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Sparsity-inducing penalties are useful tools for variable selection and are also effective for regression problems where the data are functions. We consider the problem of selecting not only variables but also decision boundaries in multiclass logistic regression models for functional data, using sparse regularization. The parameters of the functional logistic regression model are estimated in the framework of the penalized likelihood method with the sparse group lasso-type penalty, and then tuning parameters for the model are selected using the model selection criterion. The effectiveness of the proposed method is investigated through simulation studies and the analysis of a gene expression data set.  相似文献   

Quantile regression provides a flexible platform for evaluating covariate effects on different segments of the conditional distribution of response. As the effects of covariates may change with quantile level, contemporaneously examining a spectrum of quantiles is expected to have a better capacity to identify variables with either partial or full effects on the response distribution, as compared to focusing on a single quantile. Under this motivation, we study a general adaptively weighted LASSO penalization strategy in the quantile regression setting, where a continuum of quantile index is considered and coefficients are allowed to vary with quantile index. We establish the oracle properties of the resulting estimator of coefficient function. Furthermore, we formally investigate a Bayesian information criterion (BIC)-type uniform tuning parameter selector and show that it can ensure consistent model selection. Our numerical studies confirm the theoretical findings and illustrate an application of the new variable selection procedure.  相似文献   

Regularized variable selection is a powerful tool for identifying the true regression model from a large number of candidates by applying penalties to the objective functions. The penalty functions typically involve a tuning parameter that controls the complexity of the selected model. The ability of the regularized variable selection methods to identify the true model critically depends on the correct choice of the tuning parameter. In this study, we develop a consistent tuning parameter selection method for regularized Cox's proportional hazards model with a diverging number of parameters. The tuning parameter is selected by minimizing the generalized information criterion. We prove that, for any penalty that possesses the oracle property, the proposed tuning parameter selection method identifies the true model with probability approaching one as sample size increases. Its finite sample performance is evaluated by simulations. Its practical use is demonstrated in The Cancer Genome Atlas breast cancer data.  相似文献   

We propose a new criterion for model selection in prediction problems. The covariance inflation criterion adjusts the training error by the average covariance of the predictions and responses, when the prediction rule is applied to permuted versions of the data set. This criterion can be applied to general prediction problems (e.g. regression or classification) and to general prediction rules (e.g. stepwise regression, tree-based models and neural nets). As a by-product we obtain a measure of the effective number of parameters used by an adaptive procedure. We relate the covariance inflation criterion to other model selection procedures and illustrate its use in some regression and classification problems. We also revisit the conditional bootstrap approach to model selection.  相似文献   

Summary. The classical approach to statistical analysis is usually based upon finding values for model parameters that maximize the likelihood function. Model choice in this context is often also based on the likelihood function, but with the addition of a penalty term for the number of parameters. Though models may be compared pairwise by using likelihood ratio tests for example, various criteria such as the Akaike information criterion have been proposed as alternatives when multiple models need to be compared. In practical terms, the classical approach to model selection usually involves maximizing the likelihood function associated with each competing model and then calculating the corresponding criteria value(s). However, when large numbers of models are possible, this quickly becomes infeasible unless a method that simultaneously maximizes over both parameter and model space is available. We propose an extension to the traditional simulated annealing algorithm that allows for moves that not only change parameter values but also move between competing models. This transdimensional simulated annealing algorithm can therefore be used to locate models and parameters that minimize criteria such as the Akaike information criterion, but within a single algorithm, removing the need for large numbers of simulations to be run. We discuss the implementation of the transdimensional simulated annealing algorithm and use simulation studies to examine its performance in realistically complex modelling situations. We illustrate our ideas with a pedagogic example based on the analysis of an autoregressive time series and two more detailed examples: one on variable selection for logistic regression and the other on model selection for the analysis of integrated recapture–recovery data.  相似文献   

A regression model with skew-normal errors provides a useful extension for ordinary normal regression models when the data set under consideration involves asymmetric outcomes. Variable selection is an important issue in all regression analyses, and in this paper, we investigate the simultaneously variable selection in joint location and scale models of the skew-normal distribution. We propose a unified penalized likelihood method which can simultaneously select significant variables in the location and scale models. Furthermore, the proposed variable selection method can simultaneously perform parameter estimation and variable selection in the location and scale models. With appropriate selection of the tuning parameters, we establish the consistency and the oracle property of the regularized estimators. Simulation studies and a real example are used to illustrate the proposed methodologies.  相似文献   


Variable selection in finite mixture of regression (FMR) models is frequently used in statistical modeling. The majority of applications of variable selection in FMR models use a normal distribution for regression error. Such assumptions are unsuitable for a set of data containing a group or groups of observations with heavy tails and outliers. In this paper, we introduce a robust variable selection procedure for FMR models using the t distribution. With appropriate selection of the tuning parameters, the consistency and the oracle property of the regularized estimators are established. To estimate the parameters of the model, we develop an EM algorithm for numerical computations and a method for selecting tuning parameters adaptively. The parameter estimation performance of the proposed model is evaluated through simulation studies. The application of the proposed model is illustrated by analyzing a real data set.  相似文献   

In many applications, a single Box–Cox transformation cannot necessarily produce the normality, constancy of variance and linearity of systematic effects. In this paper, by establishing a heterogeneous linear regression model for the Box–Cox transformed response, we propose a hybrid strategy, in which variable selection is employed to reduce the dimension of the explanatory variables in joint mean and variance models, and Box–Cox transformation is made to remedy the response. We propose a unified procedure which can simultaneously select significant variables in the joint mean and variance models of Box–Cox transformation which provide a useful extension of the ordinary normal linear regression models. With appropriate choice of the tuning parameters, we establish the consistency of this procedure and the oracle property of the obtained estimators. Moreover, we also consider the maximum profile likelihood estimator of the Box–Cox transformation parameter. Simulation studies and a real example are used to illustrate the application of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

The generalized cross-validation (GCV) method has been a popular technique for the selection of tuning parameters for smoothing and penalty, and has been a standard tool to select tuning parameters for shrinkage models in recent works. Its computational ease and robustness compared to the cross-validation method makes it competitive for model selection as well. It is well known that the GCV method performs well for linear estimators, which are linear functions of the response variable, such as ridge estimator. However, it may not perform well for nonlinear estimators since the GCV emphasizes linear characteristics by taking the trace of the projection matrix. This paper aims to explore the GCV for nonlinear estimators and to further extend the results to correlated data in longitudinal studies. We expect that the nonlinear GCV and quasi-GCV developed in this paper will provide similar tools for the selection of tuning parameters in linear penalty models and penalized GEE models.  相似文献   

As a useful supplement to mean regression, quantile regression is a completely distribution-free approach and is more robust to heavy-tailed random errors. In this paper, a variable selection procedure for quantile varying coefficient models is proposed by combining local polynomial smoothing with adaptive group LASSO. With an appropriate selection of tuning parameters by the BIC criterion, the theoretical properties of the new procedure, including consistency in variable selection and the oracle property in estimation, are established. The finite sample performance of the newly proposed method is investigated through simulation studies and the analysis of Boston house price data. Numerical studies confirm that the newly proposed procedure (QKLASSO) has both robustness and efficiency for varying coefficient models irrespective of error distribution, which is a good alternative and necessary supplement to the KLASSO method.  相似文献   

Predictive criteria, including the adjusted squared multiple correlation coefficient, the adjusted concordance correlation coefficient, and the predictive error sum of squares, are available for model selection in the linear mixed model. These criteria all involve some sort of comparison of observed values and predicted values, adjusted for the complexity of the model. The predicted values can be conditional on the random effects or marginal, i.e., based on averages over the random effects. These criteria have not been investigated for model selection success.

We used simulations to investigate selection success rates for several versions of these predictive criteria as well as several versions of Akaike's information criterion and the Bayesian information criterion, and the pseudo F-test. The simulations involved the simple scenario of selection of a fixed parameter when the covariance structure is known.

Several variance–covariance structures were used. For compound symmetry structures, higher success rates for the predictive criteria were obtained when marginal rather than conditional predicted values were used. Information criteria had higher success rates when a certain term (normally left out in SAS MIXED computations) was included in the criteria. Various penalty functions were used in the information criteria, but these had little effect on success rates. The pseudo F-test performed as expected. For the autoregressive with random effects structure, the results were the same except that success rates were higher for the conditional version of the predictive error sum of squares.

Characteristics of the data, such as the covariance structure, parameter values, and sample size, greatly impacted performance of various model selection criteria. No one criterion was consistently better than the others.  相似文献   

Variable selection in finite mixture of regression (FMR) models is frequently used in statistical modeling. The majority of applications of variable selection in FMR models use a normal distribution for regression error. Such assumptions are unsuitable for a set of data containing a group or groups of observations with asymmetric behavior. In this paper, we introduce a variable selection procedure for FMR models using the skew-normal distribution. With appropriate choice of the tuning parameters, we establish the theoretical properties of our procedure, including consistency in variable selection and the oracle property in estimation. To estimate the parameters of the model, a modified EM algorithm for numerical computations is developed. The methodology is illustrated through numerical experiments and a real data example.  相似文献   

Summary.  Contemporary statistical research frequently deals with problems involving a diverging number of parameters. For those problems, various shrinkage methods (e.g. the lasso and smoothly clipped absolute deviation) are found to be particularly useful for variable selection. Nevertheless, the desirable performances of those shrinkage methods heavily hinge on an appropriate selection of the tuning parameters. With a fixed predictor dimension, Wang and co-worker have demonstrated that the tuning parameters selected by a Bayesian information criterion type criterion can identify the true model consistently. In this work, similar results are further extended to the situation with a diverging number of parameters for both unpenalized and penalized estimators. Consequently, our theoretical results further enlarge not only the scope of applicabilityation criterion type criteria but also that of those shrinkage estimation methods.  相似文献   

Variable selection is fundamental to high-dimensional multivariate generalized linear models. The smoothly clipped absolute deviation (SCAD) method can solve the problem of variable selection and estimation. The choice of the tuning parameter in the SCAD method is critical, which controls the complexity of the selected model. This article proposes a criterion to select the tuning parameter for the SCAD method in multivariate generalized linear models, which is shown to be able to identify the true model consistently. Simulation studies are conducted to support theoretical findings, and two real data analysis are given to illustrate the proposed method.  相似文献   

The results of analyzing experimental data using a parametric model may heavily depend on the chosen model for regression and variance functions, moreover also on a possibly underlying preliminary transformation of the variables. In this paper we propose and discuss a complex procedure which consists in a simultaneous selection of parametric regression and variance models from a relatively rich model class and of Box-Cox variable transformations by minimization of a cross-validation criterion. For this it is essential to introduce modifications of the standard cross-validation criterion adapted to each of the following objectives: 1. estimation of the unknown regression function, 2. prediction of future values of the response variable, 3. calibration or 4. estimation of some parameter with a certain meaning in the corresponding field of application. Our idea of a criterion oriented combination of procedures (which usually if applied, then in an independent or sequential way) is expected to lead to more accurate results. We show how the accuracy of the parameter estimators can be assessed by a “moment oriented bootstrap procedure", which is an essential modification of the “wild bootstrap” of Härdle and Mammen by use of more accurate variance estimates. This new procedure and its refinement by a bootstrap based pivot (“double bootstrap”) is also used for the construction of confidence, prediction and calibration intervals. Programs written in Splus which realize our strategy for nonlinear regression modelling and parameter estimation are described as well. The performance of the selected model is discussed, and the behaviour of the procedures is illustrated, e.g., by an application in radioimmunological assay.  相似文献   

This paper considers a linear regression model with regression parameter vector β. The parameter of interest is θ= aTβ where a is specified. When, as a first step, a data‐based variable selection (e.g. minimum Akaike information criterion) is used to select a model, it is common statistical practice to then carry out inference about θ, using the same data, based on the (false) assumption that the selected model had been provided a priori. The paper considers a confidence interval for θ with nominal coverage 1 ‐ α constructed on this (false) assumption, and calls this the naive 1 ‐ α confidence interval. The minimum coverage probability of this confidence interval can be calculated for simple variable selection procedures involving only a single variable. However, the kinds of variable selection procedures used in practice are typically much more complicated. For the real‐life data presented in this paper, there are 20 variables each of which is to be either included or not, leading to 220 different models. The coverage probability at any given value of the parameters provides an upper bound on the minimum coverage probability of the naive confidence interval. This paper derives a new Monte Carlo simulation estimator of the coverage probability, which uses conditioning for variance reduction. For these real‐life data, the gain in efficiency of this Monte Carlo simulation due to conditioning ranged from 2 to 6. The paper also presents a simple one‐dimensional search strategy for parameter values at which the coverage probability is relatively small. For these real‐life data, this search leads to parameter values for which the coverage probability of the naive 0.95 confidence interval is 0.79 for variable selection using the Akaike information criterion and 0.70 for variable selection using Bayes information criterion, showing that these confidence intervals are completely inadequate.  相似文献   

Varying-coefficient models (VCMs) are useful tools for analysing longitudinal data. They can effectively describe the relationship between predictors and responses repeatedly measured. VCMs estimated by regularization methods are strongly affected by values of regularization parameters, and therefore selecting these values is a crucial issue. In order to choose these parameters objectively, we derive model selection criteria for evaluating VCMs from the viewpoints of information-theoretic and Bayesian approach. Models are estimated by the method of regularization with basis expansions, and then they are evaluated by model selection criteria. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed criteria through Monte Carlo simulations and real data analysis.  相似文献   

Variable selection is an important issue in all regression analysis, and in this article, we investigate the simultaneous variable selection in joint location and scale models of the skew-t-normal distribution when the dataset under consideration involves heavy tail and asymmetric outcomes. We propose a unified penalized likelihood method which can simultaneously select significant variables in the location and scale models. Furthermore, the proposed variable selection method can simultaneously perform parameter estimation and variable selection in the location and scale models. With appropriate selection of the tuning parameters, we establish the consistency and the oracle property of the regularized estimators. These estimators are compared by simulation studies.  相似文献   


Inflated data are prevalent in many situations and a variety of inflated models with extensions have been derived to fit data with excessive counts of some particular responses. The family of information criteria (IC) has been used to compare the fit of models for selection purposes. Yet despite the common use in statistical applications, there are not too many studies evaluating the performance of IC in inflated models. In this study, we studied the performance of IC for data with dual-inflated data. The new zero- and K-inflated Poisson (ZKIP) regression model and conventional inflated models including Poisson regression and zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) regression were fitted for dual-inflated data and the performance of IC were compared. The effect of sample sizes and the proportions of inflated observations towards selection performance were also examined. The results suggest that the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) and consistent Akaike information criterion (CAIC) are more accurate than the Akaike information criterion (AIC) in terms of model selection when the true model is simple (i.e. Poisson regression (POI)). For more complex models, such as ZIP and ZKIP, the AIC was consistently better than the BIC and CAIC, although it did not reach high levels of accuracy when sample size and the proportion of zero observations were small. The AIC tended to over-fit the data for the POI, whereas the BIC and CAIC tended to under-parameterize the data for ZIP and ZKIP. Therefore, it is desirable to study other model selection criteria for dual-inflated data with small sample size.  相似文献   

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