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一、城市建设的规定性 每一座城市建设初期都以人居和生存为目的,因受当时客观条件的制约,人们对于城市建设的“规定性”的认识是盲目的,社会是不断前进的,人的认识也在不断深化,由初期“规定性”的盲点发展为今天的特点。现在我们回顾总结城市建设不断发展的历史经验,对于有目的的建设是非常有益的。人们结合城市的历史渊源与现状综合论证并做出定性,才能使城市今后的发展方向有所遵循,城市功能才能不断完善与拓展。因此,每一个城市的发展都必 相似文献
古希腊哲学家亚里士多德认为,“人们为了活着而聚集到城市.为了生活得更美好而居留于城市”.这是城市规划活动追求的目标.回答了人类为什么要进行城市规划活动这个问题。为了实现这一目标.人类从古至今一直在对城市居住环境进行着工程和艺术方面的改造,从哲学层面上看.这种为了实现特定目标而对城市环境进行预先调控的活动属于改造世界的范畴。然而.在进行城市规划活动之前.人们必然已经在大脑中形成了关于什么是“好的城市”、什么是“好的城市规划”的认识.这是进行城市规划活动的前提.否则城市规划活动将因缺乏评判标准而失去方向。从哲学层面上看.这种关于城市规划活动“价值判断”的认知属于认识世界的范畴。 相似文献
英国社会学家、诺贝尔奖获得者弗里德曼1986年按照“世界城市”的标准对全球一些主要城市进行了划分,他把纽约、芝加哥、洛杉矶、伦敦、巴黎、东京列为第一等级的核心城市。作为世界级城市.它们的竞争力不仅体现在经济上.更体现在社会、文化等领域的综合竞争力上。我国当代著名学者任继愈先生以其渊博的学识和前瞻性的眼光指出.随着改革开放后我国经济实力的快速增长.在不久的将来.一个中华民族文化复兴的时代必将到来。 相似文献
Desmond McNeill 《Habitat International》1983,7(5-6)
The purpose of this paper is to explore the changing nature of urban planning practice in the Third World. I shall seek to answer four main questions. First, what changes have there been in recent years? Second, why have these changes occurred? Third, are these changes, on balance, for good or ill? And fourth, what will or should happen next? Clearly these are ambitious questions to ask under any circumstances. And within the scope of a short paper such as this it may be regarded as reckless even to make the attempt. But I hope that the paper may at least clarify some of the questions, even if it fails to provide all the answers. 相似文献
改革开放30年来,我国发生了历史性的巨大变化,城市规划建立了历史性的功绩,得到了历史性的巨大发展,30年来,我们有许多认识和经验,需要很好地总结。在社会主义市场经济条件下,我国城市规划和城市发展应当认识和处理好10个关系: 相似文献
The literature on urban farming in Sub-Saharan African cities reveals that most studies have been conducted in Eastern, Southern and Central African cities. A few have focused on West Africa, including Sierra Leone, Guinea Bissau, and Cameroon. In Ghana there is a paucity of information on urban farming. The purpose of this paper is to examine the status of urban cultivation in Accra, Ghana's capital, reviewing existing research, and to present new empirical findings on urban cultivation emphasizing on its history, nature, practices, problems, potentials and urban planning implications. 相似文献
This research responds to calls from within the field of urban ecology to explicitly incorporate humanities-based research in order to achieve robust interdisciplinarity. Our research provides an example of a place-based urban ecological analysis. We use this framework to analyze over a century of park planning and development within the city of Seattle. We identify four eras of park planning that are linked by a comprehensive 100-year park plan. This case study examines how the political, cultural, and economic aspects of park planning have produced and been influenced by long-term trends and historical contingencies. This research also offers practical insights for effective contemporary urban planning, emphasizing the need for flexible and adaptive long-term plans when confronted with unpredictable events, emerging political arrangements, changing cultural priorities, and shifting fiscal climates. 相似文献
城市色彩规划设计的意义及原则 总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23
城市色彩规划设计是近年来国内许多城市,特别是历史文化名城所关注的问题.自20世纪80年代以来,中国城市在超高速发展及扩容过程中,由于规划失控,更由于普遍缺少审美文化修养、缺少对城市色彩的重视,使某种"显富、摆阔、攀比、争强"的"暴发户"文化或美学趣味在大中城市中蔓延开来,从南到北、从东到西,彼此模仿,争赶时髦,各种新材料、新涂料争奇斗艳,将许多城市涂成色彩斑斓的大花脸,既失去了鲜明的城市个性,又切断了历史文脉,而且造成严重的视觉污染,影响到城市居民的身心健康. 相似文献
城市规划诠释城市文化的基本原理及方法探讨 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
一、引言 不同学科基于不同视角对文化有着不同的定义,总体来看,基本上有两种界定文化的方式:一种是广义的文化,几乎囊括了人类的整个社会生活,可以用黑格尔的名言"文化是人类创造的第二自然"来概括;另一种是狭义的文化,指意识形态以及与之相适应的制度和组织结构.而城市规划学科里所指的城市文化,不是单指某一特定城市的文化教育设施、人的知识水平、受教育程度等可视可察的狭义文化,而是包括了举凡某特定城市所创造的一切物质文化、制度文化、行为文化和精神文化所形成的整体景象,具有整体大于部分之和的哲学内涵.它强调的是排他性、惟一性、标志性和内在价值,使城市充满朝气或者具有独特性. 相似文献
一、我国城市规划美学的历史由来 城市美的创造虽然牵涉到多学科、多方面和多层次的问题,但城市规划工作在其中却起着主导和至关重要的作用。可以说城市 相似文献
Fengshui theory in urban landscape planning 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The spatial configuration of urban landscapes results from cumulative interactions between human activities and the physical
environment. Traditional philosophies and cultural legacies have had important influences on urban development and planning
in East Asia. In Seoul, traditional land use practices based on ‘Fengshui’ have significantly contributed to human-mediated
patterns of landscape changes, in addition to the role of the socio-economic background (development) and other human activities.
The concept of Fengshui was originally founded upon people’s empirical cognition of natural landscape patterns. Recently,
however, advanced economic development, westernization and urbanization have been rapidly altering the old traditions of the
holistic landscape systems through changing urban planning practices. Since the type, scale, frequency, distribution and spreading
pattern of environmental and human disturbances have been changed, a new paradigm for urban landscape planning is necessary
to maintain the ecological and cultural integrity of landscapes in Korea. In this paper, we discuss recent concepts and methods
of landscape ecology and urban planning from the viewpoint of Fengshui, the traditional land use patterns in Seoul, whose
application has so far been restricted only to traditional land evaluation. We conclude that, to maintain the sustainability
of the urban landscape, it is necessary to develop a new urban planning framework for the region that is based on the integration
between landscape ecology principles with the traditional concepts of Fengshui. 相似文献
一、次区域规划理论产生的相关背景 随着社会主义市场经济体制的不断完善和发展,城市政府在城市经济和城市发展中发挥的宏观调控作用越来越大.新的城市管治背景及新的行政区划对大城市的城市规划提出了挑战. 相似文献