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Officials of the Guizhou Provincial Women's Federation organized a meeting, in October, so they could hear experts' analyses of cases that involved the protection of women and children's rights and interests.  相似文献   

The Working Committee on Children and Women of Southwest China's Sichuan Province, the Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs (under the Sichuan Provincial People's Congress), and the Legal Affairs Office of Sichuan Provincial Government held, on July 25 in Chengdu (capital of Sichuan Province), the first symposium on establishing the mechanisms for evaluating the provincial laws, regulations and policies related to gender equality, and for raising residents' awareness of the laws, regulations and policies. During the meeting, participants discussed the schedule for implementing the mechanisms.  相似文献   

西藏江孜县启动国家级妇女儿童发展纲要示范县工作 The government of Jiangzi County, in Southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, is promoting the implementation of the National Program for Women's Development (2011-2020) and the National Program for Children's Development (2011-2020) (two new NPAs). The county was recently designated one of the experimental counties in which the programs will be implemented.  相似文献   

A team from the Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs (CIJA), under the Gansu Provincial People's Congress, visited Dingxi and Baiyin (cities in Gansu Province) on September 16, to monitor the cities' implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests. The team was headed by Wang Lan, Deputy Director of the Office of C1JA. Officials fiom Gansu Women's Federation accompanied the team.  相似文献   

The Shandong Provincial Party (Communist Party of China) Committee has included work related to the protection of women and children's legal rights and interests in the standards for the evaluation of government organs' work. Officials of the Qingdao (a city in East China's Shandong Province) Working Committee on Children and Women recently monitored the city's work related to women and children, and they concluded the city had done the following during the first half of this year:  相似文献   

The People's Armed Police has donated a combined four million yuan (US $655,738) -- during two presentations -- to the Spring Bud Project so far this year. The money will fund a scholarship that will support 1,100 high school girls from Jiangxi and Anhui provinces. Two ceremonies were held -- the first on March 1 in Jiangxi and the other March 2 in Anhui -- to mark the donations.  相似文献   

Invited by the president of Polish Women's League, a four-member delegation of Chinese women visited Poland and attended the event to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the establishment of Polish Women's League from October 18-20, 2013. The delegation, headed by Mu Hong, Director-General of the International Department of the All-China Women's Federation, visited grass-roots organizations of Polish Women's League. A. Michalak, President of Polish Women's League, met with the delegation. Both sides shared their opinions on improving the friendly cooperation between Chinese and Polish women. The visit helped to renew the traditional friendship between ACWF and Polish Women's League.  相似文献   

China's top 10 career women role models were honored at Chang'an Grand Theater, in Beijing, during the evening of March 3, just days before the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day. Created by popular talk show host Yang I_an and her Sun Media Group in 2007, and co-sponsored by All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), Chinese web portal sina.com and Hunan Satellite TV, the awards are presented annually to extraordinary Chinese professional women.  相似文献   

沈跃跃会见新加坡驻华大使 Shen Yueyue, Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and President of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), met Loh Ka Leung, Singapore's Ambassador to China, at the Great Hall of the People, in Beijing, on September 27. They relations and women's exchanges between exchanged opinions on how to improve China and Singapore.  相似文献   

To promote the spirit of the 18th CPC (Communist Party of China) National Congress and the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, and to help women better understand the nation's laws, the All- China Women's Federation (ACWF), the Office of the Central Committee for Comprehensive Management of Social Security, and China's Ministry of Justice on February 12 issued the notice that the 2014 Women's Rights- protection Week would be held in March.  相似文献   

The Office of the National Working Committee on Children and Women (NWCCW) under the State Council and Plan International (China) on August 13 launched, in Shaoyang, in Central China's Hunan Province, the training course on the project of happy homcs for children. The project is being undertaken in Hunan, Guizhou (in Southwest China) and Gansu (in Northwest China) provinces.  相似文献   

Mother's Art was established by Sichuan Women's Federation in October. The Mother's Art project is intended to spur development of the craft industry in Sichuan Province. Under the project, the women's federation provides financial assistance to underprivileged women, so they can acquire the skills needed to make crafts and, in turn, make money to care for their families. The project benefits women and children. Each woman who works in the province's craft industry, and each business that sells crafts made by the province's women, will join the project.  相似文献   

To promote the National Program for Children's Development (2011-2020), the Office of the National Working Committee on Children and Women (NWCCW) under the State Council, in cooperation with the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF), implemented a five-year (2011- 2015) project to promote implementation of the program in the 20 counties, cities or districts in which the project was introduced. The purpose of the project is to help solve the problems children face in their lives, to promote children's development and to protect children's legal rights and interests.  相似文献   

The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) oil March 7 (on the eve of International Women's Day) launched the activity of collecting both short and multimedia messages that dealt with the pro,notion of harmonious relations amongst family members. The activity was sponsored by ACWF, with support from China Women's News, Women of China Chinese monthly, and China Society for the Study of Marriage and Family.  相似文献   

“两癌筛查”造福广大农村妇女 Women make special contributions to social progress and human development, as they give birth to and raise their children. Therefore, it is vital that their health be protected properly. In 2009, the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) and China's ministries of Health and Finance implemented the cancer- screening project. Under the project, rural Chinese women can receive free screening for cervical and breast cancer (the "two cancers"). Tile project's aims are to raise awareness about the importance of healthcare and to detect the "two cancers" early so afflicted women can receive timely medical treatment.  相似文献   

The "Chinese Dream" has become deeply rooted in Chinese people's hearts because it involves China's prosperity and rejuvenation, and because it involves Chinese people's happiness. The dreams of Chinese women are not merely a part of the "Chinese Dream;" instead, the dreams make up a key foundation of the "Chinese Dream."  相似文献   

Song Xiuyan, Vice-President and First Member of the Secretariat of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), met Angie Motshekga, South Africa's Basic Education Minister and President of the Afiican National Congress Women's League,  相似文献   

Guided bv the spirit of the 17th NPC (National People's Congress) and the Fourth Plenty Session of the 17th Central Committee of the CPC (Communist Party of China), ACWF (All-China Women's Federation)'s Legal Department, this year, will abide by the deployment of the 10th National Women's Congress of China.  相似文献   

"Jingle Ma's war epic is a touching portrait of love in the time of war. 'Mulan' is anchored by a strong performance by Vicki Zhao Wei, the wide-eyed expressive star vividly portraying her character's sorrow, anguish, fear and terror. One can't say the same about her physicality though, judging from the number of cutaway shots in the film during the battle scenes. This too is not director Jingle Ma's forte, and audiences who have seen Red Cliff will likely be unimpressed.  相似文献   

Yinchuan, capital of Northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, is one of China's important commercial cities. The city is inhabited by more than 800,000 Hui and Han women and children. Over the past several years, the Yinchuan Women's Federation has taken the lead in establishing women's organizations, such as "Carnation Home" (an organization that provides financial aid, psychological counseling and free physical checkups to single mothers), mutual-aid groups to benefit left-behind women (whose husbands have left home to work elsewhere),  相似文献   

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