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Raisingpublicawarenessofreproductivehealththroughopeningclasses.ChinahassteppedupitseffortsinpromotingreproductivehealthandMCHsince1990.FollowingtheICPDandFWCW,inparticular,remarkableprogresshasbeenmadeinthatregard.By1997,atotalof3,180MCHorganizationshadbeensetup.AnMCHnetworkconsistingofpublichealthorganizationsatalllevelshastakenshape,providingwomenwithawholesetofservicesfromearlypregnancycheck-uptopre-natalcheck--up,high--riskpregnancy,inpatientdeliveryandpost-natalhomevisit.Maternal…  相似文献   

ReproductiveHealthServicesTheGovernmnenthaslongattachedgreatimportancetoallaspectsofreproductivehealth,includingmaternalandch...  相似文献   

DeliveringReproductiveHealthPromisesKarenHardeeThe1994InternationalConferenceonPopulationandDevelopment(ICPD)ProgrammeofActio...  相似文献   

HealthEducationforFarmers¥//Itisanunshirkabbledutyforhealthdepartmentstoofferhealtheducationtothe900millionChinesefarmersandi...  相似文献   

SexHealthEducationinUniversityNearly100studentsfromtheCapitalNormalUniversitybeganacourseonsexhealthinformationsixmonthsago....  相似文献   

1. Definition Male participation in reproductive health refers to promotion of male contraceptive methods as well as sharing responsibility with women in childbearing, sex health and child-rearing. In 1994, the Program of Action of ICPD explicitly pointed out that efforts should be made to promote male participation in responsible fertility, sex and reproductive behaviors and shared responsibility with women. In 1999, the ICPD plus 5 further urged that efforts be made to make men underst…  相似文献   

Various activities were held on October 28 in 16 Chinese cities to promote sexual health advice services for men and to mark the country's third Male Health Day. An exhibition on male reproductive health, the first of its kind in the country, was also held in the capital, Beijing, to coincide with the event. China named October 28 Male Health Day in 2000 and hundreds of thousands of Chinese men have shown great interest in related health services over the past two years. This year, the t…  相似文献   

BackgroundThemajorobjectiveoftheRH/FPproject,jointlyestablishedbytheChineseGovernmentandtheUnitedNationsPopulationFund(UNFPA),istofacilitatetheChineseGovernmenttofulfillthetargetssetforthbyICPDandotherrelatedinternationalconferencessuchastheWorldSubm...  相似文献   

Througheffectivefamilyplanningpolicies,ChinahassloweddownitspopulationgroWthrateandimprovedgeneralpublichealth,saidaseniorhealthofficialatanationalexhibitiononhealthcarethatopenedonNovemberl,1999inBeijing.China'sbirthratedecreasedto16perthousandin1998from33perthousandin1970,saidQianXinzhong,formerministeroftileMinistryofHealth.Theinfantmortalityratedeclinedto34perthousandin1998fi-om200perthousandin1950,afigurefarlowerthantheworldaverageof50perthousand,saidQian,whoisalsodirectoroftheexhibiti…  相似文献   

SincetheinitiationofthenationalfamilyplanningprogrammeinChinaintheearly1970s,thecontraceptiveprevalencerate(CPR)andcompositi...  相似文献   

As the proliferation of sexually transmitteddiseases and AIDS both in China and abroadis deteriorating, the need to educate the younggeneration on reproductive health become all themore important. To understand the level ofknowledge among teenagers regarding reproductivehealth, a team of experts with the China FamilyPlanning Association did a field survey in September1998 in Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province.MethodologyThe target population for this survey was studentsaged 12-18 and reproductiv…  相似文献   

It is universally accepted that the objective ofeconomic growth is the development of humanbeings. An increasing number of people in Chinaare realizing that the development of the western partof the country can no longer copy the old pattern ofeconomic growth, whereby economic growth isachieved at the expense of the environment andresources.A major component of sustainable development is theissue of population, both in qualitative andquantitative terms. Human health, in particular, is anintegr…  相似文献   

On September 6, 2002, Qi Xiaoqiu, director of the Disease Control Division of the Ministry of Public Health gave a briefing to foreign correspondents in China on China抯 AIDS situation, measures already taken and to be taken. The briefing was presided over by Ou Boqian, counsellor of the News Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. More than 70 foreign correspondents resident in Beijing and news officials from foreign embassies were present. Qi first gave an account of the curre…  相似文献   

In mid-July, China held its first family planning and reproductive health new technology and new product exposition in Beijing, on the occasion of the first World Population Day in the new millennium. Tens of thousands of visitors both industry people and ordinary citizens flocked to the exhibition hall, accompanied by a major media blitz proclaiming the coming of age of a new industry, reproductive health. China Transformed Just a few years ago, few people in China realized that sexual…  相似文献   

ReproductiveHealthTrainingCentreofTibetThenewlybuiltReproductiveHealthTrainningCentreofTibet.Trainersfromcountiesaretrainedr...  相似文献   

正According to NHFPC website,to strengthen moral construction of medical and health care industry,promote practices in accordance with the law and advocate honest medical practices,National Health and Family Planning Commission(NHFPC)and State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine jointly released in December 26,2013"Nine Prohibitions to  相似文献   

HealthandMedicalCarefortheElderlyTheLifeEXpectancyat60YearsOldTheincreaseinthelifeexpectancyextendsthelifespanoftheelderly.He...  相似文献   

A total of 114 provincial government officials and medical experts have gone to 38 villages in central China‘s Henan Province, the worst-hit province in China by HIV/AIDS. They intend to work and live in the villages for a year, Xinhua News Agency reported April 20.  相似文献   

Asdevelopingitswesternregion,Chinashouldchangeitsmedicalandhealthcarepolicytobetterservefarmers,themajorityofthepopulationinthewest.Theeconomicinferiorityofthewestnotonlystemsfromitsharshnaturalconditionsandpoorinfrastructure,butalsofromthequalityofhumanresources:Namely,educationandhealthlagbehindnationalaverages.Thesignificanceofeducationhasbeenwidelyacknowledged,butpublichealthcarehasyettoreceiveitsduerespect.Thegovernmenthaspledgedtoguaranteeallfarmersbasicmedicalcarethisyear.Tothisend,the…  相似文献   

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