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关于民族地区农村剩余劳动力转移情况的调查与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
唐军 《民族论坛》2003,(5):53-54
麻阳苗族自治县位于湘黔边界的湖南省西部,全县总面积1568平方公里,辖18乡6镇,总人口35.6万人,是省定贫困县。全县农业人口31.61万人,耕地面积25.5万亩。近年来,该县把推进农村剩余劳动力转移作为维护社会稳定、增加农民收入和促进地方经济发展的战略措施来抓,有力地加快了脱贫致富奔小康的步伐,但在推进农村剩余劳动力转移的过程中也存在着一些问题。一、农村剩余劳动力转移的现状农村富余劳动力向非农业和城镇转移,是工业化和现代化的必然趋势。据调查,麻阳县农村富余劳动力达8.5万余人,占农村劳动力的50%。2002年全县农村外出务工人数在3…  相似文献   

以云南作为少数民族地区研究代表,研究民族地区剩余劳动力转移与经济发展的关系。民族地区农村劳动力转移(第一产业从业比重)对国民生产总值(即经济增长)和农民人均纯收入都有正的作用,第一产业从业人员比重每降低1%,能增加云南国民生产总值304.4亿元,增加云南农民人均纯收入146.5元。民族地区农村劳动力转移与农民人均纯收入、城乡差距、农业机械总动力在0.01显著水平上负相关,且相关程度较高,而与城镇人口比重和第一产业占GDP比重呈正相关。云南城镇人口比重与农村劳动力转移的关系和全国城镇人口比重与农村劳动力转移的关系正好相反,全国城镇人口比重与农村劳动力转移呈高度负相关,说明云南地区二三产业相对发展缓慢,不能吸纳更多的农村剩余劳动力。  相似文献   

<正> 随着农村改革的深入,农业科学技术的发展,农业劳动生产率的提高,我国广大农村出现了大批剩余劳动力。据估计,目前我国农村至少有5000万到1亿个剩余劳动力这些劳动力纷纷由农业向非农业产业、由农村向城市、由不发达、半发达地区向发达地区转移。因此,对我国农村劳动力转移的趋势,存在的问题,形成原因,社会影响和治  相似文献   

民族地区农村剩余劳动力转移问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国少数民族大多居住在经济较落后地区,农牧业人口所占比重大,农村剩余劳动力数量多,需要向二、三产业转移。民族地区农村剩余劳动力的转移除受国家宏观经济的影响外,还有其特有的制约因素:受教育程度及双语水平低;从事行业层次低,市场竞争力弱;城市融入性差;劳动力转移模式单一;第二、三产业发展不足;技能培训难以满足市场需要等。因此,实现民族地区农村劳动力的转移要加强几方面的建设:大力发展民族地区特色经济,建立合理的产业结构;规范劳动力市场;提升民族地区教育层次。  相似文献   

随着农牧业工业化进程的不断推进,农村牧区劳动力过剩问题日趋突出,严重影响了我区农牧业发展、农牧民增收和农村牧区的稳定,也阻碍了我区城镇化的进程。因此本文通过分析快速工业化阶段内蒙古农村牧区劳动力转移的现状,指出当前农村牧区劳动力转移中存在的突出问题,基于配弟—克拉克定理,提出加快农村牧区剩余劳动力转移的对策和建议。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,西藏的农村劳动力转移也经历了一个漫长而滞缓的发展过程,大体上可以分为民主改革到改革开放时期、改革开放到20世纪末、西部大开发至今这3个阶段.西藏农村劳动力转移过程中存在着一些困境,例如农牧民文化素质偏低、产业支撑乏力、社会意识制约劳动力转移等.只有研究农村劳动力转移过程中存在的这些难题,提出针对性的对策,才能促进西藏农村劳动力转移更快的发展.  相似文献   

郑洲  杨明洪 《西藏研究》2009,113(1):102-111
文章以西藏自治区扎囊县德吉新村剩余劳动力转移为研究对象,首先对德吉新村剩余劳动力数量作了一个初步估算.在此基础上,重点分析了德吉新村在政府组织引导下转移农村剩余劳动力所取得的成效及存在的问题.研究结果表明,政府必须了解当地农牧民群众的实际转移意愿,紧密结合他们的实际需求并采取相应的对策与措施,才可能使农村剩余劳动力转移取得实实在在的成效.  相似文献   

跟随全国整体城镇化趋势,拉萨开始了既有普遍意义,又兼具自身特色的城镇化进程.本文认为,拉萨已走上弹性城镇化道路.基于这一论断,文章从拉萨城乡经济协调发展、区域生态保护和地区国防安全三个角度讨论拉萨弹性城镇化的重要意义.并认为拉萨市城乡经济具有季节上高度互补性特征,政府主导的农村就业转移政策和城乡基本公共服务均等化是形塑弹性城镇化的重要条件.然而,由于拉萨城镇化处于起步阶段,弹性城镇化依然存在城镇经济对农村剩余劳动力拉力不足、农村经济对剩余劳动力推力不足,城乡交通不便和农村转移劳动力素质不高等问题.  相似文献   

我国西部劳动力转移影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,我国农村正处在社会主义市场经济的建立和向现代化农业的转变时期,由于东西部经济发展不平衡,西部农村劳动力的转移问题成为西部大开发和农民增收不容忽视的难题,同时也是其农村经济发展的突破口,只有顺利转移出农村的劳动力才能缓解人口过多对经济发展造成的压力.因此,探索影响西部地区实际需要的农村劳动力转移影响因素,是现实与发展的需要.  相似文献   

西藏农村劳动力转移的历史变迁与发展特点   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
西藏农村劳动力转移是西藏经济发展中的一个突出问题。由于历史和制度等因素作用,西藏农村劳动力转移的历程滞缓而漫长,整体呈现出数量少、形式单一的特点。然而自改革开放以来,随着宏观经济大背景的改变,农村劳动力非农业就业的渠道和机会得到极大增加,西藏特殊的地理环境、农业和资源状况以及西藏整体经济发展水平形成的现实环境,对农村劳动力的转移产生了多方面的影响,从而形成当前西藏农村劳动力转移的七大主要特征,面对今后西藏农村劳动转移过程中可能产生的各种问题还需要进一步思考与研究。  相似文献   

Using recent American Community Survey data, this study investigates socioeconomic attainments of six ethnic groups of Southeast Asian Americans. Findings show that the educational attainment of Filipinos, Vietnamese, and Thai is higher than that of whites, while the educational attainment of Cambodians, Hmong, and Laotians is lower than that of whites. Regarding earnings, Southeast Asian American women are generally not disadvantaged relative to white women, but Southeast Asian American men tend to have lower earnings than white men after controlling for education and other demographic factors such as age, metropolitan residence, and region. We conclude that Cambodians, Hmong, and Laotians are the most disadvantaged groups among Southeast Asian Americans and that most Southeast Asian American male groups tend to be at least slightly disadvantaged in the labor market at least after controlling for metropolitan residence and region.  相似文献   

现今的辽宁省喀左蒙古族自治县在辽、金、元时期曾设置利州。利州位于辽宁西部,当辽、金、元三朝建都北京之时,这里曾是三朝的重要后方,对这三朝政权巩固有很大作用。然而在历史资料记载中关于利州、也就是今日的喀左蒙古族自治县的记载却不多见,本文通过考古发掘的资料,加之点滴史料记载,大致勾画出当年的基本情况,以求对东北地方史和东北民族史的研究有所裨益。  相似文献   

抗日战争时期,在团结抗日的目标条件下,群众团体成为中国社会各阶层的动员和组织的重要形式。在众多回族抗日群众团体中,成立于1938年的中国回民救国协会是影响深远的回族群众团体,为了更好地动员和团结各民族,1940年在延安成立了第一个少数民族抗日群众团体—延安回民救国协会,同年还成立了中国回民救国协会陕甘宁分会。通过对延安回民救国协会的观察和研究,以及对回族基层干部的关注,可以了解到回族基层干部主要是中共中央基层组织培养和教育的结果。本文以金浪白和马文良为例,研究他们的经历、参加中国革命的契机,以及他们在中国共产党回族政策中的作用。此外,通过对其他回族干部来源调查,研究中国共产党如何选拔录用回族干部,并与鄂豫皖根据地选拔与录用干部方式的加以比较,探讨回族干部选拔录取方式的特点,提出有关回族妇女干部的新观点。  相似文献   

试谈民族传统文化的本质、特点及其保护与发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对我国现今的传统文化过热的原因和本质的分析,论证出民族传统文化是动态存在的文化现象,并根据其本质和特点提出了传统文化保护与发展的策略.  相似文献   

If media outlets and political rhetoric are to be believed, then the way to counter “radical” Islam is through “moderate” Islam. Seemingly, “moderate” Islam is that which “radical” Islam is not. In appointing “moderate” Islam as an antidote to “radical” Islam, the implication is that, conceptually at least, the two terms are contradistinctive. Yet, while much is, perceivably, known about “radical” Islam, with its associated ills of an unequivocal Islamic worldview, very little attention has been afforded to this signifier, “moderate”. Inasmuch as this term is bandied around, even scholars of Islam will acknowledge that, within Islamic education, understandings of and debates on conceptions of moderation, and moderate Muslim communities, have been somewhat overlooked. What, therefore, is a “moderate” Islam? What is a “moderate” Muslim community and how would it act? What are the implications for a “moderate” community in relation to pluralist societies? And, can such a “moderate” community offer a practical response not only to “radical” Islam, but, perhaps, more importantly, to increasingly antagonistic, liberal contexts?  相似文献   


Scholars increasingly view urban areas as fragmented spaces where migrants are policed in ways that promote differential access to mobility, but the glocal meanings of race are often undertheorized. This paper explores the mobility experiences of Ethiopian migrants in four cities: Washington, DC, Tel Aviv, Rome, and Melbourne. Using a textual analysis of newspaper coverage in each city, the analysis finds that media and police often act as agents who racialize Ethiopian migrants relative to native minorities and other migrants. The paper concludes that the experiences Ethiopian immigrants faced in urban areas were informed by glocal meanings of race (blackness); they were shaped in relation to not only other migrants and native minorities, but also a globalized discourse on immigration.  相似文献   

对越、老、泰、缅各国的人口分布、支系与称谓、来源和迁徙作了详细的讨论,迁徙海外的瑶族主要集中在这四个国家,且只有盘瑶和蓝靛瑶等2个支系,他们都来源于中国.  相似文献   

赫哲萨满派系、种类、名称和职能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过史料考证和实地调查,将过去赫哲族萨满分工的三类、四类、五类、六类、七类等说,规范为五类。同时,对赫哲萨满名称的不同称谓,按照国际音标标音统一了称谓。  相似文献   

Numerous studies have examined the level of patriotism across countries, the factors that shape patriotic feelings, and the ways in which diverse dimensions of patriotism are related to a broad set of attitudes and behaviours. Citizen evaluation of patriotism, in particular in the context of majorities and minorities, has seldom been investigated, however. Exploring this issue, this paper discusses the ways in which majorities and minorities view the consequences of patriotism and whether their attitudes are affected by inclusive state policies. Analysing public views of patriotism across countries, it found that (a) patriotism is viewed more positively than negatively in nearly all the countries included in the survey; (b) on average, majorities hold more positive views of patriotism than minorities; (c) minorities in countries governed by more exclusive policies tend to regard patriotism more negatively than those in countries governed by more inclusive policies; and (d) the more inclusive the policy, the more negatively majorities perceive patriotism. These findings are discussed in light of the normative debate regarding patriotism.  相似文献   

Previous studies of migration, family, and gender have shown that migration is not only an event that changes family life, the change itself is a gendered process. How migrant women develop strategies to cope with challenges posed by either their own migration or their husbands’ migration has been widely studied. However, how migrant men adjust and change their care practices and domestic roles to accommodate challenges brought about by migration to their family lives has not been as extensively explored. Using interview data gathered from male rural-to-urban migrant workers in South China, this paper fills this gap by studying male migrants’ agency and masculinity through the concept of masculine compromise. Masculine compromise delineates how migrant men strive to respond to changing family circumstances triggered by migration while maintaining the gender boundaries that underpin their dominance within the family. As a concept, masculine compromise underscores the material impact of migration on gender practices and family life; and the limited effect it has on gender attitudes and identity. Masculine compromise provides a feminist lens to analyse the complex effect of migration on changing masculinity and gender relationships within the family.  相似文献   

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