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Objective: The current study examined whether overlooked aspects of the postsecondary student experience predicted individuals’ body-related concerns, beyond the influence of demographic factors that have upheld explanatory power in past research. Participants: Undergraduate and graduate students (n?=?3,259) took part in the multi-institute Healthy Bodies Study during the 2015 academic year. Method: Participants completed an online survey that assessed their undergraduate/graduate statuses, academic majors, extracurricular involvements, and body-related concerns. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses were run to answer primary study questions. Results: Gender, body mass index (BMI), undergraduate/graduate student status, being a male graduate student, major, and extracurricular activities predicted shape concern (SC), weight concern (WC), and whether these concerns increased since students began at their universities. The addition of the student-specific variables uniquely contributed to the variance in body-related concerns. Conclusions: Further research on the body-related discontent of the identified student groups should be conducted to elucidate potential campus-based treatment targets.  相似文献   

A frustration often expressed by researchers and policy-makers in public health is an apparent mismatch between respective priorities and expectations for research. Academics bemoan an oversimplification of their work, a reticence for independent critique and the constant pressure to pursue evaluation funding. Meanwhile, policy-makers look for research reports written in plain language with clear application, which are attuned to current policy settings and produced quickly. In a context where there are calls in western nations for evidence based policy with stronger links to academic research, such a mismatch can present significant challenges to policy program evaluation. The purpose of this paper is to present one attempt to overcome these challenges. Specifically, the paper describes the development of a conceptual framework for a large-scale, multifaceted evaluation of an Australian Government health initiative to expand Nurse Practitioner models of practice in aged care service delivery. In doing so, the paper provides a brief review of key points for the facilitation of a strong research-policy nexus in public health evaluations, as well as describes how this particular evaluation embodies these key points. As such, the paper presents an evaluation approach which may be adopted and adapted by others undertaking public health policy program evaluations.  相似文献   


Objective: Examine the co-occurrence of alcohol consumption, physical activity, and disordered eating behaviors via a drunkorexia perspective. Participants: Nationally representative sample (n = 22,488) of college students completing the Fall 2008 National College Health Assessment. Methods: Hierarchical logistic regression was employed to determine if physical activity and disordered eating behaviors uniquely predicted binge drinking, while controlling for age, race, gender, year in college, Greek membership, and place of residence. Results: Physical activity and disordered eating made unique, statistically significant contributions. Moreover, including physical activity and disordered eating behaviors allowed for the correct classification of an additional 431 cases (ie, binge drinkers) over and above the predictive ability of the covariate-only model. Conclusions: Findings corroborate prior research indicating highly active college students are more likely to binge drink than their nonactive peers, and highlight the potential of a drunkorexia perspective in explaining the counterintuitive alcohol–activity association among college students.  相似文献   

Eating disorders and body dissatisfaction among undergraduate men are less documented and researched than are eating disorders and body dissatisfaction among undergraduate women. Objective and Participants: In this study, the authors examined these issues in undergraduate men to identify similarities and differences between this population and undergraduate women. Methods: In a random sample of undergraduates, the authors categorized respondents by gender and by presence or absence of an eating disorder. The authors compared undergraduate men with an eating disorder with (1) undergraduate women with an eating disorder and (2) undergraduate men without an eating disorder. Results: The patterns of responses suggest that undergraduate men with an eating disorder are preoccupied with body shape and tone but not necessarily with losing weight. Conclusions: The authors discuss implications for future prevention as well as clinical and research efforts based on male symptoms within the diagnostic category of bulimia nervosa and eating disorder, not otherwise specified.  相似文献   


Objective: To investigate the availability of emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs) at college health centers since ECP went over-the-counter (OTC) in 2006. Related issues, such as distribution procedure, existence of a written protocol, personnel involved, contraindications, follow-up procedures, methods of advertising, and staff attitudes, were examined. Participants: The sample included 135 college and university health centers in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. Methods: Data were collected via telephone survey with the use of a 42-item survey instrument. Results: Forty-three percent of schools reported distributing ECPs, for an average of 10.6 years. Major changes in ECP distribution and usage since ECP went OTC related primarily to protocol in ECP distribution, advertising for ECP services, and ECP accessibility to university students. Conclusions: College health centers are responding to the OTC status of ECP in a number of ways, primarily relating to their distribution procedures and advertising techniques.  相似文献   


The development, operating principles, and users' evaluations of a broad-based gynecologic program emphasizing effective birth control on a university campus are discussed. A major feature that is explored is the use of nurse practitioners as the primary service providers. The forces that resulted in the formation of the program and the methods used to enhance its effectiveness are described. The evaluations of 3,527 users over a three-year period are indicated by summarizing responses to a questionnaire covering the following topics; whether providing such a service was helpful, likelihood of arranging for the service elsewhere if unavailable at the health center, attitudes of staff, medical procedures used, availability of services, and the opportunity to thoroughly discuss concerns. The evaluations were seen as extremely supportive of both the program and the use of nurse practitioners in this setting.  相似文献   

Abstract. Objective: The authors describe the epidemiology of infirmary chief complaints aboard a collegiate maritime training ship. Participants: They assessed patients (N = 646 visits) evaluated by the USTS Enterprise medical department during a 44-day sea term from January to February 2007. Methods: The authors conducted a retrospective chart review of infirmary use and extracted information on age, sex, rank, chief complaints, and frequency of visits. Results: Overall, 646 visits were made. The most common complaints were dermatologic (30.1%): rash, skin infection, laceration, and sunburn. Together, ear, nose, and throat and dermatologic complaints accounted for 57.6% of all visits. Work-related complaints accounted for 12.5% of recorded visits. Compared with the ship population, senior and female cadets had more visits than the average. Port departure days were typically the busiest. Conclusions: Among healthy, college-aged cadets at sea, typical primary care constitute comprise the majority of visits.  相似文献   


Following Dr Edward Hitchcock's lead at Amherst College in 1861, soon other institutions of higher education established physical education departments that evolved into independent college health programs. As the field of college health expanded, leaders from numerous campuses began meeting to share information and discuss formation of a national organization. As a result, the American Student Health Association was founded in 1920 to promote campus health care for students and advance the interests of college health. The name was changed to the American College Health Association in 1948. The past history of this organization has been well documented in the literature, so this review will focus more on ACHA's accomplishments over the past 20 years. 1 Turner, H S and Hurley, J L. 2002. The History and Practice of College Health., Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky.  [Google Scholar] , 2 American College Health Association. A brief history, Available at: http://www.acha.org/About_ACHA/docs/ACHA_Brief_History.pdf Published 2002. Accessed February 26, 2011 [Google Scholar] , 3 Boynton, RE. 1971. The first fifty years: a history of the American College Health Association. J Am Coll Health Assoc, 19: 269288.  [Google Scholar] , 4 Christmas, W A. 1992. The history of sections in the American College Health Association. J Am Coll Health, 41: 121125. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]  相似文献   


Objective: Cocaine use is increasing. Comorbidities and diagnostic sequencing are needed among college students to inform treatment of cocaine use disorder (CUD). Method: Using electronic medical records from the psychiatric clinic at the student health care center of a large, public university from 2005 to 2015, patients diagnosed with CUD were identified. Their top mental health conditions were identified and assessed to see whether the first diagnosis of these conditions was made (1) before, (2) at the same time as, or (3) after the first diagnosis of CUD. Results: Among the 50 CUD patients, their most common mental health comorbidities were alcohol use disorder, anxiety, depression, and cannabis use disorder. Anxiety and depression were likely to be diagnosed before CUD; alcohol and cannabis use disorders were likely to be diagnosed concurrently with CUD. Conclusion: Diagnostic sequencing can be used to inform screening, workup, and treatment for patients with CUD.  相似文献   


Objective: This brief report provides a review of the prevalence and expression of bipolar disorder in the college student population. Implications for college teachers and universities working with students with bipolar disorder are presented. Methods: Responses from the National College Health Assessment (2009–2017) reference groups were collated to estimate whether the prevalence of students with bipolar disorder has been increasing over time. Results: Data indicate that although overall prevalence is low, the presence of students with bipolar disorder has increased over the past decade. Conclusions: To help students with serious mental illness, including bipolar disorder, succeed in higher education, practices consistent with the philosophy of supported education should be adopted. Special attention will need to be paid to students’ financial and academic challenges.  相似文献   


As underscored by their professional code of ethics, all social workers are called to engage in social action that advances social justice. Yet, the focus of the profession has drifted toward individual treatment and away from social reform. Drawing upon data from an online survey of graduate social work students (N= 199) in the United States, this study explores the role of student perceptions relating to the importance of and their confidence in engaging in social action. Specifically, we assess whether perceptions vary according to practice level (micro or macro), social identity, or survey completion date (before or after the 2016 United States presidential election). Findings suggest that respondents exhibit a high degree of interest and confidence in social action with limited variation on the basis of their practice level or background characteristics. Furthermore, the 2016 presidential election did little to change perceptions of social action. This suggests that the profession’s marginalization of macro practice is not necessarily driven by student interest or confidence.  相似文献   


Bipolar disorder is a relatively common mental disorder that often has its onset during the college years. This means that students simultaneously face both the challenge of late adolescent development and the challenge of adapting to a major mental illness. As a further complication, the college environment is not well suited to the kinds of lifestyle changes that add stability to the lives of people with bipolar disorder. Treatment involves establishing an alliance, education about lifestyle changes, aiding adaptation to the illness, careful medication to minimize side effects, and loosening the affective constriction that can result from fear of relapse. Both the health care provider and student can use the culture of learning and self-discovery in the college setting to the treatment's benefit. As well, the provider can use the time-limited nature of college to lessen ambivalence about making long-term changes.  相似文献   


Objective: To conduct a pilot test of the validity of using empirically derived personality types to characterize eating disorder (ED) risk in college students and resolve discrepancies regarding the role of perfectionism and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) symptoms.

Participants: Man and woman undergraduate students (N?=?169) at a small, private university. Data were collected from February to May 2016 and 2018. Methods: Participants completed self-report measures of personality (perfectionism, impulsivity, and effortful control) and psychopathology (EDs, OCD). Results: Our analyses replicated three validated personality types: overcontrolled, undercontrolled, and resilient. Analysis of variances demonstrated perfectionism, ED, and OCD symptoms were significantly elevated in the overcontrolled subtype. There was no interaction by sex. Conclusions: These findings suggest that personality types may be useful for classifying ED risk and OCD symptoms in college students across sexes. Further study and relevance to prevention and intervention efforts to reduce the burden of EDs on college campuses will be discussed.  相似文献   


Objective: Determine the effects of a short-term, multi-faceted, point-of-selection intervention on college students’ perceptions and selection of 10 targeted healthful foods in a university dining hall and changes in their self-reported overall eating behaviors. Participants: 104 college students, (age 18–23) completed pre-I and post-I surveys. Methods: Pre-survey collected at dining hall in April 2007, followed by 3-week intervention then post-survey collected via email. Healthy choice indicators, large signs, table tents, flyers and colorful photographs with “benefit-based messages” promoted targeted foods. Response rate to both surveys was 38%. Results: Significantly more participants reported that healthful choices were clearly identified in the dining hall after the intervention. Over 20% of participants reported becoming more aware of healthful food choices in the dining hall after the intervention. Significant increases in self-reported intake were reported for cottage cheese and low-fat salad dressing, with a trend toward increased consumption of fresh fruit. Seven of the 14 assessed eating behaviors had significant changes in the desired direction. Increased awareness of healthful foods was the top reason for self-reported changes in overall eating behaviors. Conclusion: Short-term, multi-faceted, point-of-selection marketing of healthful foods in university dining halls may be beneficial for improving college students’ perceptions and selections of targeted healthful foods in the dining hall and may improve overall eating behaviors of college students.  相似文献   

人才培养工作是高等学校的主要任务,学生管理是人才培养工作的重要环节之一。针对当前高校学生管理工作实际,在二级管理体制下创新管理理念、运行机制和考核评价机制,并对提升学生管理水平进行了实践探索。  相似文献   


Objective: The authors examined the end of semester outcomes (December, 2017) on the Wellness Inventory and demographics among college students taking a Physical Education (PED 101) course at a university in the southeast United States. Participants: College students were assessed at the end of the semester for health and well-being outcomes according to the Wellness Inventory. Results: Results showed that there were few gender or age differences for the dimensions of well-being. However, there were significant differences for most of the dimensions of health and well-being between frequent exercisers and infrequent exercisers. There were also significant differences between students who reported being in excellent health versus students who reported being in fair or poor health. Conclusions: Consistent exercise throughout the week may play a role in overall health and well-being. The results from this study warrant further investigation into the relationship between the exercise frequency and the dimensions of health and well-being.  相似文献   


Objective: To analyze the efficacy of a pilot program, aimed at treating college students with borderline personality disorder (BPD) using short-term, modified group dialectical behavior therapy at an Australian college counseling service (CCS). Participants: Seventeen enrolled college students aged between 18 and 28 (76.5% female), with a diagnosis of BPD completed the program between November 2009 and November 2010. Methods: Participants attended 8 2-hour group therapy sessions, held at the CCS during semester. Participants were assessed for levels of depression, anxiety, BPD traits, and coping strategies, at commencement and completion of the program. Results: There was a reduction in symptoms of depression and BPD traits, and an increase in adaptive coping skills, including problem solving, and constructive self-talk. There was no reduction in anxiety. Conclusions: The findings indicate promise for short-term treatment of college students with BPD. Implications and limitations are discussed, with emphasis on replication with a control group.  相似文献   


Objective: To explore the predictive factors of student mental health within the college environment. Participants: Students enrolled at 7 unique universities during years 2008 (n = 1,161) and 2009 (n = 1,459). Methods: Participants completed survey measures of mental health, consequences of alcohol use, and engagement in the college environment. Results: In addition to replicating previous findings related to Keyes’ Mental Health Continuum, multiple regression analysis revealed several predictors of college student mental health, including supportive college environments, students’ sense of belonging, professional confidence, and civic engagement. However, multiple measures of engaged learning were not found to predict mental health. Conclusions: Results suggest that supportive college environments foster student flourishing. Implications for promoting mental health across campus are discussed. Future research should build on exploratory findings and test confirmatory models to better understand relationships between the college environment and student flourishing.  相似文献   


The authors surveyed 243 urban public university students who were born in the United States, China, and India to compare the health beliefs of the China-born, India-born, and US-born students. Although the China- and India-born students shared beliefs in many preventive and therapeutic practices of Western medicine with the US-born students, they retained some of their traditional health beliefs. This suggests that student health service clinicians should assess students' cultural beliefs and individualize healthcare for students from different countries  相似文献   

Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the proportion of higher education institutions in the United States that require a personal health course (PHC) for graduation and to describe the nature of such requirements. Participants: This study included a random sample of public and private institutions of higher education (IHE) with undergraduate programs within the United States (N = 310). Data were collected between September 2014 and May 2015. Methods: University catalogs were accessed from the institutions' public Web sites to determine whether a PHC was offered, and whether it was exclusively or optionally required for graduation. Results: The majority (55.8%) of the sample offered at least 1 PHC, with only 10% exclusively requiring the course and an additional 10% optionally required the course. Conclusions: Although the utility of undergraduate students completing a PHC is clear, the majority of institutions do not require such a course for degree conferral.  相似文献   

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