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黎平 《经理人》2012,(2):78-82
2011年,被业内人士称为智能手机元年。这一年,智能手机以强大的功能和便捷的操作,获得越来越多消费者的青睐,正在成为市场的主流。而在GSM时代经受了国际大牌多年压制的国产手机品牌,在这个全新的竞争平台上,看到了春天的希望。目前,在国内3大运营商关于3种3G制式手机的集中采购招标和深度定制活动中,国产品牌已明显优于外资。  相似文献   

如果认为广告只是打产品,或者打企业知名度的话,下场将极其悲凉. 恒源祥在春节期间推出了一个拜年的十二生肖广告.该广告长达一分钟,画面近乎静止,只是出现2008奥运会会徽、恒源祥商标与北京2008年奥运会赞助商字样.  相似文献   

黎伟 《经营管理者》2001,(12):54-55
<正> 20世纪80年代,日本首相大平正芳宣布,继世界政治时代、经济时代之后,文化时代已经到来。文化时代的重要标志就是:消费走向生活设计化,消费者按自己的个性设计生活、进行消费的时代已经到来。这使过去标准化、通用化、大规模生产显得过时。文化时代的商品,必须是满足消费者个性化的商品。产品的个性化能力,成为企业生产与营销最重要的策略。  相似文献   

肖晓 《经理人》2011,(12):106+108
这是一个相当复杂的渠道体系随着智能手机的普及,在这个领域厉兵秣马多年的企业迎来了大发展的良机。宇龙酷派就是其中的一个。其2011年上半年财报显示:销售收入达30.27亿港元,同比  相似文献   

牌名对企业发展至关重要,一个既符合产品性能特征、又符合消费者心理需求的名字,无疑会提高产品知名度和竞争力  相似文献   

<正> 从经济理论的角度来看,商品的价格应是商品内在品质与价值的表现,人们在商品中凝结了多少劳动,商品便应有多高的价格。但实际不然,在市场机制作用下,价格可以一定程度上偏离价值坐标,这种偏离价值坐标的定价策略,就是背离定价。  相似文献   

本文针对策略型消费者网络购物问题,在考虑策略型消费者对产品估值不确定以及具有预期后悔行为下,研究了退货策略对消费者购买决策以及在线零售商运作决策的影响。以最大化在线零售商利润为目标,本文分别构建了退货策略与不退货策略下的利润模型。研究表明:消费者对产品估值的不确定性水平会降低零售商的利润,预期后悔会加剧零售商利润的降低;退货策略有利于缓解估值不确定与预期后悔对零售商的损害,且在退货策略下,消费者的预期后悔行为有利于增加零售商的利润。因此在线零售商的最优决策受产品匹配率以及高价值消费者比例的影响,无论零售商是否实施退货策略,零售价较低时市场完全覆盖下的最优订购量与最优利润并不总是优于零售价较高时市场部分覆盖策略下的,从而为在线零售商的退货略选择提供决策支持。  相似文献   

论产品开发平台   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在国际主流创新理论的基础上,结合中国工业技术进步的经验证据,提出一个"产品开发平台"的概念模型。它从理论逻辑上证明,产品(和工艺)开发不仅是创新的中心环节,而且是技术能力成长的关键机制。这个理论框架有助于澄清十几年来国内外有关"自主创新"问题的诸多争论,为中国的技术、产业和经济政策提供正确的理论基础。  相似文献   

企业采取要素品牌策略的根本动机,就是借助要素品牌提高产品独特性,获取竞争优势。然而,当企业突出产品独特性的营销做法与消费者目标冲突时,企业所付出的努力就会白费。本文通过实验研究发现,虽然联合要素品牌策略与自有要素品牌策略相比更能够提高产品独特性评价,但这一作用会受一些边界条件的限制。当产品性质为私人产品时,无论是相依型还是独立型的消费者,联合要素品牌策略都比自有要素品牌策略更能提高产品独特性评价。然而,当产品性质为公众产品时,对于相依型(而非独立型)自我建构的个体而言,联合要素品牌策略的优势不再显著。  相似文献   

Motivated by the proliferation of multifunction products, we investigate product portfolio decisions of a single firm by analyzing the impact of three major factors. First, because multifunction products provide complete or partial functionalities of single‐function products, we incorporate substitution or cannibalization effects between the potential products. Second, we explicitly model the variable costs of manufacturing the single‐function and multifunction products. Third, we examine the firm's pricing decisions because of their impact on the degree of cannibalization between the multifunction product and one or more single‐function products. Using an economic model, we first characterize the firm's optimal product portfolio (through a quantity‐based decision), which in turn determines the market equilibrium prices for each product in its portfolio. Some of the unique insights stemming from our analysis are: (a) the optimal product portfolio choice is driven primarily by maximum profit margins for the single‐function products weighted by the demand substitution effects; and (b) from a product design perspective, the complete functionality of the base single‐function product is always included in the optimal product offering, but this is not necessarily the case with the complete functionality of the nonbase single‐function product.  相似文献   

Abstract. The paper tests predictions of a traditional intra‐household bargaining model which, under reasonable assumptions, shows that lack of bargaining power in the value chain significantly reduces the capacity for obtaining benefits from increased product demand arising from trade liberalization and therefore is positively associated with child labour. Cross‐sectional and panel negative binomial estimates in a sample of emerging countries support this hypothesis. They show that proxies of domestic workers’ bargaining power in the international division of labour (such as the share of primary product exports) are significantly related to child labour, net of the effect of traditional controls such as parental income, quality of education, international aid, and trade liberalization. The positive impact of the share of primary product exports on child labour outlines a potential paradox. The paradox suggests that trade liberalization does not always have straightforward positive effects on social indicators and that its short‐run effects on income distribution and distribution of skills and market power across countries need to be carefully evaluated.  相似文献   

Changes in the global economy and technological advances are stimulating increased geographic distribution of new product design and development efforts. For large organizations that design and develop complex products, this geographic distribution has added a new layer of complexity to product development operations. In this empirical study of a large auto manufacturer, we examine the operational performance implications of splitting the design of vehicle subsystems across multiple geographic locations. Our results indicate that global distribution diminishes the chance of completing tasks on time and degrades subsystem design quality. Finally, by examining the interplay between subsystem centrality and global distribution, we found that higher centrality in the product architecture amplifies the impact of global distribution on subsystem error rates.  相似文献   

基于不同产品属性探讨顾客满意过程.首先通过深度访谈和预研究确定研究框架和研究对象,进而借助问卷调查共收集360个有效样本,利用回归和结构方程模型等方法对数据进行深入分析.研究发现,对于顾客强调功能性属性的产品,其功能性属性对顾客满意将产生更明显的影响;而对于顾客强调享受性属性产品,其享受性属性对顾客满意将会产生更明显的影响.同时研究同一产品的享受性和功能性属性,强调产品在享受性和功能性两方面高于或低于期望水平时时满意产生的影响.  相似文献   

The computer software industry is an extreme example of rapid new product introduction. However, many consumers are sophisticated enough to anticipate the availability of upgrades in the future. This creates the possibility that consumers might either postpone purchase or buy early on and never upgrade. In response, many software producers offer special upgrade pricing to old customers in order to mitigate the effects of strategic consumer behavior. We analyze the optimality of upgrade pricing by characterizing the relationship between magnitude of product improvement and the equilibrium pricing structure, particularly in the context of user upgrade costs. This upgrade cost (such as the cost of upgrading complementary hardware or drivers) is incurred by the user when she buys the new version but is not captured by the upgrade price for the software. Our approach is to formulate a game theoretic model where consumers can look ahead and anticipate prices and product qualities while the firm can offer special upgrade pricing. We classify upgrades as minor, moderate or large based on the primitive parameters. We find that at sufficiently large user costs, upgrade pricing is an effective tool for minor and large upgrades but not moderate upgrades. Thus, upgrade pricing is suboptimal for the firm for a middle range of product improvement. User upgrade costs have both direct and indirect effects on the pricing decision. The indirect effect arises because the upgrade cost is a critical factor in determining whether all old consumers would upgrade to a new product or not, and this further alters the product improvement threshold at which special upgrade pricing becomes optimal. Finally, we also analyze the impact of upgrade pricing on the total coverage of the market.  相似文献   

研发制造电脑卖给集成商,由集成商卖给最终用户,这是研华的核心模式。  相似文献   

This article predicts how radio station formats would change if, as was recently proposed, music stations were made to pay fees for musical performance rights. It does so by estimating and solving, using parametric approximations to firms' value functions, a dynamic model that captures important features of the industry such as vertical and horizontal product differentiation, demographic variation in programming tastes, and multi‐station ownership. The estimated model predicts that high fees would cause the number of music stations to fall significantly and quite quickly. For example, a fee equal to 10% of revenues would cause a 4.6% drop in the number of music stations within 2 1/2 years, and a 9.4% drop in the long run. The size of the change is limited, however, by the fact that many listeners, particularly in demographics that are valued by advertisers, have strong preferences for music programming.  相似文献   

Collaboration is an essential element of new product development (NPD). This research examines the associations between four types of information technology (IT) tools and NPD collaboration. The relationships between NPD practices and NPD collaboration are also examined. Drawing on organizational information processing theory, we propose that the relationships between IT tools and NPD collaboration will be moderated differently by three project complexity dimensions, namely, product size, project novelty, and task interdependence, due to the differing nature of information processing necessitated by each project complexity dimension. Likewise, the moderation effects of the project complexity dimensions on the relationship between NPD practices and NPD collaboration will also be different. We test our hypotheses using data from a sample of NPD projects in three manufacturing industries. We find that IT tools are associated with collaboration to a greater extent when product size is relatively large. In contrast, IT tools exhibit a smaller association with collaboration when project novelty or task interdependence is relatively high. NPD practices are found to be more significantly associated with NPD collaboration under the contingency of high project novelty or high task interdependence. The findings provide insights about circumstances where several popular IT tools are more likely to facilitate collaboration, thus informing an NPD team's IT adoption and use decisions.  相似文献   

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