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Book reviews     
A classic republished

Sex and Sex Worship. By O.A. Wall. London: Kegan Paul, 2006, 607 pages. Cloth, $255.

Senior sex: Exploring the sex lives of older adults

Sexuality, Sexual Health, and Ageing. By Merryn Gott. New York, NY: Open University Press, 2005,149 pages. Paper, $36.95.

The social construction of erotophobia

The Politics of Lust. By John Ince. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2005, 335 pages. Paper, $16.00.  相似文献   


A Relationship on Two Levels. Galia Golan, The Soviet Union and the Palestine Liberation Organization. An Uneasy Alliance. New York: Praeger, 1980. vii + 289pp. £15.25.

The Soviet ‘Black Book’ on the Holocaust. Vasily Grossman and Ilya Ehrenburg (comp. and eds.), Chernaya kniga (The Black Book), annotated and indexed by Mark Kipnis and Hayah Lifshits. Jerusalem: Tarbut Publishers, 1980. xx‐vii + 547pp. Illus. Name Index. Place Index.

A Valuable Account of Jewish Heroism. Reuben Ainsztein, The Warsaw Ghetto Revolt. New York: Holocaust Library, 1979. 238pp. Bibl. $4.95.

The Reality of National Bolshevism. Mikhail Agursky, Ideologiya natsional‐bolshevizma (The Ideology of National Bolshevism). Introduction by Leonard Schapiro. Paris: YMCA Press, 1980. 321pp. Notes. Bibliography.

Communist Zionism in the USSR. Baruch Gurevitz, National Communism in the Soviet Union, 1918–28. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1980. xiii+ 121pp.  相似文献   

DISORDERS OF SEXUAL DESIRE AND OTHER NEW CONCEPTS AND TECHNIQUES IN SEX THERAPY . (The New Sex Therapy, Volume II.). Helen S. Kaplan. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1979; 257 pages; $17.50.


THE UNMENTIONABLE VICE: HOMOSEXUALITY IN THE LATER MEDIEVAL PERIOD . Michael Goodich. Santa Barbara, CA: Ross‐Erikson, 1979; 164 pages; $6.95.

TABU HOMOSEXUALITÄT: DIE GESCHICHTE EINES VORURTEILS . Gisela Bleibtreu‐Ehrenberg. Frankfurt a. M.: S. Fischer, 1978; 443 pages; DM 29.80.

AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HOMOSEXUALITY (in two volumes). Vern L. Bullough, W. Dorr Legg, Barrett W. Elcano, and James Kepner. New York &; London: Garland Publishing, 1976; 405 and 468 pages; $88.

PORNOGRAPHY: THE CONFLICT OVER SEXUALLY EXPLICIT MATERIALS IN THE UNITED STATES . Greg Byerly and Rick Rubin. New York: Garland Publishing, 1980; 188 pages; $20.

SEXUALMEDIZIN IN DER PRAXIS . Wolf Eicher. Stuttgart &; New York: Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1980; 590 pages; DM 178.00.  相似文献   


Europe in Our Time: 1914 to the Present. Revised Edition. By Robert Ergang. Boston: D. C. Heath and Company, 1953. Pp. 576. $6.00. Reviewed by Bernard C. Weber.

The Big Change (America Transforms Itself.) By Frederick Lewis Allen. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1952. Pp. 290. $4.00. Reviewed by Joseph M. Gottschalk.

Wellsprings of Democracy. By John M. Brewer. New York: Philosophical Library. Hallmark-Hubner Press, Inc., 1952. Pp. xii, 232. $4.50. Reviewed by J. F. Santee.

Crime in Modern Society. By Mabel A. Elliott. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1952. Pp. xvi, 874. $6.00. Reviewed by Jerry A. Neprash.

The Keystone State. Geography, History and Government. By Arthur D. Graeff. Philadelphia, Pa.: John C. Winston Company, 1953. Pp. xxiv, 380. $3.60. Reviewed by David W. Harr.

The Life and Times of Daniel Lindley. By Edwin W. Smith. New York: Library Publishers, 1952. Pp. xiii, 456. $5.50. Reviewed by Wilfred T. Grenfell.

Soviet Civilization, By Corliss Lamont. New York: Philosophical Library, 1952. Pp. x, 433. $5.00. Reviewed by Richard H. Bauer.

The Suez Canal in World Affairs. By Hugh J. Schoufield. New York: Philosophical Library, 1953. Pp. xvi, 174. $4.50.  相似文献   


Illusions About the Soviet Position in the Middle East. Amnon Sella, Soviet Political and Military Conduct in the Middle East. London: The Macmillan Press Ltd., 1981. xiii + 211pp. Maps. Tables. Bibl. Appendices. Name Index. Subject Index. £15.00.

A Valuable Piece of Scholarship. Yaacov Ro'i, Soviet Decision Making in Practice: The USSR and Israel, 1947–1954. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1980. 540pp.

Yugoslav Jewry in World War II. Jasa Romano, Jevreji Jugoslavije 1941–1945. Zrtve genocida ucesnici narodnooslobodilackog rata (Jews of Yugoslavia 1941–1945. Victims of Genocide and Freedom Fighters*). Belgrade: Federation of Jewish Communities in Yugoslavia, 1980. 590 pp. Tables. Bibl. Name Index. English Summary.

Antisemitism of a Great Writer. David I. Goldstein, Dostoyevsky and the Jews. Austin and London: University of Texas Press, 1980. iv + 231pp. Index. (University of Texas Press Series 3). $17.50, £12.20.

A Tortured Perspective: A Russified Liberal and the Jewish Predicament. O. O. Gruzenberg. Yesterday: Memoirs of a Russian‐Jewish Lawyer. (Edited and with an Introduction by Don C. Rawson. (Tr. from the Russian by Don C. Rawson and Tatiana Tipton). Berkeley, Cal.: University of California Press, 1981. xxix‐t‐ 235pp. Map. Chart of Court and Law Enforcement System. Glossary of Names. Bibl. Index. $27.50. £19.25.

On the Eve of Babi Yar. Aleksandr Borshchagovsky, Di Nakht Erev Babi Yar. Drame (The Night Before Babi Yar. A Drama). (Translated from the Russian by Note Lurye). Moscow: Sovetish Heymland, no. 9, pp. 16–56.  相似文献   

The development of the pill

On the Pill: A Social History of Oral Contraceptives, 1950–1970. By Elizabeth Siegel Watkins. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998, 183 pages. Cloth, $25.95.

Hermaphrodites then and now

Hermaphrodites and the Medical Invention of Sex. By Alice Domurat Dreger. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1998, 266 pages. Cloth, $35.00.

Coming home to our sexual selves

Women's Sexuality Across the Life Span: Challenging Myths, Creating Meanings. By Judith C. Daniluk. New York: The Guilford Press, 1998, 416 pages. Cloth, $36.95.

Behavioral Strategies in the Prevention of HIV Infection, STDs, and Unintended Pregnancy

High‐Risk Sexual Behavior: Interventions With Vulnerable Populations. By Evvie Becker, Elizabeth Rankin, and Annette U. Rickel. New York: Plenum Press, 1998, 168 pages. Cloth, $39.50.

Sexual health expertise and the primary care provider

Sexual Medicine in Primary Care. By William L. Maurice. St. Louis, MO: Mosby, 1999, 366 pages. Paper, $39.95.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Krafft‐ebing: a reconsideration

Step Children of Nature: Krafft‐Ebing, Psychiatry, and the Making of Sexual Identity. By Harry Oosterhuis. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000, 321 pages. Cloth, $30.00.

Love american style

Love and Eroticism. Edited by Mike Featherstone. London: 1999, 425 pages. Paper, $24.95.

Doing the right thing: Three new books on the importance of sex

Male, Female: The Evolution of Human Sex Differences. By David C. Geary. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 1998, 410 pages. Cloth, $49.95. Why Sex Matters. By Bobbi Low. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1999, 328 pages. Cloth, $29.95. Sex Differences: Developmental and Evolutionary Strategies. By Linda Mealey. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 2000, 492 pages. Cloth, $79.95.

Courageous, compassionate, and scholarly: An evolutionary analysis of rape and male sexual coercion

A Natural History of Rape: Biological Bases of Sexual Coercion. By Randy Thornhill and Craig T. Palmer. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000, 251 pages. Cloth, $28.95.

Deconstructing the discourse of sexual dimorphism: rethinking, bending, and crossing sexual boundaries

Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality. By Anne Fausto‐Sterling. New York: Basic Books, 2000, 473 pages. Cloth, $35.00.  相似文献   


The History of Art and the History of Civilization: History of Art. By Elie Faure. Trans. by Walter Pach. Vols. II–IV. Harper and Brothers, New York, 1922–1924. 433, 401, 517 pp. $7.50 a vol.

The History of Art and the History of Civilization: History of Art. By H. B. Cotterill. F. A. Stokes Co., New York, 1923–24. 2 volumes. 442, 566 pp. $10.00.

The History of Art and the History of Civilization: The History of Art. By G. Carotti. E. P. Dutton &; Company, New York, 1923. 3 vols. 420, 375, 365 pp. $3.00 a vol.

The History of Art and the History of Civilization: Apollo. By S. Reinach. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1924. 350 pp. $2.00.

The History of Art and the History of Civilization: The Outline of Art. Edited by Sir William Orpen. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1923–1924. 2 volumes. 231, 491 pp. $4.50 a vol.

The History of Art and the History of Civilization: A Primer of Modern Art. By Sheldon Cheney. Boni and Liveright, New York, 1924. 383 pp. $6.00.

The History of Art and the History of Civilization: Masters of Modern Art. By Walter Pach. B. W. Huebsch, New York, 1924. 118 pp. $3.50.

The History of Art and the History of Civilization: A History of Ornament, Renaissance and Modern. By T. D. F. Hamlin. Century Co., New York, 1925. 521 pp. $5.00.

The History of Art and the History of Civilization: The Nature, Practice and History of Art. By H. Van Buren Magonigle. Chas. Scribner's Sons, New York, 1924. 319 pp. $2.50.

The History of Art and the History of Civilization: The Appreciation of Art. By Eugen Neuhaus. Ginn and Company, Boston, 1924. 250 pp. $3.00.

Government: The Political Parties of Today. By Arthur N. Holeonhe. Harper and Brothers, 1924. viii, 399 pp. $3.00. Reviewed by: J. P. Watson, A. Gordon Dewey, George A. Lundberg

The American Kevolution and the Making of the Constitution: the Convtilution of the United States; an Historical Survey of its Formation. By Robert Livingston Schuyler. The Macmillan Company, New Yorlr, 1993. 211 pp. $1.50. Reviewed by: E. P. Tanner

The Colonial Baclcground of tha Arnarican Revolution. By Charles M. Andrews. Yale University Press, New Haven, 1924. x, 218 pp. $2.50. Reviewed by: Harry J. Carxan

Imperialism and World Politics: Syllabus on Intamational Relations. By Parker Thomas Moon. The Macmillan Co., New York, 1995. xix, 276 pp. $2.00. Reviewed by: A. C. Flick

Imperialism and World Politics: The Open Door Doctrina in Relation to China. By Mingchien Joshua Bau, Ph. D. Macmillan CO., New York, 1993. xxviii, 245 pp. $2.50. Reviewed by: E. B. Hewes

Imperialism and World Politics: Manchuria, Land of Opportunities. By the South Manchurian Railway Company. Rev. Ed. (New York, 1924. ix, 98 pp.)

Imperialism and World Politics: White and Black in East Africa. By Hermann Norden. F. R. G. (Small Maynard &; Company, Boston, 1924. 304 pp. $5.00.)

Miscellaneous: History of Western Europe, VoZ. I. By James Harvey Robinson. Ginn and Co., Boston, 1924. 531 pp. Reviewed by: A. C. Krey, Eugene N. Curts

Miscellaneous: Great Peoples of tha Ancient World. By Dorothy M. Vaughan, M. A. (Longmans, Green &; Co., London, 1925. x, 178 pp. $1.90.) Reviewed by: Margaret Bancroft  相似文献   

E. M. Hunt 《Social Studies》2013,104(6):282-285

Some Recent Geography Textbooks: Modern Business Geography. By Ellsworth Huntington and Sumner W. Cushing. World Book Company, Yonkers-on-Hudson, New York, 1925. viii, 352 pp. $2.00. Reviewed by: John E. Orchard

Some Recent Geography Textbooks: A Smaller Commercial Geography. By G. G. Chisholm and J. H. Birrell. Longmans, Green and Company, New York, 1924. xiv, 302 pp. $1.65. Reviewed by: John E. Orchard

Some Recent Geography Textbooks: High Lights of Geography: North America. By David Starr Jordan and Katherine Dunlop Cather. World Book Company, Yonkers-on-Hudson, New York, 1925. xv, 358 pp. $1.44. Reviewed by: John E. Orchard

Some Recent Geography Textbooks: Human Geography by Grades: Book Three. The World. By James Fairgrieve and Ernest Young. D. Appleton and Company, New York, 1925. x, 304 pp. Reviewed by: John E. Orchard

Some Recent Geography Textbooks: First Lessons in Geography. By Philip A. Knowlton. The Macmillan Company, New York, 1924. vi, 257 pp. Reviewed by: John E. Orchard

Some Recent Geography Textbooks: The Story Key to Geographic Names. By O. D. von Engeln and Jane McKelway Urquhart. D. Appleton and Company, New York, 1924. xvi, 279 pp. Reviewed by: John E. Orchard

The War for Southern Independence, being vol. VI of The History of the United States. By Edward Channing. The Macmillan Company, New York, 1925. 645 pp. $4.75. Reviewed by: B. B. Kendrick

Ethics and Citizenship. By John W. Wayland, Head of the Department of History and Social Science, State Teachers College, Harrisonburg, Va. The McClure Co., Staunton, Va., 1924. 251 pp. $1.85. Reviewed by: H. W. Schneider

History of the 151st Field Artillery. (Minnesota in the World War, Volume I.) By Louis L. Collins. Edited by Wayne E. Stevens. Minnesota War Records Commission, St. Paul, 1924. xxv, 427 pp. Reviewed by: Elbridge Colby

History of the Philippines. By David P. Barrows. The World Book Company, Yonkers, New York, 1924. xiv, 406 pp. $1.60. Reviewed by: Paul V. Shaw  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Nurturing nature and the nature of science: Toward transcendence

As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who was Raised as a Girl. By John Colapinto. New York: HarperCollins, 2000, 288 pages. Cloth, $26.00.

The pedagogical value of as nature made him: The boy who was raised as a girl

As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who was Raised as a Girl. By John Colapinto. New York: HarperCollins, 2000, 288 pages. Cloth, $26.00.

What Americans Learned About Sex

Teaching America About Sex: Marriage Guides and Sex Manuals from the Late Victorians to Dr. Ruth. By M. E. Melody and Linda M. Peterson. New York: New York University Press, 1999, 304 pages. Cloth, $28.95.

Teen romance under the microscope

The Development of Romantic Relationships in Adolescence. Edited by Wyndol Furman, B. Bradford Brown, and Candice Feiring. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999, 443 pages. Cloth, $49.95.

All hail the penis

Phallacies [Video]. Directed and produced by Vishnu Mathur. 2000. Available from Bullfrog Films, P. O. Box 149, Oley, PA 19547, www.bullfrogfilms.com. VHS, $250.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     

Human Services at Risk: Administrative Strategies for Survival , edited by Felice Davidson Permutter. Boston, MA: Lexington Books, D.C. Heath and Company, 1984. Reviewed by Mona Struhsaker Schatz

Supervising Student Internships in Human Services , edited by Carlton E. Munson. New York: The Haworth Press, 1984. Reviewed by Harvey Bertcher

Transactional Analysis for Social Workers and Counsellors: An Introduction , by Elizabeth Pitman. London and Boston: Library of Social Work, Routhledge and Kegan Paul, 1984. Reviewed by Edward G. Kuhlmann

Ages in Conflict: A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Inequality Between Old and Young , by Nancy Foner. New York: Columbia University Press, 1984. Reviewed by Bruce A. Thyer

Clinical Social Work in Health Settings , by Thomas Owen Carlton. New York: Springer Publishing Co., 1984. Reviewed by John R. Ball  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Australian Social Work》2013,66(1):106-122

Poverty and Health – Working with Families Clare Blackburn (1991) Open University Press, Buckingham, 176pp. $34.95 (paper)

Improving Health and Welfare Work with Families in Poverty Clare Blackburn (1992), Open University Press, Buckingham, 128pp. $45.00 (paper)

The Presence of the Past – Male Violence in the Family Jan Horsfall (1991) Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 167pp. $18.95 (paper)

Working for Change – the Movement Against Domestic Violence Heather McGregor and Andrew Hopkins (1991) Allen and Unwin. Sydney, 150pp. $19.95 (paper)

Family Violence – Everybody's Business, Somebody's Life Family Violence Professional Education Taskforce (1991) Federation Press, Sydney, 268pp. $25.00 (paper)

Tell Me I'm Here Anne Deveson (1991) Penguin Books Australia Ltd, Ringwood, Victoria, 268pp. $14.95 (paper).  相似文献   


VIOLENCE IN GOD'S NAME: RELIGION IN AN AGE OF CONFLICT. By Oliver McTernan. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2003. 192pp., $20.00 (paper).

RELIGION, SPIRITUALITY, AND AGING: A SOCIAL WORK PERSPECTIVE. By Harry R. Moody (Ed.). Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Press, Inc. 2005. 350pp., $39.95 (paper).

A LITTLE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. By E. H. Gombrich. New Haven, CT: Yale University press, 2005. 284 pp., $25.00 Reviewed by Eleanor Hannon Judah.

THE CATHOLIC WORKER MOVEMENT: INTELLECTUAL AND SPIRITUAL ORIGINS. By Mark and Louise Zwick. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2005. 358pp., $29.95 (paper).  相似文献   


David G. Roskies, The Jewish Search for a Usable Past (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1999, 217pp.);

Steven J. Zipperstein, Imagining Russian Jewry: Memory, History, Identity (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1999, 139pp.);

Veniamin Lukin, Boris Khaimovich, 700 evreiskikh mestechek Urkrainy: istoricheskii putevoditel’. Vypusk 1 : Podoliya (A Historical Guide to 100 Ukrainian Jewish Shtetls, No. 1 : Podolia) (Jerusalem‐St Petersburg; Ezro, 1997, 256pp.)  相似文献   


GENDER AND ADDICTIONS: MEN AND WOMEN IN TREATMENT. Shulamith Lala Ashenberg Straussner and Elizabeth Zelvin (Eds.) Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson Inc., 1997. Reviewed by Michael Beechem.

COUNSELING FEMALE OFFENDERS AND VICTIMS: A STRENGTHS-RESTORATIVE APPROACH, van Wormer, Katherine. New York: Springer Publishing Co., 2001, 390pp., ISBN 0-8261-11395-1, Hardcover. Reviewed by Ted R. Watkins.  相似文献   


Permanency Planning for Children , by Anthony N. Maluccio, Edith Fein, and Kathleen A. Olmstead. London: Tavistock Publications, 1986. Reviewed by Donald Brieland

Feminist Visions for Social Work , edited by Nancy Van Den Bergh and Lynn B. Cooper. Silver Spring, MD: National Association of Social Workers, 1986. Reviewed by Cleo S. Berkum, DSW

People and Contexts: Social Development from Birth to Old Age , by Henry S. Maas. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1984. Reviewed by Harris Chaiklin

Case Management in Human Service Practice by Marie Weil, James M. Karls, and Associates. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1985. Reviewed by Doman Lum

Law and the Mental Health System: Civil and Criminal Aspects , by Ralph Reisner. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co., 1985. Reviewed by Wynne Sandra Korr

Testing the Social Safety Net , by Martha R. Burt and Karen J. Pittman. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute, 1985. Reviewed by Julia M. Watkins  相似文献   


RECLAIMING THE BODY IN CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALITY. By Thomas Ryan (Ed.). New York: Paulist Press, 2004, 179 pp., $16.95 (paper). Reviewed by David Derezotes.

WHAT'S WRONG WITH CHILDREN'S RIGHTS. By Martin Guggenheim. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2005. 306 pp., $27.95. Reviewed by Anne E. Schneiders.

COMPENDIUM OF THE SOCIAL DOCTRINE OF THE CHURCH. By Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. Washington, DC: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2005. 446pp., $24.95 (paper). Reviewed by Reverend Eugene Cahouet.  相似文献   


HOMESHARE IN EUROPE. By Anne-Lotte Kreickemeier and MaAsuncion Martinez Roman. Alicante: University of Alicante, 2001. Reviewed by Johan Galtung.

ABOUT SCHMIDT. A Film by Alexander Payne (Director). New Line Cinema, 2002. Reviewed by Liz Larkin.

THE LIVING MAYA: THE MOPAN AND Q'EQCHT OF THE TOLEDO DISTRICT, BELIZE, CENTRAL AMERICA. By Anne-McheUe Marsden. Belize: MayaViewkeeper, 2002. Reviewed by David Burdick.  相似文献   


Cultural variation: A barrier to the study of sexual risk and AIDS

Culture and Sexual Risk: Anthropological Perspectives on AIDS. Edited by Han ten Brummelhuis and Gilbert Herdt. Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach Publishers, 1995, 355 pages. Cloth, $59.00; Paper, $49.00.

The bisexual challenge: Is the issue bisexuality, or is it lesbianism?

Bisexuality and the Challenge to Lesbian Politics: Sex, Loyalty, and Revolution. By Paula C. Rust. New York: NYU Press, 1995, 367 pages. Softcover, $16.95.

If you've seen one …

Nihon Josei no Gaiseishokuki (External Genitalia of Japanese Females). By Kanji Kasai. Tokyo: Free Press, 1995, 414 pages. Cloth, 30,000 Yen.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     

Deflated Democracy: The Phantom Public. By Walter Lippmann. Harcourt, Brace and Company, New York. 1925. $2.05. $2.00. Reviewed by: Read Bain

Deflated Democracy: British Politics in Transition. By Edward M. Sait and David P. Barrows. The World Book Company, Yon-kers, New York. 1925. XVI, 319 pp. $1.80. Reviewed by: A. Gordon Dewey

Deflated Democracy: New Aspects of Politics. By Charles E. Merriam. The Chicago University Press, Chicago, 1925. pp. 247. $2.50. Reviewed by: R. C. Atkinson

Deflated Democracy: The Character of Races. By Ellsworth Huntington. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1924. pp. v, 393. $5.00. Reviewed by: S. C. GilFillan

Deflated Democracy: Our Rural Heritage. By James Mickel Williams. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1925. pp. xi, 246. Bruce L. Melvin  相似文献   

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