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正一位热爱环保的女孩用清新时尚的草编篮取代超市购物袋,引导人们"提篮买菜"。她经营的艺术草编物品不仅风靡国内,还出口到了国外!日前,国务院办公厅下发通知,从今年6月1日起,我国将禁止生产、销售和使用超薄塑料袋。此举更使她看到了草编篮巨大的市场空间。  相似文献   

吕斌 《职业》2008,(9):74-75
20岁的时候,她戴上了中华小姐的美丽桂冠。可是贪心的她不仅要绽放靓丽的青春,还要将美丽做成一档事业,于是她组建了一支80后创业团队,仅用短暂的一年多时间就成功地创办了一本时下全球最受华人女孩喜爱的电子杂志《美妙miao》。  相似文献   

经过一番艰辛的付出,她不仅挣得了不菲的财富,还受到了温家宝总理的接见。她就是邢小翠,大家都叫她"兔女郎"。邢小翠曾是上海LG公司的女白领,收入丰厚,前途一片光明,父母在上海为她订购了婚房。谁知,她却孤身回到大山里去养兔子,想实现她的绿色食品梦。在创业中,无法忍受艰辛的24个创业伙伴一个个选择了离去,最终,连男友也选择了离开。  相似文献   

朱龙 《职业》2016,(7):46
"一场微商创业大赛,不仅让我们的创业得到成长,还孵化出了众多的微电商."2016年1月28日,在湖南省郴州市北湖区微商创业大赛中荣获第一名的雅圆食品公司创始人李晓泠说,她把政府奖励给她的5万元创业基金全部拿出来,设立雅圆创业基金会,并创办郴州云布施商学院,这一举动受到很多创业大赛优秀选手的呼应,大家都说要把创业的"火种"继续传递下去.  相似文献   

基于越来越多的大学生创业,为了更加深刻的了解这一群体的创业意向以及影响因素,研究者在全国多所高校进行了试验。研究表明,大学生创业主要是在电子商务的平台上,开创一个属于自己的微平台,这样的微商在大学生中普遍存在,每个人都做起了自己的小老板,有一个可以自由发挥的平台,这种商业不仅节约了时间,节省了人力物力,也是一个很新潮时尚的行业,投资少,大家起点一样,在学校很受欢迎。  相似文献   

王西 《现代交际》2014,(10):1-3
农民工返乡创业是农民工外出务工时资金、技术、经验、管理、信息、理念等创业要素积累到一定程度时的一种理性行为,返乡创业不仅可以解决其自身的就业问题,还可以吸收农村剩余劳动力。本文在分析吉林省城镇化背景下青年农民工返乡创业现状的基础上,重点阐述了返乡创业农民工在创业中遇到的问题,并提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

云中飞 《职业》2010,(8):52-53
大约10年前,当我在为自己第二次创业筹资的时候,遇到了一位由原先的创业者转型的风险投资人,她又决定重返创业前线了。很显然操持新公司让她感觉非常幸福,快乐得旁若无人。我记得当时曾怀疑地问自己:“她有这么值得高兴么?”因为她的新公司开发的是后端技术(back—end technology),说实话,换了我实在高兴不起来。  相似文献   

舒小远 《职业》2014,(16):50-51
通常来说,借助新媒体工具创业的案例往往发生在北上广等一线城市,四五线城市人群往往更认可传统的消费模式。但在这种表象的背后,也隐藏着各式各样的商机。80后女孩猫小白(网名)是一名网购达人,她在玩微信的过程中突发灵感,在朋友圈里做起了生意,最终一发不可收拾,不仅开起了多家微店与实体店,还创立了属于自己的电子商务有限公司,圆了创业梦。  相似文献   

林润翰 《现代交际》2002,(12):13-14
创业在许多人的眼里是一个充满了艰辛的话题,市场、资金、技术等等因素常常束缚了创业者的手脚,使其欲创无门。那么创业没有捷径可走吗?其实,许多人身上都有一座创业的“金矿”,那就是你身边的资源,比如人际资源,如果你善于利用你周围的人际关系,那么你会很快打拼出自己的一片天地。 颜丽从商业学校毕业后到了一家物资公司,三年后公司倒闭,颜而被抛到了浩浩荡荡的求职大军里。她曾是一个文学爱好者,喜欢看书,在对自己的未来进行了再三的思考后,颜丽决定开一家书店。在她家周围有成片的居民点和几所小学,她决定把书店面向众多的小学生。当然,已有人比她更早地瞄准了这个市场,开了一家书店。颜丽观察过,这家店铺生意并不好,进来的小读者和家长并不多,她认为一是书选得不精,二是缺乏营销手段,但这并不表示书店没有市场,在她看来,这是一块不小的“蛋糕”,只是看自己怎么去经营。 她是个灵巧的女孩,从小在这片街区长大,和周  相似文献   

创新创业成本不仅包括对创新创业活动在资金、设备、人员等方面的有形投入,还包括在创新创业过程中难以观察和计算的信息搜索成本、交易成本、心理成本,以及创新创业失败之后"重整旗鼓"的文化与制度成本.因此,相关政策不仅要关注办公、交通、生活等"硬成本",还要关注降低创新创业过程中各个环节的"软成本",从生态系统视角降低创新创业的综合成本.  相似文献   

This paper examines the entry of Asian immigrant women into a gendered labor market via government-funded job training programs. The focus is on the intake processing of clients into an employment training program operated by a community based organization. The study reveals that women's family responsibilities and the cultural capital they bring function to screen them into or out of training programs and ultimately shape their location in the workforce. The study thus draws attention to how race, class, and gender enter into the organization of Asian immigrant women into the labor market. This investigation is based in institutional ethnography (Smith 1987), a research strategy which displays how activities in a particular setting are coordinated with more extended forms of social organization. The study shows that the overriding concern with successful placement in a job as mandated by government regulations is a critical factor in selecting the women for these programs.  相似文献   


A familiar children's story in the UK–Bruce's Story, about the adventures of a puppy moving into the unknown world as he grows up–is converted into a multimedia program designed to help children in out of home care talk (or write) about their own experiences coming into the child welfare system and into foster and adoptive families.  相似文献   

Mother Tongues     

As women make their first journeys into motherhood, their relationships and discussions with other women, especially other mothers, can be of vital importance. I argue that as women journey into motherhood, they also journey into what might be called a culture of motherhood-a discursive and symbolic realm shared by all mothers. Through interactions among mothers, information, resources, and advice are shared; hierarchies of authority within the community of mothers are established; and women are given opportunities to discursively explore and construct their maternal identities, for example, through the sharing of birth stories. These symbolic, ritualistic, and communicative dimensions of the journey into motherhood can differ between lesbian-identified and heterosexual-identified women. Lesbian mothers can be suspect or marginalized and, at times, feel the need to be circumspect in their interactions. On the other hand, coupled lesbians make the journey into motherhood, into maternal identity, and into the community of mothers, together as a couple. This is not the same for heterosexual women whose most intimate female companions on the journey tend to be friends, sisters, and mothers. Based on research with 53 Canadian mothers, I compare the journeys into motherhood of lesbian and heterosexual women.  相似文献   

"In the Netherlands, the social meaning of both marriage and cohabitation has changed. Cohabitation started as an alternative way of living, developed into a temporary phase before marriage, and finally became a strategy for moving into a union gradually....This article addresses the question whether or not individual past and current life-course experiences become increasingly important in explaining the differentiation of entry into marriage across female birth cohorts, and yet become decreasingly important in explaining the differentiation of entry into cohabitation across female birth cohorts. This question is examined using a non-proportional hazard model. Empirical evidence supports this hypothesis strongly, in that both past determinants such as family size or religion and current life-course determinants such as work or education change in their impact on cohabitation and marriage across birth cohorts."  相似文献   

Technology Asymmetries, Group Algebra, and Multiplant Cost Minimization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For a homogeneous good, this article studies firm-level production activities when the firm controls a plural number of plants. Through careful construction of cost function technology asymmetries, we inquire into the ordinal structure of the production vector for multiplant cost minimizers. When Schur-convexity of a reference pseudo-cost technology is the principal functional assumption, then ordinal concepts of technical asymmetries map into rank order on the equilibrium production vector. Under a more generalized characterization of the technical asymmetries a multiplant firm encounters, group theory is used to map a cardinal concept of asymmetries into cardinal bounds on the optimum allocation.  相似文献   

柯可 《城市观察》2011,(3):79-87
以《广州建设文化强市和世界文化名城规划纲要》的推出为契机,分析了广州建设世界智力运动名城的背景和意义,并就如何建设"智运之都"提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines how organizations integrate the Internet into crisis communication. The findings of a 7-year longitudinal study provide a taxonomy explaining how mediated communication creates new possibilities for crisis response. We translate the study findings into suggestions for how public relations managers can integrate new communication media into their mix of communication tactics in crisis and risk management.  相似文献   

Whereas cultural-historical activity theory has proven to be fruitful, providing a framework to those scholars interested in understanding human knowing and learning from a more holistic perspective, essential aspects of the original theory either have not been taken up or have been transformed in the take up. In part, the problems arise from the difficulties of translating Leont'ev—as the work of Marx on which the theory is built—into English, where several originally distinct pairs of (Russian, German) categories and concepts are conflated into one (English). The purpose of this article is to bring into the foreground some of the fundamental aspects of cultural-historical activity theory that have disappeared during translation and uptake into Anglo-Saxon scholarship.  相似文献   

Men experience historical events, such as wars, at different times in their lives and are thereby influenced in different ways. Using data on a cohort of veterans from World War II, this study investigates the proposition that entry into the armed forces at a relatively early age maximized discontinuity and facilitated a redirection of the life course through psychological development, a delayed entry into family roles, and greater advancement opportunity. By comparison, later entry into the service favored greater risk of family and career disruption within a pattern of life continuity from adolescence to the middle years. Results from the analysis are consistent with these expectations.  相似文献   

In recent decades, discussion about clinical practice has been dominated by a focus on evidence‐based treatments, whilst the translation of evidence‐based treatments into practice has been neglected or avoided. The single session therapy (SST) field reflects this general trend. As a result, the community has not benefited from available service improvements simply because they have not found their way into core practice or been translated across state‐wide services. This article draws on a range of implementation projects managed by The Bouverie Centre, in particular a successful state‐wide SST implementation project conducted in collaboration with Victorian community health counselling services, to raise implementation dilemmas and suggest practical ideas about the translation of SST ideas into mainstream clinical practice. It is hoped this discussion will be of interest to those wanting to translate any new idea into practice.  相似文献   

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