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人类社会经济活动导致的大气中温室气体浓度上升是诱发全球变暖的主要因素之一,关于全球变暖的严峻后果以及与人类活动之间关系的证据,近年来以日新月异的速度增长,越来越不容置疑,人类活动与温室气体排放之间的关系成为气候变化研究领域的热点之一。对经济发展、能源消费、贸易活动等人类活动与温室气体排放之间关系、减排政策措施等问题的相关研究,可为进一步开展经济与气候、环境协调发展研究提供前提和基础。  相似文献   

基于676家上市公司1997-2007年问的面板数据及对上市公司高管、独立董事、基金经理和证券分析师等的深度访谈资料,分析公司治理和企业绩效之间的关系,揭示在中国制度背景下与代理理论的预测颇为不问的公司治理与企业绩效的关系模式。而所谓的“最佳”公司治理做法是在特定社会、政治、文化等制度环境下各种复杂社会力量和利益群体进行“建构”的结果,其作用的发挥在很大程度上取决于是否契合所在的制度环境,因此,并不存在普适的“最佳”公司治理模式。基于中国经验的社会学实证研究,为解构这一世界性公司治理迷思提供了新视角和证据。  相似文献   

德班世界气候大会成果解读与中国未来面临的挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕学都 《阅江学刊》2012,4(2):38-44
德班世界气候会议通过了一系列决定,主要内容有四项:议定书第二承诺期发达国家减排义务的决定、在公约下长期合作行动计划的一揽子工作计划的决定、启动绿色气候基金的决定,以及关于启动谈判所有国家2020年后减排温室气体法律框架的决定,即"德班增强行动平台"。总体上看,德班会议的成果一定程度上均衡地照顾了各方的利益和诉求,发展中国家尤其是中国今后将面临承担某种程度的约束性温室气体限排义务。这将有助于促进我国建立资源节约型、环境友好型社会,实现可持续发展目标,同时不可避免的带来一定的负面影响。减排温室气体要求在科学研究方面做出相应的部署。  相似文献   

Based on the 1997-2007 panel data of 676 listed companies and in-depth interviews with the senior executives, independent directors, fund managers and securities analysts of these companies, this paper tries to analyze the relationship between corporate governance and firm performance from a sociological perspective. The results show that the relationship between corporate governance and firm performance in the Chinese institutional environment is sharply different from the predictions of the agency theory. The empirical findings from China lend strong support to the new institutional argument that “best” corporate governance practices are socially “constructed” by various social forces and interests groups in specific social, political and cultural contexts, and how “good” a corporate governance practice is depends to a large extent on whether it fits in with the institutional environment in which it is embedded. There exists no universally “best” model of corporate governance across the world. Our empirical sociological study based on Chinese experience offers new perspectives and evidence for deconstructing the global myth of corporate governance.  相似文献   

Objective . We examine cognitive, economic, and partisan heuristic theories of why some people express support for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Methods . Data come from a mail survey of 623 residents of central Pennsylvania, a region in which mitigation costs exceed potential benefits from slowing the rate of global warming. Results . Ordinary least squares analysis shows that people who can accurately identify the causes of climate change and who expect bad consequences from climate change are likely to support both government anti-fossil fuel initiatives and voluntary actions. Economic circumstances and anxieties are not important predictors, but the belief that environmental protection efforts do not threaten jobs for people like the respondent, limit personal freedoms, and hurt the economy is a strong predictor. Democrats are more likely than Republicans to support government efforts to reduce emissions. Conclusions . Cognitive explanations of support for reducing greenhouse gas emissions are more powerful than economic or partisan heuristic ones. People want to reduce emissions if they understand the causes of climate change, if they perceive substantial risks from climate change if average surface temperatures increase, and if they think climate change mitigation policies will not cost them their jobs.  相似文献   

何香柏 《阅江学刊》2012,4(1):38-44
以温室气体减排为主要立足点的气候变化问题在国内外已经引起了广泛而热烈的关注,相比之下,气候变化对环境的影响还未被给予足够的关注,更不用谈气候变化适应性对环境法律的影响和挑战。我国气候变化的相关法律政策是以减缓为导向的,有关适应气候变化的法律法规还很少。气候变化的不确定性、不可避免性、不可逆转性和空间时间上的广泛性,对环境政策与法律的假定基础、环境法律目的和现行环境管理体制等都带来了全新的挑战。当务之急在于弄清气候变化与传统环境问题的本质区别,气候变化问题纳入现行环境法律的可行性等。  相似文献   

全球温室气体减排已有一定的科学认知和国际政治意愿。由于涉及经济代价和发展权益,全球温室气体减排的国际制度框架均难于兼顾公平与可持续性双重目标。以气候安全的允许排放量为全球碳预算总量,设为刚性约束,可以确保碳预算方案的可持续性;将有限的全球碳预算总额以人均方式初始分配到每个地球村民,满足基本需求,可以确保碳预算方案的公平性。根据历史排放和未来需求进行碳预算转移支付,设计相应的资金机制,使碳预算方案具有效率配置特征。不同于分时段、临时目标的《京都议定书》途径,这样的碳预算方案是一个全面涵盖的整体性一揽子方案。然而,由于气候变化问题已泛政治化,许多技术性问题需要国际政治与外交谈判才能解决。  相似文献   

Income inequality in China has been much documented and debated. However, one important aspect of income inequality – social insurance inequality – has been largely understudied. We use a large national panel of firm data to examine the possible influence of various firm characteristics on the inequalities in social insurance participation and generosity in the period 2004–07. Our findings reveal substantial ownership sector and regional gaps in social insurance provision by firms, with the private domestic sector and those in the central region lagging behind. Unionized firms, larger firms, and firms with greater market shares also tend to provide better social insurance to their employees. While being an exporting firm is linked with greater social insurance participation and generosity, being a purely exporting firm, however, is associated with reduced social insurance generosity. Lastly, highly educated workers receive substantially better social insurance coverage than their less educated peers. These social insurance inequalities are highly relevant as China pushes forward with establishing a unified social insurance system across urban‐rural boundaries, ownership sectors and industries.  相似文献   

This qualitative study of local perceptions of policy goals and action in relation to aging reports 31 stakeholder interviews within 2 Australian communities exploring (a) the meaning of aging well; and (b) preferred policy actions to achieve positive aging outcomes. Findings suggest that community perceptions of aging well are broadly consistent with the goals of national and international policy frameworks in focusing on 3 dimensions--health, social engagement, and security. Further, participants believe that achievement of positive aging outcomes requires a mix of self-help, community action, and government intervention--particularly government support and encouragement for aging well initiatives.  相似文献   

在Copeland-Taylor模型的基础上引入技术因素,将外国直接投资(FDI)对东道国的环境影响分解为规模效应、结构效应和技术效应三种机制,并结合中国2001-2009年36个工业行业的面板数据,运用结构计量模型和系统广义矩估计方法对FDI进入程度与污染排放的关系进行经验检验,可以发现:FDI无论是在总体上还是分行业上都有利于减少我国工业的污染排放,其主要原因在于,FDI通过技术引进与扩散带来的正向技术效应超过了负向的规模效应与结构效应。此外,中国当前的外资进入程度距离以环保为目标的最优水平还有一段空间,因此应积极鼓励具有环保技术优势的外资企业的进入,实现节能减排和可持续发展的战略目标。  相似文献   

This qualitative study of local perceptions of policy goals and action in relation to aging reports 31 stakeholder interviews within 2 Australian communities exploring (a) the meaning of aging well; and (b) preferred policy actions to achieve positive aging outcomes. Findings suggest that community perceptions of aging well are broadly consistent with the goals of national and international policy frameworks in focusing on 3 dimensions—health, social engagement, and security. Further, participants believe that achievement of positive aging outcomes requires a mix of self-help, community action, and government intervention—particularly government support and encouragement for aging well initiatives.  相似文献   

温室气体减排与中国的环境外交   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在围绕温室气体减排的问题上,国际社会展开了复杂的斗争。作为世界上现排放温室气体总量第二、温室气体排放增量最多的国家,中国已经成为举世瞩目的焦点。在温室气体减排问题上,中国面临巨大的国际压力。与此同时,我们也应看到,中国如果要在国际社会上树立一个负责任的大国形象,消除"中国威胁论",那么应该也能够为国际社会做出自己的贡献。我国应以温室气体减排为契机,实现经济增长方式的转变。"共同但有区别的责任"应成我国在全球气候谈判中的指导原则。  相似文献   

朱斌  李路路 《社会》2014,34(4):165-186
在关于政府研发补助政策对企业研发投入影响效应的争论背景下,本文通过分析第9次全国民营企业抽样调查数据,发现政府研发补助政策对中国民营企业研发投入具有激励效应,但这一效应受到企业决策者、企业资源禀赋结构以及企业环境等企业系统相关属性的影响。本文认为,为了进一步推动企业创新研发活动,政府需要继续改善市场环境,并在补助政策上向那些在企业决策和资源禀赋结构上更趋向于自主研发创新的民营中小企业倾斜。  相似文献   

傅逸贤 《阅江学刊》2012,4(2):45-48
人类活动,矿物燃烧排放大量的温室气体,海平面上升是地球气候增暖最重要的综合性证据之一,许多黄金城市将被洪水淹没,全球变暖还将带来更多的环境危害。人类必须采取多方面节能减排的环保对策,改变生活方式。在气候系统五圈中,人类由于自身的勤劳与智慧,有益于环保,可以从生物圈中凸显出人类圈——气候系统的第六圈。  相似文献   

This paper studied the relationship between business performance and the ownership structure of firms focusing on Chinese state owned enterprises (SOEs) using a firm level panel data set of China from 1999 to 2011. By classifying all firms into different types based on their ultimate controlling shareholders, we found that SOEs in general underperform in the marketplace than private enterprises. However, among the SOEs in our sample, the SOEs controlled by central government outperformed all types of firms because they offered the highest asset turnover ratio and lowest business administration ratio by receiving favourable government treatment. We conclude that firm ownership type and work efficiency are the main factors that influence the differences in firm performance. In particular, the performance of SOEs controlled by central government is greatly determined by the degree of government intervention, which is referred to as State Capitalism.  相似文献   

The possibility that carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel use might lead to global warming has become a leading environmental concern. Many scientific and environmental organizations have called for immediate action to limit carbon dioxide production. For the most part, however, public debate has focused on a single policy instrument: a carbon tax applied to fossil fuels in proportion to their carbon content. We present a detailed model of the U.S. economy and use it to compare carbon taxes with two other instruments that could achieve the same reduction in carbon dioxide emissions: a tax on the energy content of fossil fuels (a BTU tax) and an ad valorem tax on fuel use. We find that carbon taxes can achieve a given reduction with the least overall effect on the economy, but with a large effect on coal mining. Energy taxes are fairly similar to carbon taxes but have slightly less impact on coal mining and slightly greater overall cost. In contrast, ad valorem taxes fall much more lightly on coal mining but have a much greater effect on the economy as a whole.  相似文献   

气候变化是一个典型的全球性问题,需要所有国家和团体共同应对,国际气候谈判应运而生。谈判充满矛盾、挑战和博弈,尽管形成了减排温室气体的共识,但仍有"搭便车"现象,谈判一度陷入"囚徒困境",存在着局部利益与全局利益的冲突。国际气候谈判受到气候、政治、经济和技术等多方面因素的影响。在未来国际气候谈判中,应当寻求国际合作,民主协商谈判,尊重国家主权,借鉴天下理论,走可持续发展的道路。  相似文献   

Third sector, or not-for-profit, organizations have been viewed in many parts of Europe as agencies that can be harnessed by public policy programmes to support the socially excluded. Within the emerging mixed economy of welfare, third sector agencies offering training, support and employment for groups disadvantaged in the labour market provide an important example. This illustrates, from one specific field, the dynamics occurring at the interface between public and third sectors in the delivery of public policy goals. This article examines both the history of 'partnership regimes' in this field and the evolving local organizational arrangement. The developments in the contrasting welfare regimes of Britain and Germany, which exemplify different institutional traditions, are analysed. The potential impact of regulatory changes on the capacity of third sector work integration agencies to deliver policy goals is assessed in both countries using evidence from recent case study research. The analysis suggests that the emerging managerialist partnership structures are tending to convert third sector organizations into 'just in time' deliverers of poor programme outcomes in both welfare regimes while also eroding their distinctive potential to provide more than mere labour market integration.  相似文献   

作为世界第四大温室气体排放实体和主要的发展中国家,印度始终在气候变化问题上采取一种超脱于主流的立场,对发达国家要求其接受约束性排放限制嗤之以鼻。许多发达国家纷纷指责和抨击印度,称其拒绝承担温室气体主要排放国的应尽责任,在达成具有约束力的最终减排协议上设置障碍,以及反对以市场机制实现技术和资金支持的国际努力等。本文通过分析印度应对气候变化的政策,从气候变化对印度的影响、印度在气候变化问题上的原则、国家政策的实施等方面入手,探究印度坚持强硬态度的根源,寻找中印在该领域展开深入合作的可能。  相似文献   

中国是世界碳排放大国与最大的发展中国家,在后京都时代面临着日益增长的国际压力,需要在国际磋商和分析(ICA)与可测量、可报告、可核实(MRV,简称“三可”)的框架下,坚持“共同但有区别”和公平的原则,实施非法律约束性的国内适当减缓行动,同时努力构建温室气体管理体系,推进符合中国国情与国际定位的温室气体减排战略。深圳市作为中国碳减排试点城市,通过对国际“三可”体系以及污染气体控制体系的移植,初步设计了适合中国城市碳减排的温室气体管理体系。构建一个成熟、科学的温室气体管理体系,是后京都时代推动中国向低碳经济转型,促进可持续发展的必经之路。  相似文献   

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