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Treatment issues relevant to the psychoanalytic treatment of the adoptee are presented; clinical formulation is encouraged within broad ego-diagnostic parameters. The adoptee's internal cathexis of the biological mother is identified as a core dynamic and the binary transference involving the adoptee's displaced relation to a dual set of parental representations is described. A metapsychological bias, predicated upon differential perceptions of the status of self and object representations is described and related to the adoptee's treatment. Various transference/countertransference dyads are discussed, as are corresponding technical considerations.  相似文献   

《Adoption quarterly》2013,16(4):21-47

Research on older child adoptions that incorporates the adoptee's perspective is noticeably absent from the literature. Drawing on the theoretical, clinical and empirical literature on children's understanding of family and adoption, this paper reports a study that examined older adoptees' conceptions of family and adoption relative to nonadopted peers. Interviews with 15 children adopted between ages 8 and 11 and a sample of 15 demographically matched nonadopted children (47% male; 84% Caucasian, 13% African American, 3% Biracial Asian/American) provided data that were analyzed for differences in children's understanding and elaboration of family and adoption concepts. Although no group differences were found in children's basic understanding of family or adoption, differences emerged in children's ratings of the acceptability and typicality of family constellations, as well as in the nature of concept elaboration. Older adoptees were more likely to accept and view as typical nontraditional family constellations. Whereas nonadopted children relied more on biological themes, older adoptees' concept elaboration was qualitatively richer, reflecting their varied birth family and foster care experiences. Within-group comparisons among older adoptees revealed differences: Children with more experience in foster care and children who lived in the adoptive home longer displayed higher levels of family understanding and a more realistic perspective of the permanence of the placement. Implications for future research and adoption service delivery are discussed.  相似文献   

Ethnic exploration is one path for children adopted internationally to develop an understanding of how and why they are different from others, and to build personal biographies that bring together adoption, race, and national origin. In this article, we draw on the concept of consciousness of difference to analyze the ethnic explorations of 282 Chinese adopted girls. Where race was salient and positive in daily life, ethnic exploration during early adolescence provided an affirmative way for many of them to normalize the consciousness of being visibly different from family and friends, even though in some ways it also complicated it.  相似文献   

Adoption is unanimously considered a lifelong process, but adulthood and parenthood are life cycle stages that up to now have been explored only marginally. The principal aim of the present study is twofold: first, to analyze whether and how parenthood might lead the adoptee and his/her partner to reinterpret the adoption history and, second, to verify whether the attitudes of the two partners concerning adoption are similar or complementary. Thirty-four couples consisting of one adopted and one non-adopted partner, now parents, were interviewed and a graphic instrument, the Double Moon Test, was administered. Results revealed that most couples showed a shared attitude in valorizing both the origin background and the adoptive family. However, in a number of cases a divergent position emerged, highlighting the crucial role of the non-adopted partner in encouraging the adoptee to revisit his/her adoption history. Overall, the practical relevance of the research findings is discussed and future direction of research are suggested.  相似文献   

Eighteen adoptees who had met both their birth mothers and birth fathers were surveyed in order to determine the types of post-reunion relationships they developed with each birth parent and the factors that facilitated or hindered their reunions. While adoptees were more likely to develop a personal rather than nonpersonal relationship with birth mothers, relationships with birth fathers were more evenly divided between personal and nonpersonal relationships. Thematic analysis revealed some similarities in the factors that influence reunions with each birth parent (e.g., birth parent characteristics, support from others), though some differences also emerged (e.g., reactions to pregnancy and relinquishment). Issues of kinship, identity, and family structure are discussed, along with implications for counseling.  相似文献   

Increased advocacy for the informed consent model of transgender health care specifies that patients should be in control of access to receiving medical interventions such as hormone therapy or surgery. However, in practice, mental health clinicians, including clinical social workers, are increasingly called upon by medical providers to serve as gatekeepers for these processes. It is frequently the role of social workers to assess transgender clients’ baseline mental health and their understanding of the consequences of treatment, and to forward recommendations to medical providers regarding the readiness of patients to transition. Therefore, social workers assisting transgender clients must be aware of the ethical standards that are particularly pertinent to their work with this marginalized and oppressed population. They must also be prepared to address unique ethical dilemmas that may be especially challenging to resolve. In this article we apply the most commonly utilized bioethical framework known as Principlism to describe the ethical standards and values that are particularly important to consider when working with transgender clients, namely autonomy; beneficence; nonmaleficence; and social justice. Because clinical social workers are frequently in the position of balancing client self-determination with their role as gatekeepers, a framework for resolving resulting ethical dilemmas is described (I CARE) and applied to three case examples.  相似文献   


The problem of drug addiction in Singapore has been relatively under control over the past few years. This is a result of the strategy of controlling supply to reduce demand for drugs. Alcohol consumption in Singapore is relatively low compared to Western countries. This paper provides an overview of the drug and alcohol control and treatment strategies adopted in Singapore. While new strategies have been formulated, some issues and challenges still remain. These issues and challenges are discussed and findings of a recent study conducted by the author are described. They include the need to focus on gateway drugs like alcohol, intervention involving family members, opportunities for regular employment for drug addicts, and the role of religion in aftercare treatment.  相似文献   

中东变局是一场席卷阿拉伯世界的地区性政治与社会运动,它以发展民主、改善民生为其主要政治诉求,以推翻现政权为目标的政治抗议浪潮为其典型表现形式。中东国家的政治变革既有典型的共性特征,又有鲜明的差异性特点,同时有着深刻的政治、经济和思想文化根源。从未来的发展趋势看,民主化、世俗化以及如何处理与西方的关系问题构成了影响阿拉伯国家政治变革的三大核心议题,而阿拉伯国家、以色列、土耳其、伊朗四大力量的地位变化和地区热点问题的复杂化则成为中东地区格局变化的主要趋势。  相似文献   


Despite Biblical and empirical support for divine healing, there are several barriers to accepting it as an aspect of psychotherapy for many professionals and religious people. Two of the major barriers to the acceptance of divine healing are professional ideologies and theories. These professional stances likely play a critical role in the disinterest in religion and spiritual experiences reported by the majority of professionals that conduct psychotherapy.

Another barrier is the divergent theologies regarding spiritual experiences such as divine healing. Many persons of theistic faith subscribe to theologies that often impede experiences of healing by the Holy Spirit. Finally, the scientific method is often used to address questions about spiritual experiences that are more likely conundrums. However, belief in divine healing ultimately is based on faith.  相似文献   

In this article we examine the current marriage relationship outcomes for children of divorce compared to children from intact families. The sample is 997 matched married couples. Those from families with married parents were more likely to come to terms with issues in their family of origin, and had higher religiosity, less negative communication, and more positive relationship satisfaction than those with divorced parents. Religiosity was effective in helping those with married parents come to terms with family of origin. The variable coming to terms with family of origin predicted positive marital outcomes to some extent for all couples, although for couples where both partners' parents had divorced coming to terms predicted fewer positive outcomes. Coming to terms for females was associated more profoundly with decreases in negative communication for both males and the females, and also predicted satisfaction and stability in more cases than did coming to terms for males.  相似文献   

This study examined longitudinal links between incongruence in mothers’ versus fathers’ differential treatment of adolescent‐age siblings and parents’ marital quality. Multilevel models including 200 families, over four waves, spaced across 6 years tested whether youth perceptions of incongruence in differential intimacy and conflict predicted trajectories of mothers’ and fathers’ reports of marital conflict and satisfaction and vice versa. Analyses showed that changes in interparental incongruence covaried longitudinally with changes in marital quality and that these linkages became stronger over time. These results extend previous cross‐sectional research with younger children and are consistent with theories regarding family alliances and coparenting. Discussion focuses on the reciprocal relations between incongruence in parenting and marital quality as an important aspect of family systems.  相似文献   

2010年世博会的举行显著改善了上海居民的生活,上海整体民生状况向上小幅改善。居民最为关注的三大民生领域是:医疗、社会保障、居住;关注最为广泛的问题依次有医疗费用负担、物价波动、食品安全、购房压力、青年人就业、贫富差距、居住区安全、教育费用负担、公交票价偏高、不文明饲养宠物;关注最为强烈的问题依次有购房压力、居住条件困难、医疗费用负担、家庭收入增长、动拆迁安置、食品安全、物价波动、贫富差距、医疗保险及救助、郊区农民养老保障;居民对民生政策措施的第一要求是公平性;感到生活变差的居民认为,物价波动导致生活开支增加是造成生活艰难的最主要原因;物价稳定是居民呼声最高的具体诉求。据此,提出进一步改善上海民生的对策建议。  相似文献   

Behaviour settings such as work, family, church and community are primary settings in which we participate, they provide us with meaningful roles, relationships, and social identities. In fact, these are settings that provide us with a sense of community (SOC). SOC has been heralded as the guiding value for community research and action. It reflects the integration of people into networks and structures that provide feelings of belonging, identification and meaning. The concept has received much attention since the introduction of McMillan and Chavis' initial formulation. It is argued that research into SOC has been hampered by relying on the Sense of Community Index at the expense of the SOC model. Insights are drawn from cross-cultural psychology and research to highlight conceptual issues and to encourage exploration and the utilisation of alternative modes of investigation. Contex-tualist approaches including substantive theorising and narrative psychology, which have their roots in pragmatism, are promoted as frameworks for bringing community and SOC into focus as central to social and community development.  相似文献   


Recent studies on elder abuse suggest that the pathology or impairment of the abuser may be a stronger predictor of elder abuse than characteristics of the victim. To examine the relationship between elder abuse, abuser pathology, and the criminal justice system, the New York City Department for the Aging (DFTA) undertook a survey of older victims of reported domestic abuse seeking assistance from the DFTA Elderly Crime Victims Resource Center. Preliminary findings from the survey indicate that impaired abusers were significantly younger than unimpaired abusers and more likely to live with their elderly victims, to be unemployed, and to have a history of involvement with the criminal justice system.  相似文献   


This paper arose out of the empirical requirements to describe and position agents and agencies of symbolic control concerned with the regulation of social relationships, consciousness, disposition and desire. These requirements led to a differentiation of agents in terms of their function and discourse and their segmentation through their specialized fields of activity and their stratification according to hierarchical position in a given field. This model generated a sensitive differentiation and segmentation which provides the social basis for expected differences in interests, motivations and identifications of functionally similar agents operating in different fields of activity. The model raises general issues of social class allocation and the relation between theory and methods.  相似文献   

The nation’s older adult population is steadily increasing in numbers as the Baby Boomer generation ages over time. Mental health providers are encountering older adults who are presenting to therapy with problems related to depression and anxiety. The authors demonstrate how empirically-supported treatments such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Problem Solving Therapy, and Interpersonal Therapy are effective in treating older adults within the individual and group counseling setting. Humor as a therapeutic tool is introduced as an easily integrated instrument of positive change through several case studies as depicted by the authors.  相似文献   


In the decade since initial implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act in the United States, many questions have arisen pertaining to the rights of employers and employees in light of the employment of and services that must be provided to persons with disabilities. One of the most controversial aspects of the legislation is the issue of direct threat. This relates to the concern that workers or clients with disabilities may be a threat to others due to their condition. Integral to this fear is the employer's ability to protect persons within the work environment from such a threat, while remaining in compliance with the ADA. This paper considers the issue of direct threat and its pertinence to the social work profession, and provides recommendations for employers and supervisors in the field.  相似文献   


The introduction of computers and information technology into the human services requires that particular attention be paid to a number of issues. These include the need for mastery of substantive content prior to introduction of the technology, the definition of computer literacy appropriate to the field, the relative importance of micro- and mainframe computing for practitioners, creation of an adequate reward system for system development, and proper consideration for the sensitive issue of who controls the technology within human services.  相似文献   

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