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Published evidence indicates there is a growing prevalence of psychiatric illnesses on college campuses, and that approximately one quarter of students may be taking psychotropic medications. But attracting and retaining experienced mental health care professionals to college health settings is a challenging task. The psychiatric pharmacist is one professional resource that can serve as both a clinical and educational consultant for college mental health services. A pilot psychiatric pharmacist service project is described.  相似文献   


Objective: To investigate health-related impediments to academic success for bisexual college students. Participants: Respondents to the Fall 2011 American College Health Association–National College Health Assessment II (ACHA-NCHA II) survey who self-identified as bisexual, heterosexual, gay, or lesbian. Methods: Secondary analyses of the ACHA-NCHA II data were conducted to compare the experiences of bisexual students with both each other (bisexual men and bisexual women) and those of their nonbisexual counterparts (heterosexual and gay/lesbian students). Results: Bisexual college students are a large and distinct sexual minority group. On all measures with the exception of discrimination, bisexual college students reported the strongest threats to academic success of all sexual orientations. Conclusions: Given the unique impediments for bisexual students, college health professionals should consider specifically addressing needs for bisexual students, bisexual women in particular.  相似文献   

Objective: The authors examined the effect of certified personal trainer services on exercise behavior by using the transtheoretical model of behavioral change. Participants: Female college students (n = 449) completed surveys during the first week (T1) and last week (T2) of the fall semester. Methods: Students receiving personal trainer services during the fall semester (experimental group, n = 31) were cross-matched with students who had not received services (control group, n = 31). Results: The control group demonstrated a statistically significant regression in stage of exercise change scores; the experimental group did not. The authors found the 2 groups to have a statistically significant difference in the pattern of exercise behavior change over the course of the semester, with more active maintainers and progressors in the experimental group. Conclusions: Cognitive and behavioral processes of change, decisional balance, and scheduling self-efficacy significantly decreased in the control group, whereas cognitive processes of change, decisional balance, and scheduling self-efficacy remained statistically unchanged in the experimental group.  相似文献   


Objectives: To (1) assess cycling-related questions that have been added to the electronic version of the American College Health Association National College Health Assessment II (ACHA-NCHA), (2) examine cycling prevalence, and (3) identify predictors of cycling in college students. Participants: Predominately female (69%), undergraduate (89%), and white (85%) students (N = 949) from a large, urban, northwestern, bicycle-friendly university completed the electronic version of the ACHA-NCHA II. Methods: Thirty cycling-related questions were added to the ACHA-NCHA II and a subsample of questions was analyzed. Results: Cycling questions added to the ACHA-NCHA II scale were reliable and valid, based on the psychometric data analysis. More than half (59%) of this sample cycled; of those, 58% cycled for transportation and 44% for recreation. Facilitators and barriers to cycling were different for cycling in general and cycling for transportation. Conclusions: Cycling questions added to the ACHA-NCHA II can be utilized to enhance knowledge relative to cycling on college campuses.  相似文献   


“The BCG Controversy: A Methodological and Statistical Reappraisal,” John D. Clemens, Jackie J. H. Choung, and Alvan R. Feinstein. Because of the conflicting results of eight major controlled trials, BCG vaccination against tuberculosis remains controversial despite more than 50 years of use. Suspecting a methodological source for the controversy, we reviewed the scientific and statistical quality of each trial. The analysis showed that (1) although biased allocation of the vaccine appeared an unlikely explanation for the disparate results, adequate demonstration of unbiased detection of tuberculosis was available only for the three trials reporting 75% or greater protective efficacy; and (2) in most trials reporting low efficacy, the results had wide confidence intervals that could not exclude high efficacy, but the trials reporting high efficacy all had narrow confidence intervals that excluded low efficacy. Because the trials with the best methodological quality and greatest statistical precision reported high efficacy, the evidence suggests that BCG can confer a high degree of protection against tuberculosis and that bias or inadequate statistical power may have contributed to the conflicting data. (Journal of the American Medical Association 1983;249:2362–2369.)

“Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Opportunistic Infections, and Malignancies in Male Homosexuals: A Hypothesis of Etiologic Factors in Pathogenesis,” Joseph Sonnabend, Steven S. Witkin, and David T. Purtilo. The acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) occurs in a subgroup of male homosexuals having sexual contact with a large number of partners. Uncommonly, AIDS has also been diagnosed in Haitians, hemophiliacs, and intravenous drug users and their infants. Manifestations include autoimmune disturbances, opportunistic infections, Kaposi's sarcoma, chronic lymphadenomegaly, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, or squamous cell carcinoma. The hypothesis receiving most consideration is that a yet-to-be-identifed virus causes AIDS. An alternative view is that repeated sexual involvement with multiple partners, in a subgroup of male homosexuals, exposes the men to the immunosuppressive impact of cytomegalovirus (CMV) and allogeneic semen. Antibody to asialo-Gm, and other antigens on sperm react with and impair lymphoid cells. We propose a biphasic process. First, a reversible acquisition phase of impaired T-cell immunoregulation permits reactivation of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and autoantibodies are produced by the activated B cells. If sexual activity continues at a high level, accumulating immune defects, including destruction of thymic epithelium, lead to a second, self-sustaining phase wherein cytotoxic lymphocytes fail to eliminate herpesvirus-infected cells. Evidence is mounting that Kaposi's sarcoma is caused by CMV and that EBV is responsible for the B-cell lymphomas in these patients. Multiple factors, rather than a novel virus, probably induce AIDS in male homosexuals. If this hypothesis is correct, then rational bases for prevention and intervention can be designed. (Journal of the American Medical Association 1983;249:2370–2374.)  相似文献   


College health services must function effectively within two dynamic and complex environments-higher education and health. College health services are also increasingly expected to respond to emerging forces within the fields of adolescent medicine and college health itself and to seize opportunities to improve the health status and lifestyles of college-age adults. Thus, it is essential that college health services be well planned to meet student needs more completely and to ensure a more appropriate role for college health in both the health and higher education fields. This article depicts the strategic and operational planning that is necessary and delineates how such planning can be accomplished within 10 weeks through the application of the “Manageable Approach.” Basic concepts of the Manageable Approach are presented, its six major stages are described, and detailed guides to the success of each stage are included. These guides focus on the purposes and results of each stage, the group maintenance activities necessary, the specific steps to be followed, the special techniques to be employed, and the planning aids to be used in the discussion of substantive issues. In this first part of a two-part series, strategic and operational health planning are described, the Manageable Approach is introduced, and the first two stages—organization and education, and mission and program goals—are delineated.  相似文献   


Background: When H1N1 emerged in 2009, institutions of higher education were immediately faced with questions about how best to protect their community from the virus, yet limited information existed to help predict student preventive behaviors. Methods: The authors surveyed students at a large urban university in November 2009 to better understand how students perceived their susceptibility to and the severity of H1N1, which preventive behaviors they engaged in, and if policies impacted their preventive health decisions. Results: Preventive health behavior messaging had a mixed impact on students. Students made simple behavior changes to protect themselves from H1N1, especially if they perceived a high personal risk of contracting H1N1. Although policies were instituted to enable students to avoid classes when ill, almost no student self-isolated for the entire duration of their illness. Conclusions: These findings can help inform future decision making in a university setting to best influence preventive health behaviors.  相似文献   


Objectives: To explore awareness of human papillomavirus (HPV) and use of HPV vaccines (Gardasil and Cervarix) by college students. Participants: The sample was composed of 817 undergraduates at 2 northeastern US universities; they participated between February and May 2010. Methods: Students were provided with a link to an anonymous, self-administered, Web-based survey comprised of 76 questions. The survey included questions about health behaviors, awareness, and knowledge of HPV and the 2 HPV vaccines, and vaccine uptake. Results: Results indicate high levels of awareness of HPV as well as marked sex differences related to vaccine awareness and uptake. Both sexes are largely unaware of Cervarix and the differences between Cervarix and Gardasil. Conclusion: The study affirms the importance of a clinician's recommendation for HPV vaccination. Public health messaging should become more inclusive of adolescent and young adult males. College students’ awareness of HPV vaccine options mirrors Gardasil's market dominance in the United States.  相似文献   


Objective: Researchers examined the prevalence of self-identified and researcher-identified stalking victimization among college students. Participants and Methods: A representative sample of 1,573 (70.1% female; 29.9% male) student respondents completed an online stalking questionnaire. Results: Overall, 12% self-identified as having been stalked. Additionally, 42.5% (45.4% female; 35.7% male) of students reported experiencing at least 1 behavioral indicator of stalking victimization; however, only 24.7% of those self-identified as being stalked (25.6% female; 22.0% male). Conclusions: Stalking is a serious problem in the college community. A concern that needs to be addressed is the disparity between the number of those who met the behavioral criteria for stalking victimization, but who did not self-identify as a victim. The consequences of stalking victimization are highlighted. Recommendations for addressing this issue on campus are detailed in a plan that may help improve the retention, progression, and graduation rates for stalking victims.  相似文献   


Objective: Multicomponent tobacco control programs have been implemented at the state and community levels and have led to a reduction in tobacco use. The purpose was to review the public health research literature on tobacco prevention and control programs on college campuses and derive evidence-based implications for comprehensive program implementation. Methods: MEDLINE, PsycINFO, ERIC, and PubMed databases were used to search the research literature concerning tobacco prevention and control programs conducted on college campuses published between 2000 and 2009. Results: No studies were found that implemented all 5 recommended components of a comprehensive program. Tobacco control programs containing policy and prevention education were used the most and promotion of tobacco-free environments and banning sales of tobacco products were used the least. Conclusion: The review suggests that despite the recommendation of comprehensive tobacco control programs to reduce tobacco use on college campuses, few institutions have implemented and evaluated programs consisting of multiple components.  相似文献   


Objective: To assess students’ human papillomavirus (HPV) knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. Participants/ Methods: Students (N = 1,282) at a large, public university in the Northeast United States completed a questionnaire during February 2008 assessing HPV knowledge, prevalence, transmission, cervical cancer risk and stigma; sexual behavior, vaccination status, as well as past and preferred sources of information about HPV and sexual health. Results: A majority of respondents know of HPV. However, understanding was insufficient in several important areas. Overwhelmingly, respondents heard about HPV via television commercials yet preferred to obtain sexual health information from physicians. Hearing about HPV on a TV commercial was associated with increased knowledge. More knowledge of HPV was associated with less stigma. Men exhibit a higher level of stigma and less knowledge than women. Conclusions: Publicly funded health campaigns aimed at increasing knowledge about HPV are overdue and necessary. This is especially true for efforts targeting young adults about this extremely common sexually transmitted infection (STI).  相似文献   

Objective: The authors examined the phenomenon known to college students as prepartying, which is the consumption of alcohol prior to attending an event or activity (eg, party, bar, concert) at which more alcohol may be consumed. Participants: To explore the extent of this behavior, the authors surveyed 227 college students about each drinking event over a 1-month period. Results: Principal results revealed that 64% of participants engaged in prepartying (75% of drinkers) and that prepartying is involved in approximately 45% of all drinking events. Prepartying was predictive of more drinking throughout the day of the drinking event and alcohol-related negative consequences. Men and women engaged in this behavior at similar rates, and prepartying was most related to social reasons for drinking. Conclusion: Because prepartying is well-known among students, the authors suggest that clinicians and researchers target it to better understand college drinking and to help students understand the associated dangers.  相似文献   


This qualitative study of 77 individuals in 40 couples (same-sex and heterosexual), who had adopted publically, privately, or internationally, examined parents' engagement with their child's birth family via technology (e.g., texting, e-mail, social media) through the lens of the Couple and Family Technology frame-work (Hertlein & Blumer, 2014 Hertlein, K. M., & Blumer, M. L. C. (2014). The couple and family technology framework. New York, NY: Routledge. [Google Scholar]). Parents used three approaches to contact: active, passive, and no contact. Regardless of approach, some parents described concerns about boundaries. Couples were generally in agreement in their perspectives on engaging with birth family via technology. Practitioners must be know-ledgeable about management of relationships via technology and help adoptive families set healthy boundaries.  相似文献   


Objective: The current study identified gender-specific correlates of hazardous drinker status as defined by the AUDIT. Participants: A total of 462 college student volunteers completed the study in 2006. The sample was predominantly Caucasian (75%) and female (55%). Methods: Participants completed a survey assessing demographics, alcohol use patterns, and health indices. Scores of 8 or more on the AUDIT defined the at-risk subsample. Logistic regression models determined which variables predicted AUDIT risk status for men and women. Results: The at-risk participants reported higher alcohol use and related problems, elevated sleep problems and lower health ratings. High typical blood alcohol concentration (BAC), lifetime drug use, and psychosocial problems predicted risk status for males. Binge frequency and psychosocial problems predicted risk status for females. Conclusions: Different behavioral profiles emerged for men and women identified as hazardous drinkers on the AUDIT. The efficacy of brief alcohol interventions could be enhanced by addressing these behavioral correlates.  相似文献   

职业生涯规划在大学生成长支持中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代大学教育的最终目标是培养合格的建设人才及社会精英,完成社会传承、推动社会进步。高校素质教育的功能及手段为此正在发生着渐进性的改变,从宏观、单一的层面向系统化、多元化、微观层面转变,高校学生成长支持系统的构建从全程育人、全员育人的理念中升华而来,从组织机构的多元化组成、工作平台的多方位搭建、工作途径的多层面切入.形成了以课堂教育为核心、成长辅导为支撑、实践能力培养为重点的工作体系。大学生成长的生涯规划.尤其是以工作为人生重心的职业生涯规划,直接影响着学生成长路径及成才效果,在大学生就业形势日益严峻的今天,生涯辅导作为大学生成长支持系统的重要组成要素,成为大学生成长支持系统构建的契入点。本文在实证研究的基础上,对大学生职业生涯规划在学生成长支持中的作用及现状进行了分析。研究的基础切入点是大学生职业生涯规划的现状及职业生涯规划与大学生成功就业的关系。在调研分析的基础上进一步提出了当前加强大学生职业生涯规划服务体系建设的重要途径。  相似文献   


Objective: The purpose of this study was to develop a comprehensive health literacy assessment tool for young adult college students. Participants: Participants were 144 undergraduate students. Methods: Two hundred and twenty-nine questions were developed, which were based on concepts identified by the US Department of Health and Human Services, the World Health Organization, and health communication scholars. Four health education experts reviewed this pool of items and helped select 87 questions for testing. Students completed an online assessment consisting of these 87 questions in June and October of 2012. Item response theory and goodness-of-fit values were used to help eliminate nonperforming questions. Results: Fifty-one questions were selected based on good item response theory discrimination parameter values. Conclusions: The instrument has 51 questions that look promising for measuring health literacy in college students, but needs additional testing with a larger student population to see how these questions continue to perform.  相似文献   


Objective: To examine human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)–related knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors in at-risk college men who have sex with men (MSM), focusing on knowledge about acute HIV infection (AHI). Participants and Methods: A one-time anonymous survey was administered to college students attending a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer conference in February 2012. This article reports on a study subsample of MSM. Results: A total of 100 MSM completed the survey. Participants had an average age of 20.4 years. Sixty-six percent reported condom use the last time they had sex. Only 46% had ever heard of symptoms related to AHI. Forty-two percent would likely seek medical care when showing acute symptoms in a setting consistent with AHI. Conclusion: Despite having multiple risk factors for HIV infection, many MSM college students are unaware of AHI. HIV prevention programs should target this population and include information about signs, symptoms, and diagnosis of AHI.  相似文献   

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