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You  Heyuan  Zhou  Deshao  Wu  Shenyan  Hu  Xiaowei  Bie  Chenmeng 《Social indicators research》2020,147(3):843-864
Social Indicators Research - Rural public health still faces serious challenges in China. These challenges in rural public health reduce peasants’ well-being and social satisfaction....  相似文献   

Cancer has become an alarming threat to human health and well-being worldwide. Examining the social determinants of cancer prevalence should effectively inform the practices and strategies on cancer treatment and prevention. However, rather few studies have conducted in this regard for developing countries. This paper attempts to characterize the association between area deprivation and liver cancer prevalence using a case of Shenzhen, China. Data from 2009 to 2011 provided by Shenzhen’s Health Information Center are used to calculate the incidence rate of liver cancer at district level. An area deprivation index (ADI) at district level is established by integrating 13 indicators of 5 domains (income, employment, education, housing and demography). The weight for each indicator is determined by two typical subjective methods (AHP and fuzzy AHP) and two common objective methods (Entropy and Coefficient Variation). Quantitative comparisons indicate that the four methods are highly consistent though they assign different weight to the indicators. Spatial lag regression identifies significantly positive linear relationships between ADIs and liver cancer incidence rate from 2009 and 2010. It suggests that greater possibility of liver cancer prevalence would be expected in districts of higher social deprivation. The results also denote that the obtained relationships are insensitive to weight determination method and temporal dimension. Our study demonstrates that spatial autocorrelation should be incorporated for better understanding the association between area deprivation and liver cancer prevalence at district level. This paper provides some new insights into social indicators research.  相似文献   

山区人口分布受多种经济、社会等非空间因素的影响外,还与不同区域的地理分布有密切关系。文章以贵州省毕节地区为例,以乡镇区域为研究单元,运用地理加权回归(GWR)分析方法,兼与全局普通二乘法(OLS)方法进行比较,研究人口密度和经济、社会、自然等因素的空间相关关系。研究表明,社会经济因素对毕节山区人口分布的影响大于自然环境因素的影响;海拔对毕节山区人口分布的影响不如坡度的影响显著;综合经济实力、城镇化水平、交通条件和地形条件的好坏与其对人口分布的影响大小呈反相关,而医疗条件的好坏与其对人口分布的影响大小呈正相关。因此,"加强城镇建设、鼓励人口聚集,加强生态移民工作、保护资源环境"是未来毕节地区相关政策的基础。  相似文献   

本文运用地理信息系统的探索性空间数据分析方法,考察中国农村人口出生性别比的空间分布格局及其演变特点。在此基础上,运用地理空间效应的空间变系数的地理加权回归模型,考察经济发展、城镇化水平、文化因素、社会保障因素、生育政策等对人口出生性别比的影响,识别各因素对农村人口出生性别比影响的地区差异。研究结果显示:出生性别比在空间上具有集聚效应,表现为高-高和低-低类型,空间自相关结果表明采用传统最小二乘法估算将造成有偏估计;各个解释变量对出生性别比的影响在地区上存在空间差异;经济发展、文化因素与人口出生性别比之间具有倒"U"型关系,现阶段大部分农村地区经济发展水平已越过转折点,但文化程度尚未达到"阈值";当实际生育率高于政策生育率时,会出现计划生育政策实施越严格、出生性别比失衡越严重现象。  相似文献   

This paper presents a spatial analysis of multiple deprivation in South Africa and demonstrates that the most deprived areas in the country are located in the rural former homeland areas. The analysis is undertaken using the datazone level South African Index of Multiple Deprivation which was constructed from the 2001 Census. Datazones are a new statistical geography designed especially for this Index using techniques developed in the United Kingdom. They are smaller in population size than wards, enabling fine-grained spatial analysis of deprivation across the whole of South Africa. The spatial scale used is the smallest to be used in a developing country to date. Levels of deprivation are compared between former homeland areas as a whole, the rest of South Africa and a case-study township, as well as between each former homeland. Individual dimensions of deprivation and an overall composite measure are presented. Municipality-level analysis shows that this spatial pattern of multiple deprivation continued to persist in 2007, demonstrating the ongoing spatial legacy of apartheid.  相似文献   

Xu  Zhixi  Cai  Zhongliang  Wu  Shufan  Huang  Xinran  Liu  Ji  Sun  Junying  Su  Shiliang  Weng  Min 《Social indicators research》2019,142(3):947-970
Social Indicators Research - Poverty is a major problem that has consistently impacted human development. The spatial characteristics of poverty are nonvolatile at the regional level and represent...  相似文献   

Social Indicators Research - Drawing on public opinion and empirical research, one may advise people to participate in voluntary organizations because voluntary participation can improve their...  相似文献   

In this paper, we draw on Irish SILC data to examine the roles of social class, non-class risk groups and state policies in influencing enforced material deprivation as Ireland moved from a period of economic boom through deep recession and on to early recovery. We also employ Sen’s capability approach to explore the extent to which certain social risk groups differ in their capacity to convert social class-differentiated resources into increased capability in relation to avoiding material deprivation. The findings refute the notion of polarization either across time as a result of recession or as a result of more vulnerable social risk groups experiencing more pronounced social class differences. Instead, the impact of recession on social class and social risk group operated mainly in an additive manner with each having a relatively independent impact on deprivation. The exception was lone parents who were less able to convert the benefits of higher social class position into reduced deprivation levels.  相似文献   

Social Indicators Research - In this study, we disentangle the complex relationship between structural and intermediary social determinants of health in Andalusia (Spain) after the period of...  相似文献   

流动、剥夺、排斥与融合:社会融合与保障权获得   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农民市民化是中国现代化、城市化进程中的必然趋势,城市化和市民化现实表现为"流动、定居、融合"的社会过程。但中国当前却出现了进城农民"流动但不定居、定居但不融合"的现象。造成这一现象的主要原因是进城农民"内在市民化"滞后于"外在市民化"。"内在市民化"现实表现为自我角色的定位与认同,文章通过对自我角色认同这一表征的多元回归分析发现,造成进城农民"内在市民化"滞后的原因在于进城农民文化水平、年龄、婚姻等因素的差异,而其中最根本的原因在于农民无法稳定获得与市民平等、无差异的包括基本社会保障权在内的基本公民权利,存在"权利剥夺"。在分析结论的基础上,提出了加快进城农民社会保障权利获得等建议,以期加快市民化进程。  相似文献   

The economic crisis has increased the inequality and heterogeneity of people at risk of social exclusion, and thus their financial vulnerability. This article reviews the literature on the determinants of unbanking and underbanking and proposes a model linking financial and social exclusion. We aimed to determine if people at risk of poverty and social exclusion are integrated -and to what extent- in the financial system. To answer this question, we identified the demographic and the social exclusion factors that determine both the status of financial vulnerability and the use of banking services. We used multivariate analysis methods to analyze the information from the survey on social vulnerability conducted by the Red Cross Spain in 2015. Our results show a negative relationship between the risk of social exclusion and the intensity of use of banking services. This can lead to financial vulnerability and exclusion in the most extreme situations. We suggest that underbanking is the most relevant—but not previously studied- situation of financial vulnerability in Europe and discuss its implications for policymakers. This paper contributes to the measurement of the link between financial and social exclusion, and is the first quantitative study on the use of banking products by vulnerable people in a European context.  相似文献   

The goals of this study were to validate a number of available collective social capital measures at the US state and county levels, and to examine the relative extent to which these social capital measures are associated with population health outcomes. Measures of social capital at the US state level included aggregate indices based on the Annenberg National Health Communication Survey and the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), Petris Social Capital Index (PSCI), Putnam’s index, and Kim et al.’s scales. County-level measures consisted of PSCI, Rupasingha et al.’s social capital index, and a BRFSS-derived measure. These measures, except for the PSCI, showed evidence of acceptable validity. Moreover, we observed differences across the social capital measures in their associations with population health outcomes. The implications of the findings for future research in this area were discussed.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the common trajectories leading to adult social exclusion that children from disadvantaged backgrounds experience during their life courses. Moreover, it provides an assessment of whether education is effective in breaking the vicious circle of disadvantages both across and within generations. Using data from the 1970 British Cohort Study, this empirical analysis is based on structural equation modelling techniques and proceeds in three steps. The measurement model is first tested to validate three groups of theoretical constructs (childhood disadvantages, adolescent deprivations and a multi-dimensional measure of social exclusion) and their indicators. Next, a path analysis is conducted for describing the trajectories linking childhood disadvantages to social exclusion. In the third step, the multi-faceted role of education is established by measuring the extent to which deprivations in the educational domain directly or indirectly affect all the relevant social exclusion dimensions.  相似文献   

The tools and techniques of population sciences are extremely relevant to the discipline of public health emergency preparedness: protecting and securing the population’s health requires information about that population. While related fields such as security studies have successfully integrated demographic tools into their research and literature, the theoretical and practical connection between the methods of demography and the practice of public health emergency preparedness is weak. This article suggests the need to further the interdisciplinary use of demography by examining the need for a systematic use of population science techniques in public health emergency preparedness. Ultimately, we demonstrate how public health emergency preparedness can incorporate demography to develop more effective preparedness plans. Important policy implications emerge: demographers and preparedness experts need to collaborate more formally in order to facilitate community resilience and mitigate the consequences of public health emergencies.  相似文献   

Yang  Xinya  Geng  Liuna 《Social indicators research》2022,162(3):1261-1279
Social Indicators Research - Public health and health inequality have been widely researched as they are essential for human development and social justice. Although factors influencing public...  相似文献   

With the proliferation of social indicator databases, the need for powerful techniques to study patterns of change has grown. In this paper, the utility of spatial data analytical methods such as exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) is suggested as a means to leverage the information contained in social indicator databases. The principles underlying ESDA are illustrated using a study of clusters and outliers based on data for a child risk scale computed for countries in the state of Virginia. Evidence of spatial clusters of high child risks is obtained along the Southern region of Virginia. The utility of spatial methods for state agencies in monitoring social indicators at various localities is discussed. A six-step framework that integrates spatial analysis of key indicators within a monitoring framework is presented; we argue that such a framework could be useful in enhancing communication between State and local planners. Given cost considerations, the original color figures have been printed in black and white in this article. The color figures can be obtained from http://www.chs.med.ed.ac.uk/rubhc/evaluation/  相似文献   

The Internet has revolutionized research on sexual minorities by providing direct and safe access to hidden, stigmatized, and high-risk populations. This study investigated the possibility of using Facebook to reach Egyptian gays. The questionnaire was manually distributed to an extensive list of Facebook pages and groups related to the topic that has been collected using a snowball-like technique. The recruitment lasted from August 2015 to May 2016. Among the 461 eligible participants, the mean age was 26.6 (SD = 7.6), and the majority (74%) were highly educated. Only 17% use condoms consistently, and 34% have ever tested for HIV. Guilt feelings and trying to change sexual orientation were very high and were associated with higher religiosity and low condom use and HIV testing (p < .05). Also, 10% have ever tried to end their life. Most of the participants did not disclose their sexual orientation to anybody other than their partners, and 60% will not disclose it to health care providers even if needed. The low health awareness among Egyptian gays requires Internet-based health campaigns.  相似文献   

Child poverty has been widely discussed in Germany since the publication of the third official Poverty and Wealth Report of the German government in 2008 which—inter alia—focused on the situation of children and families. However, child poverty is not only caused by low household incomes and impacts of child poverty are not only restricted to financial consequences. The capability approach takes into account this multidimensionality of well-being and poverty of children. It conceptualizes human well-being as not only depending on financial means but also gives the same importance to the personal and social conversion factors which determine how far financial means can be converted into personal well-being. Before 2008 the capability approach had only been applied to the well-being of adults in Germany, but not specifically to the well-being of children. However, there are several reasons why a capability analysis for children will differ from a capability analysis for adults. Adults’ capability sets comprise dimensions that are less relevant for small children while other valuable capabilities have to be added. Furthermore the capability set depends to a large extent on the age of the child. The paper focuses on a multidimensional poverty analysis in the capability perspective of 5–6 years old children. In the domains of “Education/Leisure”, “Health”, “Social Participation” and “Income” child poverty is measured by predefined indicators. The relationship to the social and personal conversion factors of the caretakers is then evaluated. Additionally, a multidimensional poverty measure is analyzed.  相似文献   

Social Indicators Research - Empirical evidence regarding the relationship between social capital and health in China is relatively limited. This study aims to examine the impact of different types...  相似文献   

张韵  陆杰华 《南方人口》2022,37(3):1-12
基于CLHLS生化数据,本文以客观条件与主观感知二种维度考察了社会隔离与老年人代谢综合征(MetS)、日常生活活动能力(ADL)与工具性日常生活活动能力(IADL)的相互影响关系。通过交叉滞后模型的分析,本文的主要研究结果表明:其一,客观条件社会隔离与老年人生理健康之间的相互影响关系,实际上可能是由年龄、性别等人口学特征因素造成的。其二,主观感知社会隔离对老年人生理健康有显著影响,其影响机制包括对生理代谢功能(MetS)和生活自理能力(IADL)的改变,且不受人口学特征因素影响。其三,日常生活能力(ADL)反过来对于老年人的主观感知社会隔离有显著加强。因此,我们认为主观社会隔离是解释社会隔离与老年人生理健康之间的相互影响关系的关键。对于老年人主观感知的社会隔离应当通过多种途径进行干预加以缓解,并且,对于有日常生活活动能力障碍老人,尤其应当注重为其提供有效的生活服务以及心理慰藉以缓解其孤独和无助感。  相似文献   

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