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Mood disorders typically materialise in young adulthood, a life-stage when many enter university. However, Padron notes that few studies have examined the experiences of students with a mood disorder. The current study offers a thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews with five university students who had personal experience of such a disorder. Participants described how symptoms affected their academic and social experiences of university based around the themes of: Social and family support, Powerful symptoms, Stigma and labelling, and Inter-professional dynamic. It was concluded that stigma and lack of information prevented students from obtaining sufficient support, whilst the addition of key staff such as a university-wide mental health trainer is identified as a potential way forward to help such students negotiate the higher education environment.  相似文献   

Objective: To assess Internet use, abuse, and dependence. Participants: 411 undergraduate students. Results: Ninety percent of participants reported daily Internet use. Approximately half of the sample met criteria for Internet abuse, and one-quarter met criteria for Internet dependence. Men and women did not differ on the mean amount of time accessing the Internet each day; however, the reasons for accessing the Internet differed between the 2 groups. Depression was correlated with more frequent use of the Internet to meet people, socially experiment, and participate in chat rooms, and with less frequent face-to-face socialization. In addition, individuals meeting criteria for Internet abuse and dependence endorsed more depressive symptoms, more time online, and less face-to-face socialization than did those not meeting the criteria. Conclusions: Mental health and student affairs professionals should be alert to the problems associated with Internet overuse, especially as computers become an integral part of college life.  相似文献   

This feasibility study assessed perceived acceptability, adherence rates, and reasons for nonadherence to smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment (EMA). At two sites, participants (n = 103) ages 65 years or older with diagnosed anxiety or depressive disorder and cognitive concerns responded three times daily to smartphone-based EMA questions assessing clinical outcomes for two 10-day periods. Quantitative and qualitative measures followed both 10-day EMA periods. Overall, 76% of participants completed surveys on ≥ 10 of the 20 assessment days, and 70% of participants completed at least 30% of the total surveys. Reasons for nonadherence included technical, logistical, physiological, and cognitive issues. Smartphone-based EMA is feasible in older adults with cognitive and emotional difficulties. EMA tools should be responsive to the needs and preferences of participants to ensure adequate acceptability and adherence in this population. Our findings can inform the design, development, and implementation of mobile technologies in older adults in research and clinical contexts.  相似文献   


Objective: To describe how behavioral activation (BA) for depression and stimulus control (SC) for insomnia can be modified to a brief format for use in a university primary care setting, and to evaluate preliminarily their effectiveness in reducing symptoms of depression and insomnia, respectively, using data collected in routine clinical care. Participants/Methods: Chart review data were obtained for 11 patients treated between August 2009 and December 2010 with 1 session of brief BA for depression and 17 patients treated with 1 session of brief SC for insomnia. Results: At 2-week follow-up, patients reported significant decreases in symptoms of depression on the Patient Health Questionnaire-9, t(10) = 3.95, p < .05, and insomnia on the Insomnia Severity Index, t(16) = 5.43, p < .05, respectively. Conclusions: This case report provides preliminary evidence of the external validity of brief BA and SC after they were adapted for use within university primary care.  相似文献   

We investigated the implicit psychological and behavioral consequences of sexual abuse in an adolescent girl who suffered child sexual abuse at preschool age in this case report. We report the manifestations of this abuse on her personality and psychological functioning using a structured clinical interview and a comprehensive psychological battery including the Beck Anxiety Inventory, the Beck Depression Inventory, the Standard Progressive Matrices, Rorschach Ink Blots, and the Schema Mode Inventory. These investigations were useful in formulating both a diagnosis and a management plan. The girl fulfilled diagnostic criteria for a major depressive episode and borderline personality disorder. This combination of psychological testing may be useful in establishing an accurate multiaxial diagnosis and for understanding the behavioral and psychological sequelae of child sexual abuse in similar cases. The study further suggests that schema-focused therapy is a useful therapeutic tool for individuals who have suffered child sexual abuse at an early age and who have borderline personality disorder.  相似文献   


Healthcare in a major university setting poses unusual challenges and great opportunities. Two traditionally challenging areas in patient distribution are the initial intake of allergy/immunization patients and the triage of outpatients in the general medical clinic. The authors describe the use of the FOCUS-PDCA quality improvement (QI) problem-solving process for each situation. After identifying major problems, the health center established cross-functional teams of experts representing the allergy/immunization and general medical clinics. The teams analyzed the problems with a flow chart and undertook studies to further elucidate causes and potential solutions. They listed potential solutions in order of priority and submitted them to the student health center director for review and initiation. Each team then used the PDCA (plan-do-check-act) cycle to put approved solutions into effect. Permanent improvements made in each area resulted in a more effective and efficient patient distribution system, favorable staff comment, and greater patient satisfaction.  相似文献   


Auricular acupuncture using the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) protocol 1 National Acupuncture Detoxification Association. “About NADA”. Available at: http://acudetox.net/about-nada/12-faqs. Accessed May 2, 2013 [Google Scholar] stimulates 5 points in each ear—the Shen Men, sympathetic nervous system, liver, kidney, and lung. This protocol is also known as Acu Detox, and has been used for recovery in community-based settings and drug use treatment programs. It has also been proven to be effective in alleviating stress and enhancing a general sense of well-being. This article describes the auricular acupuncture and acupressure program developed for a university setting and its use as a tool to enhance harm reduction and mental health services.  相似文献   

Objective: The authors measured the prevalence of depressive symptoms among dental students at a historically black college in the United States to determine how depressive symptoms, stress, and social support influence each other within this student population. Participants: Dental students (n = 143) completed a self-administered survey to assess depressive symptoms, stress, and social support, using validated and reliable instruments. Participants also reported demographic variables. Methods: The authors used multivariable linear regression controlling for potential confounding. Results: The prevalence of depressive symptoms was 16.7%. There were significantly higher levels of stress for students with depressive symptoms compared with those without such symptoms (p < .01), and students with depressive symptoms had significantly lower levels of social support (p < .01). Results show higher levels of depressive symptomatology to be related to decreased social support at both high and low stress levels (p < .01). Conclusions: Stress and social support are associated with depressive symptoms among dental students.  相似文献   

There is a dearth of literature on the effect of disclosure of psychiatric diagnosis on treatment. A case is presented in which the therapist suggests a depressed patient may be bipolar. Three concepts are utilized to understand the resultant impasse: empathic failure (Kohut, 1984), intersubjective disjunction (Atwood & Stolorow, 1984), and projective identification and the subjugating third (Ogden, 1994). Further research is needed to work more sensitively, effectively, and responsibly in the area of diagnostic disclosure.  相似文献   

The aim of this multi-method qualitative study was to explore the eating behaviors and food choices of nine purposively sampled low-income women aged 29 to 40 years who were engaged in a residential substance use disorders recovery program. Findings were limited to photo-elicitation interviews with the women that focused on nutritional choices and issues outside their family context. Consensual data analysis revealed a recovery process that began with cognitive reawakening and an increased focus on and desire for healthier nutrition-related decisions and lifestyle, particularly in the area of weight gain that many of the women experienced.  相似文献   

The nation’s older adult population is steadily increasing in numbers as the Baby Boomer generation ages over time. Mental health providers are encountering older adults who are presenting to therapy with problems related to depression and anxiety. The authors demonstrate how empirically-supported treatments such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Problem Solving Therapy, and Interpersonal Therapy are effective in treating older adults within the individual and group counseling setting. Humor as a therapeutic tool is introduced as an easily integrated instrument of positive change through several case studies as depicted by the authors.  相似文献   

Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs) engender significant and increasing personal, social, developmental, and economic burdens to women, children, families, and global public health. In the US, a Master of Social Work (MSW) elective course, Introduction to Maternal Mental Health, was created to prepare future social workers to better understand, detect, intervene, and advocate with women struggling with perinatal mental health concerns. A pilot study used pre–post-surveys (N = 10) and a focus group to examine students’ knowledge acquisition, course satisfaction, and perceived self-efficacy. A Wilcoxon signed-rank test showed a statistically significant difference between pre- and post-survey course content knowledge scores. Positive focus group feedback and survey outcomes suggest that students benefitted from the course in terms of increased learning and professional efficacy in maternal mental health; however, the study should be replicated using a larger sample and comparison group. The course outline provided may be used to develop a similar course or to infuse maternal mental health content into existing courses. The paper concludes with implications and recommendations for social work educators.  相似文献   


Employee groups vary in their perceptions of the importance of EAP services. Women value them more than men, and, in a university setting, office and service workers value EAP services more than do administration and faculty.  相似文献   


Objective: To study actual and perceived substance use in Canadian university students and to compare these rates with US peers. Participants: Students (N = 1,203) from a large Canadian university. Methods: Participants were surveyed using items from the National College Health (NCHA) Assessment of the American College Health Association questionnaire. Results: Alcohol was the most common substance used (65.8%), followed by marijuana (13.5%) and cigarettes (13.5%). Substance use and norms were significantly less than the NCHA US data. Overall, respondents generally perceived the typical Canadian student to have used all 3 substances. Perceived norms significantly predicted use, with students more likely to use alcohol, cigarettes, or marijuana if they perceived the typical student to use these substances. Conclusions: Similar to their US peers, Canadian university students have inaccurate perceptions of peer substance use. These misperceptions may have potentially negative influences on actual substance use and could be a target for intervention. Further research examining the cross-cultural differences for substance abuse is warranted.  相似文献   


Objective: The purpose of this study was to employ a multivariate approach to examine the correlates of self-rated health in a college sample of women, with particular emphasis on sexual assault history and related mental health outcomes. Participants: A national sample of 2,000 female college students participated in a structured phone interview between January and June 2006. Methods: Interview modules assessed demographics, posttraumatic stress disorder, major depressive episode, substance use, rape experiences, and physical health. Results: Logistic regression analyses showed that poor self-rated health was associated with low income (odds ratio [OR] = 2.70), lifetime posttraumatic stress disorder (OR = 2.47), lifetime major depressive episode (OR = 2.56), past year illicit drug use (OR = 2.48), and multiple rape history (OR = 2.25). Conclusions: These findings highlight the need for university mental health and medical service providers to assess for rape history, and to diagnose and treat related psychiatric problems in order to reduce physical morbidity.  相似文献   

Objective: The authors' purpose in this study was to determine the sleep patterns of college students to identify problem areas and potential solutions. Participants: A total of 313 students returned completed surveys. Methods: A sleep survey was e-mailed to a random sample of students at a North Central university. Questions included individual sleep patterns, problems, and possible influencing factors. Results: Most students reported later bedtimes and rise times on weekends than they did on weekdays. More than 33% of the students took longer than 30 minutes to fall asleep, and 43% woke more than once nightly. More than 33% reported being tired during the day. The authors found no differences between freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, and graduate students for time to fall asleep, number of night wakings, or total time slept each night. Conclusions: Many students have sleep problems that may interfere with daily performance, such as driving and academics. Circadian rhythm management, sleep hygiene, and white noise could ameliorate sleep difficulties.  相似文献   

Globally, chronic diseases place a tremendous burden on health care systems all over the world. The increased prevalence of chronic diseases is mainly influenced by industrialization and decreased levels of physical activity. A cross-sectional qualitative and quantitative pilot survey, using a self-administered questionnaire and focus group discussions, was conducted with 73 students to assess the need for and feasibility of a health promotion program for university students at a rural South African university. The results of this survey suggest that there is a need for a health promotion program aimed at young adults who attend university.  相似文献   

The intent of this study was to examine the perceived value of a 4-hour divorce education program for adults offered in a Midwestern state. Parents Forever: Education for Families in Divorce Transition is a divorce education program directed toward educating adults about separation, divorce, and the effects on children. Participants included 342 adults who attended the class and responded to retrospective questionnaires assessing their perceived satisfaction, knowledge, and demographic status. Also, 32 legal and community professionals participated in the program and responded to questions designed to assess perceptions of program value. Both respondent groups reported high satisfaction levels and significant knowledge gains through the class experience. Implications of the findings for program support and brief divorce interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

A cross sectional qualitative and quantitative pilot survey, using self-administered questionnaire and focus group discussions, was conducted to assess the feasibility of a health promotion programme implemented at the university. About 73 students participated in the survey and the discussion. We examined gender and cultural differences on sexual attitude and behaviour. There was a strong belief that unprotected sex can lead to pregnancy and STIs. Overall participants were not sure if condom use had any negative effects, although female respondents felt that condoms affect the pleasure of sexual intercourse.

The results suggest that there is a need for health promotion programmes aimed at young adults, who attend university. The programme should improve general health knowledge, targeting health promotion and sexual risk behaviour among university students. Such a programme would have to consider gender, socio-economic circumstances as well as national and cultural background of the target population.  相似文献   


Objective: Data about college student sleep were collected and used to develop an education campaign to improve sleep. Participants: On-campus residents at a large state university were surveyed on 4 occasions, October 2005 to April 2007. Sample size was 675 to 1,823 students. Fall 2005 mean age = 18.5 years, SD = 1.03 (range 18–30) years. Initial survey included 935 males and 1,859 females (2005–2006). Matched pairs data (2006–2007) included 91 males and 107 females. Twenty-six males and 22 females participated in interviews. Methods: A survey administered online included the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, along with an 8-question in-person interview. Results: Poor sleep interacted with academics and mental health, and an education campaign positively affected student sleep. Conclusions: Teaching students how to effectively manage sleep can improve their well-being. Sleep may also be a gateway topic for health care professionals to address sensitive health issues such as depression.  相似文献   

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