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针对群决策中如何科学地收集、集成、分析决策者真实看法的问题,基于西方的思维法则学理论,提出了指示优先级的程式化方法。该方法蕴涵了东方管理中的均衡思想,广泛用于爱尔兰政府及企业的各种项目中。作为该方法的原创者和翻译者合作团队,我们在5年多的合作研究中,探索了有关的理论发展及其中文表述。本文介绍指示优先级的程式化方法的适用情景和应用步骤,与其他方法论进行了比较,给出了应用案例。在应用案例中,对陕西省的5个市县财政局进行了访谈和问卷调查,对西安市财政局的调查数据进行了识别、集成和分析,得到了决策方案及优先级次序。应用结果表明:指示优先级的程式化方法适用于中国情境下的多属性/多准则群决策,能够提供决策依据。  相似文献   

高校作为西方敌对势力和内部破坏势力进行意识形态渗透和攻击的主要目标,意识形态教育工作压力越来越大,责任越来越重。当前高校意识形态教育中尚存在重引导轻反馈、重理论轻实践、重监管轻疏导、重当前轻长远的不足。高校要从坚持阵地管理和队伍建设相结合、理论灌输与实践引导相结合、加强监管与提前防范相结合、学校教育与长期自育相结合四个方面发挥学生在高校意识形态教育中的作用。  相似文献   

《国际结算》是一门操作性极强的专业课程,在长期的教研实践中出现了诸多理论与实际相脱节等问题。本文围绕之中存在的主要问题.结合笔者多年的实践,探讨角色扮演法在该课程中的应用,充分发挥教师在活动中的教育指导、管理作用,提升实践质量。  相似文献   

管理研究与管理实践脱节最近引起研究者的强烈关注。它是指管理研究所得出的发现,或发展出来的理论并没有在具体实践之中得到有效应用。论文将其归纳为无关型、超脱型、应用型、传递型、落后型五种类型的脱节,并对脱节的原因进行了深入分析。我们认为,建立合理的管理研究成果评价机制、进行以问题和变革驱动的情境化研究、综合运用多种研究范式、成立跨学科的研究机构、建立有效的科学研究共同体、建立学术知识转化机制、强化研究的规范性,将是弥合管理研究与实践距离的有效对策。  相似文献   

目前,我国新建本科院校客观存在办学定位不准、千校一面、师资队伍薄弱、学科建设落后、专业调整困难、教学重理论轻实践与重学术轻应用、科学研究水平较低、服务社会能力较弱、合作教育不发达、转型发展资金短缺、实训实践平台建设滞后、毕业生就业质量不高等诸多问题,亟待加强应用技术大学战略改革与转型发展。  相似文献   

作业成本法研究现状综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对作业成本法的研究是循着这样一个脉络:作业成本基本概念和基本理论的探讨;作业成本法理论与实践结合应用的探讨;作业成本法如何与先进管理思想结合运用的探讨.目前在国内的研究和应用中,存在的主要不足是理论与实践脱节,对作业成本法与先进管理思想、标准成本制度的结合缺乏系统的研究.  相似文献   

吕力 《管理学报》2010,7(8):1123-1129
在国内外学术界,管理学研究都出现了某种程度的"黑板化"倾向.尽管关于管理理论与实践脱节的问题比较复杂,但其本质上是一个研究方法论问题.从布里奇曼的基于操作主义的实证研究方法论的视角来看,可以将管理理论与实践脱节的"黑板管理学"的来源总结为以下3个原因:概念没有很好定义导致无法测量的"泛量表式研究"、概念分解中的"伪还原"以及忽视研究结论可操作性的"管理解释学".  相似文献   

张玉利 《管理学报》2008,5(3):336-339,370
讨论学术界与企业界脱节的实质是理论与实践是否脱节的问题,管理学科的特性决定了管理理论来自于实践,不应该存在理论与实践脱节的问题。从这一基本问题入手,结合教学科研经历,分析理论与实践脱节的原因,并提出基本的改进思路,目的是能够更好地促进学术界与企业界的互动,从我国企业管理实践中科学地提炼管理理论。  相似文献   

对错误理论的研究背景、动机和国内外的研究现状作了阐述,并系统地介绍了该理论的研究方法和研究工具,提出了错误理论和错误逻辑对管理实践、决策过程以及管理系统建模的重要作用,而且指出该理论对管理科学学派的长远影响.最后,对该理论的研究方向和实际应用作了前瞻性的介绍,指出其在理论深入和实践应用方面的巨大研究空间.  相似文献   

以实践为导向的管理研究评价   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
目前,我国管理科学研究过于工具化,过于重视科学性和规范性,却忽视了管理科学的另一个重点--解决实践问题,因此,有必要重新构建管理研究评价体系,来提升管理科学的实践性.在系统分析了管理研究及其评价的相关问题之后,首次构建了以实践为导向的评价体系.该体系考虑了整个研究过程--研究来源、研究中间过程和研究成果,并且重点剖析研究成果的实践性评价.研究成果的实践价值需要从企业、政府和公众3个方面来评价.  相似文献   

Ken Starkey and Paula Madan's report, Bridging the Relevance Gap (2001), advocates the development of collaborative networks between academics and organizations. Drawing on similar experiences, this article discusses two essential conditions of such programmes: a clarification of the scientific object of management research, and the design of research-oriented partnerships. The scientific identity of management research should be distinguished from other social sciences: management sciences do not study economic or social facts, but 'models of collective action' which are then perceived and judged conventionally and historically as 'economic or social phenomena'. Therefore, the essence and universality of management research is in understanding, criticizing and inventing 'models of collective action'. In management research, as in other design sciences, the classical laboratory and field models of research are important. However, a third model of research based on partnerships is required, where knowledge does not transcend action but is integral to it. Yet research is not simply 'doing better' and requires theoretical and empirical control. Hence, the design of 'research oriented partnerships' is a crucial key of new management research. Inspired by existing experiences, the research community could lay down the rules and commitments expected from academics and companies in research-oriented partnerships. Resting on these two pillars, research could contribute to the invention of new models of collective action adapted to contemporary issues and values and reduce misleading mimetic behaviour, blind compliance to gurus or fashion in management practice.  相似文献   

This article focuses on decision sciences research in China, providing an overview of current research and developing a foundation for future China‐based research. China provides a unique research opportunity for decision sciences researchers, owing to its recent history, rapid economic development, and strong national culture. We examine recent economic reforms and their impact on the development of research questions in the decision sciences, as well as discuss characteristics of the diverse regions in China and their potential as sites for various types of research. We provide a brief overview of recent China‐based research on decision sciences issues relating to national culture, supply chain management, quality management, production planning and control, operations strategy, and new product development and discuss some of the unique methodological challenges inherent in China‐based research. We conclude by looking forward to emerging research opportunities in China.  相似文献   

Ideology is a core and contested concept in the social sciences, but also long deployed in management research to highlight the political, embedded and/or obscuring nature of ideas. Indeed, many would argue that management itself is inherently ideological in legitimating or privileging managerial interests and concealing other groups and ways of organizing. In the first systematic review of how ideology has been conceptualized in management studies, this paper explores its diverse and changing meanings in order to develop and sustain the concept. It is based on a heuristic review of 175 articles and 41 books published between 1956 and 2018. Further developing categories used in the social sciences around its role, we found views of ideology as: (1) domination; (2) legitimation; (3) interpretation; (4) integration; and (5) normative logic. In addition, emerging perspectives were identified where ideology was (6) an object of critique or (7) fantasy structuring social reality. We describe, illustrate and evaluate these often internally diverse and interrelated perspectives, as well as comparing them with sometimes competing notions within the management field, such as discourse, culture and legitimation. We also bring together the different approaches and argue for a pluralist, but not infinitely flexible, approach to the concept. In doing so, we identify research agendas for ideology within management and organization studies.  相似文献   

Research in the field of management and organizational sciences has yielded a deeper understanding of many emerging business issues. However, the relevance of the contributions has been increasingly criticized, in both the academic and public spheres. We propose the intervention research approach – originally developed by the research group at Ecole des Mines de Paris – as a design science approach able to address both the relevance gap issue and the growing complexity of management practice. It is argued that increasing our understanding of management requires research that is more insightful, influential and immediately applicable. This in turn requires closer collaboration between management and researchers during the inquiry process, which is not always easy to achieve. An illustrative case study of an intervention research project focusing on creativity, conducted in Italy in collaboration with a fashion company, demonstrates how intervention research can be rigorous and relevant to practitioners, and how it can advance theoretical knowledge in management science.  相似文献   

新世纪:中国管理科学界的挑战、机遇与对策   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
21世纪我们将面临什么样的社会经济环境 ?在该环境下社会经济活动的管理将具有什么新特点 ?这些特点对管理科学将提出什么新要求 ?面对这些要求 ,中国管理科学界的挑战、机遇和对策是什么 ?文章将对这些问题展开讨论和分析  相似文献   

管理学的学科特点要求理论研究必须与实践紧密结合。中国经济持续30多年的快速增长与管理实践的改革创新是分不开的,在这样的背景下,《管理学报》杂志致力于推动中国实践管理的研究工作,及时而且必要。从中国管理实践研究现状、学术和科学问题提炼、中国管理模式总结3个方面进行分析,旨在突出管理实践的学术研究,希望引发学术界对管理研究的思考,在提升研究规范性和研究能力的基础上,丰富和创新管理理论,增强国内学术研究在国际上的影响力和话语权。  相似文献   

There is considerable evidence that firms and institutions that have adopted and utilized operations research and related management sciences (OR/MS) experience severe internal disruptions and changes as the new technology is introduced. In some cases the reactions have been adverse enough to result in temporary rejection of the technology and a period of three to five years has been necessary for reintroduction of OR/MS. Such lags represent lost opportunities with attendant costs that firms and institutions can ill afford. There is obvious need to manage the introduction of OR/MS into organizations to minimize the inevitable resistances to change and to expedite institutional acceptance and practice. This paper presents a normative framework for this purpose based on four case studies of Indian implementation experience. The selected firms, which represent different sectors of industry, adopted different strategies for introduction and diffusion of OR/MS. The authors have noted several points of similarity between the Indian experience and the experience of U.S. organizations which indicate a fair measure of general validity for the proposed normative framework.  相似文献   

本文针对我国管理科学研究水平不高的现状,对研究题目的选择、研究目标、内容和技术路线的设计等方面存在的问题和原因作了系统的分析,并提出了一些看法和观点,供有关研究人员参考。  相似文献   

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