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林语堂 《领导文萃》2008,(13):61-63
你把演说中所搜集的材料,随时把它写在纸片上,你不妨把它当作玩纸牌似的时时翻阅,把它们分别列组,依次排列,存其精华,去其糠粕,然后再加以整理,加以修饰,这是预备演说的一种方法。你一直要到你的演说发表以后,这预备的工夫才是结束。你这样的预备,自然有着你的演说稿的。  相似文献   

让我们想象这样一幅场景:一位人类学家来到你的办公室,他用了一整天时间跟在你身边,寸步不离地观察你的一言一行。当你一天工作结束之后,他告诉你,在这一整天当中,他只看到了一件事情——人们在不停地进行沟通。这位人类学家告诉你,在这一天的时间里,他参加了一些正式的会议,看到人们在进行面对面的交流,进行随机的讨论,或者是通过电子邮件进行沟通。“没错,确实如此,”你说道,“可那叉怎样呢?”人类学家告诉你,你在这一天当中所说的话大多数都是重复的。“这很好,”你告诉自己,  相似文献   

激发能力这一术语通常被用来描述你的动力和你的强项相互重合的部分,我将其描述为你的领导力的“兴奋点”。在动力这个问题上,积极心理学的开山鼻祖,克莱蒙特大学教授米哈里·奇克森特米海伊曾经指出,“要想找到你的兴奋点,首先要找出你擅长的东西,然后再找出你喜欢的东西。”  相似文献   

陈晓光 《领导文萃》2008,(18):96-98
如果你一无所有,还想活得有意思,活出一番气象来,那你就要考虑跟个人,帮这个人把事业做大,再借助其成就和权势,实现你的理想。这是一种便捷有效的路径,很多人由此而功成名就,两汉交替时期有个叫冯异的人,堪称这方面的天才。  相似文献   

市场经济是最刻薄的老师,在你还没上课的时候,它就让你交学费,这学费让你学的就是竞争,无论你能否认识到这点,只要你想在这场竞争中“出人头地”。据说上帝本来可以创造出能长面包的树,但它却创造了小麦,这就形成了面包市场的竞争,因为人们无法抵御饥饿对面包的要求。你用小麦做成的面包能否被消费者接纳,不光取决于你制作的面包质量,同时也取决于你的对手制作面包的水平。这就是竞争,是经济发展的必然。要想使自己制作的面包能有买主,出路只有一条,那就是融入市场。只有市场才会告诉你如何生存。天津机电设备招标局局长刘学玲…  相似文献   

当你面临一个新的班级时,你会做些什么。俗话说:一张白纸能写最新最美的文字,能画最新最美的图画。不错的,班主任就是这一张白纸的设计师。你的工作千头万绪,第一件事做什么?有一句名言:最好的开端是成功的一半,可见其重要性了。所以新班集体的形成要靠:  相似文献   

乐子 《经营管理者》2014,(5):108-108
封面最下方“彻底改变你看待这个世界的方式”这句评价或许有些夸张。但很负责任地说,读这本书,也许并不能在短时间内改变你的生活方式和态度,却能一点一点渗透进你的生活,慢熳影响着你。  相似文献   

贲铄起 《经理人》2011,(3):128-128
今天网游市场已经日渐成熟,任何相关应用都能够找到解决方案。这代表什么?代表在这个行业里面任何产品都存在着竞争对手。Lava也是如此,那么成功一定要打败对手吗?我认为不尽然,市场和商场一样,没有哪家能够一家独大,赢家通吃,虽然有些产品已经走在了你前面,这并不妨碍你再进来;有些后来者虽然对你穷追猛赶,  相似文献   

李思辉 《决策探索》2011,(21):10-10
近日,一位北大副校长发微博:“你是北大人,看到老人摔倒了你就去扶。他要是讹你,北大法律系给你提供法律援助,要是败诉了,北大替你赔偿!”这一被网友誉为“撑腰体”的表态,火爆网络。  相似文献   

如果在你制定的健康食谱中排除了黄油、牛奶和奶酪。这对你的身体和胃口可都没什么好处。对于通常宣传中提到的“坏”食品,现在应该有所改观了,忘掉那些禁忌的建议吧,你的新计划应该重新改一改了。  相似文献   

European and U.S. regulatory policies have changed considerably over the past 30 years. In Europe, since the mid-1980s, consumer and environmental regulation has become more politically salient and regulations have by and large become stricter. On the other hand, in the United States consumer and environmental issues have become less salient and contentious, and regulations have not become (comparatively) stricter. This apparent "flip-flop" of regulatory systems has not been analyzed in much detail to date. This perspective is an attempt to analyze some examples in which it has occurred and identifies one possible cause--namely, credibility.  相似文献   

As patients become "members" and "customers," as physicians become "practitioners" and "providers," the practice of medicine becomes more complex and more demanding. The changes that have affected the daily lives of physicians across America will continue and will likely become even more dramatic in the future. There is much to mourn in the passing of the medical practice of the recent past, but there is every reason to celebrate the ongoing triumphs of medicine and its successes in improving the human condition. The job of being a physician is not becoming any less important. The job has just gotten tougher. Successful physicians will cope with the multitude of changes in which the health care field is engaged and make themselves effective agents of change within their organizations.  相似文献   

"我建议,做企业的人最好去骑马,而且是自己拿着缰绳""做牙科诊所中的星巴克!"—这是佳美口腔医疗集团董事长刘佳的豪言,不过这也透露出刘佳在这个医疗细分领域中,有着足够的底气。  相似文献   

Exploring the larger subject of executive professionalism should include the whole range of behavior issues that affect others' perceptions of you. In this competitive environment, with limited time to manage relationships, physician executives must take control of all aspects affecting their credibility and communications. This is not to suggest that you become the stereotyped, air-brushed news anchor, all style and little substance, but that you create a total package, one in which the "inside" and the "outside" of your presentation are complementary. Focus your attention on how well you have developed these factors as a physician executive: Appearance; demeanor; professionalism; and integrity. To create a "total package," it is helpful to consider the following recommendations: Write "commercials" for yourself and your organization; use every interaction as a selling opportunity; make every context a platform; don't hide from criticism--seek it out; and use every opportunity that comes your way to listen.  相似文献   

应该选择怎样的上市路线?2009年5月1日,《首次公开发行股票并在创业板上市管理暂行办法》(以下简称《暂行办法》)正式施行。创业板市场开启在望,对主板和中小板望洋兴叹的众多中小企业跃跃欲试,备战抢滩创业板。  相似文献   

In light of the present day risk controversies such as global warming and hormones in beef, partially caused by a more globalized world, national differences and similarities in how to manage risks become increasingly important. In this brief "perspective" we focus on how risks are managed in three nations, namely Japan, Sweden, and the United States, specifically focusing on the roles of deliberation, risk analysis, and the importance of cultural factors.  相似文献   

陈振烨  张婷 《经理人》2012,(2):96-97,16
电商繁荣,快递业红火,这种看似你好我好的双赢,却被局内者称作"虚假繁荣"。一个爆炸式的新兴行业,拉着一个最需要稳扎稳打的传统行业,在一条路况不清的高速路上飞奔。接下来将会发生什么?  相似文献   

As hospitals and health care systems maneuver for a position in the integrated health care delivery system, no initiative is more important than building an effective and competitive primary care network. Yet this critical initiative is fraught with potential pitfalls. In their haste to develop primary care networks, hospitals and health care systems may fail to thoroughly evaluate network participants and in turn create large, inclusive, and inefficient primary care networks that don't come close to breaking even, much less repay practice acquisition costs. In an effort to become more efficient, practitioners often find themselves in the unenviable position of "de-selecting" peers retrospectively. The author presents criteria for evaluating and selecting network physicians.  相似文献   

Behavior management has become an increasingly popular approach to the improvement of human work effectiveness. Philosophically, the origins of this movement can be traced almost directly to the Skinnerian distinction between operant and respondent behavior. The implications of this distinction have led to a reinforcerment based technology of behavior change with which behavior management is closely identified. In the present paper, it is argued that such an alignment places the behavior management approach in too narrow a perspective. In its most fundamental sense, this movement is both a scientific and methodological endeavor. As a science, behavior management has an empirical character marked by concerns for the objectivity and validity of its knowledge. Within this framework, the methodology it employs has many features in common both with procedures of "the experimental analysis of behavior" and with the tradition of "quasi-experimentation." The essential features of this common methodology are outlined. and their relation to several imponant types of validity issues is noted. In the final analysis, it is suggested that behavior management can be viewed more profitably as a general purpose "tool" for the evaluation of any potentially effective management practice than as a technological outgrowth of operant conditioning.  相似文献   

Perceived Risk, Trust, and Democracy   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
Paul Slovic 《Risk analysis》1993,13(6):675-682
Risk management has become increasingly politicized and contentious. Polarized views, controversy, and overt conflict have become pervasive. Risk-perception research has recently begun to provide a new perspective on this problem. Distrust in risk analysis and risk management plays a central role in this perspective. According to this view, the conflicts and controversies surrounding risk management are not due to public ignorance or irrationality but, instead, are seen as a side effect of our remarkable form of participatory democracy, amplified by powerful technological and social changes that systematically destroy trust. Recognizing the importance of trust and understanding the "dynamics of the system" that destroys trust has vast implications for how we approach risk management in the future.  相似文献   

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