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南岳尊者慧思大师之《大乘止观法门》,依如来藏教而融释地论、摄论唯识古义,与后世慈恩所弘唯识之学,颇见教门开合之异趣。空谷希音,创解奇发,于理于义,极善成立,发皇大乘唯心,慧光足照千古,论其玄理幽旨,可比肩《起信》称双璧焉,或即思师晚年自用之秘密行法。兹于论中简择撮略其要,与彼唯识古今之学互检对勘,略辨南岳大乘止观之玄义。  相似文献   

吴可为 《浙江学刊》2002,(4):95-101
“所缘缘”是佛教哲学中有关认识论和因果论的一个基本概念,相当于“认识的对象”之义。因果论是佛教哲学中极为复杂的基础性理论,认识论分析又正是特别为大乘唯识学所重视而别异于其它佛教派别的重要内容之一,作为认识论和因果论之交叉论题的“所缘缘”对于唯识学的意义自是不言自明。实际上,对“所缘缘”的分析正是唯识学成立“境不离识”这一主旨的一条重要思路。通过对这一概念的研究,可以深入了解大乘唯识学的认识论、真理观以及与此密切联系的存在论。本文对“所缘缘”这一现代研究中有歧解的概念作了意义上的澄清,并重点分析了亲疏所缘缘的区别以显明唯识哲学对常态经验中的直觉即感觉对象之外在性的独特解释。  相似文献   

“中道”思想是佛教的重要理论,它虽然是在中观派出现后才在佛教中占有更为显要的地位的,但其最初思想的形成却很早。从原始佛教到部派佛教,到大乘佛教,它的发展贯穿整个佛教史。此外,佛教“中道”思想的产生与印度其他思想流派(先于佛教或与佛教同时出现的派别)也有不少关系。大乘佛教的“中道”思想是在佛教早期“中道”思想的基础上发展而成的。因此,搞清楚佛教早期的“中道”思想,对理解中观派等大乘佛教的核心理论,从总体上把握佛教的基本学说,有重要意义。一、与婆罗门教哲学的关联佛教在印度不是最古老的宗教派别。在它之…  相似文献   

恩格斯概括的思维与存在的关系问题,属于哲学基本问题的显义;在这个显义后面,还有个隐义,就是与一定时代相联系的哲学所关注的中心问题和主要问题,这是哲学基本问题的真正涵义。随着黑格尔哲学的解体,哲学基本问题的显又渐渐失去了它的主导地位,开始被否定、超越或扬弃。因而再不能拘泥于用哲学基本问题的显义来观照现时代多元并存的资产阶级哲学;而马克思主义哲学的基本问题也发生了新的转换,即转换为主客体关系问题,因为主客体关系既包括了思维与存在的关系,又有着比思维与存在更丰富的内容,因而这是对传统哲学基本问题的扬弃和超越。  相似文献   

佛之辨广泛涉及心性论、本体论、功夫论、伦理观等哲学基本问题,但受限于两教内部复杂之理论系统,遗留下“两教教间批判的不彻底”“同教教内批判的失当”“两教未能真正的会通”三方面的理论困境,这三方面的理论困境也是未能明确地建立一能代表儒佛同异的纵贯性的判定基准所致。近代,牟宗三从“体用”视角入手,在儒家,他以儒家道德性的“本心性体”为基点而建立起“实体性”“纵贯创生”的体用论;在佛家,通对“般若系”“阿赖耶缘起”“真如心缘起”“天台圆教”体用思想的诠释而建立起佛家“缘起性空”“流转还灭”的“虚紧无碍”的非体用的体用。体用论之异也成为牟宗三分判儒佛的基准性原则,在此基础上我们可对学术史上儒佛之辨所遗留的难题予以回应。  相似文献   

一龙树是印度大乘佛教中观理论的奠基人,约活动于公元二、三世纪。印度佛教产生于公元前六、五世纪。到公元前二、一世纪,大乘佛教开始萌芽。大乘佛教的产生与初期佛教的产生有一个显著的不同,就是初期佛教是由释迦牟尼创造的,理论比较体系化;而大乘的出现则是一种群众运动,其理论虽说从总体来看有其统一的特征,但内部毕竟比较杂乱,甚而相互矛盾。从公元前二、一世纪到公元二、三世纪的几百年间,大乘的学说不断发展,新的典籍不断出现,这时,内部的矛盾现象就更惹人注目,其典型代表就是宣扬“恶趣空”的方广派的出现。这种情况不利于大乘与当时势力依然雄厚的小乘各派的斗争,不利于大乘自身的发展。形势需要大乘对自己的学说进行全面的综理,使之进一步理论化、体系化。  相似文献   

怀特海的过程哲学以其开放性、兼容性与超越性,在概念和思维模式上与大乘佛教有着诸多相似性.方东美认为,大乘佛教与过程哲学最具特色的就是"圆融"与"机体"思想,这是它们最相似的地方.然而,过程哲学与大乘佛教在思想方式上存在着本质差异,这主要体现在,大乘佛教以"空"为核心范畴,彻底克服了二元论思维,而过程哲学的上帝既是内在的又是超越的,仍然具有二元论的色彩.  相似文献   

<正>"缘起性空"是一个深奥的问题。确实,解决世界的问题,"缘起性空"会有用,因为宇宙万物不能单独存在。一个国家或团体不能单独存在,国家之间、团体之间一定要团结友好。即使是个人,在这个世界上也无法单独生存。我们要仰赖农夫种田,才有饭吃;仰赖工人织布,才有衣服穿;仰赖司机开车,带我们来开会。假如没有士农工商,就是没有"外物",就没有"缘"。单独怎么能存在呢?天地日月、空气、阳光、水分、大地让我们生存在世界上。因缘  相似文献   

重写中国哲学史必须从哲学的一般意义和中国哲学的特殊性出发,积极开发中国哲学特有的问题域,阐明它与时代的互动关系,特别要突出中国哲学的根本特征棗实践哲学的意义。就中国传统哲学特征而言,实践哲学远比心性之学更具有解释力和现实性。近代中西文化全面而深刻的交流接触使得原教旨主义的中国哲学史根本不可能。在撰写中国哲学史时,利用西方哲学的某些资源不但是不可避免的,也是合理的。即便如此,在使用西方哲学观念解释中国哲学时仍要谨慎,概念不是纯粹的形式。正因为如此,建构中国哲学自己的概念体系是未来中国哲学史的题中应有之义;而内在批判和释义学阐发则是新的中国哲学史的基本方法论原则。  相似文献   

赵麦茹  严红 《唐都学刊》2003,19(2):76-79
“中”在中西哲学上占有相当重的分量 ,中国的儒道释和西方的亚里士多德都给予“中”以强烈关注 ,不同的是 ,儒家为道德之“中” ,道家为自然之“中” ,释家为性空之“中” ,亚里士多德为德性之“中” ,四家之“中”各有特色 ,“和”而不“同”。  相似文献   

Understanding counterfactual utterances is a major challenge for children, because of the many ways in which they can be interpreted (pretence, errors, figures of speech, lies). In the present study, 7-year-olds and adults determined whether counterfactual utterances were prosocial lies or irony, depending on whether the counterfactuality was known only to the speaker (unshared knowledge) or to both interlocutors (shared knowledge). When the counterfactuality was shared by the interlocutors, both the 7-year-olds and the adults were less likely to interpret the speaker's counterfactual utterance as an attempted lie, and more likely to conclude that the speaker was being ironic. Adults were better than children at distinguishing irony from lies, but both age groups exhibited the same response pattern, namely a bias toward lying. This bias did not prevent the adults from deciding that the speaker was being ironic when the counterfactuality was shared, whereas children responded at chance level. In children, the association between task performance and theory-of-mind skills was nonsignificant, with a very small effect size. We discuss the possibility that, contrary to widespread belief, distinguishing irony from lies does not necessarily involve theory of mind (ToM).  相似文献   

《Journal of Policy Modeling》2022,44(6):1179-1197
Strategists observe that the world is moving toward deglobalization thinking, and developed states have already marked their beginning. In this study, we have tried to analyze how the impact of globalization is different in the case of an emerging market country and a developed country. We have chosen India for our study because of its robust growth in manufacturing and business-friendly policy reforms. On the other hand, we have taken the case of the United States pertaining to the recent policy reforms it has undergone. We have employed the SAP-LAP approach to analyze the country's case situation. This research finds that India’s way of managing globalization has positively affected its dominant performance domains like employment rate, GDP growth, and poverty. Conversely, in the case of a developed country like the United States, globalization has adversely impacted the dominant performance areas, particularly GDP, employment generation rate, and poverty.  相似文献   

Kahan and Rapoport (1977) investigated the effects of guaranteed payoffs on bargaining in three-person cooperative games by systematically varying different sources of power: the power arising from the 1-person values, the power emerging from the pair coalitions as reflected by the quotas of the non-normalized game, and the grand coalition value. In the present paper it is suggested that one additionally take into account the assumption of strategic equivalence and that one analyze games with v(i)>0 in terms of the quotas of the zero-normalized game. Ostmann's (1984) rather sophisticated game theoretic framework, permitting the standardization of all three-person games, is introduced. A reanalysis of Kahan and Rapoport's data employing this perspective yields results which can be interpreted more easily than those of the original study. Moreover, they are consistent with the findings of almost all studies on 3-person characteristic-function games. It is argued that one could use the introduced analytical framework to investigate the range of empirical validity of the mathematical assumption of invariance under strategic equivalence.  相似文献   

We implement a risky choice experiment based on one-dimensional choice variables and risk neutrality induced via binary lottery incentives. Each participant confronts many parameter constellations with varying optimal payoffs. We assess (sub)optimality, as well as (non)optimal satisficing by eliciting aspirations in addition to choices. Treatments differ in the probability that a binary random event, which are payoff—but not optimal choice—relevant is experimentally induced and whether participants choose portfolios directly or via satisficing, i.e., by forming aspirations and checking for satisficing before making their choice. By incentivizing aspiration formation, we can test satisficing, and in cases of satisficing, determine whether it is optimal.  相似文献   

The decade of the 1980s was catastrophic for the countries of Latin America because of profound transformations in the world economy, which started in the 1970s, the wilting of the state development programs that were imposed after World War II, and the collapse of socialism with the incipient transition to market economies. The crisis started because of the erosion of the world economic system as constituted under the Bretton Woods agreement; the drastic drop in the economic growth of market economies; the increased costs of living and the deterioration of the environment; the decrease in industrial capacity; and the emergence of transnationalization of production. In Latin America, the economic models that had been in place without solving underdevelopment became even more obsolete (import substitution, internal trade, and the role of the state). The crisis of socialism and the rapprochement of eastern European countries to western Europe also affected Latin America (e.g., Germany cancelled 30 mine exploration projects in Bolivia due to investments in East Germany). The structural readjustment policies of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank resulted in currency devaluations, redistribution of government funds, elimination of various subsidies, reduction of public debt and social expenditures, reduction of public employment, and payment of external debt. The result was more inflation (in Bolivia, Brazil, Peru, and Argentina, inflation rates were 683.7%, 157.1%, 100.1%, and 326.2%, respectively, between 1980 and 1986), unemployment, and poverty in the lost decade of the 1980s. After 1982, state expenditures on roads, education, hospitals, and nutrition declined by 40% in Mexico. Even though most countries returned to democracy in the region, this was at the cost of the increased role of the military and the transnationals. The grand parties collapsed and in Venezuela, Mexico, and Colombia authoritarian tendencies survived into the 1970s degrading democracy. The states' socioeconomic regulatory role has to be redefined.  相似文献   

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