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An Edgeworth expansion with remainder o(N?1) is obtained for signed linear rank statistics under suitable assumptions. The theorem is proved for a wide class of score generating functions including the Chi-quantile function by adapting van Zwet's methodand Does's conditioning arguments. 相似文献
James A. Koziol 《Statistics》2013,47(4):549-562
Let X 1,X 2,…,X N be successive independent random P-vectors drawn from some continuous diagonally symmetric distribution. The problem of detecting a shift in level of the sequence at an unknown time point M, ≦M ≦ N-1, is studied. Test statistics based on multivariate analogues of the rank statistics derived by BHATTACHARYYA and JOHNSON (1888) are proposed, and their asymptotic properties are investigated. 相似文献
Edward P. Markowski 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(15):1915-1918
An expression is presented for the mean of a linear signed rank statistic for the one sample location model. Several examples are given to illustrate its application. 相似文献
Previously proposed linear signed rank tests for multivariate location are not invariant under linear transformations of the observations, The asymptotic relative efficiencies of the tests 2 with respect to Hotelling's T2test depend on the direction of shift and the covariance matrix of the alternative distributions. For distributions with highly correlated components, the efficiencies of some of these tests can be arbitrarily low; they approach zero for certain multivariate normal alternatives, This article proposes a transformation of the data to be performed prior to standard linear signed rank tests, The resulting procedures have attractive power and efficiency properties compared to the original tests, In particular, for elliptically symmetric contiguous alternafives, the efficiencies of the new tests equal those of corresponding univariate linear signed rank tests with respect to the t test. 相似文献
N. Reid 《Revue canadienne de statistique》1985,13(2):155-165
A rank test based on the number of ‘near-matches’ among within-block rankings is proposed for stochastically ordered alternatives in a randomized block design with t treatments and b blocks. The asymptotic relative efficiency of this test with respect to the Page test is computed as number of blocks increases to infinity. A sequential analog of the above test procedure is also considered. A repeated significance test procedure is developed and average sample number is computed asymptotically under the null hypothesis as well as under a sequence of contiguous alternatives. 相似文献
The theory of locally most powerful rank tests and the union intersection principle are incorporated in the formulation of some distribution-free rank tests for ordered alternatives in some simple linear models (including the classical one-way layout as a special case). Some approximations for the null-hypothesis distributions of the test statistics ( for finite sample sizes) are considered, and the theory is supplemented by some numerical and simulation results. 相似文献
Pranab Kumar Sen 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(17):1691-1718
The structural affinity of mixed rank statistics and linear combinations of functions of concomitants of order statistics (or induced order statistics) is examined here. Some weal as well as strong invariance principles for these statistics are studied. A variety of models (depend on the nature of stochastic dependence of the two variates) is considered and the regularity conditions are tailored for these diverse situations. Some possible applications of these results in some problems of sequential (statistical) inference are also considered. 相似文献
Tea-Yuan Hwang 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(6):543-555
Exact limiting Chernoff efficiencies of the Wilcoxon rank test are derived using Hoadley's results. Efficiency curves are derived for the two-sample Wilcoxon rank test relative to the two-sample t test for normal shift alternatives when the null hypothesis is that of common normality. The comparisons with Bahadur efficiency and small sample Hodges-Lehmann efficiency-are also made. 相似文献
In this article, a simple linear regression model with independent and symmetric but non-identically distributed errors is considered. Asymptotic properties of the rank regression estimate defined in Jaeckel [Estimating regression coefficients by minimizing the dispersion of the residuals, Ann. Math. Statist. 43 (1972), pp. 1449–1458] are studied. We show that the studied estimator is consistent and asymptotically normally distributed. The cases of bounded and unbounded score functions are examined separately. The regularity conditions of the article are exemplified for finite mixture distributions. 相似文献
The authors present a new nonparametric approach to test for interaction in two‐way layouts. Based on the concept of composite linear rank statistics, they combine the correlated row and column ranking information to construct the test statistic. They determine the limiting distributions of the proposed test statistic under the null hypothesis and Pitman alternatives. They also propose consistent estimators for the limiting covariance matrices associated with the test. They illustrate the application of their test in practical settings using a microarray data set. 相似文献
Neuhaus Georg 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(2):667-701
Using the methods of asymptotic decision theory asymptotically optimal for translation and scale families as well as for certian nonparmetric families. Moreover, two new classes of nonlinear rank tests are introduced. These tests are designed for detecting either “ omnibus alternatives ” or “ one sided alternatives of trend ”. Under the null hypothesis of randomness all tests are distribution - free. The asymptotic distributions of the test statistics are derived under contiguous alternatives. 相似文献
Mohamed Tahir 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(12):4501-4509
Non-linear renewal theory is used to derive second order asymptotic expansions for the coverage probability of a fixed-width sequential confidence interval for an unknown parameter xin the inverse linear regression model. These expansions are obtained for a two-stage sequential procedure, proposed by Perng and Tong (1974) for the construction of a confidence interval for x. 相似文献
Serge Tardif 《Revue canadienne de statistique》1980,8(1):7-25
In the present investigation, the unconditional asymptotic distribution of a class of aligned rank order test statistics for randomized block designs is derived under the null hypothesis and for nearby alternatives, as the number of blocks tends to infinity. The proofs of these results are based on the asymptotic equivalence in quadratic mean between aligned observations and their ranks and thus are quite similar to the Hájek and SKidák (1967) approach. 相似文献
This paper develops a robust estimation procedure for the varying-coefficient partially linear model via local rank technique. The new procedure provides a highly efficient and robust alternative to the local linear least-squares method. In other words, the proposed method is highly efficient across a wide class of non-normal error distributions and it only loses a small amount of efficiency for normal error. Moreover, a test for the hypothesis of constancy for the nonparametric component is proposed. The test statistic is simple and thus the test procedure can be easily implemented. We conduct Monte Carlo simulation to examine the finite sample performance of the proposed procedures and apply them to analyse the environment data set. Both the theoretical and the numerical results demonstrate that the performance of our approach is at least comparable to those existing competitors. 相似文献
J.H.J. Einmahl B.O. Omolo M.L. Puri F.H. Ruymgaart 《Journal of statistical planning and inference》2005,130(1-2):167-182
In this paper, aligned rank statistics are considered for testing hypotheses regarding the location in repeated measurement designs, where the design matrix for each set of measurements is orthonormal. Such a design may, for instance, be used when testing for linearity. It turns out that the centered design matrix is not of full rank, and therefore it does not quite satisfy the usual conditions in the literature. The number of degrees of freedom of the limiting chi-square distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis, however, is not affected, unless rather special hypotheses are tested. An independent derivation of this limiting distribution is given, using the Chernoff–Savage approach. In passing, it is observed that independence of the choice of aligner, which in the location problem is well-known to be due to cancellation, may in scale problems occur as a result of the type of score function suitable for scale tests. A possible extension to multivariate data is briefly indicated. 相似文献
AbstractThis paper discusses Johansen’s likelihood ratio tests to determine the cointegration rank under local alternative hypotheses in the vector autoregressive models (VARs) in which drift or linear trend related to the hypotheses is not dependent upon the sample size, and evaluates related asymptotic properties. We show that the test statistics diverge at the rate of the sample size even under one of local alternative hypotheses, owing to the existence of such a deterministic term. This implies that under our situations, the tests are far more powerful than those under the conventional local alternative hypotheses. 相似文献
In this work we propose a technique of estimating the location parameter μ and scale parameter σ of a distribution by U-statistics constructed by taking best linear functions of order statistics as kernels. The method has been illustrated for estimating the location and scale parameters of type-I extreme value distribution. We have computed the asymptotic relative efficiencies of the proposed U-statistics with the appropriate maximum likelihood estimators based on samples drawn from each of type-I extreme value, logistic and normal distributions. In all cases very high asymptotic relative efficiencies are obtained. 相似文献
Yoshiko Isohgawa 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(12):3521-3534
We consider the testing problems of the structural parameters for the multivariate linear functional relationship model. We treat the likelihood ratio test statistics and the test statistics based on the asymptotic distributions of the maximum likelihood estimators. We derive their asymptotic distributions under each null hypothesis respectively. A simulation study is made to evaluate how we can trust our asymptotic results when the sample size is rather small. 相似文献