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解读官场潜规则   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蔡恩泽 《领导科学》2004,(22):12-13
一石激起千层浪。福建省连江县委书记黄金高致人民网的一封信公开后,舆论沸沸扬扬,一时间,官场潜规则被拎到台前示众,成为人们评说的焦点。心照不宣的护官符官场潜规则是官场社会在正式规定的各种制度之外,在种种明文规定的背后,实际存在着的一些不成文但又获得广泛认可的规矩,是一种可以称为内部章程的东西。但恰恰是这种难以冠冕堂皇地摆在桌面上的非正式规定,这种约定俗成的官场游戏规则,在一定程度上支配着官场运作。官场潜规则是不登台面但颇具约束力的官场办事规则。官场进退维谷,只有深谙潜规则的人方能顺利通行。如果有谁不“安分”…  相似文献   

"潜规则"有两个基本特征:潜存性和习惯性。所谓潜存性,指的是它隐藏在正常的社会规则背后,并不为一般人所熟悉,却往往影响甚至制约着一部分人的意识和一些事物的进程;所谓习惯性,指的是它虽然不被社会公开认同,但有着一般社会规则甚至超过一般社会规  相似文献   

对于所谓的"潜规则",其内容谁都明白,它比明文规定的规章制度还要厉害,谁不遵循这种"规则",谁就会受到这种"规则"的排斥、惩罚。所以,一般的企业都很惧怕这种"潜规则"。然而,你必须要学会它、"尊重"它,不然就根本进入不了你想进入的这个"圈"中,即便是进去也会发现自己无法生存,很快就会被这个"圈子"抛弃。但是,"潜规则"迟早会被其他途径逼出真相。—黄苏/上海  相似文献   

党国英 《领导文萃》2007,(11):109-111
有的地方之所以潜规则深深地束缚着人们的生活。完全是因为正式规则或“明规则”存在根本缺陷 自从吴思先生出版了他的《潜规则》以后,这个做了书名的词语也空前流行了。这个词流行以后,我心下曾将它等同于“非正式规则”这样一个术语,可仔细想一想后又以为不妥。另外注意到很多人把“潜规则”等同于“坏规则”,也觉得不是太对头。  相似文献   

郑声 《领导科学》2004,(22):10-11
官场潜规则是官场运行中的一个顽症,久治不愈,约定俗成,并且具有很强的隐蔽性和欺骗性。它如风无形无踪,却又无所不在;它似水无色无味,却又无坚不摧。它悖于常理却常常被人遵循、仿效,成为古今官场的一大奇观。潜规则是一种不成文的规则,在操作时,只可意会不可言传,也无须言传。说白了,潜规则就是不登台面却势力强大的“陋规”。但是,不管官场潜规则如何千变万化,扑朔迷离,概括起来,主要有以下几种存在形式。一是“显”“潜”互补。显规则是摆在桌面上的规则,是明文提倡的规则。潜规则与显规划的互补性有两种情况:一方面,当显规则不能为人们…  相似文献   

<正>习近平说:"这些年,一些潜规则侵入党内,并逐渐流行起来,有的人甚至以深谙其道为荣,必须引起我们高度警觉。"潜规则主要是指人们在社会交往过程中不是依照正常的规则,而是借助权力、金钱、关系、面子、人情等非规则的方式进行利益交换和权力博弈。当前,领导工作中潜规则的生成有深刻的经济、政治和思想根源,而且破坏党内民主、恶化政  相似文献   

样子 《秘书之友》2012,(10):44-46
与白纸黑字、公众认可的显规则不同,潜规则恰如摆不上桌面的小菜,从不会写在告示板上,却需要身在职场的你,心明眼亮地默默参悟,以避免接二连三的尴尬糗事。潜规则一:不要苛求百分之百的公平显规则告诉我们要在公平公正的原则下做事,潜规则却说不能苛求上司一碗水端平,尤其是老板更有特权。孙小明刚进公司做计划部主管时,除了工资,就没享受过其他福利。一个偶然的机  相似文献   

近年来,官二代事件频频见诸网络,从山东新泰集中提拔80后副局长到三亚社保局招考门事件,再到不久前曝光的江西省武宁县考录事业单位工作人员限招正科级干部子女,官二代现象愈演愈烈,甚至已经从潜规则转变为显规则。有网友称,某些条件都是为官二代量身定做的,干部选用制度和规则已经被当权者为我所用、随心所欲地恣意肢解、扭曲甚至篡改。官二代不用试飞就直升,无疑会让制度公平坠落于  相似文献   

郑连根 《领导文萃》2005,(11):102-104
混规则是我自己造的一个新词,这个词源于规则和潜规则。规则是公开的,可以在阳光下晾晒的,可以堂堂正正地与人言说的,比如“红灯停绿灯行”这类的交通规则和“不拿群众一针一线”这样的组织纪律,就都属于规则;潜规则多藏在暗处,不怎么正当,上不了台面,它需要大家心照不宣,以高度默契的姿态去遵守,比如张钰所说的影视圈有所谓的“先上床,后上戏”之类的说法。“混规则”还得从两个人物说起。两个人物中的一位是某著名歌星,前一段有媒体称她“复出”了。其实她什么时候也没宣布过“退出”,她的工作单位也没有宣布过。那么“复出”之说由何引起…  相似文献   

洪振快 《领导文萃》2009,(9):104-107
清朝官员的开支是在户部(相当于今天的财政部门)报销的,官吏们不看账目是否合理,而是看报销人送不送钱,甚至就连曾国藩、李鸿章这样的封疆大吏都要遵守“潜规则”。  相似文献   

What are recruiters promising? Many new hires say that they accepted a job because of a promised mentoring program--one that never materializes, and one that the manager doesn't know was part of the discussions. Where does that leave the manager who may not be aware of this expectation? Faced with anchoring mobile Gen Xers, organizations are exploring mentoring as an inexpensive way to improve retention. But mentoring is not a technique that can be applied like a warm blanket to solve the problems of orientation, training, skills development, and retention. There are two reasons why mentoring isn't foolproof--the mentor and the protégé. If you are considering a mentoring program, or becoming a mentor yourself, here are some points to ponder: (1) If you can't (or won't) do it, give convincing reasons up front; (2) establish the rules of engagement; (3) a mentoring relationship doesn't guarantee loyalty; (4) having a protégé has political risks; (5) you can't force anyone to take advice; and (6) expect a quid pro quo.  相似文献   

Trying to predict what cardiology will look like in 10, 25, or 50 years is an almost absurd act of imagination. Perhaps even more than most branches of medicine, it has been changing so fast that it is hard to recognize from year to year. When we contemplate the changes that cardiology and the rest of health care are facing, we know that none of these changes will ever be "just technical." They will all be deeply human, and each one will be very difficult for some people. As people and organizations, we all come to that point where we have to change. Where we are is not working, we can't go on like this, we have to do something different. After boldly setting off to go someplace new, after some basic work is done to escape the original presenting problem--we reach the Great River. This is a point at which small, incremental changes won't do and we truly need to see ourselves differently. There is no bridge, no easy way across. This is where we must gather our resources and courage, remind ourselves of why we came this far. Yet many of us don't, and settle for something comfortable rather than cross that wide, turbulent river.  相似文献   

Portfolio theory is a relatively new development in the area of asset selection and diversification. Nevertheless, many articles, books and dissertations have been written to elaborate on the original concepts to such an extent that portfolio theory is now accepted doctrine in the field of finance.Portfolio theory deals with the rules for the intelligent selection of assets under conditions of risk. In this respect it is similar to planning, part of which consists of examining alternative courses of future action. Most of the research concerning portfolio theory has been directed toward the securities markets. Therefore, some of the terminology is investment oriented. Nevertheless, the concepts developed in portfolio theory can be applied to decisions concerning investments or to decisions that are part of a corporate plan. Think of investing in a security as being analogous to investing in a subsidiary, division, or product line. This article explains the major features of portfolio theory with the hope that corporate decision makers will use portfolio theory as a planning tool.  相似文献   

Coaching, supervision and many others formats. A pledge for a peaceful playing togetherIn this speech the thesis is justified, that a distinction of the different formats like coaching or supervision can only be successful, if they are discussed in a democratic dialog by all stakeholders. Only if such an agreement succeeds, it can be accepted in public.  相似文献   

An important basis for workload control (WLC) is the existence of functional relationships between the mean level of work-in-process (WIP) and the values of important goal variables, like average flow time, capacity utilization, etc. These functional relationships are largely influenced by the lot sizes. This means that the usual objective of lot sizing must be supplemented by considering the impact of lot sizes on the relationships between WIP and the other goal variables. Here it is shown that this insight leads to flow time oriented lot sizing models. This type of lot sizing models is analysed. It is argued that the derivation of simple rules for lot sizing is an important research topic, and a model for deriving such rules is presented. Some rules are derived from the model, assuming that the batches are processed by an M/G/1 server, and it is shown that these rules support insights based on simulation in the 1980s. Topics for future research are outlined as well.  相似文献   

Order release occurs when orders are released to the shop floor for processing. An order release mechanism (ORM) selectively releases orders to improve shop management and performance. This paper focuses on the question of how to select and develop better ORMs, providing guidelines for practice. We develop a number of propositions on how an ORM should be established and the impact of implementing an ORM. To test the validity of these propositions, we consider three real different automated manufacturing systems. For each system, ORMs are developed and implemented in simulation models. Analysis of the experimental results suggests that some propositions are true under all situations, whereas the degree of validity of others is dependent on variables like system type, and the levels of other design variables. We conjecture that all the propositions can be accepted when the volume of production is high. We use the analysis and the propositions to generate guidelines for practice and areas for future research.  相似文献   

Mobile communication devices like smart phones are keystones for improving efficiency, compacting and subjectifying work. They dissolve boundaries in multiple ways and influence organization of work alike exhaustion and recreation. Legal regulations are not implemented in organizations or do not fit. Organizations find it difficult even to find rules, because there are many contradictions. Nevertheless, it is for organizations in both competition concerns as issues of workplace health promotion advisable to conduct clarification processes to availability times. Consulting can support negotiation processes.  相似文献   

Many physicians today feel ravaged by the brutal speed with which change has been occurring. They see the beliefs and practices of a lifetime being abandoned and replaced by the flavor of the month, management du jour. But if you are willing and able to take the brave step of approaching your physicians without an agenda, meeting with them to listen to their concerns, and can also avoid hanging a lightning-rod label on every bright new idea that comes out of the sessions, you'll be on the way to effective new management. This new style is a "Zen" approach (but don't give it that label) that lets real collaboration come into the place that is supposed to be all about healing--the health care organization. From "never call it anything" to "stay with them until they get it," ideas on how to be a Zen manager are presented, with the ultimate goal of truly partnering with physicians and infusing them with a desire to move beyond the frustration and disenchantment they are feeling.  相似文献   

There is currently no universally accepted definition of "quality of care." This article describes two aspects of measurement that contribute to an assessment of quality--the perception of quality of care held by patients and comparisons of clinical care to established standards. Ongoing monitors that lead to this assessment of quality in a large HMO are described in detail. They include patient satisfaction surveys, quality of care evaluations, comparative medical expense reports, cost-effectiveness studies, and a unique physician incentive bonus plan.  相似文献   

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