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哈尔滨市城区医疗体系服务现状不适应新时期群众需求的问题日趋明显。现行医疗服务模式是计划经济体制下的产物,在转轨过程中,原有医疗体系在服务功能万面的司题日显突出,制约了卫生事业的科学发展。通过对城区医疗服务体系运行状况、主要问题的调查分析及对策研究,力求探索多渠道调整和设置医疗服务格局,改善服务功能的路径,促进卫生事业又好又快发展,为领导和相关部门提供决策参考依据。  相似文献   

在当今社会的转型期。对于医学方面的发展,国外特别注重医疗质量管理的创新,努力实现医疗管理的创新化、人性化、公平化。正是这种全球医疗质量管理新趋势,使全球的医疗过程加强了监控,病人得到了保质保量的治疗。同时对我国的医疗管理创新也产生了重要的影响,实现了多种服务模式,满足了如今患者的多种需求。本文通过全球医疗质量管理新趋势的描述,浅析我国医院质量管理的创新。  相似文献   

王春芝  高强  Heiko Gebauer 《管理评论》2015,(2):178-186,208
装备产品的服务备件跨境物流系统是一个由多主体构成的开放的协同系统,其物流需求的特殊性及物流运作环境的复杂性要求各方按照协同思想进行协同管理、组织与设计,以客户的最终服务需求来实现物流链整体效益的优化与竞争力的提升。本文运用扎根理论的方法体系,通过系统的调查设计与实施获取丰富的资料及数据,进行持续的开放性译码、主轴性译码与选择性译码,从战略层面逐级提炼装备产品服务备件跨境物流协同系统的要素及结构体系,建立跨境物流通道协同系统模型。通过本文的研究,一方面拓展服务备件跨境物流协同的相关理论及管理策略,另一方面探讨扎根理论在管理研究中的具体运用。  相似文献   

翁春颖  韩明华 《管理学报》2015,12(4):517-521
知识、信息在全球价值链中的加速流动有助于我国制造业通过接受国际领先企业的知识和技术转移来提高核心能力.基于国内外研究成果,从全球价值链驱动模式入手,对全球价值链下的知识转移进行了分析,认为不同价值链驱动模式下我国本土制造业通过嵌入全球价值链获取来自领先企业的知识存在差异,从而决定了其技术进步与升级路径的不同.  相似文献   

随着我国经济社会的飞速发展,小康社会的基本确立,国民医疗保健也逐渐成为居民的诉求和政府关注的重点,医疗保健是居民生活是否幸福的重要衡量指标,更是国家社会满足居民基本生活需求,共享社会劳动成果的体现,良好的医疗保障体系不仅是保障社会劳动力的基础,更是促进经济社会稳定发展的重要环节。长期以来,我国为解决"因病返贫,因病致贫"的突出社会问题,对相关的医疗卫生体制进行了一系列的改革,给人民提供了较为广泛的基本公共卫生服务,而医疗保障体制下的医疗卫生服务,与居民看病开支直接相关,更为人民看病问题减轻了负担,"看病难"的问题在一定程度上得到了缓解。但是,我国现行的医疗保障仍有许多问题肆待解决,受制于我国人口基数大,地区发展不平衡,城乡发展两极分化的现实情况,我国的医疗保障衍生出许多矛盾,同时也制约了我国经济社会的发展。因此,本文就现行医疗保障体制下的实际情况进行研究分析,结合居民的医疗支出,探讨我国现阶段医疗保障体制的问题及影响,并以此提出相关建议。  相似文献   

医联网是互联网扎根于医疗健康体系中诞生的衍生物,其建设发展符合互联网的价值演变规律,正在经历从技术性向平台性、资源性转变,加快推动院内-院外、线上-线下的资源整合与协同,并正在引发医疗健康行业发展范式和服务体系的重大变革.在梳理智慧医疗发展现状及主要挑战的基础上,提出了医联网的定义,指出了其泛连接性、超时空性、强连续性、高安全性和高可及性等主要特征,并探究了医联网的发展形态和模式变革.最后,提出了医联网构建和医联网环境下的数据治理、服务协同、全流程监管等领域的关键科学问题,以期指引新时代医疗健康模式的变革和创新发展.  相似文献   

医联网是互联网扎根于医疗健康体系中诞生的衍生物,其建设发展符合互联网的价值演变规律,正在经历从技术性向平台性、资源性转变,加快推动院内-院外、线上-线下的资源整合与协同,并正在引发医疗健康行业发展范式和服务体系的重大变革.在梳理智慧医疗发展现状及主要挑战的基础上,提出了医联网的定义,指出了其泛连接性、超时空性、强连续性、高安全性和高可及性等主要特征,并探究了医联网的发展形态和模式变革.最后,提出了医联网构建和医联网环境下的数据治理、服务协同、全流程监管等领域的关键科学问题,以期指引新时代医疗健康模式的变革和创新发展.  相似文献   

杜秀娟 《办公室业务》2020,(10):187-188
随着我国信息技术和互联网时代的到来,要求在医疗健康服务方面采用电子医疗档案.在很多的医院和医疗机构都实行了电子化的医疗档案管理,由于电子医疗档案的运用,使我国的医疗健康服务不断完善.本篇文章主要讨论了采用电子医疗档案提升医疗健康服务,并进行研究与分析,从而提升医疗健康服务.  相似文献   

移动问诊服务日益成熟,但患者满意度仍有待提高。现有研究对医患交互过程关注不足,且忽略患者不满意评价的影响因素。为此,本文引入"激励-保健"理论视角,研究医生的信息-情感交互模式对移动问诊服务满意及不满的影响机制。本文筛选国内某领先移动问诊平台中的300次医患沟通记录,采用"先定性后定量"的混合研究方法对数据进行分析。其中,定性研究旨在识别医生交互模式的细分维度,定量研究则用于提出并验证不同交互模式与患者满意及不满的关系。研究发现,医生的信息交互模式是移动问诊服务满意度的保健因素,而情感交互模式是激励因素。结论丰富了移动问诊服务患者满意度的研究框架,对改善医生行为和医疗服务APP设计提供了指导。  相似文献   

医疗运作管理: 新兴研究热点及其进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
近几十年来,随着人们对健康问题关注度的日益提升,医疗保健服务得到了快速发展, 随之而来的诸多有别于其他服务的运作问题吸引了众多学者浓厚的研究兴趣,并逐渐形成了一个新兴研究热点———医疗运作管理. 医疗运作管理旨在运用运作管理的思想、方法和技术对医疗保健服务各个运作环节进行精细研究,为医疗保健服务的有效实施提供系统的科学指导. 文章介绍了全球医疗服务业的发展形势以及医疗运作管理的研究进展,说明了该领域研究的有效性、必要性和迫切性; 全面回顾了运筹管理顶级期刊和医疗运作领域的重要期刊,按照研究对象进行分类组织,详细介绍了医疗运作管理研究的关注热点,并结合当今最新的研究成果分析了潜在发展趋势.  相似文献   

随着医疗需求的日益增长,供需不平衡的矛盾日益显著,病床资源短缺已经成为制约医疗服务发展的重要因素之一。针对病床资源供需失衡的问题,本文构建患者两阶段医疗服务过程的病床资源优化模型。考虑患者的医疗服务是一个两阶段串联排队过程,第一阶段是强制治疗阶段,第二阶段是康复阶段。在患者排队系统中,服务台总数固定的前提下,本文利用增补变量方法给出了该排队系统的概率等式,通过求解偏微分方程得出系统的状态概率,并推导出医院拒绝患者的概率、平均康复时间等相关指标。考虑部分患者因病床资源不足而无法入院和康复阶段患者提前出院两种风险因素,本文基于排队指标构建多病种间的病床分配模型,再利用动态规划的求解思路得到病床分配的最优解。最后,本文采用2017年卫生统计数据和模拟数据相结合进行数值分析。研究结果表明与传统单阶段模型相比,两阶段模型对不同病种间病床数差别影响显著,并且患者入院率对病床分配影响较大。进一步,基于数值结果给出了医疗管理建议和研究展望。  相似文献   

The outbreak of pandemics such as COVID-19 can result in cascading effects for global systemic risk. To combat an ongoing pandemic, governmental resources are largely allocated toward supporting the health of the public and economy. This shift in attention can lead to security vulnerabilities which are exploited by terrorists. In view of this, counterterrorism during a pandemic is of critical interest to the safety and well-being of the global society. Most notably, the population flows among potential targets are likely to change in conjunction with the trend of the health crisis, which leads to fluctuations in target valuations. In this situation, a new challenge for the defender is to optimally allocate his/her resources among targets that have changing valuations, where his/her intention is to minimize the expected losses from potential terrorist attacks. In order to deal with this challenge, in this paper, we first develop a defender–attacker game in sequential form, where the target valuations can change as a result of the pandemic. Then we analyze the effects of a pandemic on counterterrorism resource allocation from the perspective of dynamic target valuations. Finally, we provide some examples to display the theoretical results, and present a case study to illustrate the usability of our proposed model during a pandemic.  相似文献   

基于网络环境的服务发展与创新已成为经济发展的新引擎。本文在分析网络环境下服务特征基础上,探讨了其对服务科学与创新管理研究的影响。结合我国社会经济发展对现代服务快速增长的需求,本文提炼了服务科学研究的三类基本科学问题,包括服务价值的内涵与度量,服务资源的要素及其价值生成,和服务关系的界定与形成问题;提出了服务与创新管理的四个重要研究领域,即:服务生态系统的形成与演化,服务资源要素的组织与协调,服务的关联与融合和社会服务运作管理问题。在四个重要研究领域的进一步分析中,论文以一个异质数据服务资源的组织与融合为例,描述了服务资源组织与协调的一个具体问题,说明了已有研究方法解决该问题的困难,和未来该问题研究需要关注的重点;另以平台服务中基于价值和关系的服务定价问题为例,说明服务关联与融合研究的挑战及其未来研究的努力方向。  相似文献   

随着跨境电子商务(跨境电商)的快速发展,网购消费者对跨境电商服务质量的投诉量持续增加。为了探索跨境电商服务质量的提升策略,本研究基于顾客感知角度,提出信息技术(IT)驱动的虚拟社区知识共享对易用性、可靠性、响应性和移情性等电商服务质量维度的影响模型。我们通过问卷方式对有跨境网购经验的顾客进行调查,利用统计分析软件对获得的458份问卷数据进行结构方程模型分析,得出结果:在跨境电商情景下,知识共享程度不同的顾客对易用性、响应性、可靠性和移情性的感知具有显著差异;IT驱动的虚拟社区知识共享可以显著地影响易用性、可靠性、响应性和移情性。根据此结果,给出了通过IT驱动的虚拟社区知识共享提升跨境电商服务质量的管理启示。  相似文献   


Various types of healthcare waste (or medical waste) generated by urban healthcare activities have increased due to the expansion of urban population and medical needs. As healthcare wastes are harmful to both the environment and human health, managing medical waste is becoming progressively more important. Constructing an optimized medical waste recycling network is one of the key problems in the management of urban healthcare waste. This paper conducts a two-stage reverse logistics network design for urban healthcare waste. The first stage involves the prediction of the amount of medical waste. Based on the Grey GM(1,1) prediction model, the amount of medical waste in multi-period of the target hospitals is predicted. In the second stage, a multi-objective model aimed at minimizing operating costs and minimizing environmental impact is developed for facilities allocation decisions, which include the configuration of key facilities such as hospitals, collection centers, transshipment centers, processing centers, and disposal sites, as well as medical waste flow control among facilities. A dynamic approach for the healthcare waste reverse logistics network is constructed by combining the Grey GM(1,1) prediction method with multi-objective optimization model. Sensitivity analysis of key parameters has been performed to analyze their impact on network performance. Some insightful management practices have been revealed.



The Danish public healthcare system has been forced to improve performance in terms of better service and lower costs. One regional Danish public healthcare organization has systematically implemented an improvement culture in its psychiatry sector. This research paper contains an evaluation of the organization’s transformation journey towards continuous improvement in psychiatry. The study was based on twenty-five personal interviews, two group interviews and four focus group interviews with centre managers, doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses and medical personnel in two of the ten psychiatry centres in the region. The objectives of implementing an improvement culture were to create better service for patients and to improve efficiency. Findings indicate that a number of critical success factors and barriers exist in mental healthcare and that even though a number of resources was invested up front, adjustments of the implementation process were needed from centre to centre. Furthermore, the implementation of a lean culture had some positive effects on treatments. In particular, internally, efficiency improved in some areas, creating a common view of what creates value and how to make improvements. Involving different groups of specialists in the implementation of an improvement culture is important. However, the achievement of continuous improvement efforts could be challenging, as results can be difficult to quantify. The novelty of the paper lies in the fact that data is collected from different groups of employees (from both managers’ and employees’ perspectives) on the effects of a full-scale implementation of an improvement culture in public mental healthcare.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the development of research in the domain of service(s) marketing from its birth as an area of academic study in the 1960s/1970s to the current time. It identifies four phases of development. Phases 1–3 relate to the period before 2004, which focuses on the development of service(s) marketing. In Phase 4, a greater focus on the concept of service (singular) – defined as the application of knowledge and skills – has resulted in developments and directions in service research that offer a different perspective through which to view more general marketing. This different perspective has explicit implications also for wider business and management research. The paper summarizes current research in this domain, which coalesces around three broad perspectives, namely, the service‐dominant logic of marketing, technology and service, and transformative service research. It concludes by outlining likely trends for service research into the future. Three interrelated directions are suggested: research on service in a changing context; research responding to academic schools of thought; and research responding to consumer trends.  相似文献   

Service quality improvement has become an imperative in today's service firms. In this paper, we present a modeling framework that combines marketing and operations viewpoints for resource allocation. The framework can be used to allocate resources to the different stages of a multistage service system, where the manager's goal is to improve customers' perceptions of service quality, given some budget. Optimal allocation guidelines are provided, and the interplay of three factors on the resulting allocation scheme is captured. These factors are the current level of customers' perceptions of service quality at each stage, the cost of implementing a service quality improvement at each stage, and the importance placed by customers at each stage. Sensitivity analysis to provide additional managerial insights is also performed. We demonstrate the applicability of the modeling framework, using data from a real life health care environment. Model limitations and future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

中国已经成为世界最大的集装箱集疏地.随着建设"新丝绸之路经济带"和"21世纪海上丝绸之路"(简称"一带一路")国家战略的提出,中国港口迎来了新的发展机遇.港口管理和运营涉及单一港口维度一个或者多个资源的运作优化问题,港口群维度港口之间的协作行为和机制问题,海运供应链维度港口与主要利益相关者之间的协作行为和机制问题等.文章介绍了中国港口在国际海运物流中的重要地位以及全面梳理了近年来港口管理与运营相关问题的研究进展;基于国内外学者已取得的最新研究成果,结合中国本土实践情境,文章指出当今的研究空白,从新的研究视角出发详细介绍了潜在的研究热点问题,分析了相关领域研究的必要性和迫切性.  相似文献   

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