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住房是关系国计民生的头等大事,住房保障也是基本公共服务的重要内容之一。利用中国社会科学院2016年全国"社会态度与社会发展状况调查"数据,从服务感知、满意度和未来预期三个方面,对我国城市居民的住房保障满意度进行评估后发现,当前我国城市住房保障存在一定程度的实物保障偏差、资金保障不足的问题,潜在目标群体对政策的知晓度较低,对服务的便捷度评价一般。在住房保障满意度整体偏低的情况下,还存在群体间和地区间差异,但居民对于住房保障未来预期持有比较乐观的态度。这说明,我国城市住房保障的满意度提升和均等化改善仍有较大空间。  相似文献   

利用2003—2015年中国综合社会调查数据,结合同时期城市层面的休闲舒适物数据,实证检验了休闲舒适物对城市幸福感的影响。结果表明:第一,整体看,休闲舒适物对城市幸福感的影响是积极显著的,说明现代城市发展应当重视休闲舒适物配置;第二,休闲舒适物类型中的图书馆、公园、旅游接待设施对城市幸福感有积极促进作用;第三,旅游接待设施对东部和中部地区城市幸福感促进作用显著,公园建设更能提升西部地区城市幸福感,说明休闲舒适物配置要符合城市现实条件和居民需求意愿。  相似文献   

就业关乎青年的主观幸福感.实证研究表明,近年来我国城市青年群体的主观幸福感有一定程度的下降,但总体而言仍高于城市非青年群体和农村青年群体.就业质量对提升城市青年主观幸福感有正向促进作用,且主要通过收入、社会保障和职业发展机会三个维度发生影响,工作强度和工作稳定性的促进作用在统计上并不明显.要提升城市青年的主观幸福感,需从提高收入、加大保障力度、提供更多职业发展和自我实现机会入手,同时还需要降低这一群体对工作和就业的厌倦情绪和无力感.  相似文献   

基于CFPS2018年数据对于2018年个人所得税改革对收入分配的影响通过测算MT指数、K指数、基尼系数、再分配效应与泰尔指数进行了研究,并且分区域进行了考察。研究发现:2018年免征额提高与增加专项附加扣除标准后,居民的收入不平等程度提高;个税对收入分配的调节效应减弱,但累进性增强;分区域来看,个税改革前后收入不平等程度、个税再分配效应与累进性从高到低依次为东部、中部和西部地区。  相似文献   

基于2015年中国综合社会调查(CGSS)数据,本文考察了当代中国人道德判断的影响因素。本文将道德判断区分为“公德”和“私德”两个方面,并提出了道德判断的“现代化命题”。研究发现,个体和地区层次的“现代化水平”均对公德和私德有显著影响,但在具体因素方面存在差异。首先,个体的现代化程度越高,就越趋于遵从公德而排斥私德。其次,所在省份的现代化水平越高,居民越排斥私德,但对居民对公德的态度没有显著影响。此外,个体的道德判断受到年龄的调节,个体和社会层次的现代化会缩小不同年龄群体公德的差距,而私德方面却呈现相反的结果。本研究结果在一定程度上验证了当代中国人道德判断的“现代化命题”,社会转型理论也为这种命题提供了补充性的解释。本研究也为理解当代中国人的道德观念和道德判断提供了社会学的视角和经验证据。  相似文献   

社会资本、政府绩效与城市居民对政府的信任   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目前有关中国政治信任的研究多是在中国农村地区进行的,还没有对城市居民的相关研究。我们根据对厦门市居民的问卷调查考察了我国城市居民对政府的信任程度,并进一步分析了影响城市居民政府信任的各种因素。我们将社会资本和政府绩效作为主要的预测变量,探讨了社会资本各个因素及政府绩效对居民政府信任的影响情况。回归分析的结果表明,从总体上看,社会资本和政府绩效对城市居民政府信任的影响是积极正面的。改进政府工作和建构社会资本可以在很大程度上增加城市居民对各级政府的信任度。  相似文献   

高峰 《城市》2010,(4):71-74
房价收入比是指住宅价格与城市居民家庭年收入之比,它是考察城市居民购房能力的一个通用指标。此数值高,意味着城市居民购房能力强;此数值低,意味着城市居民购房能力弱。在现今商品房价格逐年攀升,远远超过普通民众购房能力的时候,如何制定和实施有效的住房保障政策,从而确保“人人有房住”,成为各级政府必须关注的焦点。本文将通过对反映各收入阶层购房能力的房价收入比指标的测算来检验北京市现有住房保障政策的实施效果,以期对住房保障政策的进一步完善提供政策依据。  相似文献   

为探讨初中生主观幸福感和同伴接纳之间的关系,采用青少年生活满意度量表(MSLSS)、快乐感量表及同伴等级评定表对768名初中生进行调查.研究表明,(1)初中生的主观幸福感处于中等程度以上,在生活满意度及消极情感上存在显著的年级差异.(2)同伴接纳与生活满意度之间显著正相关,与消极情感之间显著负相关,与积极情感之间相关不显著;不同接纳水平的初中生主观幸福感各纬度得分存在差异.  相似文献   

初中生主观幸福感与人格特征的关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为了考察初中生主观幸福感的基本状况,探讨初中生主观幸福感与人格特征之间的关系,本文采用青少年生活满意度量表(MSLSS)、快乐感量表及EPQ对768名初中生进行调查,对施测结果进行方差分析、相关分析和回归分析.结果显示初中生主观幸福感与人格特征关系密切.  相似文献   

利用中国综合社会调查(CGSS)2015的调查数据,采用Ologit回归分析青年的社会经济地位、主观阶层对幸福感的影响。研究发现:家庭社会经济地位越高的青年人群其幸福感越高;个人社会经济地位整体上对青年人群幸福感的影响有限;主观阶层和对未来阶层流动的期许对青年群体幸福感存在正向影响,而青年群体对自身过去阶层流动的感知对其幸福感无显著影响;家庭社会经济地位、个人社会经济地位和主观阶层对青年群体幸福感的影响不存在明显的城乡差异;家庭社会经济地位对婚姻续存状态下的青年人的幸福感影响更大,个人社会经济地位和主观阶层对婚姻非续存状态下的青年人的幸福感的影响更大。  相似文献   

Evidence from developed and developing countries alike demonstrates a strongly positive relationship between religiosity and happiness, particularly for women and particularly among the elderly. Using survey data from the oldest old in China, we find a strong negative relationship between religious participation and subjective well-being in a rich multivariate logistic framework that controls for demographics, health and disabilities, living arrangements, wealth and income, lifestyle and social networks, and location. In contrast to other studies, we also find that religion has a larger effect on subjective well-being on men than women.  相似文献   

This article examines the fate of rural migrants in Shanghai, China's largest metropolis. Relying on data from a representative survey, it provides a profile of recent rural migrants and analyzes the pattern of occupational and income determination among them. The economic status between migrants and local residents is also compared. The authors show that despite a marked income improvement, rural migrants in Shanghai are still segregated from urban residents and argue that the social divide between urban and rural areas created under socialism has continued to function and may contribute to the formation of a dual society in urban China.  相似文献   

In defining social class, researchers often rely on measures of objective class position, even though subjective perceptions of social class identity can better account for the creation of social class boundaries. We explore the relationship between measures of objective class position and subjective class identity using data from an online survey of 1155 residents in Alberta, Canada, a conservative province dependent on a fluctuating energy sector. We find that although most Albertans identified as middle class, the strength of class identity and views regarding linked social class fates varied across categories with poverty class and uppermiddleclass respondents standing out. In reporting class identity, respondents considered measures related to objective class position, especially their income and economic security levels, but gaps still remained. We then use the results of this exploratory study to advocate for more comprehensive measures of social class.  相似文献   

《Journal of Socio》2006,35(2):382-397
Does extra work buy happiness and well-being? Unique survey data are analyzed to consider whether measures of self-reported subjective happiness, psychological health and economic satisfaction bear a net positive or negative relationship with working extra hours. Overtime work hours generally are associated with increased work stress, fatigue and work–family interference. When overtime work is required, this appears to offset the otherwise greater happiness and mental healthiness produced by its additional income. Mandatory overtime work is associated with additional work–family interference and unhappiness for some workers but the opposite for some others. Policies most fruitful for improving individual economic and social welfare should focus on minimizing the incidences where overtime is both mandatory and harmful.  相似文献   

Speculation about the linkages between consumer products, consumption-related attitudes, and subjective well-being is prominent in the social sciences. This paper examines three issues in this literature using data collected in 1989 and 1990. The first issue is whether the accumulation and anticipated accumulation of different types of consumer goods foster subjective well-being. Second is whether accumulation and anticipated accumulation explain the well-established relationship between income and subjective well-being. These issues are explored with two alternative measures that incorporate different assumptions about the relative importance of ownership and the newness of products. The third issue is whether passions for the new are positively or negatively related to subjective well-being. Although some results indicate that the heavy theoretical emphasis on the importance of consumer markets for subjective well-being and the income-subjective well-being relationship is overdrawn, others provide weak support for a market-centric perspective that emphasizes the positive consequences of accumulating different types of consumer goods. Different types of consumer goods fill different niches in individuals' lives as they age. Lastly, the passion for new experiences in the marketplace is positively related to subjective well-being.  相似文献   

Based on data from a 2005 survey conducted in Shanghai, China, this research examines the role of social capital in income inequality between rural migrants and urbanites. We find strong income return on social capital, in particular on social capital from strong ties. We also observe a great disparity in social capital possession between rural migrants and urban local residents. Although social capital from strong ties seems to be more important for rural migrants than for urbanites, local ties and high-status ties do not seem to benefit rural migrants. Hence, migrants not only suffer severe social capital deficits but also capital return deficits. Given the strong income returns on social capital and the substantial differences in access to and return on social capital between migrants and urban residents, social capital is consequently found to explain a large part of the income inequality between the two groups. Overall, our findings reveal macro-structural effects on the role of social capital in labor market stratification. In China, the lack of formal labor market mechanisms continues to create both a strong need for and opportunities for economic actions to be organized around informal channels via social relations. Yet, the long-standing institutional exclusion of migrants caused by the household registration system has resulted in pervasive social exclusion and discrimination which have substantially limited rural migrants’ accumulation and mobilization of social capital. Under these conditions, social capital reinforces the economic inequality between migrants and urban residents in China. Such empirical evidence adds to our understanding of the role of social capital in the economic integration of migrants and in shaping intergroup inequality in general.  相似文献   

Data from Mexico are used to examine whether two indicators of subjective well-being??income satisfaction and income adequacy??correlate not only with the respondent??s absolute level of income, but also with their assessment of how their income compares relative to the income of a reference group, the level of income they hoped to have achieved by that stage of their life, and the income they had three years earlier. Both subjective well-being indicators correlate positively with the ranking relative to all three reference points. Some of the findings differ across segments of the income distribution. Subjective well-being assessments of the poor are influenced more by the inability to achieve income aspirations, while differences with respect to others is a more prominent factor among non-poor respondents.  相似文献   

We look at the stability of survey based subjective time preferences over time using data from a Dutch panel survey with a long time horizon and find that the ranking of individual time preferences is stable. Simple observation of the aggregated measured time preferences reveals instability in aggregated preferences. In order to shed light on this instability we look at the relationship between the individual socio-economic situation and time preferences and the macroeconomic situation and time preferences. While we find no clear relationship between socio-economic situation and time preferences, we find that for the sample as a whole patience is positively correlated with economic growth, but negatively correlated with income inequality. When studying how the estimations differ across income groups we observe that there is a considerable asymmetry in how different income groups react to changes in the macroeconomic situation.  相似文献   

《Journal of Socio》2001,30(1):31-61
At a point in time subjective well-being is positively related to income; over the life course subjective well-being is constant despite substantial growth in income. This paradox is explained by new evidence on consumption aspirations. At a point in time aspirations vary fairly little by income level; over the life cycle, aspirations increase about in proportion to income. These shifts in aspirations also affect assessments of past and future well-being in such a way that the choices underlying behavior (based on what psychologists call “decision utility”) turn out not to have their expected welfare effects (experienced utility). Of the two influences shaping consumption aspirations – comparisons with others and with one’s past experience – the former appears more salient early in the life cycle and the latter, later on.  相似文献   

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