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Preparations Cut the pitaya, lengthwise, in half and then scoop out most of the pulp (leave just enough to form a firm shell). Chop the fruit's flesh and then set aside with the shell; Pull the tentacles from the prawns' bodies and then peel the prawns. Discard the prawns' heads and entrails and rinse the bodies under cold running water. Drain and squeeze out any excess moisture; Stir the lemon juice into the olive oil and season to taste with sweet chili sauce, cooking wine, salt and pepper. Brush the shrimp with this mixture and marinate at room temperature for 30 minutes; ~ Warm the olive oil in a pan over medium heat. Pour the marinade into the pan, and garlic and warm over moderate heat. Add the prawns and saut6 until opaque and curled (not more than 5 minutes). Season to taste with salt and pepper and remove the garlic;  相似文献   

Preparations Clean and gut fish (about 750 grams), and remove the scales. Slice the fish, cutting along the bone, and separate the flesh from the bone. Cut the flesh, the pineapple, red pepper and green pepper into 3 × 5 centimeter strips. Place fish strips in a bowl. Add 3 grams of salt and 5 grams of cooking wine and mix.  相似文献   

Today Art Museum今日美术馆Today Art Museum is a non-profit gallery.It opened in 2002.The museum not only pays attention to China's contemporary artists and works of art,it also focuses on communications involving art and culture between China and other countries and regions.The museum cooperates with domestic and overseas artists and arts organizations,and it hosts many famous exhibitions.  相似文献   

Chinese Women's Forumon Employment Opens in Beijing中国妇女就业论坛在北京召开The Chinese Women's Forum on Employment was held on December 15, 2002 in Beijing. It was sponsored by the All-China Women's Federation and Chinese Women's Research Society. About 300 leaders, experts and scholars attended the forum. They discussed how to promote women's employment and the need to draft and improve policies regarding gender equality in the workforce.Discussions focused on ways of expanding employment opportunities for women, promoting professional development programs for both men and women, and ways of ensuring pay and benefits equity between men and women.  相似文献   

In 1937, Shanghai was the Paris of Asia, a city of great wealth and glamor, the home of millionaires and beggars, gangsters and gamblers, patriots and revolutionaries, artists and warlords. Thanks to the financial security and material comforts provided by their father's prosperous rickshaw business, 21-yearold Pearl Chin and her younger sister. May, had the times of their lives.  相似文献   

Taro is smooth and sticky in texture and rich in fat,protein and sugar.According to Chinese traditional medicine, taro nourishes the spine and stomach and helps energy. Ingredients:500 grams taro (peeled and chopped into diamond-shaped cubes), 15 grams sugar. 250 grams vegetable oil. Method: 1. Heat oil in a wok and add taro cubes. Fry unti they turn golden brown. 2. Take out the taro with a sieve and pour the oil into a container for later use. Add sugar and one tablespoon oil.Stir continuously to prevent burning. When the  相似文献   

Ingredients: one mandarin fish, shredded scallion and ginger, cooking wine, ground pepper, corn starch, salt and flour. Direction: 1. Scale and clean the fish. Remove the skin and bones. Cut the fish meat into slivers. Add shredded scallion and ginger, cooking wine, ground pepper and salt to the fish  相似文献   

THESE 12 traditional Chinese practices were devised by our ancestors to maintain good health and are key to longevity. To bolster your health, try the following: 1. Move your eyes often. Ancient people called this exercise "yunjing" and believed moving the eyes could eliminate cataracts and nebulas and adjust myopia and farsightedness. First move the eyes from left to right and vice versa, then up and down and vice versa, 15 times each direction. Close your eyes tightly for a moment and then open them wide.  相似文献   

Beijing United Family Hospital and Clinics (BJU) opened in 1997. It provides the full range of international-standard healthcare services to both expats and locals. Its aim is to provide healthcare services in a uniquely warm and patient- oriented environment. BJU has a team of more than 60 certified expatriate and internationally trained physicians and surgeons. Clinics include pediatrics, OB/GYN, dental, ophthalmology, counseling, ENT, physiotherapy, TCM chiropractics and dermatology. It's the first choice for many expatriates giving birth in China.  相似文献   

Ingredients: about 400 grams of camel tendon Supplementary ingredients: mushrooms, green beans, winter bamboo shoots, cooking wine, sesame oil, salt, pepper, sugar, vinegar, Chinese onion and ginger. Directions: 1. Soak the tendons in water and take away the bone and hair, and boil the tendons in broth to remove the strong smell. Then cut the tendons, mushrooms and winter bamboo shoots into small cubes. 2. Heat oil in a wok and fry the pepper until it's aromatic. Add mushrooms, winter bamboo shoots and green beans and stir.  相似文献   

The changing climate and plateau surrounding Tibet hove nursed strong and healthy Tibetans with straightforward and unsophisticated character. Tibetans are simple and kind, with their life deeply influenced by the religion and traditional culture of the minority nationality. Ren Jimin realistically paints the love and profound feelings of Tibetan women. Ren combines the skills of traditional Chinese and Western painting, and produces works with a mixture of colors combined with water and ink. The works  相似文献   

CERVICAL vertebra problems are common and usually occur in middleaged and elderly people, especially those who often bend over. The symptoms patients might encounter are dizziness, headache, neck and shoulder pain and numbness, and even viscera trouble. The following exercises are a simple and convenient way to prevent and cure cervical vertebra problems. If you continue doing the exercises, you can prevent and cure them. Here are the exercises step by step:  相似文献   

Riddles of Belief... and Love: A Story is aptly named for its narrator's struggles to find love and happiness. Hong'er, a young Chinese woman who migrates to the United States and back to China, constantly questions the value and strength of belief and love as she experiences bitter and disappointing relationships and misfortunes.  相似文献   

The China Society for the Study of Marriage and Family (CSSMF) and zhenai.com, one of China's best-known matchmaking websites, on October 14 hosted the ceremony to launch the First Forum on Marriages and Families and the Projects of Improving Chinese Marriages and Family Relations. The event was held in Beijing.  相似文献   

Women of Hui'an     
Born and raised by the side of the sea. the women in coastal Hui'an County, Fujian Province in southern China, are industrious, beautiful and kind They love life and beauty. Wearing bright colored scarves, yellow bamboo hats, colorful short and round edged upper coats and loose black trousers with silver white belts, they are charming and attractive. The zhongcai painting lays emphasis on decorative result. Its figures are exaggerated and stylized. Its colors are sharply contrasted. The painter has skillfully  相似文献   

Fifteen years ago, the UN (United Nations) Fourth World Conference on Women was convened in Beijing. More than 30,000 women gathered in Huairou District, where they called for equality, development and peace in a united voice. The Beijing Plattbrm for Action (BPFA) was unanimously adopted and we cheered and celebrated it with joy and hope. The memories remain in our minds and hearts.  相似文献   

SOLANA, a shopping mall that has elegant buildings and charming alleys, is located to the northwest of Chaoyang Park. It has 19 Europeanstyled buildings and at least 600 retail stores, 30 restaurants and 20 waterfront bars. It also has a cinema, a skating club and a KTV complex. Women of China recommends Todai Sushi and Seafood Buffet Restaurant to anyone who wants to enjoy the taste of seafood.  相似文献   

General Objectives总体目标Thoroughly put in place the fundamental national policy of gender equality,and make innovation and improvement in the institutions and mechanisms for promoting gender equality and women's all-round development.Women's equal and comprehensive access to full 1 ife cycle health services shall be guaranteed to continuously improve their health.Women's equal rights to education shall be guaranteed to constantly enhance their capabilities and competence.  相似文献   

OF nearly 8,000 newspapers and periodicals in China, women's newspapers and periodicals, a new force suddenly coming to the fore, have attracted the attention of many. Today, with more and more fierce competition among newspapers and magazines, women's newspapers and magazines have found favor with readers for their lively, friendly, and practical formats. Currently, 47 newspapers and magazines are sponsored and openly published by the All-China Women's Federation and women's federations at various levels. Circulation is among the largest of all cultural comprehensive periodicals all over the country.  相似文献   

The nutrition-improvement program tbr children in poverty-stricken areas has been in place since October 2012. The program was established by China's Ministry of Health and the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) to improve the nutrition and physical conditions of infants and toddlers in distressed areas, and to raise parents' knowledge about feeding infants and young children. The program provides nutritional packages, containing protein, multivitamins and mineral supplements, to infants, aged between 6 months and 2 years, to ensure the youngsters don't suffer from malnutrition and anemia. The program is also meant to raise the health standards of infants in poverty-stricken areas.  相似文献   

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