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The Pacific Sociological Association annual meeting recently added a new session type called the Research-in-Progress (RIP) session. The purpose of adding these sessions was to provide an opportunity for attendees to present research still in formative stages of completion in order to get useful feedback. Presentations ranged from doctoral dissertation proposals to nearly completed research. Early experience from RIP session organizers and discussants is that these sessions were lively and engaging, sparking a great deal of audience participation. Feedback from presenters indicated that they received useful feedback. Based on our initial experience with the RIP sessions, we believe they are a beneficial addition to the meetings.  相似文献   

米勒曾说过,人们遇到市场失灵时会诉诸科层,但科层本身也会失灵;人们遇到科层失灵时,也会诉诸市场。  相似文献   

坚持可持续发展,创建节水型城市   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍上海市水资源和节水工作现状,以及创建节水型城市对策研究。  相似文献   


Current approaches to managing and supporting staff and addressing turnover in child protection predominantly rely on deficit-based models that focus on limitations, shortcomings, and psychopathology. This article explores an alternative approach, drawing on models of resilience, which is an emerging field linked to trauma and adversity. To date, the concept of resilience has seen limited application to staff and employment issues. In child protection, staff typically face a range of adverse and traumatic experiences that have flow-on implications, creating difficulties for staff recruitment and retention and reduced service quality. This article commences with discussion of the multifactorial influences of the troubled state of contemporary child protection systems on staffing problems. Links between these and difficulties with the predominant deficit models are then considered. The article concludes with a discussion of the relevance and utility of resilience models in developing alternative approaches to child protection staffing issues.  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 虽然创业教育早在1989年联合国教科文组织在北京召开的“面向21世纪教育国际研讨会”上就已提出,并对我国传统的高等教育人才培养的方向和目标产生了一定的冲击,但是在当时特殊的经济体制以及大学生就业模式下,创业教育并未得到国家、高校、企业以及大学生这四个相关主体的充分重视。  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship is often described as the ability to recognize and exploit opportunities. Identifying opportunities is intentional and idiosyncratic insofar as they are recognized as opportunities is a novel and conscious event (otherwise the entrepreneur would be doing nothing new). Yet opportunities also have to be recognized by others as ones that are worthy of being recognized and pursued; the opportunity is a socially embedded construct. Thus opportunity recognition and pursuit can be understood as the skillful integration of prevailing and emerging objects and relations of business activity typically articulated through collaborative enterprise. To expand on this view I use an activity theory perspective that shows how the potentially transformative character of entrepreneurial opportunities unfurls from within the historical and cultural reproduction of collective activities. I note, however, different emphases within current takes on activity theory, notably between subjective perspectives and open-design perspectives. In discussing these theoretical differences using existing entrepreneurial studies, as well as selected data from a study of 90 entrepreneurs in the United Kingdom, I suggest a possible reconciliation. I conclude by suggesting that where activity theory promotes a rich and nuanced understanding of the socially embedded nature of entrepreneurial opportunities, entrepreneurial studies can also contribute to a nuanced development of activity theory insofar as the entrepreneurial object of activity (opportunity recognition and its pursuit through creating a business) has what I identify as an aesthetic as well as pragmatic logic.  相似文献   


Certain equal employment opportunity and workforce diversity gains may be constrained or reversed unexpectedly in the coming years by long-standing systemic, structural forces, which are beyond the control even of employers who may diligently promote such social change opportunities for women and minorities. Such economic and social forces have independently advanced other important agendas, but now are predicted to interact to create a ‘perfect calm’ of diversity management opportunities. Propositions for examination, as well as research suggestions and implications for managers, policy makers, and affected parties, are suggested.  相似文献   

独立财经顾问吴凡,美国哥伦比亚大学公共管理硕士。曾就职于深圳证交所、花旗银行、世界银行,  相似文献   


Relative powerlessness resulting from colonial dispossession and associated passive welfare policies has long been recognised as a critical factor influencing the health and wellbeing of Indigenous Australians, yet it is hard to find well-evaluated health and social interventions that take an explicit empowerment approach. This paper presents the findings of a Family Wellbeing Empowerment programme pilot delivered to Cairns Region Department of Families Indigenous youth workers and family and community workers in 2003/2004. The aim of the pilot was to build the capacity of these workers to address personal and professional issues as a basis for providing better support for their clients. The pilot demonstrated the effectiveness of the programme as a tool for worker empowerment and, to a lesser degree, organisational change.  相似文献   

介绍防止供水二次污染的若干措施,如:严格依法用水、合理选用管材、提高管网施工质量、防止管网漏水、减少水在管网末梢的停留时间和加强二次供水设施的管理与维护等。  相似文献   

This paper gives an account of how Meyer's Reflections on Learning Inventory (RoLI) was used with groups of UK social work students embarking on their professional training in higher education, to assist them to reflect on their approaches to learning and the implications for their chosen career. Social work students were offered the opportunity to complete an inventory during the induction week of their qualifying award programme. They were provided with an analysis, which they then discussed with their tutor. As a result of this, students were required to produce a brief plan outlining what they had learned and how they could address any issues arising. The original profiles of the students were compared with their end of first year assessments. The RoLIs were found to be a sound indicator of those students ‘at risk’ of failing and proved a useful trigger for reflection on learning for most students.  相似文献   

大学生具有较高的知识水平,拥有现实或潜在的自主创业愿望,对事物有较强的领悟力,思维普遍活跃,容易发现市场空白,在一些科技领域、文化创意领域具有明显的优势。提倡大学生创业不仅是缓解社会就业问题的有效途径之一,而且对企业家队伍的壮大和素质提高,对产业结构的优化和升级,提升我国经济的国际竞争力等均具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

李晶 《职业时空》2004,(3):24-25
中国加入WTO之后,企业经营者的危机意识更加强烈,开始以国际化的眼光来认识市场、分析市场,进行企业发展战略的设计。越来越多的企业意识到要规避市场竞争的风险,多元化经营是途径,集团公司的组建是必然的选择。正确处理集团内部的管理问题,其实质就是建立权责明确的母子公司管理体系。建立集团管理的组织机构集团公司在组织设计时所追求的理想目标是职能部门权责分明、相互协同,管理幅度和组织层次的优化设计、有效控制,各委员会的权利匹配、精干高效。目前集团公司大多采用直线职能制、事业部制和控股经营制三种组织模式。建立集团管理…  相似文献   

面对全球化的浪潮,面临高科技信息时代,如何更有效地开展适应全体青少年需要的教育工作,使他们能成功地承担起新世纪两个文明建设的重任,为此,笔者曾在去年连续撰文①提出,应在相当一段时间内,直面中国社会主义初级阶段的现实,实施"践行底线伦理,注重人文关怀"的教育.本文将就实施这一"两有"教育的实践和历史意义,作进一步探讨.  相似文献   

Interdisciplinary teaching and learning in social work education can improve service user outcomes by promoting collaborative working between professionals. Educators must ensure that students are given opportunities to gain the skills, knowledge and experiences required for collaborative working. Blended learning can overcome barriers of time and place to create spaces for interdisciplinary students to engage in interactive and collaborative learning experiences. Little has been written in social work education outlining how educators can gain the competences required to develop blended learning designs. This paper provides access to a set of resources aimed at guiding educators through the complex processes of creating interdisciplinary enquiry-based blended learning (EBBL) designs. The context, ethos and rationale for the development of these resources are outlined along with an evaluation that suggests they were successful in guiding an interdisciplinary group of educators through the complex processes of creating interdisciplinary EBBL designs.  相似文献   

The authors analyze civilian occupations and employment data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau in 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, and 2000 with respect to 6 kinds of work (Holland's RIASEC [Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional] classification), employment, and gender. For the 1990 and 2000 censuses, kinds of work, gender, and income are analyzed, and for the 2000 census, kinds of work, age, and gender are examined. Past employment trends developed from census data are further analyzed with respect to Bureau of Labor Statistics employment projections through 2012. Implications for further research, employment policy, and career services are offered.  相似文献   

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