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杨敏 《社会学研究》2007,22(4):137-164
本文分析了不同居民群体社区参与的具体过程,提出了4种参与类型:福利性参与、志愿性参与、娱乐性参与和权益性参与。通过对居民社区参与过程和社区认知的探讨,作者认为,社会转型和社区建设运动背景下的中国城市社区是为了解决单位制解体后城市社会整合与社会控制问题的自上而下建构起来的国家治理单元,而不是一个可以促进公共领域形成或市民社会发育的地域社会生活共同体。  相似文献   

刘中起 《城市观察》2012,(6):156-167
城市社区公共空间既是一种物理空间,又是一种制度与文化空间。上海G社区探索楼道公共客厅与楼道居民自治,通过楼道公共空间的拓展与构筑,增强居民归属感,构建居民交流、共商机制,改善社区认同,让社区从一个生活的共同体演变成一种信念的共同体,维护了社区的和谐和稳定,推进基层社会的动员整合。这种社区自治性的成长不仅是社会力量内部整合的基础,也构成了社区共治的基础。由此,未来社区治理的方向是如何建立起社区事务协商参与的多级公共空间,形成共治、自治衔接的有效机制,从而真正实现基层社区国家与社会良性互动、政府行政管理与居民群众自治相衔接的基层社会管理的新格局。  相似文献   

社区是首“诗”自幼年代中期以来,“社区”一词重新进入了我国人民的生活。从政府文件到大众媒体和群众语言都广泛运用“社区”的提法。社区也正在成为理论研究和实际工作的目标和对象受到了密切的关注。按通常的理解社区指的是在一个地理区域里围绕着日常交往方式而组织起来的一群人。现代的社区理论则把社区概括为是由四个要素组成的。社区的第一个要素是人口(Population),作为一个区域的人群共同体必须要以足够量的人口为前提,荒无人烟的地方是谈不上社区的。第二个要素是组织(Organization),也就是说,这些一定数量的人口必须…  相似文献   

当前,对社区更新仅仅停留在物质空间维度的批判日益增多,强调对社会经济层面的关注。作为对其的回应,本文依据社会资本理论,首先构建了单位社区更新前后个体社会资本变化的分析框架;然后采用混合研究的方法选取T市B社区为研究对象对其进行验证。主成分分析结果表明,个体社会资本受单位社区更新影响且总体呈下降趋势。文章进而通过定性研究分析单位社区更新对个体社会资本的差异化影响机制。研究发现,居民个体社会资本受影响强度最大,社区工作人员次之,租客最小;建成环境及其引发的社区感知的变化是导致个体社会资本变化的主要原因,而社会网络与社会互动的变化对同一单位社区内不同人群个体社会资本的差异化影响具有显著解释意义。  相似文献   

如何促进青年居民参与城市社区治理是关系到新时代社会治理创新的重要议题。青年的社区参与并非仅是微观的个体选择,亦与宏观的社会环境密不可分。依据资源依赖理论,从外部环境与内在选择两个维度构建分析框架,对X社区在新冠肺炎疫情突发、常态和反弹三个治理阶段下青年居民组织的发展进行追踪分析,研究发现,建立并维护社区治理主体间的资源互赖关系是实现青年长效社区参与的关键,而青年居民在社区参与中增进的团结与信任能促进社区社会资本的重构,进而推动社区发育的进程。  相似文献   

五饼二鱼:社区运动与都市生活   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以台北市的一个邻里社区为例 ,记录了都市居民寻求新生活意义的一段过程 ,主要讨论 2 0世纪 90年代末期的社区动员对都市社会生活与文化意义的影响 ,试图了解一个因公园保存运动激起市民参与的都市移民社区 ,其居民生活受到何种程度的影响 ,这个影响又如何改变社区运动的进程。本文认为都市居民寻求安身立命是一动态、开放且有时充满矛盾冲突的过程 ,都市空间陌生与快速变动的特性 ,都市问题的琐碎与复杂性 ,以及都市移民离乡背井的心灵冲击 ,使得都市生活充满不确定与挑战性 ,社区运动因此代表一个集体的寻求地方感觉和在地想象的过程 ,以及改变都市社会现状的期盼。  相似文献   

本文旨在研究青年民间自组织与社区的互动机制。阐述了从青年自组织发展的趋势、与社区互动研究的必要性,并从分类和组织特征对青年民间自组织进行剖析。重点剖析青年民间自组织与社区两者的互动机制中的现状,从青年民间自组织自身客观局限性、外部受制于多种因素的影响两个角度提出与社区互动中存在的问题,指出推动青年民间自组织与社区互动机制,尤其需要在观念上、机制上\环境上和管理上加以努力。  相似文献   

我国转型期加强城市社区建设,增强了社区工作者与社区居民之间的互动,必定导致冲突频发,这是一个不可回避的现实。于是冲突管理(Conflict Management)问题便成为社区工作者必然要面对的难题。本文作者通过对一具体冲突事件进行跟踪调查,兼具理论与实务的取向,分析了社区工作中冲突的成因和过程,提出了冲突管理流程。希望通过这篇论文提醒社区工作者重视“冲突管理”观念,掌握冲突情境以至化解冲突。  相似文献   

社区公共空间作为居民日常生活的重要载体,其内在结构体系的演变体现着不同时代背景下居民的健康需求变化。研究基于“全面健康”发展视角,追溯国外社区公共空间理论及实践演化过程,对不同健康维度下社区公共空间的体系结构进行关联性对比分析,将其总结为三个阶段:生理健康满足的“单维”探索期、注重人文思想的“双线”发展期、关注生活品质的“多维”拓展期;探究了不同时期社区居民健康诉求调整与社区公共空间结构体系演变的对应关系,揭示了社区公共空间体系由单一物理空间影响向心理、环境、社会等全面健康影响的发展演化趋势和规律。  相似文献   

社区发展论略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、社区发展的缘由社区发展作为社会工作的一部分在西方已有悠久的历史,从15~16世纪的社区救助、17~18世纪的社区组织到19~20世纪的社区发展运动,社区发展已经历了上百年的历程.早在欧洲工业革命之后,一些工业国家为了应付当时工业发展所带来的一系列社会问题,在社区内开展了一系列社会工作,尤其对原有的社会福利制度和社会救济制度进行了较大的改革,并越来越多地注重调动社区居民自身的积极性,增进社区居民参与社会工作的主动精神,如德国实行的汉堡福利制度和英国成立的慈善组织协会等.到20世纪初期,在法国、英国和美国等国出现了一场更具广泛性的“睦邻运动”,其宗旨就是在充分利用社区的人力、物力、财力等资源的  相似文献   

Like many nonprofit organizations, community development corporations (CDCs) rely on various sources of funding and support for their activities in poor and distressed neighborhoods. Funders often include the federal government, state and local government agencies, financial institutions, and philanthropic organizations. The author explains how community foundations are different from other philanthropic organizations and describes the various mechanisms that community foundations use to support community development. She suggests that there is a natural fit between the purpose of community foundations and the philosophy of community development, concluding that it is important for CDCs, as well as other nonprofit organizations, to understand how community foundations are different from other philanthropic organizations so that they may better position themselves to take advantage of the many resources that community foundations bring to their communities.  相似文献   

State bureaucracies create community advocacy organizations in an attempt to increase constituency support and promote local citizen efforts to organize and advocate for service needs. Relationships between a state bureaucracy and community advocacy organization can be expected to follow a variety of patterns. Using a sample of four case studies in which state human service bureaucracies promoted community advocacy organizations in Georgia, this exploratory, qualitative study demonstrates that loosely bounded bureaucracies are consistent with the promotion of autonomous community advocacy organizations and tightly bounded bureaucracies are consistent with the generation of dependent and closely coordinated community advocacy organizations. The converse situations of tightly bounded bureaucracies attempting to generate autonomous community advocacy organizations or loose bureaus trying to organize dependent community advocacy organizations will produce confusion and conflict.  相似文献   

Voluntary organizations have long been believed to have important effects on the attitudes of their members, but the relatively few attempts to investigate such effects have produced inconsistent results. This paper uses a statewide proportional sample to investigate relationships between (a) membership and participation in ten types of voluntary organizations and (b) two types of attitudes about the community. After individual and community characteristics were controlled, experience with voluntary organizations was found to explain about five percent of the variance in respondents' perceptions of their ability to influence community affairs, but relationships with willingness to leave the community were considerably weaker. Somewhat stronger relationships were found when the analysis was confined to respondents for whom voluntary organizations or community participation was particularly salient. Overall, this paper indicates that the impact of voluntary organizations on community attitudes is weaker than earlier theoretical statements have suggested. However, it also shows that the relationship varies according to type of organization, salience of participation for the respondent, respondents' sociodemographic characteristics, and the specific community attitude being investigated.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of the risk communication infrastructures-local emergency planning committees (LEPCs) and citizens advisory committees (CACs)-on risk communication activities in communities where chemicals are manufactured, stored, and transported. Findings indicated low unawareness of both types of organizations and low use of such organizations as information sources or forums for voicing concerns. These organizations played a minor role in communication activities in the community that lacked local city government. Findings suggested that a fully functioning communication infrastructure leads to a healthier community that responds to risks as manageable uncertainties. Infrastructures that can exert little control and are weak cannot be corrected simply by the creation of such committees as LEPCs and CACs. In addition, problem recognition, uncertainty, control with approval, involvement with stake, and knowledge are the focal variables motivating active communication behaviors.  相似文献   

In this study of 93 members of neighbourhood committees, from 31 urban, mainly lower-class neighbourhoods in the greater Tel-Aviv area, the roles played by neighbourhood representative organizations, as seen by organization activists, are examined. These roles are divided into expressive and instrumental, and, following Wandersman (1981), their correlations are examined with environmental factors and personal and participational variables of the respondents, and their sense of belonging to the community. Generally theWandersman model fits the data, but the use of the expressiveinstrumental division allows for some refinement and extension, and sheds light on the way community activists see themselves as residents and as parents.  相似文献   

This paper explores the intergenerational dynamics of “giving back” among immigrants in an Asian American community in the southern region of the United States. The paper is guided by the intergenerational ambivalence paradigm to explore dynamics between first and second generations in their community involvement. The study used the qualitative method of phenomenological approach to identify emerging themes that include (a) importance of ethnic organizations; (b) defined roles and responsibilities within the ethnic organizations that exist between first and second generations; and (c) the second generation wanting to give back and manage ethnic organizations differently from the first generation.  相似文献   

A resurgence of community practice requires that the historical tension between professionalism and community organization be resolved. This paper proposes a scholar/advocate approach to forge a link between professionals and community organizations. The scholar/advocate approach facilitates social change, provides an opportunity for social work professionals to participate in community organizing, and empowers grassroots groups. The benefits and limitations of this method for professionals and community groups are illustrated by its application with three community organizations concerned about the urban poor and homeless. The paper argues that it is time for a resurgence of community-based social work and the development of new methods to attract students to this traditional, and still relevant, field.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of two types of community social capital—ties between civic organizations formed through shared members and ties between residents formed through socializing in local gathering places—on residents’ subjective appraisals of community success. Community social capital studies tend to focus on the first of these types of ties, networks of civic engagement, while the second, gathering place networks, has received relatively little scholarly attention. Studying both allows me to assess the formal and informal arenas of community sociability, providing a more thorough understanding of social capital and community life. I assess the effects of community‐level social capital networks on the individual‐level experience of residing in the community using survey data on 9,962 residents from 99 small towns in Iowa. This rich data set allows me to avoid two shortcomings common in social capital research: I construct genuine network measures of social capital (rather than infer network structure from community attributes) and conduct multi‐level analyses (rather than rely on disaggregation). My findings indicate both types of social capital are positively and significantly associated with resident ratings of community success, suggesting community networks—in both the formal and informal sectors—have important consequences for small towns and their residents.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the most useful aspect of Rothman's development of his models for community practice back in 1968 was his specification of the variables which he used to differentiate between ''three important orientations to deliberate or purposive community change in contemporary American communities, both urban and rural, and overseas'' (Rothman, 1970, p. 21). While Rothman referred to these three orientations as Models A, B, and C, my contention has been that they would be described more accurately as approaches to practice which are adopted as the outcome of modelling activity using the variables Rothman identified. Indeed it is to the point that Rothman now refers to these as ''modes.'' Yet, ironically, this core feature of Rothman's work on modelling community practice is largely overlooked in subsequent literature on models even though it is this aspect which is an invaluable tool for practice, especially for students embarking on placement or on their first job. This paper starts from the premise that a model is a simplification of reality that is intended to order and clarify our perception of that reality while still encapsulating its essential characteristics. To have analytical value a model should specify key variables to be considered in assessing a situation in order to develop and evaluate possible action plans. Thus a model should enable prediction of likely outcomes if a particular plan of action is pursued. The paper starts, therefore, by refining the variables identified by Rothman in order to frame them as a model that can hold Rothman's Three Core Modes of Community Intervention. It is proposed that, with some refinement to take account of the insights from further theoretical and practice developments, this can also serve as a simple diagnostic tool to enable analysis by contemporary community workers. The outcome such analysis seeks is the specification of a basic orientation to practice and thus to the clarification of the strategies, roles and skills that are likely to be most useful given the particular approach chosen. The paper indicates how different theoretical perspectives, as well as approaches and strategies that have been identified since Rothman's original work, inform or fit into the proposed four-square model. In short the paper illustrates how an approach analogous to that employed by Rothman is still essential for reflexive community work.  相似文献   

Cooperatives as organization have mainly been explored in the field of business and management due to their operation in the business sector, and studies of nonprofit organizations have given little attention to them. Consequently, cooperatives studies have tended to examine economic outcomes, such as productivity and job security, comparing them to conventional business firms. Nevertheless, cooperatives are membership associations and have organizational characteristics in common with other types of voluntary associations. Furthermore, one explicit organizational principle of cooperatives is concern for community, and their contributions to the community have been covered frequently by media. Therefore, it is imperative to examine cooperative members’ community engagement, and compare it to other types of association members. Using a national sample of Venezuelans, the relationships between association memberships and community involvement were compared across different types of associations. The results showed that cooperative members had a higher likelihood of being involved in community matters than those from other types of associations. Although the Venezuelan cooperatives have received vast support from the Chavez government for community development, this result can have an implication on the cooperatives’ organizational identity as those who provide members with resources necessary for civic engagement beyond the organizations.  相似文献   

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