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与艾滋病病人及艾滋病病毒感染者的日常生活和工作接触不会感染艾滋病。由于对艾滋病缺乏深入的了解,一些人对艾滋病谈虎色变,对艾滋病病人及其感染者采取歧视、回避和排斥的态度。事实上在日常工作和生活中与艾滋病病人及其病毒感染者的一般接触(如握手、拥抱、共同进...  相似文献   

何绍辉 《南方人口》2010,25(4):18-25
农村青年婚配难是各种结构性因素与非结构性(场景性)因素共同作用的结果;出生性别比失衡、婚姻梯次和年龄结构差等是导致农村青年婚配难的结构性因素,而个人条件、经济基础、思想观念和社会关系网络等则是引致农村青年婚配难的非结构性(场景性)因素。本文基于辽东南东村光棍现象的实地调查,通过引入社会排斥理论,对农村青年婚配难现象的非结构性因素展开了分析和探讨,认为:身体排斥、身份排斥、经济排斥、观念排斥和社会关系排斥等是导致农村青年婚配难的主要排斥机制。婚姻排斥作为一个集场景性与结构性相结合的分析性框架,是我们理解和解释婚配难、婚姻市场失衡等问题的新的理论视角。农村青年要想顺利地进入婚姻市场,青年自身、基层组织和国家必须“力所能及”地克服和消除社会排斥机制。  相似文献   

"代耕农"是珠三角农业流动人口中的特殊弱势群体,他们处于社会管理的真空地带,遭遇社会排斥而被边缘化,面临政治权力缺失、社会保障缺乏、子女教育困难等系列问题,并影响农村社会稳定发展。从"代耕农"对流入地适应、土地征收、户籍、子女教育、婚姻等问题的社会心态入手,反映珠三角"代耕农"心态和行为。呼吁政府介入,社会关注,改变"代耕农"群体的心理状况和生活水平,积极引导"代耕农"健康发展。  相似文献   

随着互联网等信息通信技术(Information Communications Technology,简称ICT)的飞速发展和在日常生活中的广泛应用,ICT使用对个体生活质量的影响越来越受到学界关注。以往研究表明,ICT使用对个体生活质量有重要影响,但研究结论上尚具有矛盾性。同时,以往研究较少基于中国社会文化背景分析ICT使用对中国老年人生活质量的影响,也缺乏对其内在作用机理的分析。基于2019年中国社会状况综合调查数据(Chinese Social Survey,CSS),通过使用多元线性回归模型(OLS)分析ICT使用对中国老年人生活质量的影响,通过使用倾向值得分匹配法(PSM)检验ICT使用对生活质量影响结果的稳健性,通过使用中介效应分析方法检验社会互动在ICT使用与生活质量之间的中介作用。研究发现,ICT使用能显著提高中国老年人生活质量,且社会互动中介了ICT使用对中国老年人生活质量的影响。研究结果表明,ICT使用对中国老年人生活质量有积极的促进作用,不仅能直接提升中国老年人生活质量,而且通过社会互动间接提高中国老年人生活质量。研究结果启示,在中国互联网等ICT快速发展和广泛应...  相似文献   

人类发展指数(HDI) 是对人类发展成就的总体衡量尺度。是测量一个国家在人类发展的三个基本方面的平均成就:(1)健康长寿的生活,用出生时预期寿命表示。(2)知识,用成人识字率以及小学、中学和大学综合毛入学率表示。(3)体面的生活水平,用人均GDP表示。如果某国或地区的人类发展指数高于0.80,则是高人类发展水平;指数在0.50~0.79之间是中等人类发展水平;低于0.50则是低人类发展水平。  相似文献   

文章利用2011、2014和2018年中国老年健康影响因素跟踪调查数据(CLHLS),实证检验社区照料服务可及性对城市老年人生活满意度的影响。研究发现:(1)社区照料服务可及性显著提升了老年人生活满意度评价为“很好”和“好”的概率,降低了“一般”和“不好、很不好”的概率。(2)异质性检验结果表明,社区照料服务可及性对于自我健康感知较差、对非家庭成员有社会依赖、仅与子女同住或与配偶及子女共同居住的老年人生活满意度提升效果更显著。(3)对于目前尚无照料需求的老人,社区照料服务可及性减轻了其焦虑程度,进而提高了生活满意度;对于有实际照料需求的老人,在家庭照料未满足时社区照料服务可及性能够显著提升其生活满意度。文章认为,应充分认识社区照料服务对老年人幸福晚年的价值和作用,提供全方位的社区照料服务,实现老有所护、老有所安,提升老年群体服务获得感、照料满足感和生活幸福感。  相似文献   

王隆文 《西北人口》2012,33(1):56-60
用工偏好、文化差异、资源匮乏是影响少数民族大学生就业排斥的突出因素,保障既定政策实施所形成的制度排斥是影响其平等就业的法律障碍。宪法平等原则要求禁止基于不合理区别的就业歧视,在少数民族大学生面临社会资本缺乏、就业竞争力落后与社会固有偏见等客观事实的情况下,应当将保障该群体获得必要的公平就业岗位纳入巩固平等团结互助和谐的社会主义民族关系法律保障机制,并在国家公务员考录、事业单位和国企招聘中采取配额录取等临时法律措施。  相似文献   

老年痴呆病人照料体系实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
老年痴呆或称阿耳茨海默氏病(AD)是一种老年高发性疾病,严重影响着老年人的生活质量,并波及到家庭和社会。通过对北京、保定、济南三地的调查和分析,发现老年痴呆病人的照料体系具有(1)照料负荷大、层次低;(2)主要照料者呈现出以配偶为主、子女为辅的模式;(3)照料系统较为脆弱,可近性差;(4)照料供需缺口大等特点。建议今后应从提高照料者照料素质,建立健全社区服务网络,缩小供需差距等方面建构和完善照料体系。  相似文献   

合理配置老人卫生服务资源的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从卫生、民政部门管理和提供的为老人服务资源的配置状况、老年人选择服务的因素对医疗保险基金的影响 ,分析了上海已形成多种形式为老人医疗、护理、生活照顾的服务设施和服务人群 ,但缺乏明确的入住服务设施的评估标准 ,不知哪类老年人需要接受哪种医疗或护理服务或生活照顾 ;老人健康服务的各种资源的合理配置尚有问题 ;此外还界定了老人医疗、护理、生活照顾的功能并提出新的见解 ,使其最大程度地解决老年人的医疗保障问题  相似文献   

避孕药适用于已婚、身体健康的育龄妇女。使用避孕药的禁忌症分绝对禁忌、一般禁忌和相对禁忌三种类型。1 .绝对禁忌症 :(1)患有肝脏病或肝功能异常者 ;(2)乳腺癌或生殖道恶性肿瘤患者 ,尤其是腺瘤 ;(3)冠状动脉疾病患者或其他心血管疾病患者 ;(4)妊娠妇女 ;2 .一般禁忌症 :(1)头痛 ,尤其是血管性的头痛和偏头痛患者 ;(2)血液舒张压在90毫米汞柱以上者 ;(3)糖尿病、隐性糖尿病或有糖尿病家族史者 ;(4)胆囊疾患或行胆囊切除者 ;(5)既往妊娠有胆汁淤积或先天性高胆红质血症者 ;(6)急性单核细胞增多症者 ;(…  相似文献   


Online dating has become increasingly popular among older adults following broader social media adoption patterns. The current study examined the visual representations of people on 39 dating sites intended for the older population, with a particular focus on the visualization of the intersection between age and gender. All 39 dating sites for older adults were located through the Google search engine. Visual thematic analysis was performed with reference to general, non-age-related signs (e.g., facial expression, skin color), signs of aging (e.g., perceived age, wrinkles), relational features (e.g., proximity between individuals), and additional features such as number of people presented. The visual analysis in the present study revealed a clear intersection between ageism and sexism in the presentation of older adults. The majority of men and women were smiling and had a fair complexion, with light eye color and perceived age of younger than 60. Older women were presented as younger and wore more cosmetics as compared with older men. The present study stresses the social regulation of sexuality, as only heterosexual couples were presented. The narrow representation of older adults and the anti-aging messages portrayed in the pictures convey that love, intimacy, and sexual activity are for older adults who are “forever young.”  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper was to investigate the developmental patterns of social exclusion among older Koreans over time. In addition, we identified the significant determinants that may increase the risk of social exclusion among older Koreans. The analyses were based on the panel data from the Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing and included older adults from 2008 to 2012 (N?=?24,074) for the final analysis. Social exclusion was categorized into four different sub-dimensions: financial, social relational, social cultural, and emotional. The analysis was based on a semi-parametric group-based approach followed by multinomial logistic regression. The results showed considerable variations and different developmental trajectories by the social exclusion sub-dimensions among older Koreans; in particular, the results showed that being older, male, and less educated were significant indicators of social exclusion. This study adds to the limited body of literature on longitudinal studies of social exclusion among older Koreans, and the results will help develop interventions for older Koreans who are socially isolated.


文章阐述了流动老人社会融合概念的内涵与外延,并建构该概念的测量指标体系。流动老人兼具老年和流动的双重特征,使得老年社会学和流动人口两种研究视角交织在一条轨道上来理解流动老人社会融合的内涵。流动老人社会融合是指流动老人在流入地通过自我应对,尤其是社会支持等途径,消减遭受社会排斥的风险,建立起与其生活空间的良好互动关系,从而满足各种老年生活基本需要,实现生活质量提高的状态。从流动老人所处生活空间的角度分析,流动老人社会融合包括心理认同、家庭融洽、社区融合、区域适应、制度包融五个维度,每个维度包含若干代表性指标。  相似文献   

This study compared the psychosocial well-being and functioning of frail elderly people who live alone to those who live with others. An exploratory study was conducted with a sample of 5,265 members of a social HMO in Southern California. Those living alone were more likely to be widowed, female, and European American. Elderly people living with others reported higher levels of depression and poorer functioning. Both groups reported having a social support network, but the sources of support varied. This study contradicts older research with its finding that living alone is not synonymous with depression. Further research is recommended.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine the predictors of subjective well-being and their variations between older gays and older lesbians. Participants were 143 gays and 66 lesbians aged 56–80 who reside in Israel. Assessments included subjective well-being, hope, health, participation, activities of daily living (ADL), instrumental ADLs, environment and living conditions, and accessibility and availability of community services. In the fully-adjusted models, hope and health were the most potent predictors of subjective well-being, respectively, among gays and lesbians. Additional significant predictors, among gays, were community availability and accessibility and satisfaction with one’s environment and living conditions. Findings suggest that while primary predictors of subjective well-being are similar among gays and lesbians, communal and residential factors are unique significant contributors to the subjective well-being of gays. It may be that among older lesbians, but not among older gays, personal resources are more important contributors to subjective well-being in comparison to community-based resources.  相似文献   

Using data from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study, the purpose of this study is twofold. First, the study identifies coping strategies used by older adults. Second, the study examines the impact of older adults’ chosen coping strategies on mortality reduction. The study focuses specifically on differences in the use of religious and secular coping strategies among this population. The findings suggest that although coping strategies differ between those who self-classify as religious and those who self-classify as nonreligious, for both groups social approaches to coping (e.g., attending church and volunteering) are more likely than individual approaches (e.g., praying or active/passive coping) to reduce the risk of mortality. The most efficacious coping strategies, however, are those matched to characteristics of the individual.  相似文献   

While combating social exclusion has been a key target of the European Union’s social policy in recent years, the concept remains contested and various ways of measuring its prevalence have been proposed. In the Netherlands a survey-based method has been in use since 2004, which refers to four theoretical elements of social exclusion: material deprivation, limited social participation, inadequate access to basic social rights and a lack of normative integration. In this article we propose an improved and more concise version of the instrument. Using focus groups and cognitive tests, the study first examined whether it adequately covers the different elements of social exclusion. Based on the results, the existing items were reformulated and supplemented. A revised questionnaire was then submitted to a new stratified sample of 650 respondents, randomly drawn from an online panel and a database of people without access to the Internet. The weighted outcomes may be regarded as representative for the entire adult Dutch population, although some caveats apply. Using nonlinear canonical correlation analysis, we identified a single underlying dimension in our new data set. This contains 15 items, with three to four indicators for each of the theoretical elements of social exclusion. According to our general index, just under 5 % of the Dutch population aged 18 years or older are faced with a serious degree of social exclusion. On the four subscales the figure ranges from 7 % (social rights) to 22 % (material deprivation).  相似文献   

Although homelessness is inherently associated with social exclusion, homeless individuals are rarely included in conventional studies on social exclusion. Use of longitudinal survey data from a cohort study on homeless people in four major Dutch cities (n = 378) allowed to examine: changes in indicators of social exclusion among homeless people over a 2.5-year period after reporting to the social relief system, and associations between changes in indicators of social exclusion and changes in psychological distress. Multinomial logistic regression analysis was applied to investigate the associations between changes in indicators of social exclusion and changes in psychological distress. Improvements were found in various indicators of social exclusion, whereas financial debts showed no significant improvement. Changes in unmet care needs, health insurance, social support from family and relatedness to others were related to changes in psychological distress. This study demonstrated improvements in various indicators of social exclusion among homeless people over a period of 2.5 years, and sheds light on the concept of social exclusion in relation to homelessness.  相似文献   

Older immigrants are more likely to share residence with their adult children and other family members than are U.S.-born older adults. Because socioeconomic factors only partially explain these differences and direct measures of cultural preferences are seldom available, the persistently high rates of intergenerational coresidence among the older foreign-born are often interpreted as driven by cultural preferences and/or a lack of assimilation. To challenge this interpretation, this study investigates the extent to which older immigrants’ living arrangements deviate from those of older adults in their home countries. The analysis combines data on immigrants from the 2008–2012 American Community Survey (ACS) with census data from three major immigrant-sending countries: Mexico, the Dominican Republic, and Vietnam. Despite persistent differences from U.S.-born whites, coresidence in later life is significantly less common than in the sending countries among the older foreign-born who migrated as young adults, and especially among those who migrated as children. The older foreign-born who migrated after age 50, however, are more likely to coreside and less likely to live independently than the older adults in their home countries. The similarity of these patterns across the three immigrant subgroups suggests that the unusually high coresidence among late-life immigrants is driven by U.S. family reunification policy and not simply by cultural influences.  相似文献   

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