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实行党政领导干部引咎辞职、责令辞职制度,是完善党政领导干部考核体系,加强对党政领导干部监督管理的有效举措,是深化干部人事制度改革,推进干部工作科学化、制度化建设的迫切需要.  相似文献   

2000年以来,在中共中央组织部的推动下,各级机关试图建立党政领导干部引咎辞职制度。2002年中共中央颁布的《党政领导干部选拔任用条例》首次将引咎辞职纳入干部管理制度中。从2004年开始,政府逐步加大了引咎辞职的力度。  相似文献   

<正>2013年6月,习近平明确提出了判断"好干部"的五条标准(信念坚定、为民服务、勤政务实、敢于担当、清正廉洁),并在2014年1月新修订的《党政领导干部选拔任用工作条例》(以下简称《条例》)中得到体现。其实,我国领导干部引咎辞职制度一直走的是制度化发展道路,并已成为追究领导干部责任、实现责任政府的有效途径,而《公务员法》的出台,则实现了领导干部引咎辞职  相似文献   

引咎辞职在规范我国领导干部责任与义务、促进我国政治制度和政治文明建设与顺利进展的同时,也存在一系列问题,主要表现为责任主体难界定、行政权力使用效率低、领导干部滥用权力、引咎辞职适用范围过窄等。完善和发展领导干部引咎辞职制度,需要健全领导干部岗位权力-责任对等机制,完善领导干部绩效考核-激励机制,明确引咎辞职执行标准,并建立严格的官员复出机制。  相似文献   

宗文 《领导广角》2000,(12):8-10
在许多人的脑海中,中国的领导干部与国外同行相比似乎有一个最大的优势,“能上不能下”。“只要不出大的事故,当国家干部肯定是一辈子的差事。”然而今年以来,这件事情有了根本性的转变。中组部在深圳龙岗等地试行的“处级科级干部引咎辞职和投票表决制度”成了一个信号,中国的干部可能将不再是终身的职业了,在任期内不干出点事业,你的饭碗就端不牢了。  相似文献   

党政领导干部引咎辞职制度是我国政治生活中的新现象,它的建立是我国建设责任政府的重要举措,标志着政府权力的不断规范化与政府责任的不断明确化。但是目前我国党政领导干部引咎辞职制度刚建立,尚存在许多问题,因此还需要很长的一段时间在实践中不断总结经验教训来完善这一制度。  相似文献   

刘立新 《领导科学》2002,(20):32-33
2002年7月9日,中共中央颁发了<党政领导干部选拔任用工作条例>,其中第五十九条明确规定了要实行引咎辞职制度.引咎辞职,是指党政领导干部因工作严重失误、失职造成重大损失,影响恶劣,或者对重大事故负有重要责任,不宜再担任现职,由本人提出辞去现任领导职务.  相似文献   

党的十七大报告中明确指出,重点加强时领导干部特别是主要领导干部、人财物管理使用、关键岗位的监督,健全质询、问责、经济责任审计、引咎辞职、罢免等制度.  相似文献   

万辉 《领导科学》2001,(16):21-22
在2001年3月初召开的全国人大会议上,最高人民法院院长肖扬在向大会作工作报告时明确提出,2001年将在法院系统全面推行领导干部引咎辞职制度,本人不愿辞职的,建议同级人大及其常委会对其进行罢免或撤换;该制度从即日起生效,并从他自己做起.中纪委驻最高人民检察院纪检组组长王克也表示,我国将在各级检察机关中推行领导干部引咎辞职制度.  相似文献   

2004年4月,中共中央颁布了《党政领导干部辞职暂行规定》,对因公辞职、自愿辞职、引咎辞职、责令辞职作了严格规范。其中引咎辞职是《规定》的重点、难点,也是一大亮点。  相似文献   

The paper proposes an alternative way of looking at performance management by placing the 'performer' in the leading role of evaluator. The proposition is rooted in the evidence that, when performance is primarily evaluated by someone other than 'self', this robs individuals of a sense of responsibility for their own work performance and reduces the quality of both process and output. The paper suggests that learning is the premier skill at the root of performance improvement. Further, a systems view of the organization is essential if employees are to be given the freedom to self-evaluate.  相似文献   

This paper argues that business ethics needs to deal more effectively with situations in which stakeholder interests conflict – the essence of politics. The nature of conflicting interests and the inability of current theory to deal with conflict are explored. Federal ethics is offered as a promising approach to conflict in stakeholder relations. The paper begins by tracing the development of federal theory and then defines the central value of federal ethics – fidelity. Building on the work of Gabriel Marcel, I ground an ethic of fidelity in consent and creativity. The distinctive features of this approach are highlighted by contrasting it with integrative social contracts theory. Unlike traditional approaches, federal ethics provides a focus on process, rather than principle, which lends itself better to the essentially political nature of stakeholders in conflict. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

目前,各地党政机关部门正以保持共产党员先进性教育活动为契机,努力推进机关党建,积极完善长效机制,呈现出“抓党建、促行政”的良好态势。但与此同时,我们也看到,在一些机关部门,尤其是党政分设的机关部门,作为一把手的行政主要负责人,对机关党建工作依然不够重视、不够支特。其具体表现为以下三个方面。对党的基本理论学习有“淡化”的现象。政治上的坚定来自理论上的清醒。然而,在一些机关部门,出现了新的“学习无用论”。少数部门一把手认为学习党的知识没有用,不如多留点时间钻研业务。由于他们平时对党的基本理论学习不够、掌握不多,…  相似文献   

In this invited piece, I deal with Brexit as the leading edge of an ongoing anti-expert revolution. I begin by considering Brexit in relation to my own long-standing anti-expertist approach to social epistemology, which in many ways makes me a kindred spirit to the Brexiteers. Next, I turn to the struggle of parliamentary elites that eventuated in the win for Brexit, focussing on the Brexiteers' distinctive epistemic and ethical strategy with regard to public opinion. Finally, I consider the unforeseen emergence of a Rousseau-style ‘general will’ with regard to Brexit, which is where British democracy stands for the foreseeable future, ending on the role of academia – and specifically business schools – in the anti-expert revolution.  相似文献   

在新会计准则下,对于视同销售行为,会计实务该如何处理?本文从收入原则、提高会计信息的相关性、防止盈余管理等方面对此给予了分析,并提出了全新的见解。  相似文献   

彭贺 《管理学报》2012,(5):637-641
不仅理论本身的原因会导致理论与实践的脱节,管理者不愿意使用理论或者不正确使用理论也会造成理论与实践的脱节,因此对管理者实践逻辑本身的分析就非常必要。基于对管理者实践逻辑的分析,管理者不仅应作为研究对象进入研究过程,即对管理者的实践智慧进行研究、吸纳和提炼,而且应作为研究主体进入研究过程。弥合管理理论与实践的距离,不仅要基于实践的逻辑去构建理论,更要研究实践者如何才能成为一个高效的研究者。  相似文献   

Recently businesses have been encouraged to discuss their business models in their annual reports as a means of communicating their future intentions to readers of their financial statements. At the same time, corporate governance has continued to be a focus of attention. In this paper we set out the view that a useful way of regarding corporate governance is that of custodianship of the business model—by which we mean that the directors are responsible for sustaining and developing a company’s business model. A comparison of corporate governance and the activities required to sustain and develop the business model shows them to be essentially the same. A business model view has the advantage that it unifies the compliance and monitoring aspects of governance with the advisory and strategy-setting roles of directors, roles that have sometimes been seen as conflicting. Viewing corporate governance from a business model perspective highlights aspects of board responsibilities that are not explicitly recognised in the UK Corporate Governance Code and may have been neglected in the prevailing emphasis on compliance, but which are intimately connected to both network relationships and corporate culture which are now becoming a source of concern.  相似文献   

Societal Risk as Seen by the French Public   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mean risk magnitude judgments expressed by French students on 90 hazardous activities are reported and compared with findings on American, Hungarian, and Norwegian samples. In many respects, rating of perceived risk in the French sample is highly comparable to rating in American subjects. American and French people tend to share the same preoccupations to the same extent. The only major differences concern hallucinatory drugs and oral contraceptives. The Norwegians and French ratings differ much more. Norwegians and French people generally have the same preoccupations (which make Norwegian ratings the best predictor of French ratings) but not to the same extent. The French are much more concerned with a whole series of activities connected to violence, the implementation of high technology or agricultural technology. However, like the Norwegians, the French are extremely concerned about the spread of hallucinogenic drugs. The Hungarian and French ratings differ on practically all instances, except on basic activities or substances in all industrialized nations (caffeine, motorcycles, …). Differences were observed within the French sample itself. Women more than men consider that home appliances in general and large-scale public transportation are potentially dangerous. Science students more than art students tend to fear a certain number of medical techniques and a certain number of toxic substances (e.g., smoking).  相似文献   

罗军红 《领导科学》2007,(13):33-34
组织部门是党委实施政治领导和组织领导的重要职能部门,组织部长处于这一部门的关键岗位,所担负的领导工作将直接影响党的工作大局。如何才能胜任这个富有挑战性的工作?在担任组织部长几年的工作实践中,笔者有些许感悟,写出来与大家共勉。  相似文献   

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