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Nonimmigrant, international students entering colleges in the United States are not required to undergo screening for tuberculosis (TB). Thirty-nine percent of active TB cases in the United States are in foreign-born individuals. In an effort to minimize the occurrence of active TB on a community campus with an increasing international student population, the college health service implemented a TB-screening policy for all newly enrolled international students. For the 1997/98 school year, 171 international students from 70 different countries enrolled in classes. Fifty-nine students (35%) screened for TB had a positive skin test (greater than 10 mm induration). Of those, 34 initiated isoniazid therapy, and 27 successfully completed the prescribed regimen under supervision of the campus health office.  相似文献   

This study assesses the relevance of US‐based social work curricula for international students. Both the perceived advantages and disadvantages of international educational training are considered, including the consequences of curricular adaptation. The study utilizes multiple qualitative methods including participant observation, 15 semi‐structured interviews, and text analysis. The majority of international respondents reported intending to work with poverty alleviation and social development. Respondents reported learning some inappropriate skills, intervention strategies, and policies that cannot be appropriately applied across cultures, and which are divorced from local context. Benefits of exchange include discussions of marginalized populations, enculturation into Western values and methods that may be beneficial to future job opportunities, and the enhancement of critical thinking skills to address social problems.  相似文献   

A growing, English‐language literature analyzes the public discourse of international education and students. One large set of studies highlight the discursive marginalization of non‐western, international students in western, host societies. They draw on critical discourse analysis (CDA) and meta‐narratives of western, White, and elite dominance, which diminish the theoretical importance of discourse in non‐western and non‐elite settings. A second, smaller set of studies analyze the public discourse of international education in non‐western, specifically Asian, countries; they generally reference educational discourse in both Asian and western countries. Relatively few studies critically examine patterns of discursive domination in Asian discourse; but the ones that do so compare both Asian and Western countries. Even rarer are studies of social media discourse among international students. We find a few studies of social media discourse among Asian students who studied abroad, but none of foreign students studying in host, Asian countries. Attention to multiple discourses and theoretical narratives offers a fruitful, research agenda and underlines the complex, dynamic, global nature of contemporary public discourse on international education.  相似文献   

论大学生的媒体素养教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着现代技术的高速发展,媒体对大学生和大学教育的影响越来越大,作为教育对象的学生的生活和学习都打上了媒体的烙印,而教育者在丰富教学内容、改善教学方法、提高教学效果方面也往往借助于媒体的力量。网络和短信等新兴媒体的出现.更给大学的文化建设、学生工作带来前所未有的挑战。因此,媒体素养教育亟待重视,也必将成为大学文化建设和学生日常教育与管理工作的重要内容。  相似文献   


Leighton C. Whitaker and Jeffrey W. Pollard, eds. Campus Violence: Kinds, Causes, and Cures. New York: Haworth Press, 1993. 313 pps, $39.95.  相似文献   

邓然  尹启华 《职业时空》2012,(6):135-136
文章就我国创业教育在内容、主体、目标、对象、时间、项目选择等方面普遍存在的认识误区进行了分析。  相似文献   

Job search clubs for international students were evaluated. Participants (67% women, 33% men) were 24 students, representing 7 countries and 17 graduate programs. Pre/posttest measures were completed. Significant increases were noted in 5 job search activities. Participants had greater career self-efficacy, vocational identity, and required less information regarding their occupational choice. Overall, the program was highly rated. Content analysis of open-ended evaluation items revealed suggestions for program improvements. It indicated (a) the importance of discussing the U.S. culture; (b) increases in confidence, skills, and progress in the job search; and (c) positive feelings about the intervention.  相似文献   

同伴教育:崭新的大学生性健康教育模式   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
“生殖健康” ,是近年来国际上提出的一个新概念。它是指生殖系统及其功能和过程所涉及的身体、精神和社会等方面的健康状态 ,而不仅仅指有没有疾病。这一概念的提出 ,表明“生殖健康”已经不是一个单纯的生物医学问题 ,同时也是一个社会问题。据有关部门统计 ,我国近年来性病每年发病率以20 -30 %的速度增加。1999年比1998年增加32 % ,专家估计1999年新发性病病例至少为400万例。2000年 ,我国艾滋病病毒感染者累计达到60 -100万人 ,国家将每年为此付出4600 -7700亿人民币的代价。这些事实 ,无疑与我国性与生殖健康教育的普及不够有关。性与生殖健康教育的主体是青少年 ,有关问题的受害者也以青少年为甚。我们有责任了解、探讨当今青少年生殖健康的状况与教育的课题 ,以及国外成功的经验与做法 ,尽管我国的教育界与学术界对此还存在争论。“独抒性灵 ,珍爱生命。”———我们愿把这句精心策划的广告语传告于所有的青少年。同时 ,也想提醒年轻人的父母们和所有负有引导之责的人 :请用理性来廓清“性”的迷雾 ,以科学来摒除“健康”的盲点 ,更真切地关注当今青少年的成长。特约编辑 :方奕、杨长征  相似文献   

Based on a survey of 355 international students studying at seven universities in Chengdu, China, this article analyses the reasons for their choosing to study in China. The main methods employed are factor analysis and associated nonparametric tests. Results reveal that the quality of Chinese education and Chinese specialities are the most important reasons. In addition, personal referral sources, tuition and living costs, bilateral relations between China and home countries, and policy incentives at the destination, are also important. There are differences between students from developing and developed countries. Students from developing countries placed more emphasis on the quality of Chinese education, suggestions from relatives/friends, and geographic proximity. Those from developed countries referred more frequently to costs and policy incentives. Students who chose courses focusing on Chinese culture, society and language tended to be attracted by human interest, while students who chose courses on other subjects paid more attention to the quality and content of the teaching.  相似文献   

随着我国生态文明制度建设的大力推进,青少年生态文明养成教育意义重大。上海市青少年环境保护类基础常识水平较高、生态文明素养较好、生态行为意愿也较强烈,但青少年的生态学知识还比较欠缺、宏观生态系统意识不强、生态文明意愿转化成实际行动的动力不足。上海市生态文明的教育内容主要为环境教育和可持续发展教育,实现的途径包括基础型课程、拓展型课程和社会实践。因此,应在政策上鼓励多方联动、拓展各方资源,在教育内容上结合青少年年龄特点确定教育主题。  相似文献   


Objective: To evaluate the acceptance and effectiveness of repetitive nutrition-related text messages on college students’ nutrition knowledge and fruit and vegetable consumption. Participants: One hundred fifty undergraduate (18–24 years old) non–health major students with a texting mobile phone. Methods: The intervention group received biweekly text messages of the MyPlate icon and the United States Department of Agriculture's Dietary Guidelines (DGs) for 7 weeks. The control group received the same information in a mailed brochure. A pre and post online survey assessed the students’ knowledge and behavior. Results: The intervention resulted in greater MyPlate food group recognition (p <.05) compared with control and a trend toward improved knowledge of the DGs. In the intervention group, fruit consumption was elevated (p <.05) and a trend toward elevated vegetable consumption was determined. No gender differences in intervention effectiveness exist. Conclusion: Texting repeated messages appears to be an acceptable and effective way to increase nutrition knowledge and promote positive diet-related behaviors in college students.  相似文献   

The authors examined the relationship among acculturation, career networking, and career decision self‐efficacy for Korean international college students. Networking is an essential skill for career success, and acculturation is connected to career outcomes for diverse populations; however, little research has examined the relationship between these factors. A total of 172 Korean international students (117 women, 54 men, 1 not reported) completed measures of acculturation; networking comfort, intensity, and proactivity; and career decision self‐efficacy. Using structural equation modeling, the authors found acculturation to affect career decision self‐efficacy through networking. The relationships among acculturation, networking, and career decision self‐efficacy indicated a medium to large effect size. These findings indicate that career counselors should collaboratively attend to acculturation concerns, such as stress and identity development, as well as provide opportunities for networking skill development. More research is needed on acculturation and networking among additional international student populations.  相似文献   

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