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Quantile regression models are a powerful tool for studying different points of the conditional distribution of univariate response variables. Their multivariate counterpart extension though is not straightforward, starting with the definition of multivariate quantiles. We propose here a flexible Bayesian quantile regression model when the response variable is multivariate, where we are able to define a structured additive framework for all predictor variables. We build on previous ideas considering a directional approach to define the quantiles of a response variable with multiple outputs, and we define noncrossing quantiles in every directional quantile model. We define a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) procedure for model estimation, where the noncrossing property is obtained considering a Gaussian process design to model the correlation between several quantile regression models. We illustrate the results of these models using two datasets: one on dimensions of inequality in the population, such as income and health; the second on scores of students in the Brazilian High School National Exam, considering three dimensions for the response variable.  相似文献   

A leading multivariate extension of the univariate quantiles is the so-called “spatial” or “geometric” notion, for which sample versions are highly robust and conveniently satisfy a Bahadur–Kiefer representation. Another extension of univariate quantiles has been to univariate U-quantiles, on the basis of which, for example, the well-known Hodges–Lehmann location estimator has a natural formulation. Generalizing both extensions, we introduce multivariate spatial U-quantiles and develop a corresponding Bahadur–Kiefer representation. New statistics based on spatial U-quantiles are presented for nonparametric estimation of multiple regression coefficients, extending the classical Theil–Sen nonparametric simple linear regression slope estimator, and for robust estimation of multivariate dispersion. Some other applications are mentioned as well.  相似文献   

The authors propose two composite likelihood estimation procedures for multivariate models with regression/univariate and dependence parameters. One is a two‐stage method based on both univariate and bivariate margins. The other estimates all the parameters simultaneously based on bivariate margins. For some special cases, the authors compare their asymptotic efficiencies with the maximum likelihood method. The performance of the two methods is reasonable, except that the first procedure is inefficient for the regression parameters under strong dependence. The second approach is generally better for the regression parameters, but less efficient for the dependence parameters under weak dependence.  相似文献   

The estimation of extreme conditional quantiles is an important issue in different scientific disciplines. Up to now, the extreme value literature focused mainly on estimation procedures based on independent and identically distributed samples. Our contribution is a two-step procedure for estimating extreme conditional quantiles. In a first step nonextreme conditional quantiles are estimated nonparametrically using a local version of [Koenker, R. and Bassett, G. (1978). Regression quantiles. Econometrica, 46, 33–50.] regression quantile methodology. Next, these nonparametric quantile estimates are used as analogues of univariate order statistics in procedures for extreme quantile estimation. The performance of the method is evaluated for both heavy tailed distributions and distributions with a finite right endpoint using a small sample simulation study. A bootstrap procedure is developed to guide in the selection of an optimal local bandwidth. Finally the procedure is illustrated in two case studies.  相似文献   

We have previously(Segal and Neuhaus, 1993) devised methods for obtaining marginal regression coefficients and associated variance estimates for multivariate survival data, using a synthesis of the Poisson regression formulation for univariate censored survival analysis and generalized estimating equations (GEE's). The method is parametric in that a baseline survival distribution is specified. Analogous semiparametric models, with unspecified baseline survival, have also been developed (Wei, Lin and Weissfeld, 1989; Lin, 1994).Common to both these approaches is the provision of robust variances for the regression parameters. However, none of this work has addressed the more difficult area of dependence estimation. While GEE approaches ostensibly provide such estimates, we show that there are problems adopting these with multivariate survival data. Further, we demonstrate that these problems can affect estimation of the regression coefficients themselves. An alternate, ad hoc approach to dependence estimation, based on design effects, is proposed and evaluated via simulation and illustrative examples. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We introduce a new notion of positive dependence of survival times of system components using the multivariate arrangement increasing property. Following the spirit of Barlow and Mendel (J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 87, 1116–1122), who introduced a new univariate aging notion relative to exchangeable populations of components, we characterize a multivariate positive dependence with respect to exchangeable multicomponent systems. Closure properties of such a class of distributions under some reliability operations are discussed. For an infinite population of systems our definition of multivariate positive dependence can be considered in the frequentist’s paradigm as multivariate totally positive of order 2 with an independence condition. de Finetti(-type) representations for a particular class of survival functions are also given.  相似文献   

We propose a multivariate functional response low‐rank regression model with possible high‐dimensional functional responses and scalar covariates. By expanding the slope functions on a set of sieve bases, we reconstruct the basis coefficients as a matrix. To estimate these coefficients, we propose an efficient procedure using nuclear norm regularization. We also derive error bounds for our estimates and evaluate our method using simulations. We further apply our method to the Human Connectome Project neuroimaging data to predict cortical surface motor task‐evoked functional magnetic resonance imaging signals using various clinical covariates to illustrate the usefulness of our results.  相似文献   

In linear quantile regression, the regression coefficients for different quantiles are typically estimated separately. Efforts to improve the efficiency of estimators are often based on assumptions of commonality among the slope coefficients. We propose instead a two-stage procedure whereby the regression coefficients are first estimated separately and then smoothed over quantile level. Due to the strong correlation between coefficient estimates at nearby quantile levels, existing bandwidth selectors will pick bandwidths that are too small. To remedy this, we use 10-fold cross-validation to determine a common bandwidth inflation factor for smoothing the intercept as well as slope estimates. Simulation results suggest that the proposed method is effective in pooling information across quantile levels, resulting in estimates that are typically more efficient than the separately obtained estimates and the interquantile shrinkage estimates derived using a fused penalty function. The usefulness of the proposed method is demonstrated in a real data example.  相似文献   

Motivated from problems in canonical correlation analysis, reduced rank regression and sufficient dimension reduction, we introduce a double dimension reduction model where a single index of the multivariate response is linked to the multivariate covariate through a single index of these covariates, hence the name double single index model. Because nonlinear association between two sets of multivariate variables can be arbitrarily complex and even intractable in general, we aim at seeking a principal one‐dimensional association structure where a response index is fully characterized by a single predictor index. The functional relation between the two single‐indices is left unspecified, allowing flexible exploration of any potential nonlinear association. We argue that such double single index association is meaningful and easy to interpret, and the rest of the multi‐dimensional dependence structure can be treated as nuisance in model estimation. We investigate the estimation and inference of both indices and the regression function, and derive the asymptotic properties of our procedure. We illustrate the numerical performance in finite samples and demonstrate the usefulness of the modelling and estimation procedure in a multi‐covariate multi‐response problem concerning concrete.  相似文献   

Multivariate data arise frequently in biomedical and health studies where multiple response variables are collected across subjects. Unlike a univariate procedure fitting each response separately, a multivariate regression model provides a unique opportunity in studying the joint evolution of various response variables. In this paper, we propose two estimation procedures that improve estimation efficiency for the regression parameter by accommodating correlations among the response variables. The proposed procedures do not require knowledge of the true correlation structure nor does it estimate the parameters associated with the correlation. Theoretical and simulation results confirm that the proposed estimators are more efficient than the one obtained from the univariate approach. We further propose simple and powerful inference procedures for a goodness-of-fit test that possess the chi-squared asymptotic properties. Extensive simulation studies suggest that the proposed tests are more powerful than the Wald test based on the univariate procedure. The proposed methods are also illustrated through the mother’s stress and children’s morbidity study.  相似文献   

The continuous extension of a discrete random variable is amongst the computational methods used for estimation of multivariate normal copula-based models with discrete margins. Its advantage is that the likelihood can be derived conveniently under the theory for copula models with continuous margins, but there has not been a clear analysis of the adequacy of this method. We investigate the asymptotic and small-sample efficiency of two variants of the method for estimating the multivariate normal copula with univariate binary, Poisson, and negative binomial regressions, and show that they lead to biased estimates for the latent correlations, and the univariate marginal parameters that are not regression coefficients. We implement a maximum simulated likelihood method, which is based on evaluating the multidimensional integrals of the likelihood with randomized quasi-Monte Carlo methods. Asymptotic and small-sample efficiency calculations show that our method is nearly as efficient as maximum likelihood for fully specified multivariate normal copula-based models. An illustrative example is given to show the use of our simulated likelihood method.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology based on transforming estimation methods in optimization problems in order to incorporate in a natural way some constraints that contain extra information not considered by standard estimation methods, with the aim of improving the quality of the parameter estimates. We include here three types of such information: bounds for the cumulative distribution function, bounds for the quantiles, and any restrictions on the parameters such as those imposed by the support of the random variable under consideration. The method is quite general and can be applied to many estimation methods such as the maximum likelihood (ML), the method of moments (MOM), the least squares, the least absolute values, and the minimax methods. The performances of the obtained estimates from several families of distributions are investigated for the ML and the MOM, using simulations. The simulation results show that for small sample sizes important gains can be achieved with respect to the case where the above information is ignored. In addition, we discuss sensitivity analysis methods for assessing the influence of observations on the proposed estimators. The method applies to both univariate and multivariate data.  相似文献   

We consider nonparametric estimation problems in the presence of dependent data, notably nonparametric regression with random design and nonparametric density estimation. The proposed estimation procedure is based on a dimension reduction. The minimax optimal rate of convergence of the estimator is derived assuming a sufficiently weak dependence characterised by fast decreasing mixing coefficients. We illustrate these results by considering classical smoothness assumptions. However, the proposed estimator requires an optimal choice of a dimension parameter depending on certain characteristics of the function of interest, which are not known in practice. The main issue addressed in our work is an adaptive choice of this dimension parameter combining model selection and Lepski's method. It is inspired by the recent work of Goldenshluger and Lepski [(2011), ‘Bandwidth Selection in Kernel Density Estimation: Oracle Inequalities and Adaptive Minimax Optimality’, The Annals of Statistics, 39, 1608–1632]. We show that this data-driven estimator can attain the lower risk bound up to a constant provided a fast decay of the mixing coefficients.  相似文献   

For estimation of time-varying coefficient longitudinal models, the widely used local least-squares (LS) or covariance-weighted local LS smoothing uses information from the local sample average. Motivated by the fact that a combination of multiple quantiles provides a more complete picture of the distribution, we investigate quantile regression-based methods to improve efficiency by optimally combining information across quantiles. Under the working independence scenario, the asymptotic variance of the proposed estimator approaches the Cramér–Rao lower bound. In the presence of dependence among within-subject measurements, we adopt a prewhitening technique to transform regression errors into independent innovations and show that the prewhitened optimally weighted quantile average estimator asymptotically achieves the Cramér–Rao bound for the independent innovations. Fully data-driven bandwidth selection and optimal weights estimation are implemented through a two-step procedure. Monte Carlo studies show that the proposed method delivers more robust and superior overall performance than that of the existing methods.  相似文献   

We discuss maximum likelihood and estimating equations methods for combining results from multiple studies in pooling projects and data consortia using a meta-analysis model, when the multivariate estimates with their covariance matrices are available. The estimates to be combined are typically regression slopes, often from relative risk models in biomedical and epidemiologic applications. We generalize the existing univariate meta-analysis model and investigate the efficiency advantages of the multivariate methods, relative to the univariate ones. We generalize a popular univariate test for between-studies homogeneity to a multivariate test. The methods are applied to a pooled analysis of type of carotenoids in relation to lung cancer incidence from seven prospective studies. In these data, the expected gain in efficiency was evident, sometimes to a large extent. Finally, we study the finite sample properties of the estimators and compare the multivariate ones to their univariate counterparts.  相似文献   

We propose a new regression-based filter for extracting signals online from multivariate high frequency time series. It separates relevant signals of several variables from noise and (multivariate) outliers.

Unlike parallel univariate filters, the new procedure takes into account the local covariance structure between the single time series components. It is based on high-breakdown estimates, which makes it robust against (patches of) outliers in one or several of the components as well as against outliers with respect to the multivariate covariance structure. Moreover, the trade-off problem between bias and variance for the optimal choice of the window width is approached by choosing the size of the window adaptively, depending on the current data situation.

Furthermore, we present an advanced algorithm of our filtering procedure that includes the replacement of missing observations in real time. Thus, the new procedure can be applied in online-monitoring practice. Applications to physiological time series from intensive care show the practical effect of the proposed filtering technique.  相似文献   

A new nonparametric quantile regression method based on the concept of optimal quantization was developed recently and was showed to provide estimators that often dominate their classical, kernel-type, competitors. In the present work, we extend this method to multiple-output regression problems. We show how quantization allows approximating population multiple-output regression quantiles based on halfspace depth. We prove that this approximation becomes arbitrarily accurate as the size of the quantization grid goes to infinity. We also derive a weak consistency result for a sample version of the proposed regression quantiles. Through simulations, we compare the performances of our estimators with (local constant and local bilinear) kernel competitors. The results reveal that the proposed quantization-based estimators, which are local constant in nature, outperform their kernel counterparts and even often dominate their local bilinear kernel competitors. The various approaches are also compared on artificial and real data.  相似文献   

General multivariate quantiles are employed to extend the classic univariate process precision index to the multivariate context under very mild conditions. Using halfspace depth regions for this purpose is especially recommended because it leads to both computational simplicity and natural generalizations to the tool-wear setup thanks to some recent advances in multiple-output and projectional quantile regression. A few examples are included to illustrate how the methodology might work in practice.  相似文献   

The L1-type regularization provides a useful tool for variable selection in high-dimensional regression modeling. Various algorithms have been proposed to solve optimization problems for L1-type regularization. Especially the coordinate descent algorithm has been shown to be effective in sparse regression modeling. Although the algorithm shows a remarkable performance to solve optimization problems for L1-type regularization, it suffers from outliers, since the procedure is based on the inner product of predictor variables and partial residuals obtained from a non-robust manner. To overcome this drawback, we propose a robust coordinate descent algorithm, especially focusing on the high-dimensional regression modeling based on the principal components space. We show that the proposed robust algorithm converges to the minimum value of its objective function. Monte Carlo experiments and real data analysis are conducted to examine the efficiency of the proposed robust algorithm. We observe that our robust coordinate descent algorithm effectively performs for the high-dimensional regression modeling even in the presence of outliers.  相似文献   

Motivated by Chaudhuri's work [1996. On a geometric notion of quantiles for multivariate data. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 91, 862–872] on unconditional geometric quantiles, we explore the asymptotic properties of sample geometric conditional quantiles, defined through kernel functions, in high-dimensional spaces. We establish a Bahadur-type linear representation for the geometric conditional quantile estimator and obtain the convergence rate for the corresponding remainder term. From this, asymptotic normality including bias on the estimated geometric conditional quantile is derived. Based on these results, we propose confidence ellipsoids for multivariate conditional quantiles. The methodology is illustrated via data analysis and a Monte Carlo study.  相似文献   

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