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This article examines the occupational mobility of immigrants between their countries of origin and Spain on the basis of one of the few surveys available internationally with longitudinal information on immigrant employment in home and host countries. The evidence shows that the occupational status of immigrants in the Spanish labour market is, in general, substantially worse than in their countries of origin. The severe loss of occupational status experienced by immigrants is explained by the combined effect of the intense initial downgrading they experience when entering the Spanish labour market and their very slow occupational progress during their stay in Spain. These findings are more in line with the segmented assimilation theory, which suggests a limited or blocked immigrant occupational mobility, than with the assimilation theory, which predicts a U shaped evolution in the occupational status of immigrants between their home and host countries. As a result, the Spanish case contrasts sharply with previous evidence for other advanced countries, which tends to support the assimilation perspective. Finally, the empirical evidence suggests that one of the elements impeding the occupational mobility of immigrants in Spain is the significant size of the secondary segment of the labour market, which restricts immigrants’ opportunities mainly to low-status occupations.  相似文献   

“幸福感”是指人们根据内化了的社会标准对自己生活质量的整体性、肯定性进行评估,对生活的满意度及其各个方面进行全面评价之后产生的积极性情感占优势的一种心理状态。在本文中幸福感指农民对其生存环境、物质生活、民族文化以及梦想追求的一种主观感受。以《龙脊》《白裤子》《流浪诗人》和《文化守护者》等为例,本论文从影像题材、叙述视角、创作主体、人物形象等方面探讨影像中农民幸福感叙述变迁,认为农民追求幸福的方式由出走向回归转变,反映了基层农民的“中国梦”。  相似文献   

日本、韩国和台湾地区的农业和农村通常被看作中国大陆农业和农村的样板。但是,以粮食大量依赖进口,农村的空洞化、老龄化和劳动力不足,以及与"新娘短缺"相伴的"外籍新娘"的涌入为代表,这三个国家和地区的粮食和人口的再生产都处于难以持续的状态,"现代化"之后的农业和农村实际上都处于严重的危机之中。这种状况与其具有高度竞争力的工业和拥挤的城市形成鲜明对照,它是"东亚模式"或"东亚资本主义"的一种必然结局,也对中国大陆农业和农村的未来演变趋势提出了警示。  相似文献   

社会性别视角下的经济地位研究关注社会资源占有和收益的性别差异,注重分析不同劳动力市场所依赖的不同资源。按照是否拥有高等教育文凭的标准将劳动力市场划分为高教育劳动群体和低教育劳动群体,由分析两类群体人员经济地位获得的不同路径——对高教育群体经济地位提升起关键性作用的是“人力资本”,对低教育群体经济地位提升起关键性作用的是其在单位中所处的“结构”,进而进一步探究不同劳动力市场所需资源的性别差异更有意义。研究发现,低教育群体显著的性别差异来自于女性群体受到更多的结构性限制——管理职务对女性的排斥以及劳动力市场对大龄女性的歧视;高教育群体趋向于性别平等,原因在于影响该群体经济地位获得的因素——教育、年资和培训经历趋向于收益率的性别平等化。  相似文献   

Foreigners of Mediterranean immigrant origin still occupy the lowerpositions in the German labour market. The employment profile is clearlydifferent from that of German wage earners and salaried employees. Resultsfrom the German Socio-Economic Panel Study show that 60% of this foreignpopulation was employed as unskilled or semi-skilled workers in 1993. Between1984 and 1993 their occupational mobility was relatively low. The situationof the second generation has clearly improved. To a small degree they evenfound access to attractive jobs in the service sector. But compared withGermans of the same age group their occupational success is limited. Thesocial situation of foreigners is characterised by increasing segregation.  相似文献   

This paper studies the consequences (particularly the budgetary effects) of alternative senior-worker policies in the Dutch public sector. Special attention is paid to: the ongoing process of population ageing; the interaction between the participation in senior-worker schemes and the use of disability and unemployment schemes; and the effect of labour participation of older workers on employment opportunities for younger workers. From the scenario analysis, it appears that policies aimed at influencing the participation in senior-worker schemes will not result in substantial savings. The main conclusion of the study is that ageing of the labour force will lead to substantial cost increases anyway, whatever the early-retirement policy.  相似文献   

We examine how strongly fertility trends respond to family policies in OECD countries. In the light of the recent fertility rebound observed in several OECD countries, we empirically test the impact of different family policy instruments on fertility, using macro panel data from 18 OECD countries that spans the years 1982–2007. Our results confirm that each instrument of the family policy package (paid leave, childcare services and financial transfers) has a positive influence on average, suggesting that the combination of these forms of support for working parents during their children’s early years is likely to facilitate parents’ choice to have children. Policy levers do not all have the same weight, however: in-cash benefits covering childhood after the year of childbirth and the provision of childcare services for children under age three have a larger potential influence on fertility than leave entitlements and benefits granted around childbirth. Moreover, we find that the influence of each policy measure varies across different family policy contexts. Our findings are robust after controlling for birth postponement, endogeneity, time-lagged fertility reactions and for different aspects of national contexts, such as female labour market participation, unemployment, labour market protection and the proportion of children born out of marriage.  相似文献   

处于社会转型期的中国,随着经济的进一步发展,我国的劳资关系呈现多元化、复杂化的趋势,劳资矛盾日渐尖锐。集体谈判制度作为缓解劳资矛盾的重要手段,其作用在我国也日益凸显。在2011年3月举行的十一届全国人大四次会议中,全国总工会副主席、书记处书记张鸣表示,已经建立了工会的企业,今年底要有60%实行工资集体协商,到2013年底,力争实行工资集体协商制度的企业占已建工会企业的80%以上。但近年来的实践表明,我国的集体谈判制度发展并不是一帆风顺的。政府应如何在这一关键时期积极推进集体谈判制度在中国的发展是文章讨论的重点内容。   相似文献   

在 2 1世纪 ,知识经济使工人阶级的内涵和外延发生了深刻的变化 ,只有与时俱进的工人阶级队伍才能建成现代化国家。知识分子作用的增长 ,表现了现代工人阶级力量的增长 :知识劳动者是“第一生产力”的开拓者 ,是新兴文明的创造者 ,并且日益成为社会进步和政权建设的决定力量。社会主义主要依靠力量必将突破产业工人的范围 ,还包括正在成长壮大的知识劳动者阶层。社会主义现代化建设要求以知识劳动者为主体构建社会主义的基本依靠力量和理想载体 ,这是社会主义理论不断完善的核心内容。  相似文献   

Parents’ labour market status is a strong determinant of children’s economic well-being, and children living in jobless households are particularly vulnerable. However, previous research has not focused on the association between children and household worklessness. In this paper, I used ECHP data from nine European countries to analyse the effects of the number and age of children on the probability that neither partner of a couple works. Results from random-effects regressions show that children increase the risk of dual worklessness in five of the countries. The effects were particularly strong in the United Kingdom and Ireland, and more generally, stronger in countries with little institutional support for working mothers, low levels of employment protection, and unexpectedly, where benefits were less likely to be means-tested. The risk of dual joblessness diminished with the age of the youngest child in Belgium, Finland, France and the United Kingdom and more generally, slower in countries with a strict employment protection regime and a high level of means-testing of social benefits. Having children can thus affect the labour market position of households, and influence their economic well-being. However, these effects can be shaped by the social policy and labour market solutions countries adopt.  相似文献   

This study describes and accounts for gender differences in earnings among the foreign-born in Israel and how these differences vary by origin countries. It expands on an earlier study that examined the effect of being foreign-born and female on employment status. I address three major questions: Do earnings corroborate the “double disadvantage” of immigrant women relative to both native-born women and native and foreign-born men? How do gender differences in earnings evolve with the prolongation of tenure in the new country? Does the combined effect of nativity status and gender act similarly among all foreign-born groups? Results of OLS regressions from the 1995 population census indicates that, everything else being equal, immigrants, including immigrant women, out-earn native-born men. The effect of tenure, by single year, shows that immigrant men and immigrant women follow very similar trajectories but the latter achieve similarity to native-born men much sooner. A detailed analysis reveals important stratification by country of birth. All the immigrant women who out-earned native men and native women originated in America or Europe. By contrast, all immigrant women who are at a disadvantage relative to native-born men are from Asia or Africa. The most common pattern, in which immigrant women earn as much as native-born men do but out-earn native-born women, characterizes immigrants from both Asia–Africa and Europe–America. The results are discussed in reference to three working hypotheses—“absorption climate,” “immigration motivation,” and “socio-cultural norms”—and in close connection with observations from the investigation on employment status.  相似文献   

论述了当代工人阶级的性质及历史使命 ,对当代工会模式进行了分析 ,指出当代工人阶级的性质没有改变。中国工会与西方资本主义国家工会本质有所不同。工会必须维护广大职工的利益 ,团结广大职工 ,努力建设有中国特色的社会主义  相似文献   

受雇农民工数量和工资的变化趋势研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
受雇农民工是农民工中数量最庞大但很少被专门研究的基本群体,其数量和工资的估计受到既有农民工数量和工资调查研究中统计口径不一致的困扰。以微观数据为基础的一致统计口径可以纵向连贯、横向可比地考察受雇农民工数量与工资的变化趋势。研究发现:(1)外出农民工数量已从增长阶段进入基本稳定阶段,其内因是农村劳动年龄人口不断减少,这是城市化和市民化的必然结果。(2)受雇农民工数量总体上虽略有增加,但也已进入相对稳定阶段,而且青年农民工(35周岁以下)的比重在逐年下滑。(3)受雇农民工工资水平虽有显著上涨,但与城镇职工的相对差距却有所扩大。(4)学历工资的阶梯状分布在大专及以上学历阶段呈现跳跃性,且这种跳跃性仍有扩大倾向。研究结果揭示了农民工群体内部的结构性分化,同时也表明了农民工市民化的复杂性和现实困难性。  相似文献   

基于对人口普查数据多角度的分析与研究表明,我国男女两性人力资源开发存在如下问题:女性在业人口的规模及所占比重受到一定的约束;蓝领岗位中,女性在业人口文化素质低于男性的差距呈扩大趋势;女性在业人口文化素质存在"被提高"现象;男性在业人口高文化素质人才的存量与增量优势逐渐减弱;男女两性在业人口文化素质差距有所缩小,但仍存在较大差距;农民与工人职业岗位中男女两性在业人口文化素质提升较慢、现有文化素质较低。需要从就业政策、考试选拔制度、继续教育与培训体系等方面进一步释放男女两性人力资源开发的潜能,不断提高人力开发的有效性与公平性。  相似文献   

There is considerable evidence that first generation immigrants to developed countries tend to have lower mortality than does the population as a whole at their destination. This advantage is usually ascribed to a selection process which makes migrants more robust than the local population and/or an acculturation process whereby third-world migrants lose their natural healthy life style as they take on modern urban dietary and living habits. We investigate immigrant-local mortality differences using a 6-year follow-up of the complete Brussels population aged 25–55, as enumerated at the Belgian census, 1991. We show that adult migrants have lower mortality than their native-born counterparts, despite their often poorer living arrangements, work status and human capital. This effect differs by origin group. The effects of age on mortality are similar for all groups, with mortality increasing about 8% a year. This increase is slightly greater for the Belgian born than for immigrants, which makes the selectivity explanation unlikely. Years since migration does not significantly increase the mortality risk for most groups, contradicting the acculturation hypothesis. Thus, explanations ascribing immigrants' mortality advantage to migrant selectivity, pre-modern cultural practices, or an artefact of population recording practices are insufficient. We propose, instead, an explanation based on the meaning migration has for the immigrant, and the hope engendered in the move, particularly that from a lesser to a more developed country.  相似文献   

以宁波市为例,通过对宁波市外来人口流入长期居留的调查和深入分析,发现现阶段我国快速成长城市外来人口长期居留的主要影响因素:一是流入地具有良好的就业机会和较高的稳定的收入;二是外来农民工的就业和工资待遇、外来人口子女的入学、育龄妇女生育和生殖健康服务、社会保障等制度建设方面促进了外来人口的融合;三是宁波市在外来务工人员的住房、租房和集体宿舍的修建、管理等方面促进了外来人口居住环境和工作环境的改善;四是外来人口的年龄、受教育程度、来宁波的时间长短以及孩子是否能够在流入地就学或就业也是决定外来人口长期居留下来的主要的原因。  相似文献   

德国的绿卡政策、英国的新技术移民政策和法国的"优秀人才居留证"政策,被看作是进入21世纪以来,传统的欧洲民族国家、特别是西欧国家,实施国际人才战略、提高本国经济和技术创新活力的重要社会政策。欧洲国家的技术移民政策与以往的移民政策相比,具有强大的生命力,因此,吸引了数以万计的全球技术移民。但由于其固有的缺陷,若与作为传统移民国家美国的技术移民政策相比,其对全球技术移民的吸引力远逊于美国。作为亚洲传统的民族国家——中国,当借鉴欧洲国家和美国的技术移民政策的成功经验,制定、完善和实施中国的技术移民政策和国际人才战略。  相似文献   

中日两国间出口贸易的长足发展,无疑给中日两国经济的发展带来了新的契机,也注入了一定的新的生机和活力。中日两国相互间出口贸易的依存度和竞争力状况,对进一步改善中日贸易有着深远的影响。目前,日本的出口结构优于中国,中国应在充分发挥劳动密集型产业优势的基础上,努力创新,提高科技含量,走创新性劳动密集型产业之路。  相似文献   

了解新疆农村维吾尔族富余劳动力对外出务工的认同及动因,有助于解决维吾尔族农村富余劳动力外出务工的瓶颈问题。该文根据新疆南疆三地州调查问卷数据,并结合访谈资料,对新疆农村维吾尔族青壮年的外出务工认同度及动因进行了分析。研究发现:87%的留守田园农民有外出务工意愿,但外出务工意愿并不强烈;在外出务工转移动因上,转出地内在动力是决定性因素,而转入地动力差强人意。为此,提高转入地动力是深化转移工作的重点。  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的不断发展,蓬勃发展的城市化建设对农民工资源产生了更多的需求,农民工是我国进行社会主义市场经济建设的坚实力量,是新时期最有战斗力的劳动大军,是工人阶级的重要组成部分,近些年来,新生代的80后甚至90后农民工大量的涌现,这些新生代农民工的价值观与上一代农民工相比值存在着很大的差异,加强对于新生代农民工价值观嬗变的研究,对我国建设和谐社会、推进三农事业建设有着高度的战略意义。  相似文献   

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