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The creation of effective Local Safeguarding Children Boards in England and Wales is contingent upon the development of new interprofessional partnerships amongst practitioners, managers and strategic planners. Inter‐agency training will have a role to play in facilitating partnership development throughout an increasingly complex inter‐agency system. The following article reviews the recent history of inter‐agency training and the increasing clarity regarding its distinctive purpose. It highlights three theoretical frameworks that have been influential in the development of ideas about the most appropriate focus and process when working across organisational and professional boundaries. Finally, attention is drawn to an emerging consensus as to the core dimensions of effectiveness in interprofessional working relationships. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Social class is not often discussed or examined in‐depth in couple and family therapy research and literature even though social class shapes familial relationships and is considered an important variable in marital satisfaction. In this qualitative study, we explored the perceptions of eight couples who made lasting commitments across class lines by asking them about the impact of their social class backgrounds on their relationships. Three categories of themes emerged including: (a) differences and similarities in values and attitudes toward education, work, money, and class awareness/classism, (b) relationship issues involving families of origin, friends, and class‐based couple conflict, and (c) differences in economic resources, social capital and privileges/opportunities. Implications for assessment and treatment of couples are included.  相似文献   

This article investigates the determinants of wage gaps between European Union countries along the wage distribution, applying the methodology proposed by Firpo, Fortin and Lemieux (2009) and Fortin, Lemieux and Firpo (2011). The authors conclude that both wage structure and composition effects contribute to explaining wage differentials, but that the wage structure effect is more important. This latter effect would appear to derive from differences between unknown factors, while the composition effect can largely be explained by differences in the following areas: education, proportion of workers with supervisory responsibilities, occupational structure, and, to a lesser extent, industrial structure.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the literature on nonprofit principal‐agent relationships. It depicts the nature of agency theory and stewardship theory, analyzes the origin of their struggle within the nonprofit structure, and marks directions for a conciliatory approach. We open with an introduction to agency theory and discuss the two main components of its mathematical branch. We thereby contrast it with stewardship theory and elaborate on the arguments that can affect the position of nonprofit principal‐agent relationships on the stewardship‐agency axis. Analysis of the existing literature points to a lack of consensus as to which theory should be applied. We argue that the division of nonprofit principalagent relationships into board‐manager and manageremployee interactions may help to clarify the balance between agency theory and stewardship theory and may lead to the establishment of a strongly founded theory on nonprofit principal‐agent relationships. We close with a discussion of how this article may prove valuable to nonprofit policymakers and other empirical researchers.  相似文献   

This article discusses the inter‐professional collaborative experiences of professionals working with children and their families in two areas of high social need. The findings suggest that, although the way that professionals conceptualise their practice may hinder attempts to collaborate effectively, a complex interplay of several factors is involved. A typology of the various collaborations reported is then constructed. Finally, integrating this work with the findings of other studies, an explanatory model is developed. These have particular relevance given the current rhetoric of ‘joined‐up government’. The project was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (Ref. R000221542). Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study investigates the degree to which African‐American households are socially integrated into a multiracial, middle‐class suburban neighborhood near Dallas, Texas. Although U.S. neighborhoods are becoming increasingly heterogeneous in composition, little is known about black households' participation in social and informational networks within multiracial middle‐class neighborhoods. Drawing on theories of the gift and social capital, we view neighborhoods in terms of complex patterns of inter‐household exchanges of material and symbolic goods. We predict that black‐led households will exchange at a lower rate with their neighbors than will other households and test this prediction using survey data collected from 119 households and from follow‐up interviews with eight black heads of household. Our main finding from the survey is that black households exchanged at a significantly lower rate than did other households, ceteris paribus. The follow‐up interviews found little evidence of black racial homophily in neighboring or of racism within the neighborhood. However, the low rate of black inter‐household exchanges may be partly explained by black head of households' personal experiences of racism outside the neighborhood and by a racially constituted disposition against borrowing from neighbors. We discuss implications of our findings for research on racial integration and segregation.  相似文献   

This article uses the work of Goffman to explore how a group of older children presented a moral self in a study of inter‐generational relationships. By reflecting critically on their own behaviour and that of other young people and adults, they presented themselves as morally competent agents, whilst questioning the taken‐for‐granted moral competence of adults. Their presentation of a moral self involved portraying themselves as moral beings, whilst acknowledging that they are also moral becomings. The findings highlight how the embedded authority and associated moral accountability of adults in relation to children militate against recognising children's moral agency.  相似文献   

A three‐year project placed home‐school support workers in secondary schools. The intention was that they should work closely at operational level with other agencies to provide a cohesive local authority response to the needs of disaffected and excluded youngsters. Crucial distinctions emerged between project constraints, possibilities and benefits for agency personnel in the school‐focused agencies and those external to the school. In relation to the external agencies, support workers fulfilled predominantly an information gathering and sharing role whereby they joined up the solutions of disparate agencies, whereas very effective forms of cooperation developed with the school‐focused agencies. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper has three overarching aims: to contextualise oral history within larger debates over methods in the social sciences; to highlight the peculiar strengths as well as complexities of oral history as a method; and finally to elucidate some of these methodological issues through insights drawn from analysis of oral histories of two elderly Bengali Muslim women.  相似文献   

Within the United Kingdom there is growing awareness of the need to identify and support the small number of children who are living in families experiencing multiple problems. Research indicates that adverse experiences in childhood can result in poor outcomes in adulthood in terms of lack of employment, poorer physical and mental health and increases in social problems experienced. It is acknowledged that most of these children are known to child welfare professionals and that some are referred to social services, subsequently entering the child protection system. This paper reports research conducted with 28 experienced child welfare professionals. It explores their views about families known to the child protection system with long‐term and complex needs in relation to the characteristics of children and their families; the process of intervention with families; and the effects of organisational arrangements on practice. The research indicates that these families are characterised by the range and depth of the problems experienced by the adults, such as domestic violence, mental health difficulties and substance misuse problems, and the need for professionals to have good inter‐personal skills and access to specialist therapeutic services if families are to be supported to address their problems. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, intra‐ and inter‐generational perspectives on youth participation are combined and compared. Young people were invited to participate as research partners in an interactive research circle and conducted a survey about participation with other young people as respondents. The discussion concerns how an interactive methodology contributes to the understanding of the concept of participation. It is suggested that political definitions of participation be amended to include having a sense of being recognised in a communicative context, taking responsibility and share with other people one's experiences. This is based on the perspectives of young people.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyse whether having inter‐ethnic and intra‐ethnic friendships can be associated with a shorter duration of unemployment, comparing Turkish migrants and native residents in Germany. This allows us to examine the degree to which the returns from bridging and bonding social capital differ for the two groups. On the basis of the German Socio‐Economic Panel (GSOEP) data, we find that for native Germans, intra‐ethnic friendships shorten the duration of spells of unemployment, whereas inter‐ethnic friendships do not. For the Turkish migrants, inter‐ethnic friendships reduce the duration of unemployment, whereas intra‐ethnic friendships do not. In other words, only friendships with German natives facilitate the transition to employment, but in particular for Turkish migrants. This effect is largest for migrants with a low level of education.  相似文献   

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