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The frame of reference of the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Bicul-turalism postulates that both French-speaking and English-speaking Canadians have within their reach mass media that allow for their cultural development. This study examines the validity of this assertion by comparing it with observations related to mass media consumption among Montrealers. Diffusion techniques, even though unilingual, could be bicultural in their content and thus serve as instruments for reciprocal knowledge for anglophones and francophones. This does not seem to be the case. The objective of knowing one another could also rest upon the bilingualism of individuals and the consumption of media in both languages. A unilingualism-bilingualism scale was constructed to evaluate this possibility. Among all linguistic groups, even the equilingual ones, there are very few who watch TV programmes and read newspapers in both languages. Unilin-guals and bilinguals other than equilinguals mostly consume mass media products in the language they know best. The linguistic factor alone is incapable of explaining the attraction of the francophones for the English-speaking media, nor does it offer satisfactory explanations for the behaviour of the equilinguals. Le cadre de référence de la Commission d'enquête sur le bilinguisme et le biculturalisme prétend que les Canadiens anglophones et francophones disposent des mass media qui leur permettent de se développer culturellement. La présente étude essaie d'en mesurer l'adéquation avec certains faits relatifs à la consommation des mass media chez les Montréalais. Les techniques de diffusion, tout en étant unilingues, pourraient être biculturelles dans leur contenu et ainsi servir d'instruments de connaissance réciproque pour les Canadiens anglophones et francophones. Telle ne semble pas être la situation. L'objectif de connaissance réciproque pourrait aussi reposer sur le bilinguisme des individus et la consommation des media dans les deux langues. Une échelle d'unilinguisme-bilinguisme a été constituée. Chez tous les groupes linguistiques, même les équilingues, il y a peu de consommateurs de la télévision et des journaux dans les deux langues. Les unilingues et les bilingues autres que les équilingues consomment surtout dans les langues qu'ils comprennent le mieux, mais le f acteur linguistique reste inadéquat pour expliquer l'attrait des médiums de langue anglaise sur les francophones de même que le comportement des équilingues.  相似文献   

Ende des Elends     
In the German speaking Sociology of the Industry the debate about an alleged crisis of the discipline itself continues. Yet recent contributions demand structural surmounting of this crisis through reminiscence and consecutive re-wording of ancient theories — particularly Marx’ theory. The article is considered as an actual contribution towards a conceptual endeavour of the re-wording of the Sociology of the Industry. To begin with, it will be demonstrated that the claim for an action-theoretical re-interpretation endeavour of the re-wording of Marx’ fundamentals falls on prolific grounds — as the Sociology of Work and Industry has already contributed specifically towards the sociological Action-Theory with the concept of subjectifying work action. In addition, the paper shows that the claimed societal-theoretical re-foundation demands a dialectic re-animation of Marx’ fundamentals (perhaps not just) of the Sociology of Work and Industry, and that it seems solvable with the category of work capacity. Thereby an actual contribution to the recent once more claimed extension of the work notion is presented. The article thereby critically continues the debate which has been taking place.  相似文献   

Based on the research that they are presently conducting on female religious communities in Quebec, the authors offer some thoughts, in this article, which could draw feminist theory out of the dead-end confining it and facilitate the analysis of the ongoing reorganization of gender relations. Their research follows the tradition of the work on the private and collective social appropriation of women. Firstly, the authors locate their approach in the system formed by feminist theories inspired by materialism, a system which has evolved through four stages in the past 20 years. They then construct an analysis of gender relations in which they try to integrate all of the forms, past and present, of private appropriation and collective appropriation, as well as the modalities ensuring their cohesion. These forms and modalities of appropriation constitute systems of ‘sexage’; two such systems are described briefly. A partir de leur étude portant sur les communautés religieuses de femmes au Québec, les auteures présentent, dans cet article, quelques réflexions susceptibles de sortir la théorie féministe de ?impasse où elle semble enfermée et de faciliter ?analyse de la réorganisation présentement en cours des rapports sociaux de sexe. Leur recherche s'inscrit dans la lignée des travaux sur ?appropriation privée et collective des femmes. En premier lieu, les auteures situent leur approche dans le système que forment les théories féministes s'inspirant du courant matérialiste, ce système ayant traversé quatre étapes depuis les derniers vingt ans. Elles construisent ensuite une analyse des rapports sociaux de sexe où elles cherchent à intégrer toutes les formes, passées et présentes, de ?appropriation privée et de ?appropriation collective ainsi que les modalités assurant leur cohésion. Ces formes et ces modalités de ?appropriation constituent des systèmes de sexage, deux ?entre eux y étant présentés.  相似文献   

Strategic human resource management has avoided to evaluate its efforts in relation to employees’ careers. Recent research has investigated a selection of individual human resource management (HRM) practices (e.?g., training and development, mentoring, career development, talent management, performance appraisal) in relation to objective and subjective career success, but failed to study HRM systems or bundles. This paper argues that HRM systems and career success can be connected via human capital theory because human capital is understood as an organizational resource and as an individual antecedent to careers. Based on extant research that relates individual HRM practices to objective or subjective career success, this paper reviews and discusses the relationship between bundles of HRM practices and the individual practices contained therein and career success. The final conclusion suggests that evaluations of HRM systems should take careers into account because organizations rely on employees’ human capital. Future research should focus more intensely on the role of HRM for the development of careers also across organizations.  相似文献   

Professional football players are well known public figures and in the French case always considered as working class people. An enquiry with questionnaires showed that this does not reflect the reality of the French players in the past as well as in the present. French professional football players consider themselves as artists and their social origins are quite diverse. They use particular strategies in their careers in order to improve their social conditions. Overall, it can be said that the social standing of footballers has increased during the last decade.  相似文献   

The paper addresses the impact of parental leave on the subsequent earnings trajectories of mothers. The empirical analyses are based on fixed-effect-regressions of wage data from the German Socio-Economic Panel 1984–1999. The estimates show that subsequent wages are negatively related to length of parental leave. The negative effect of career interruptions is only partly compensated when women are able to return to their previous employer. In addition, the results show cumulative effects of parental leave periods: negative career effects are small at return to work, yet increase over the subsequent career.  相似文献   

S'appuyant sur la thèse selon laquelle il existerait un volume fixe d'emplois dans l'économie, beaucoup de pays de l'OCDE ont cherché à lutter contre le chômage, en augmentation depuis les années 1970, par des dispositifs favorisant les cessations d'activité anticipées. Or les études à l'échelle de l'OCDE font apparaître en réalité une corrélation positive entre l'emploi des jeunes et celui des travailleurs âgés. Cependant, comme la plupart des auteurs estiment des effets moyens, on dispose de relativement peu d'informations sur l'hétérogénéité de ce lien. L'auteure tente de combler cette lacune en étudiant cette hétérogénéité dans vingt pays de l'OCDE.  相似文献   

The rise in female labor market participation and the growth of ??atypical?? employment arrangements has, over the last few decades, brought about a steadily decreasing percentage of households in which the man is the sole breadwinner, and a rising percentage of dual-earner households. Against this backdrop, the paper investigates how household contexts in which the traditional ??male breadwinner?? model still exists or has already been challenged affect individuals?? subjective evaluations of the justice of their personal earnings. In the first step we derive three criteria used by individuals to evaluate the fairness or justice of their personal earnings: compensation for services rendered, coverage of basic needs, and the opportunity to earn social approval. In the second step, we apply considerations from household economics and new approaches from gender research to explain why men??s and women??s evaluations of justice are determined to a considerable degree by the specific situation within their household. The assumptions derived regarding gender-specific patterns in justice attitudes are then tested on data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) from 2007 and 2005. The results support our central thesis that gender-specific patterns in the evaluation of personal earnings are both reduced and increased in dual-earner households. They are reduced because women in dual-income households tend to have higher income expectations that challenge the existing gender wage gap. At the same time, gender-specific patterns are increased because men evaluate the equity of their personal income in relation to their ability to fulfill traditional gender norms and thus their capacity to live up to corresponding notions of ??masculinity.??  相似文献   

A document compiled by Charlemagne in the year 811 can be viewed as a precursor to the structured survey and thus as a part of the very beginnings of empirical social research. Charlemagne intended to use the list, which resembles a discussion guide employed in an intensive interview, to exert moral pressure on the secular and clerical leaders of his realm, who were gathered for a parliamentary assembly. At the same time, however, it is also evident that at least some of the questions were designed to gather information on the mood of the population throughout the empire. These questions were probably passed on to the sovereigns and clerics in the provinces. Another document from the year 811 would seem to indicate that answers to similar lists of questions did in fact arrive at the emperor’s court. Both documents attest to a means of gathering information that could be viewed as the first attempt to conduct at an opinion survey.  相似文献   

Following several crises, the French Food Safety Agency was set up in 1999 to solicit scientific opinions as part of assessments of health-related risks. The principle was retained to avoid a conflict of professional and economic interests in making assessments. Observations of how a committee of experts on prions operated has shown that its judgement is the outcome of a variety of resources and procedures (involvement in quite contextualized technical studies, a sharing of tasks with the agency's personnel, etc.). The actual work of the experts involved taking into account both the requirement of legitimation and a concern for examining the case presented and answering the questions that were set.  相似文献   

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