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Dear Women of China,
I really enjoyed your article on how to be a happy, single Chinese woman on Valentine's Day. I'm not Chinese, but I still found the message in your article both encouraging and meaningful. It's great that you focused on emotional as well as physical health, and that you reminded people that being single on Valentine's Day can still be lots of fun.  相似文献   

It brings Chinese culture and history right into our living rooms你们的杂志再现了中国的历史和文化Editor-in-chief Yun Pengju said in his article that the May issue is a tribute to Mother's Day - may I add my congratulations to all mothers out there! I am humbled that you saw fit to include my article in this special edition, though I must say I was caught off I guard.Thanks for capturing the Forbidden City in Motion-quite a fascinating experience we had, and, of course, for all the informative articles about successes and milestones for the Women of China, These make interesting reading from cover to cover. As women, we need to have a vigorous campaign for this very informative magazine, as it brings Chinese culture and history right into our living rooms.Neo Gaseitsiwe, Botswana  相似文献   

THE Jinggang Mountains are located in the southwestern part of Jiangxi Province, the middle section of the Luoxiao mountain chain along the border between Hunan and Jiangxi provinces. It is the cradle of the Chinese revolution, and has as many as 29 historical revolutionary sites. It is also an ideal place for sightseeing, attracting tourists with its mountains, waterfalls and forests. The city of Jinggangshan is located in the midst of the mountains, 1,000 meters above sea level. It has the lowest population density of any city in China,  相似文献   

February 7th marks the first day of the Spring Festival,or Chinese New Year.The Spring Festival is considered Chinese people's most important holiday,and celebrations can last 15 days or more. It is a time for family reunions,as well as wishing onto yourself and others a prosperous new year.  相似文献   

THE year 1898 is worth remembering for China' s women. It was that year that a large group of women who advocated social change established the Women's Association for Progress, the Women's School of China and started the first women's newspaper, "Chinese Girl's Progress" in Guishuli, Shanghai, with the support and participation of the reformers during the latter part of the Qing Dynasty. The article "On Equality Between  相似文献   

EVERYONE who likes to drink wine knows Guizhou's Maotai, a well-known white spirit. It is the pride of the Guizhou people, because it has been elected as the most famous Chinese white spirit three times and honored as the "state white spirit." Maotai tastes mellow and leaves a pleasing aftertaste. The good taste of this strong spirit benefits from its good water source and the skill of the masters. The Maotai Township is located by the limpid Chishui River, which has clear and sweet water. The method of making Maotai is complicated. It uses wheat to  相似文献   

Concern for Children, a large-scale project, is now in full swing in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Chongqing. It aims at educating preschool children (aged from 3-6) and their parents, about issues as wide ranging as health, safety, education and self esteem. It is hoped the project will increase awareness about children's rights and help in the positive overall development of Chinese children. At a get-together observing this year's In-  相似文献   

IN the mid- and late-1980s a debate was held in China concerning the issue of women's employment. It was a time when economic reform involved both the management and labor force of the country's state-rum enterprises. What the Chinese women in the workforce had experienced from the late 1980s to the early 1990s in many ways differed from our predictions about the debate. Perhaps we can make a closer analysis of the trend in Chinese women's employment by learning the differences. Both the employment rate and the population of Chinese women in urban and rural areas have steadily grown as the economy has developed. In 1982 the Chinese workforce was  相似文献   

I am writing this article sitting in Starbucks. As I clutch my hot chocolate and nibble on a Danish, I watch the store fill with shoppers. It has obviously been a successful shopping morning—everyone carries shopping bags emblazoned with famous logos and there is much laughter and merriment as shoppers relax over a well-deserved cup of coffee.  相似文献   

杨婕 《现代妇女》2014,(7):294-294
Individualism and collectivism are one of the core values of western and Chinese cultures. This article intends to summarize the conceptions of individualism and collectivism and single some representations of the two different ideologies in order to clear up the misunderstanding which exists in today's view of individualism of Chinese people, and the essence of individualism will be concluded to deepen the understanding of individualism.  相似文献   

It has become fashionable to appreciate the ancient cultures of the Orient, and, as a result, a growing number of Westerners have begun studying the Chinese language. Jack London, a British engineer, decided he wanted to try to achieve spoken Chinese through quick methods, so he purchased a Chinese-language textbook printed by an authoritative publisher. The  相似文献   

KUN opera has a history of 5,000 years. It is a classic opera, famous for its festive singing and dancing. It boasts an extensive literature. In thousands of librettos, it has adapted the essence of different types of Chinese poems,and songs. The more than 4,000 Kun songs include ancient Chinese music, religious, folk, ethnic and foreign music. It combines singing, dancing, acrobatics, wushu, pantomime and many other forms of  相似文献   

Silkworm raising and silk reeling is a great contribution of ancient Chinese women to the world civilization and progress. When the Silk Road opened in the Hah Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago, westerners used to call China the Kingdom of Silk. The gauze dress unearthed from the Mawangdui No. 1 Tomb of the Han Dynasty in Hunan's Changsha, is as thin as cicada's wings and only weighs 49 grams. Made of high quality silk, this dress is as soft and light as the dress made of georgette, revealing the ancient Chinese weaving workers' high skill and talent. It is a silk dress, the earliest and best preserved in the world currently. Also excavated from the same tomb is a mummified woman's body. The woman was the wife of a prime minister of a kingdom  相似文献   

July 1st marks the 10th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China. It is a big event for mainlanders and Hongkongers alike. These days, the "Pearl of the East" is dynamic-as ever. Something is different though; Hongkongers feel more connected to the mainland, and they generally have a stronger sense of Chinese identity. Both Chinese and Western business experts predict a bright future—as an important financial hub—for the former British colony. Everybody at Women of China hopes Hongkongers have a happy celebration throughout July. We also wish them many successful decades to come.  相似文献   

The Song of Everlasting Sorrow is critically acclaimed and widely considered to be Wang Anyi's greatest masterpiece -- and quite possibly one of the greatest examples of modern Chinese literature. It has enjoyed a good deal of success: It won the prestigious Mao Dun Prize, in 2000, for its original Chinese version, Chang Hen Ge. The novel was published in 1995 and later translated into English by Michael Berry and Susan Chan Egan. It was given the English title The Song of Everlasting Sorrow: A Novel of Shanghai.  相似文献   

AFTER living in Beijing for ten years, I feel more and more attached to it. It is a modern city but also old, bustling yet profound, large yet amiable, where you can not only see the roots of Chinese history and culture, but also feel the pulse of China's development. After I visited historic sites and beautiful scenes in Beijing as a traveler and got to know the customs and the condition of the people, I came to love the city. The first song the current young Chinese generation learns in its childhood is "I Love Beijing's Tiananmen." Tiananmen and the  相似文献   

ONCE in a restaurant specializing in vegetarian food in Hubei Province, I saw some dishes on the menu which did not sound like vegetarian food, such as chicken, duck, fish and pork. Only after I ordered and tasted did I understand that these were all made of bean products. Simply speaking, the Chinese vegetarian diet is comprised of grains, vegetables, bean products and fruits. It also includes bamboo shoots, mushrooms, edible fungus, aquatic plants and dried fruit. This kind of diet boasts a long history. As early as the Qin Dynasty (221-206 B.C.) and the early Han  相似文献   

MY first teacher was my mother. It was she who taught me to read. It was she who planted in my heart a profound love of Chinese literature. She was also the one who set me on the road to independence. Today, I am teaching others—I am an associate professor of Chinese language and literature at the Central Institute for Finance and Banking, a member of the Chinese Poetry Society, a member of the  相似文献   

THE Chinese economic reform has pushed society into a period of transformation. City women—especially career women—once again are confronted with new choices. Compared to Nora's choice to leave or stay at home, as depicted in the Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House, the Chinese career women's choice is obviously more complicated. It involves social roles and the expectations society has about their gender. Several women doctoral students with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences recently talked about this issue.  相似文献   

He became known all over China because of his appearance on the national television competition "Foreigners Singing Chinese Songs."Dressed in traditional Chinese costume and accompanied by his Chinese wife,he Chinese Girl."In this article,Stephen Sayers tells about his marriage and his personal feelings during his five years in China,Stephen and his wife Candy just moved to Macao in July.In arecent letter he asked the editor to give the money for this article to the education-aiding"Hope project" and specified it for Guizhou.  相似文献   

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