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“90后”大学生就业能力结构模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就业能力是大学生成功就业的核心影响因素,而"90后"大学生作为未来劳动力市场的主力受到了广泛关注。本研究在文献分析、深度访谈、开放式调查和预试研究的基础上编制了"90后"大学生就业能力调查问卷,通过前后两个样本的调查,运用因子分析和结构方程模型的分析方法,构建出"90后"大学生就业能力的四因子模型。该模型由内在品格素质、基本工作能力、情绪管控能力以及规划自省能力四个维度构成,最后对研究结论与已有研究的异同进行了比较,并分析了研究的应用价值。  相似文献   

张建武  薛继亮 《南方人口》2013,28(2):10-18,9
改革开放后出生的一代人的生育意愿和意愿生育数量将表现出与父辈们不同的特征。本文采用广东省人口和计划生育委员会支持的调研数据,并通过实证研究发现:个人受教育程度、家庭收入、户籍状况、家庭结构及财产状况等因素共同影响着初育年龄意愿、理想生育数和生育性别意愿。总体来看,教育程度与经济因素是影响“80后”生育意愿的主要因素。同时,家庭养老压力也在一定程度上影响到他们的生育意愿。  相似文献   

8月9日伴着孩子们抵京的脚步,“西部女孩走进北京”活动拉开了序幕.看到孩子们一张张怯生生的小脸,情不自禁的拉起她们的手;看到青海11岁的丁雄,身高不足12米,体重最多17公斤.我不忍看被迫转身,轻轻地拉着她的手.不敢太重.怕太重了会捏碎了她。从这一天起才感觉到我真的在参加着这次活动。  相似文献   

我们黔东南州的八位女孩能作为贵州省的西部女孩代表走进北京.是国家人口计生委宣教司和中国人口宣教中心经实地调研的结果。  相似文献   

目前,关爱女孩行动在广大农村普遍展开,紧紧依傍着人口计划生育系统有序进行。应该看到,在许多地方已经取得了初步的效果。同时,我们看到,大量的农村人口涌进城市,尤其是许多女孩子进入城市务工,成为城市生活的一部分。因此,  相似文献   

进入江西抚州市地界,“关爱女孩,就是关注民族的未来”、“今天的女孩,明天的建设者”等巨幅公益广告就映入了人们的眼帘。抚州市在开展“关爱女孩行动”活动中,用“三情”爱心助学,为女孩们铺就了阳光之路。  相似文献   

拐卖妇女儿童犯罪是一种既原始又野蛮的犯罪行为。近几年来.拐卖犯罪形势又有了新的变化.各级打拐部门从当地实际出发,积极开展各项打拐工作.取得了一定的成效。  相似文献   

互助、民和是青海省土族集中、以农为主的民族自治县.因受地理环境和自然条件因素制约,人们旧的传统观念较深。民和县于2004年被确定为全省“关爱女孩行动”试点县.试点工作起步已一年。互助县作为”关爱女孩行动—西部行活动青海分会场,继活动以来不负众望,  相似文献   

2010年12月17-19日,中国计生协第七次全国会员代表大会暨先进表彰会在北京召开,中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理李克强在人民大会堂会见了中国计生协第七次全国会员代表大会代表。他强调,要认真贯彻十七届五中全会精神,按照推动科学发展、加快转变经济发展方式的要求,坚持计划生育基本国策,逐步完善政策,统筹做好人口计生工作,促进人口长期土勾衡发展,为经济发展和社会进步提供良好环境。  相似文献   

4月初,我来到江西抚州市临川区东馆镇的东馆村。见到二女户——刘金根。在见到刘金根之前就听到一些有关他的事情。刘金根有两个女儿,在人们观念还未根本转变的今天,刘金根在村里一直拾不起头,沮丧使刘金根破罐破摔。没有动力也就没有活力。穷破的家越来越穷,也越来越破。在第一眼看到刘金根的家时,我在想以前他是怎么生活的。低矮的房顶上有一层防雨布,进去就得低着头行动,一张小床上一条破被子,一张小桌子:地上零乱地放着些东西。掀开一个发黑的帘子,什么也看不清。同来的人告诉说,这是马桶。不知道夏天他们怎么过的。走出小屋,坐下来与刘金根闲聊。明亮中才发现刘金根面色红润,说话大大方方的。他自己说:以前不行,穷得不能再穷了,是村里倒数第一个。自己也觉得没什么奔头,就混呗。“那现在呢?”我问。“现在可不一样了。”他立刻就回答。细打听才知道金根的“发展”史。  相似文献   

1990年代中国生育水平研究   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:14  
翟振武  陈卫 《人口研究》2007,31(1):19-32
1990年代我国的生育水平究竟是多少,这一直是个谜。本文利用中国一直独立存在的严密而周全的教育统计数据,来估计2000年人口普查中的漏报,最终估计我国1990年代的生育水平。通过教育统计数据对人口普查数据进行调整,重构2000年普查0~9岁人口的年龄性别结构;并将2000年0~9岁人口转换为1991~2000年历年的出生人数,进而估算1990年代我国的生育水平。从推算和估计的结果看,我国1991年生育率达到更替水平,之后进一步下降,低于更替水平。1990年代后期我国的总和生育率在1.7~1.8。  相似文献   

To investigate whether Russia's dramatic fertility changes pre‐ and post‐Soviet times were due primarily to tempo effects, as has been argued recently, or to quantum effects, this study standardizes for factors that distort conventional fertility indexes. A time series spanning 1978–93 of period parity‐progression ratios for the Russian Federation is constructed applying the PADTFR technique, which takes into account age, parity, and time elapsed since the birth of the previous child, to data from the Russian micro census of February 1994 (2.8 million maternity histories). Both the fertility rise of the 1980s and the fertility fall of the early 1990s are found to be primarily due to changes in the probability of a second birth. The impact of tempo on the conventional TFR is significant, but of relatively minor magnitude in comparison to changes in the quantum of fertility. The social and economic context in which the fertility change took place is described.  相似文献   

Planners in a variety of situations require an improved understanding of migration trends if services and products that adequately meet constituent needs are to be provided. This note focuses on changes in migration expectancy over three decades in the context of the planning function. Using the CPS one-year migration question for the periods 1975–1976, 1980–1981, and 1987–1991, and the work of Wilber (1963) and Long (1973) as historical benchmarks, migration expectancy is found to have fallen since the earlier studies. Longer-distance migration (between counties and between states) has remained relatively constant over the same period so that these types of moves now account for a larger proportion of total residential mobility. The results are discussed in the context of their value to individuals and organizations who seek a better understanding of demographically-driven demand from services and products.This article is based on a paper presented at the Southern Demographic Association annual meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 22 October 1993.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to examine recent trends in educational stratification for Latin American adolescents growing up in three distinct periods: the 1980s, during severe recession; the 1990s, a period of structural adjustments imposed by international organizations; and the late 2000s, when most countries in the region experienced positive and stable growth. In addition to school enrollment and educational transitions, we examine the quality of education through enrollment in private schools, an important aspect of inequality in education that most studies have neglected. We use nationally representative household survey data for the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s in Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Uruguay. Our overall findings confirm the importance of macroeconomic conditions for inequalities in educational opportunity, suggesting important benefits brought up by the favorable conditions of the 2000s. However, our findings also call attention to increasing disadvantages associated with the quality of the education adolescents receive, suggesting the significance of the EMI framework-Effectively Maintained Inequality-and highlighting the value of examining the quality in addition to the quantity of education in order to fully understand educational stratification in the Latin American context.  相似文献   

王思琦 《西北人口》2012,33(2):89-92
当前中国社会有关70后和80后之间的各种争论层出不穷,主要集中在性观念等道德观的层面,例如,许多人认为80后在性观念上面比70后更为开放,但是缺乏严谨的数据论证。因此,本文使用CGSS(中国综合社会调查)2005年的数据对此进行了分析,发现70后、80后这种基于年龄的代际概念并没有统计上的意义,即在控制相关变量后,这两个年龄阶段群体的性观念开放程度并不存在显著的差异。  相似文献   

1990年代我国人口城市化水平的区域差异模式研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
1990年代我国的人口城市化进程进入了加速发展阶段 ,本文通过对比 1 990年和2 0 0 0年两次人口普查资料 ,分析了我国人口城市化水平现状及其在 1 990年代的增长幅度的区域差异模式 :2 0 0 0年人口城市化水平呈现东高西低 ,西部地区北高南低的基本格局 ;1 990年代的人口城市化增长幅度的空间格局为北方自东向西逐渐递减 ,南方自东向西高低峰谷交错递减。各地区 1 990年代人口城市化及其增幅除与经济发展水平及城市化所处的阶段有关外 ,2 0 0 0年普查统计口径的变化也是原因所在。  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between marriage and welfare recidivism for women leaving a first welfare spell, using the 1979–2000 panels of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY). Previous studies have found that women who marry around the time of welfare exit have lower rates of welfare return than women who stay single. However, more marriages occur before or after welfare exit than occur at the time of welfare exit. We find that marriages that precede or follow welfare exit by more than 12 months are not associated with significantly lower rates of welfare return. We also confirm previous findings that marriages formed within a year of welfare exit are associated with reduced rates of welfare return. However, these reduced rates mostly indicate later welfare returns rather than fewer welfare returns. Overall, our findings indicate a much weaker association between marriage and welfare independence than has been previously reported for this time period.  相似文献   

广东省“80后”非户籍人口初步分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
李若建 《南方人口》2011,26(1):19-24,40
“80后”非户籍人口已经是广东省人口中的重要组成部分,在一些行业中他们举足轻重。相对于留在农村家乡的人来说,他们教育程度更高,更有进取精神,也得到更好的职业。虽然广东已经离不开他们,但是他们在城市里往往处于相对被边缘化的处境。由于“80后”的成长历程,他们中相当一部分人将长期在现在工作的地点生存,因此让他们融入当地社会是必须的。  相似文献   

Cohabitation and marriage in the 1980s   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Arland Thornton 《Demography》1988,25(4):497-508
Using cohabitation and marriage histories collected in 1985 from 23-year-old women and men, this study investigates the process of union formation, considering transitions from single life into cohabitation and marriage. The outcomes of cohabitation are also considered--both the dissolution of unions and the transformation of cohabiting unions into marriage. These data indicate that large proportions of men and women experience cohabitation fairly early in the life course. At the same time, many cohabiting unions are dissolved fairly quickly and numerous others are soon transformed into marriages. Thus even though cohabitation will be experienced by many, most people will continue to spend substantially more time in marital unions than in cohabiting unions.  相似文献   

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