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To support China’s national poverty alleviation strategies, it is urgent to develop a scientific method for identifying the poverty-stricken villages and the contributing factors. Based on the anti-poverty plan of “Entire-Village Advancement” of China and the human-environment interaction perspective, the paper proposes a participatory poverty identification model that utilizes geographic information system to quantify and integrate various contributing factors for poverty at the village level. First, a set of poverty identification factors are determined from the human-environment interaction perspective. Secondly, the game theory is used to combine the participatory subjective weight method and the objective entropy method to weight the factors, and a participatory poverty identification with minimum variance model is developed to identify the poverty-stricken villages and their contributing factors. Finally, the model is applied to Qianjiang District in Chongqing, and the case study demonstrates the effectiveness of the model. The model not only identifies the poverty-stricken villages systematically but also helps guide policies for effective poverty interventions.  相似文献   

文章利用中国8个省的调查数据,研究了城市和农村在1989~2004年间经济增长、收入不平等和减贫之间的关系.分析结果表明,城乡收入水平在这一期间有了引人注目的改善,在很大程度上降低了贫困率.沿海农村地区的居民收入上升最快,其次为沿海城市地区.在这个时期,收入的不平等也在扩大,尤其是在城市地区,抵消了一部分由增长带来的减贫成果.通过对收入决定因素的分解,作者发现,收入水平的改善在很大程度上归功于教育回报率的上升和农村非农产业的就业增长.  相似文献   

Xu  Zhixi  Cai  Zhongliang  Wu  Shufan  Huang  Xinran  Liu  Ji  Sun  Junying  Su  Shiliang  Weng  Min 《Social indicators research》2019,142(3):947-970
Social Indicators Research - Poverty is a major problem that has consistently impacted human development. The spatial characteristics of poverty are nonvolatile at the regional level and represent...  相似文献   

中国已经进入老龄化社会,而中国的社会保障体系处于初级水平,养老保障制度尚未完善,在贫困地区大多数老年人由于缺乏收入和服务保障使他们的生活陷入困境,因此他们是当前最需要关注的群体。然而,了解贫困地区老年人家庭的贫困状况和致贫原因是解决问题的第一步。为此,文章利用"河北省贫困地区人口抽样调查"数据,对老年人家庭的贫困状况进行对比分析,并对老年人家庭的致贫原因进行Ordinal回归分析。研究发现,家庭成员的健康状况、第一经济来源以及家庭规模等因素对贫困地区农村老年人家庭的贫困-富裕度有显著影响。  相似文献   

文章以贫困的收入增长偏弹性和贫困的收入分配偏弹性的性质为基础,构建了一个分析经济增长、收入分配和减贫进程之间关系的统一框架。文章着重探讨了在经济发展的不同时期,收入水平和收入不平等的初始值对经济增长的减贫能力,以及收入不平等的贫困效应的影响,并以中国农村为例,来实证检验它们之间的定性、定量关系及政策含义。  相似文献   

中国老年贫困人口规模研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用最低生活保障数据,采用不同贫困标准,对中国老年贫困人口规模进行测算。采用农村贫困线和"1天1美元"两个标准,测得农村老年贫困人口规模在1 400万人以上;采用城镇最低生活保障标准和"1天2美元"两个标准,测得城镇老年贫困人口规模在300万人左右。这样,中国老年贫困人口总规模近1 800万,老年贫困发生率超过10%。  相似文献   

“城中村”的城市化特征及其问题分析——以广州为例   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
刘伟文 《南方人口》2003,18(3):29-33
城市化的过程,不仅仅是人口向城市集中,农村经济向城市经济、农村地域向城市地域转化的过程,也包括人们的行为方式和生活方式的转变."城中村"是我国大城市扩张的必然产物,也是我国城市化的一个阶段.本文从社会学的角度,分析了"城中村"的出现,"城中村"土地、人口、经济、生活方式以及社会问题所具有的城市化特征.  相似文献   

作者通过在陕西省CH县与出生登记相关的工作人员的访谈和对3个农村社区的问卷调查,分析了中国农村地区儿童出生登记的现状;重点探索了微观层面上影响儿童出生登记的因素;总结了没有按时登记对儿童权益的影响。研究结果表明,儿童出生登记的水平不高,呈现下滑趋势;微观层次上影响农村地区儿童出生登记的因素众多,在各个历史时期不尽相同;儿童未能按时登记,会影响其健康的成长与发展。  相似文献   

The eventual objective of social disciplines is to ensure the existence of peaceful and prosperous societies through the provision and protection of property rights for all segments of society. The deprived and socially excluded persons attempt to violate the formal rules and informal norms of the society. Developing countries have been facing rapidly increased number of violators of rules and norms, causing to higher crime rate which confronts multifarious ethnic problems, religion, multi-lingual problems. The case of Pakistan dose not varies when our study consider socioeconomic causes of crimes i.e. ethnic diversity and social exclusion. Present study is a contribution in this blistering issue, particularly in case of Pakistan. Therefore, our study explores the socioeconomic determinants of crime rate in Pakistan, by using bound testing and auto regressive distributive lag technique for the data period of 1970–2015. The estimated results reveal that ethnic diversity, social exclusion and deterrence have positive and significant impact on property, violence crime rates, and on overall crimes in Pakistan. While per capita income and population density, both have negative and significant impact on property and violence crimes.  相似文献   

基于物质剥夺视角构建了农村老年人绝对贫困形成机制框架,利用来自河南和陕西两省216个村庄的大样本农户调查数据,通过五个维度的物质剥夺指标对农村老年人绝对贫困进行了直接测量,并进一步系统考察了经济资源和基本需要两个层面的因素对老年人绝对贫困的影响.结果发现,农村老年人在住房和医疗两个维度的剥夺比例最高.传统的收入贫困测量手段并不能准确识别出实际经历物质剥夺的农村贫困老年人.除了收入之外,不同类型的家庭资产、 信贷支持、 政府救助等其他经济资源都能有效缓解老年人物质剥夺状况.而独居和负面健康冲击则会显著提高老年人的剥夺发生率和严重程度.  相似文献   

Social Indicators Research - This paper takes as its starting point the analytical distinction between a ‘difference-making’ approach and a ‘production approach’ to poverty,...  相似文献   

Water poverty is difficult to evaluate because it is multidimensional. It is determined not only by the availability of water sources but also whether communities have adequate access to clean, uncontaminated water. It is also dependent on the resource needs of those using the water. Under the premise that water scarcity is multidimensional, we use a Water Poverty Index approach using Principal Component Analysis to develop an index at the household level in 10 villages in one large farming community to examine each household’s subjective view of well being as a result of water poverty. This paper reviews how water resources endowments and depletion because of indiscriminate disposal of untreated industrial wastewater, household sewage and climate change are posing serious threats to water poverty at the household level in developing agrarian economies like Pakistan. We report from our results that both the perceived level of pollution and the proximity to clean and polluted water sources matter significantly for subjective well-being in rural households of Pakistan. The villages closer to polluted water sources are unhappier while the villages, which have better access to fresh water, have relatively higher subjective well-being. A strong implementation of environmental protection measures and regional strategies are suggested to alleviate water poverty and increase subjective well-being in local communities.  相似文献   

中国西部民族地区贫困问题研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
西部民族地区的贫困严重制约着西部地区的快速发展 ,减少贫困已经成为启动西部开发的首要动力 ,从根本上消除贫困则将成为检验和衡量西部开发成功与否的重要标准。西部民族地区是我国贫困人口的密集分布区 ,贫困面大 ,贫困度深 ,脱贫难度大 ,返贫率高。针对我国西部民族地区贫困的特殊性 ,在反贫困的战略选择上 ,一方面要进一步加强区域发展援助 ,即加快西部少数民族地区的经济开发进程 ,实现民族地区整体经济实力的增长和自我发展能力的提高。另一方面 ,反贫困战略的目标要瞄准西部民族地区的贫困人口 ,使贫困人口成为反贫困的直接受益者  相似文献   

Social Indicators Research - In this paper, we construct an illustrative multidimensional poverty index for China and compare it with income poverty using the panel data from multiple waves of the...  相似文献   

Peng  Chenhong  Fang  Lue  Wang  Julia Shu-Huah  Law  Yik Wa  Zhang  Yi  Yip  Paul S. F. 《Social indicators research》2019,144(1):219-250

This study aims to investigate into the determinants of poverty in Hong Kong. Previous research on poverty, which usually adopted a logistic regression model to examine individuals’ probabilities of being poor, could not adequately reveal the heterogeneity in experiences among people across the poverty spectrum, therefore has limited policy effort to address diverse needs of individuals struggling with poverty. In the present study, this concern is addressed by using a quantile regression model to examine the differential effects of the determinants of poverty across the poverty spectrum. Data were drawn from the Hong Kong Panel Survey for Poverty Alleviation (n?=?1668). Logistic regression indicated that being elderly, being female, not having a partner, from a single-parent household, not being employed, living in public rental housing, have lower educational attainment, and have poor self-rated health, increased the probability of being poor. Informational support was a protective factor of poverty, while several negative life events, such as having family member(s) with disabilities/chronic diseases and having financial burden, were risk factors of poverty. Quantile regression analysis was adopted to further examine the extent to which determinants of poverty unfold across poverty spectrum, which was captured by five groups of “extremely poor”, “deeply poor”, “at the poverty line”, “near poverty” and “marginally poor”. Quantile regression indicated that people living across the poverty spectrum were similarly affected by not having a partner, living in single-parent households and not working. However, extremely poor and deeply poor were more adversely affected by old age than those near poverty and marginally poor. It is also discovered that public rental housing buffered the poverty risks more in those who lived in deep poverty than those who were near poverty and marginally poor. University education protected the near poverty and marginally poor to a larger extent than those who were extremely poor and deeply poor. Information support also buffered the poverty risks, and people living across the poverty spectrum were equally benefited from it.


Recent studies indicate a relationship between measures of urban form as applied to urban and suburban areas, and obesity, a risk factor for heart disease. Measures of urban form for exurban and rural areas are considerably scarce; such measures could prove useful in measuring relationships between urban form and both mortality and morbidity in such areas. In modeling area-level mortality, geographic relationships between counties warrant consideration because geographically adjacent areas tend to have more in common than areas farther from each other. We modify county-level indices of urban form found in the literature so that they can be applied to exurban and rural counties. We then use these indices in a Bayesian spatial model that accounts for spatial autocorrelation to determine if there is a relationship between such measures and cardiovascular disease mortality for white males age 35 and older for the time period 1999–2001. Issues related to the formation and usefulness of the indices, and issues related to the spatial model, are discussed. Maps of observed and expected relative risk of mortality are presented. Jimmie Givens retired from his service.  相似文献   

Yang  Long  Lu  Haiyang  Wang  Sangui  Li  Meng 《Social indicators research》2021,153(3):1065-1086

The impact of specific living conditions on the population of geographically and socially segregated Roma settlements in Eastern Slovakia is considerable. They are characterized by high unemployment, lower education, poor housing and sanitary conditions, a poor quality of life, which all affects significantly their higher mortality rates and worse health status. In this paper we try to approach the problem of adverse mortality conditions and health with a deeper demographic insight. The fundamental goal of the paper is to analyse mortality in the population from Roma settlements over the past two decades using complex demographic methods such as life tables, direct standardization with the objective of eliminating differences in the age structure, single and multi-dimensional decomposition of age, sex and causes of death. We also analyse mortality using the concept of avoidable mortality. The results obtained from Roma settlements confirmed significantly worse mortality rates for both sexes. In addition, it appears that the disparities between them and the majority population are growing over time. The primary reason is the higher mortality of the youngest children and persons at post-reproductive age. Basically, all main chapters of the causes of death shorten the life expectancy of persons from Roma settlements, but cardiovascular diseases have the greatest negative impact. Conclusions obtained from the avoidable mortality analysis point to problems related to the accessibility and quality of health care, as well as the lack of interest of population from Roma settlements in their own health, along with the need for more targeted prevention and screening campaigns in this environment. Although the answers of respondents from Roma settlements to their own health confirm the deteriorating quality of health, increasing morbidity and the degree of restriction of normal daily activities with increasing age, they also point to some problems associated with the use of this approach.


农村空巢老人是我国农村老年群体中的特殊群体,目前正面临生活和养老困境,急需得到社会的广泛关注。本文通过对重庆市潼南县Z村58位农村空巢老人的实地调查,采用系统分析法对农村空巢老人的养老方式、经济状况、生活状况及面临的养老困境进行了实证分析。研究发现:目前农村空巢老人以家庭养老和自我养老为主,其经济来源主要来自子女供给和务农收入所得,总体经济供养水平偏低,生活来源稳定性较差。同时,大部分空巢老人身体状况不佳,缺乏精神上和生活上的照料,而目前农村社会养老服务十分匮乏。为此,应尽快建立和完善多层次的农村养老服务体系。  相似文献   

专用性人力资本、劳动力转移与区域经济发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
资源依赖型产业链、重工业偏向型产业结构和既定的体制环境,造成了东北老工业基地的劳动力所拥有的人力资本存在不同类型和不同程度的专用性。文章认为,既定的专用性人力资本导致了劳动力在搜寻匹配岗位时遇到了很大困难,以致于在转岗再就业过程中表现出明显的人力资本粘性和人力资本失灵。为了促进区域经济发展,有效推动下岗失业劳动力高质量地完成转岗再就业过程,应当重新对东北老工业基地进行重工业化改造,同时还应对人力资本生产制度、流动制度和激励制度进行有效调整。  相似文献   

中美两国城市贫困区位化比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对中美两国城市贫困区位化的原因、发展趋势和影响的比较研究,可以发现,影响两国城市贫困异同的主要因素是产业结构,文化传统和制度体系。这一研究将为中国城市的反贫困工作起到参考作用。  相似文献   

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