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Personal Tailor, Chinese director Feng Xiaogang's latest comedy, is a story about a company that allows ordinary people to fulfill their fantasies. The company, Personal Tailor, is run by Yang Zhong (played by Ge You), who is the "dream planner;" Miss Bai (played by Bai Baihe), who is the "scenario designer;" Xiao Lu (played by Ei Xiaolu), who is the "dream builder;" and Ma Qing (played by Zheng Kai), the "spiritual anesthetist." The business is unique, as it satisfies the clients' demands and makes their dreams come true.  相似文献   

Invited by the president of Polish Women's League, a four-member delegation of Chinese women visited Poland and attended the event to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the establishment of Polish Women's League from October 18-20, 2013. The delegation, headed by Mu Hong, Director-General of the International Department of the All-China Women's Federation, visited grass-roots organizations of Polish Women's League. A. Michalak, President of Polish Women's League, met with the delegation. Both sides shared their opinions on improving the friendly cooperation between Chinese and Polish women. The visit helped to renew the traditional friendship between ACWF and Polish Women's League.  相似文献   

The book is the fourth in Wang Anyi's non-fiction series. It includes 58 of her essays, each of which records Wang's memory and understanding of an individual. The book focuses on renowned celebrities, including writer Ba Jin, film director Chen Kaige, painter Chert Danqing and actor Ge You, and ordinary people, including a postman and a handicraft worker. Each has impressed Wang, lor one reason or another. Wang, a Chinese professor with Fudan University, is Vice- Chairwoman of the Chinese Writers' Association. She is the first Chinese woman to be nominated for the prestigious Man Booker International Prize (2011).  相似文献   

“两癌筛查”造福广大农村妇女 Women make special contributions to social progress and human development, as they give birth to and raise their children. Therefore, it is vital that their health be protected properly. In 2009, the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) and China's ministries of Health and Finance implemented the cancer- screening project. Under the project, rural Chinese women can receive free screening for cervical and breast cancer (the "two cancers"). Tile project's aims are to raise awareness about the importance of healthcare and to detect the "two cancers" early so afflicted women can receive timely medical treatment.  相似文献   

《我国家庭教育指导服务现状调查报告》发布 Initial findings are in and, based on the survey's results, the Chinese Government plans to play a greater role in the guidance of family education across the nation. The Chinese Family Education Guidance Service Report was released -- by officials from the China Family Education Society (CFES), the Department for Children of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), and the China National Children's Center (CNCC) during a news conference in Beijing, on September 15.  相似文献   

The ICAPP (International Conference of Asian Political Parties) Worksllop on Human Trafficking was held in Kathmandu, capital of Nepal, from January 16-18. Invited by Sujata Koirala, Vice-Chairperson of the ICAPP Women's Wing and Head of the International Department of the Nepali Congress Party, a four member Chinese women's delegation, headed by Mu Hong, Director-General of the International Department of tile All-China Women's Federation. attended.  相似文献   

The ACWF and the Chinese Women's Research Society (CWRS) held, in Beijing on October 30, a seminar on eradicating sexual harassment in universities. Tan Lin, Member of ACWF's Secretariat and Vice-President of CWRS, Gao Shawei, Director of ACWF's Legal Department, and Xu Tao, Director of the Teachers' Department of China's Ministry of Education, spoke during the event. More than 50 people -- including leaders and teachers from 22 universities (in various regions of China), each of which has established a women and gender research and training base with ACWF and CWRS's help -- attended. During the seminar, many participants offeredsuggestions on how to curb and prevent sexual harassment.  相似文献   

The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) and the National Bureau of Statistics on September 26 launched tile Third Survey on Chinese Women's Sccial Status. The survey was launched in Beijing. The 120 people who attended the news con ference to launch the survey included experts, liaison officers and heads of provincial-level women's federations. They discussed the planning for the survey, the design of the questionnaire and quality
control issues.  相似文献   

The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) oil March 7 (on the eve of International Women's Day) launched the activity of collecting both short and multimedia messages that dealt with the pro,notion of harmonious relations amongst family members. The activity was sponsored by ACWF, with support from China Women's News, Women of China Chinese monthly, and China Society for the Study of Marriage and Family.  相似文献   

The red lanterns that line Dongzhimen Nei turn on each night about an hour before sun down, and they help mark the rebirth of Beijing's most celebrated dining experience: Gui Jie. Although it's known as "Ghost Street," because of the ghostly spectacle of the former grocery and night produce market, Gui Jie is one of the most alive after-dark places you can find in the city.  相似文献   

In almost every pavilion on the Expo Site, three interconnected concepts are showcased through various exhibitions. The concepts are: A city is created by people; people's lives are closely related to the city's development; and, ifa city is a metaphor for a "living creature," people are like its vigorous and creative "cells."  相似文献   

EVERYONE who likes to drink wine knows Guizhou's Maotai, a well-known white spirit. It is the pride of the Guizhou people, because it has been elected as the most famous Chinese white spirit three times and honored as the "state white spirit." Maotai tastes mellow and leaves a pleasing aftertaste. The good taste of this strong spirit benefits from its good water source and the skill of the masters. The Maotai Township is located by the limpid Chishui River, which has clear and sweet water. The method of making Maotai is complicated. It uses wheat to  相似文献   

Our ancestors discovered a long time ago that it is necessary to give the body extra nourishment in winter. Without a doubt, soup is one of the best choices, as it can enrich the body's vital energy, qi in Chinese, and the blood. When it gets cold, people do less exercise, but because of the  相似文献   

In the modern consumer society, the development of technologies and global trade is ushering global commodities into people's lives at an unprecedented speed. Even in a small town in China, people can get exactly the same things -- Coca- Cola, iPhones and Nike shoes -- as most people in the rest of the world. At the same time, there are many ordinary objects in the daily lives of Chinese, and those objects embody China's national identity.  相似文献   

"Only through careful investigations and studies can we get firsthand information, so we can better understand grass-roots people's needs " Wei said during the discussion of the conference.  相似文献   

Dear Women of China,
I'm interested in your magazine, but there's no way for me to get copies of it where I live. I see that your website has an electronic version of the magazine, but it's only one issue, it's a few months old, it's difficult to read (because you have to wait for the pages to enlarge), and you have to click on the pages to flip them back to the table of contents or reload the whole page. It's extremely aggravating and not at all easy for readers to use.  相似文献   

The Golden Era, a biopic about the life of trailblazing Chinese temale writer Xiao Hong (played by Tang Wei), is Hong Kong director Ann Hui's latest, and most ambitious, film.  相似文献   

“美丽中国爱心行”走进玉树 Led by Chen Xiaoxia, Secretary-General of the China Children and Teenagers' Foundation (CCTF), a group from the foundation's "Love Travel in China" project began a two-day visit to Yushu Tibetan Prefecture, in northwestern China's Qinghai Province, on September 24, 2013. The prefecture was rocked by a 7.1-magnitude earthquake on April 14, 2010.  相似文献   

NE·TIGER "Ming·Li" Haute Couture Fashion Show, the huge opening event of the 17th China Fashion Week, was staged at Beijing Hotel on October 25, 2014. As part of the event, NE'TIGER, a top fashion brand in China, invited people from around the world to share-regardless of time and space barriers-the common memory and language of Chinese people, by displaying Chinese-style dresses and elements of Chinese clothing culture.  相似文献   

"Not as sweet as a flower; not as tall as a tree, I'm a small grass nobody knows." Those words are part of the lyrics of A Small Grass, a song that was popular during the 1980s and 1990s. The song struck a chord with many ordinary Chinese.  相似文献   

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