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遏制毒品犯罪是维护社会稳定的重要问题,全社会对此特别关注。最近,忠县人民检察院对2002年以来所办理的18件毒品犯罪案件进行了总结,分析了此类犯罪案件的特点原因,提出了遏制毒品犯罪的措施和办法。  相似文献   

邓佳佳 《经营管理者》2011,(1X):255-255
随着毒品逐渐成为全球性的问题,关于毒品是否应该合法化存在着很多的争议,本文主要从经济学的角度出发并结合中国的国情来分析并得出结论。  相似文献   

一直以来,毒品犯罪都是我国重点打击的对象,而将毒品犯罪严刑峻法也是我国始终坚持的目标。我国作为少有的几个毒品犯罪死刑适用的国家,频繁和普遍的适用死刑,也给司法和社会带来一定的困扰,为了追求法律效果与社会效果的统一,兼顾宽严相济的政策,文章根据《全国部分法院审理毒品犯罪案件工作座谈会纪要》规定,结合实际案例分析概括近年来导致毒品犯罪案件从死刑立即执行改判的主要原因。  相似文献   

陈实  郭莉 《管理科学文摘》2008,(17):123-124
高校大学生毒品预防相关知识不足,究其原因主要是学校主观上对毒品预防教育认识不足,对青少年毒品预防研究还相对处于滞后状态,且宣传教育的内容及方式无针对性均影响了毒品预防教育的实效性,因此,有必要确定符合大学生毒品预防教育的教学目标和内容,借鉴国外的经验,丰富毒品预防教育的形式,并编写适合大学生阅读的毒品预防教育的简明读本。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,犯罪案件已经走向集团化、隐蔽化,侦破案件需要相关科技技术的支持。刑事毒品、毒物的检验是刑事科学技术工作的一项重要组成部分,随着国内毒物和毒品种类的大幅度增犬,对涉毒案件的侦查检验要求也越来越高,本文将就国内毒物和毒品的检验现状以及未来的发展趋势进行一系列的分析讨论。  相似文献   

毒品问题是一个全球性的社会问题,与艾滋病、恐怖活动并称为世界"三大公害"。目前,毒品问题呈全球化发展趋势,各国皆深受其害,尤其是新型毒品的不断翻新和迅猛蔓延的特殊形势下,对毒品犯罪的侦控已经达到迫在眉睫的地步。从笔者在深圳市公安局实习的调查情况和全面分析我国现下毒品犯罪情况看出,当前我国毒品问题具有犯罪案件剧增、涉毒人员逐年增多,犯罪主体复杂化、低龄化和女性化趋势明显,犯罪组织形式高端化和集团化、犯罪心态多样化等特点。针对以上毒品犯罪问题的情况,本文从完善立法、强化防控措施、加强禁毒立法宣传教育、发挥专门机关作用、加强国际合作交流和进行毒品问题初步研究的角度来找出治理毒品犯罪问题的对策。  相似文献   

毒品严重威胁着人类的发展,毒品犯罪以及由毒品诱发的犯罪更是严重威胁到社会的稳定,近年来,吸毒人群又大范围的向未成年人扩展,严重危及到我国青少年一代的健康,本文旨在探讨毒品犯罪引发的原因以及防治对策。  相似文献   

一、毒品复吸的原因(一)自身原因1心理因素。吸毒者对毒品的渴求心理强烈,具有很难戒断的心理依赖性。这种依赖心理的形成正是由于毒品的正负强化作用导致的。经过正负强化的作用,使吸毒者处在两种恶性循环之中,从而使吸毒者对毒品产生心理依赖,毒品的心理依赖性是吸毒者在生理脱毒后复吸率居高不下的重要原因。2.错误的认知。一是对毒品的危害性缺乏足够的认识。二是对吸食毒品的错误认知。三是误以为毒品可治病。四是对成功戒除毒瘾的错误认知。  相似文献   

近年来,随着社会的发展,我国毒品犯罪出现了新的特点,这为打击毒品犯罪增加了难度和复杂性,为了完善刑事立法,更好地打击毒品犯罪,本文对我国毒品犯罪刑事立法进行了简要梳理,并探讨了我国禁毒刑事立法的原则。  相似文献   

本文从多个方面分析了中亚毒品贸易不断增长的原因。  相似文献   

Vocation-coaching — Coaching in phases of personal reorientationA model for a coaching-method, the “Vocation-coaching” is presented, which was used successfully in the last two years. The main aspects of the model, namely discovering — strengthen — transfer, are described. The coaching-techniques which are used within the vocation-coaching are compared to the techniques of the conventional coaching. The target group of the vocation-coaching are individuals at turning points in their lives, especially at turning points in their professions. The needs of these persons are described and compared to the potential use of the method of the vocation-coaching.  相似文献   

46家国内企业使命陈述的实证分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文根据弗雷德·R·戴维提出的九要素标准对国内46家企业的使命陈述进行了实证分析和评价。结果发现:(1)国内企业在制定使命陈述的时候最关注的要素是产品和服务、观念,其次是市场、关心员工、技术和自我认知等要素,而最不关注的是对公众形象的关切要素和顾客要素。(2)根据九要素评价标准,国内企业在使命陈述制定水平上尚须提高。(3)高科技企业的使命陈述比传统型企业的要好,在具体评价指标上,高科技企业也要好于传统型企业。另外,服务型企业的使命陈述与生产制造型企业也有差异,部分要素的偏重有所不同。(4)国内企业的使命陈述比较重视创新精神,还有部分企业的使命陈述表现出较强的民族情感。  相似文献   

回顾了国家杰出青年基金资助项目"企业理论"(70525005)的研究情况,分析了该项目的研究背景及意义,介绍了该项目的主要研究内容与主要成果,列举了该项目的代表性论文和著作.  相似文献   

国际营销的两个流派:标准化观点对适应性观点   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
本文对有关国际营销中的标准化观点和适应性观点的研究论文进行了分析和综述,讨论了这两种观点的支持性论点,解释了各自成立的假设条件和理论基础。最后,讨论了本研究的管理学含义并指出了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

On Analytic Empirical Bayes Estimation of Failure Rates   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The estimation of plant accident rates and component failure rates is addressed within the framework of a parametric empirical Bayes approach. The observables, the numbers of failures recorded in various similar systems, obey the Poisson probability law. The parameters of a common gamma prior distribution are determined by a special moment matching method such that the results are consistent with classical (fiducial) confidence limits. Relations between Bayesian, classical, and Stein's estimation are discussed. The theory of the method is fully developed, although the suggested procedure itself is relatively simple. Solutions exist and they are in allowed ranges for all practical cases, including small samples and clustered data. They are also unbiased for large samples. Numerical examples are analyzed to illustrate the method and to allow comparisons with other methods.  相似文献   

This paper is motivated by scheduling photolithography machines in semiconductor manufacturing wherein reticle requirements are the auxiliary resource constraints. As the problem is NP hard, two different heuristic solution approaches are developed. The performance of our network-based mathematical model and heuristics are evaluated through an extensive set of problem instances. The best performing heuristic method typically produces solutions that are 1.72% above optimal. If this method is used as the seed solution for a Tabu search-based post processing algorithm, schedules that are 0.78% above the optimal solution, on average, are possible.  相似文献   

This paper considers regression models for cross‐section data that exhibit cross‐section dependence due to common shocks, such as macroeconomic shocks. The paper analyzes the properties of least squares (LS) estimators in this context. The results of the paper allow for any form of cross‐section dependence and heterogeneity across population units. The probability limits of the LS estimators are determined, and necessary and sufficient conditions are given for consistency. The asymptotic distributions of the estimators are found to be mixed normal after recentering and scaling. The t, Wald, and F statistics are found to have asymptotic standard normal, χ2, and scaled χ2 distributions, respectively, under the null hypothesis when the conditions required for consistency of the parameter under test hold. However, the absolute values of t, Wald, and F statistics are found to diverge to infinity under the null hypothesis when these conditions fail. Confidence intervals exhibit similarly dichotomous behavior. Hence, common shocks are found to be innocuous in some circumstances, but quite problematic in others. Models with factor structures for errors and regressors are considered. Using the general results, conditions are determined under which consistency of the LS estimators holds and fails in models with factor structures. The results are extended to cover heterogeneous and functional factor structures in which common factors have different impacts on different population units.  相似文献   

Priority Setting for the Distribution of Localized Hazard Protection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We address the problem of distributing safety-enhancing devices across a region, where each identical device provides for only local protection of the population. The devices protect nonidentical sectors of the population. The sectors of population are exposed to nonidentical intensities of hazard. A method for the screening and prioritizing of needs for the protective devices is described. An approach of risk-benefit-cost analysis under uncertainty is recommended as follows. Measures of hazard intensity and population exposure are identified. Exogenous parameters that influence assessments of risks, benefits, and costs are identified. Uncertainties of the exogenous parameters are propagated by interval analysis. Several tiers of the plausibility of need for protection are identified. The tiers are useful in setting priorities for the distribution of the safety devices. The method is demonstrated in an engineering application to roadway lighting, but has implications for disaster preparedness, anti-terrorism, transportation safety, and other arenas of public safety.  相似文献   

本文构建了具有平方根扩散特征的三因子仿射利率期限结构模型,给出了基于卡尔曼滤波法的模型参数估计过程,利用蒙特卡罗模拟对我国国债进行定价预测,并与Longstaff-Schwartz模型、Vasicek模型、Cox-Inger-soll-Ross模型的定价效果进行实证比较.结果表明多因子模型要优于单因子模型,双因子模型要略优于三因子模型,从而为我国国债合理定价提供技术支持.  相似文献   

吴价宝  刘洪  任真礼 《管理学报》2009,6(5):622-627
通过对连云港市企业创建学习型组织现状的实证调研,总结了连云港市企业在创建学习型组织过程中取得的一些经验,剖析了连云港市企业在创建学习型组织中存在的问题.最后,从普遍意义上提出了继续深化中国企业创建学习型组织的对策与建议.  相似文献   

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