robert E. L. Roberts. New Family Values: Liberty, Equality, Diversity. Karen Struening. Involved Fathering and Men's Adult Development: Provisional Balances. Rob Palkovitz. For Better and for Worse: Welfare Reform and the Well‐Being of Children and Families. Greg J. Duncan & P. Lindsay Chase‐Lansdale. (Eds.) The Power of Good Deeds: Privileged Women and the Social Reproduction of the Upper Class. Diana Kendall. Child Care and Inequality: Rethinking Carework for Children and Youth. Francesca M. Cancian, Demie Kurz, Andrew S. London, Rebecca Reviere, & Mary C. Tuominen.  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1968,16(3):399-435
Book reviewed in this article: Charles Booth on the City: Physical Pattern and Social Structure, edited with an Introduction by Harold W. Pfautz Methodology in Social Research, edited by Hubert M. and Ann Blalock The Social Meanings of Suicide by Jack D. Douglas Working Class Community: Some general notions raised by a series of studies in northern England by Brian Jackson Role Theory: Concepts and Research edited by Bruce J. Biddle and Edwin J. Thomas The Enterprise in Transition: An Analysis of European and American Practice by H. van der Haas Social Class, Language and Education by Denis Lawton Family and Community in Ireland by C. M. Arensberg and S. T. Kimball Autonomous Group Functioning: An Exploration in Behaviour Theory and Measurement by P. G. Herbst The Sexual Context of Premarital Sexual Permissiveness by Ira L. Reiss Social Interaction: Process and Products by M. Sherif The Sociology of the School by M. D. Shipman The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research by B. G. Glaser and A. L. Strauss Influences on Parent Behaviour by Lois M. Stolz Mobility of Farm Families: a study of occupational and residential mobility in an upland area of England by J. S. Nalson Scientific Sociology: Theory and Method by David Wilier The Emergent American Society Vol. i, Large-Scale Organizations (eds.) W. L. Warner, D. B. Unwalla and J. H. Trimm Vulnerable Children, Three Studies of Children in Conflict: Accident Involved Children, Sexually Assaulted Children and Children with Asthma by L. Burton Power, Politics and People: The Collected Essays of C. Wright Mills edited by I. L. Horowitz Military Organisation and Society by Stanislav Andreski The Family in Social Context by Gerald R. Leslie The Social Context of the School by S. John Eggleston  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1970,18(3):421-456
Book reviewed in this article: Behavioral Sociology: The Experimental Analysis of Social Process by R. L. Burgess and D. Bushell, Jr. Balance in Small Groups by Howard F. Taylor. Racial Violence in the United States edited by Allen D. Grimshaw. The Education of Borstal Boys by Erica Stratta. The Sociology of Religion: A Study of Christendom, IV, Types of Religious man by Werner Stark. Men in Mid-Career: A Study of British Managers and Technical Specialists by Cyril Sofer. The Family and the Handicapped Child: A Study of Cerebral Palsied Children in Their Homes by Sheila Hewett. The Assessment of Social Research: Guidelines for the Use of Social Research in Social Work and Social Science by Tony Tripodi, Phillip Fellin and Henry J. Meyer. The Conditions of Social Performance: an Exploratory Theory by Cyril S. Belshaw. Families and Their Relatives: Kinship in a middle-class sector of London by r. Firth, Jane Hubert and A. Forge. The Population Census: A Social Science Research Council Review by Bernard Benjamin. Introduction to Social Work by R. Bessell. Theories of Social Psychology by M. E. Shaw and P. R. Costanzo. Put Away: A Sociological Study of Institutions for the Mentally Retarded by Pauline Morris. City Lads in Borstal: A Study Based on 100 Lads Discharged to Addresses in Lverpool by D. M. Lowson. Science, Industry and Society: Studies in the Sociology of Science by Stephen Cotgrove and Steven Box. Interaction Concept of Personality by Robert C. Carson. Hightown Grammer: The School as a Social System by C. Lacey. Causes of Delinquency by T. Hirschi. Towards a Sociology of the Cinema: A Comparative Essay on the Structure nd Fnctioning of a Major Entertainment Industry by I. C. Jarvie.  相似文献   

Benedek, E. P. & Benedek, R. S. Joint custody: Solution or illusion?American Journal of Psychiatry, Bennett, M. J. & Wisneski, M. J. Continuous psychotherapy within an HMO. American Journal of Psychiatry, DiBella, A. W. Family psychotherapy with the homosexual family: A community psychiatry approach to homosexuality. Community Mental Health Journal, Green R. J., Ferguson, L. R. Framo, J. L. Shapiro, R. J. & La Perriere, K. A symposium on family training for psychologists. Professional Psychology, Ferguson, L. R. The family life cycle: Orientation for interdisciplinary training. Professional Psychology, Framo, J. L. A personal viewpoint on training in marital and family therapy. Professional Psychology, Shapiro, R. J. The problematic position of family therapy in professional training. Professional Psychology, La Perriere, K. Toward the training of broad-range family therapists. Professional Psychology, Mirande, A. A reinterpretation of male dominance in the Chicano family. The Family Coordinator, Murray, M. E. Family character analysis. American Journal of Psychoanalysis,  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
The Case for Marriage: Why Married People are Happier, Healthier, and Better Off Financially. Linda J. Waite & Maggie Gallagher. Families as Relationships. Robert M. Milardo & Steve Duck (Eds.). Redefining Family Policy: Implications for the 21 st Century. Joyce M. Mercier, Stephen B. Garasky, & Mack C. Shelley II (Eds.). Why Parents Matter: Parental Investment and Child Outcomes. Nigel Barber. Earning and Caring in Canadian Families. Roderic Beaujot. Who Owns Domestic Abuse?: The Local Politics of a Social Problem. Ruth M. Mann. The Dynamics of Adoption: Social and Personal Perspectives. Amal Treacher & Ilan Katz (Eds.). Aging in East and West: Families, States, and the Elderly. Vern L. Bengtson, Kyong‐Dong Kim, George C. Myers, & Ki‐Soo Eun (Eds.). Who Should Care for the Elderly? An East‐West Value Divide. William T. Liu & Hal Kendig (Eds.).  相似文献   

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