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常雅慧 《社会工作》2011,(20):30-32,29
小组工作(Social Group Work),是社会工作专业三大基本工作方法之一,旨在通过有目的小组活动,协助个人开发潜能、实现成长。大学生小组工作,是以大学生为服务对象开展的小组工作领域。笔者运用行动研究方法,在近三年的实践基础上,提出"GEC大学生小组工作模式"(以下简称GEC模式),即针对不同年级大学生所面临的实际问题,分别开展成长小组(Growth Group)、增能小组(Empowerment Group)、职业生涯规划小组(Ca-reer Planning Group),真正实现"小组伴我成长"的理念。本文将阐述GEC模式的提出背景、运行机制、实践情况及评估结果。  相似文献   

本文着重介绍了自 2 0世纪 90年代至今 ,日本青年心理学和社会心理学两大领域关于青年恋爱心理的研究成果。包括恋爱心理研究的主要内容、方法和特点以及研究中存在的问题和今后的趋势  相似文献   

心理健康教育课程与小组工作在形式上有所不同,但是有着相同的理论依据。将小组工作的一些技术合理运用在心理健康教育课堂上可以提高教学效果,提升教育功能。本文探讨了小组工作模式运用于课堂的理论基础、技巧运用、教学模式、成效评估加以探讨,并对改进中学心理健康教育课堂提出建议。  相似文献   

张超 《社会工作》2008,(4):34-36
小组动力学是小组工作的支柱理论。本文在对小组动力的涵义及小组动力的构成要素进行分析梳理的基础上,从小组背景、招募方法、介入理论和方法、评估方法、主题内容等方面系统介绍了小组动力学在大学生成长小组中的应用实践,同时对实践过程中的有益启示以及困难和障碍进行总结和反思。  相似文献   

目前,高职院校的校园恋爱已成为了一种极为普遍的现象,学生们的恋爱进行的热火朝天,女学生是一个特殊的群体,高职院校的女学生由于相对更加自由与开放的恋爱心态和对自身负责任意识的相对薄弱,其恋爱心理则更需要关注.而目前,国内对此关注基本处于空白,笔者针对高职院校女大学生的恋爱心理、行为特点以及恋爱中容易出现的问题进行了问卷调查,并深入分析了问题产生的原因,最后提出了针对性的教育对策,以促进高职女大学生恋爱心理的健康发展,使其树立正确的恋爱观.  相似文献   

本文以"扬帆远航"自我同一性成长小组为例,探讨小组工作如何提高大学生的自我同一性发展水平。促进自我同一性发展的关键是获得关于自我的知识和整合感,能对未来发展做出正确的选择。在小组中,获取自我知识的方法主要有他人回馈、社会比较、社会角色的扮演及自我探索。自我的整合则是通过形象整合和生涯规划来实现。工作者对小组进行了科学的设计,采用六个同一性地位作为评估成员自我同一性发展水平的标准,小组目标和内容的确定充分考虑成员需求,科学设计小组会期。对小组的评估显示,绝大多数成员的自我同一性水平有了较大提高。  相似文献   

张一奇 《社会工作》2009,(20):29-31
本文旨在讨论治疗性小组工作对病人心理干预方面的作用及意义,初步建立其在患者心理干预中的有效模式。本研究认为患者在患病及康复过程中,对于治疗性小组有潜在的需求,设计合理、运用恰当的治疗性小组对于患者的心理干预能产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

刘敏 《社会工作》2011,(6):38-40
小组背景毕业是每位大学生必经之路,许多大学生在面临毕业时无法保持平和的心态,往往会慌张、迷茫,不知何去何从.由于不能对自己做出正确的认识定位导致心理困扰、就业难等问题.这样的局面非常不利于大学生走向社会,适应社会.因此,社工尝试运用社会工作小组方法,开展毕业大学生自我定位成长小组帮助他们自我定位,畅想未来.  相似文献   

徐小平 《社会工作》2009,(20):53-55
《小组工作》旨在培养社会工作专业学生核心技能。小组自主教学法是将学习主体以小组为载体,引导小组学生互动合作学习以主动建构并掌握课程的知识技能等培养目标的一种教学方法。在《小组工作》教学中运用小组自主教学法有助于培养学生的自主学习能力、提高教学效率、培养提高学生社会工作专业能力;并结合《小组工作》教学实际,提出量身定制建小组、自主创新增能力、迁移训练获技能等实施要点。  相似文献   

当前,我国的教育理念和体制一直强调加强智育,而对情感教育尚缺乏足够的重视,尤其是高校大学生情感教育正面临着严峻的考验。大学生情绪管理小组旨在运用专业的小组工作方法,协助大学生提升情绪管理能力,实现我国高校情绪管理教育渠道的多元化。  相似文献   

In this article, nine considerations associated with social work practice with groups are identified and discussed. These range from the importance of mutual aid and the role of the group leader to multicultural competence and practice skills needed in the beginning, middle, and ending phases of group work. Group work is only one of four modalities that must be taught in the undergraduate practice sequence. Therefore, the nine considerations represent the essential content on group work for the generalist practice curriculum. The author assumes that this content can be presented in a 7-week time frame. In a companion article, the author presents teaching strategies and techniques that assist the instructor in conveying the principles for practice discussed in the present article.  相似文献   

This article is a companion piece to another article appearing in this special edition of Social Work with Groups on group work content for the generalist practice curriculum. In this article, techniques that assist the instructor in presenting the material on group work in the classroom are identified. These techniques, which include case material and classroom exercises, also help students connect their field and classroom learning about group work. The activities discussed in this article derive from the core group work content discussed in the previous article.  相似文献   

Group work is an effective method to intervene with various populations in multiple settings. However, research has demonstrated that social workers are often not prepared for the realities of group work practice. In this study, the lens is turned on professional social workers that identify as group workers about the motivations and factors that contributed to their practice of group work. The goal of this research is to provide data and related insights that will enhance the preparation of social workers for the realities of contemporary group work practice. The study also identified factors that would enhance group work education in both the classroom and field education settings.  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2013,36(2-3):75-92

A survey of 54 school social workers indicated that they use group work extensively in their practice to address a number of student issues. Cognitive-behavioral theories were most commonly used to guide these groups. Workers rarely identified the use of small group theory as a conceptual framework. Groups were less frequent at the secondary level, and sessions were longer. Family change groups were more common at the elementary level. The method of funding the social work position had no effect on kinds or numbers of groups school social workers facilitated. Respondents did not identify use of small group theory as a conceptual framework, but they addressed group dynamics and group developmental stages. They used activities extensively and adapted published curriculum to meet member needs.  相似文献   

This article addresses the process of developing an educational model for teaching social work with groups in an undergraduate social work degree program in Israel. The model was developed against a backdrop of decreasing status of social group work within the profession and the consequent loss of its unique identity and power in the social work field. The model's aims are to provide the students with the basic principles of social group work, to ensure its place in their professional identity, and to awaken curiosity regarding its use in their future practice as social workers.  相似文献   

Social group work scholars and practitioners have begun to locate and recognize important sites for thinking about and practicing social group work as increasing evidence demonstrates its diminishing importance. This article identifies faculty meetings as a significant site for integrating social group work more fully into departments and schools of social work and helping to achieve the profession's social justice mission. Challenging the meaning of the faculty meeting and thinking of it as a faculty group is a necessary prerequisite to realize this goal. A set of principles is presented and next steps explored to reclaim and reinsert the value of social group work for the profession today.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on social group work practice with adult community groups, highlighting the importance of these groups to the achievement of increased citizen participation in current social concerns, and identifying characteristics of these groups which require some different conceptualizations of social group work practice. This paper characterizes our current social context as deficient in the necessary social arrangements for a just and humane society. Thus it argues for a major shift of professional skill to assisting adult community groups to deal with environmental deficiencies, whether these be social policy, resource allocation, or program administration. It suggests that many problems which are identified as "personal inadequacy" may, in fact result from environmental deficiencies, and may be better served through the active efforts of citizens in their own behalf. The paper assumes an interaction between person, group and context, and posits that more effective use is made of professional knowledge and skill through work with those groups which seek to address the environmental context of human affairs.  相似文献   

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