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A friend told me about Xizhou, and 1 remembered the place because the word xi meant happiness, and it was a character in my name. When I visited Dali, Yunnan Province, 1 asked my friend to take me to Xizhou.  相似文献   

THE war left a deep impression on people. I was still a child then and what I remember most was fleeing from the war and the air raids. During the eight years of the war I went with my mother to Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Macao Guangxi, Yunnan and Guizhou. We fled to literally every part of the country in the south. Now and then I was able to go to school, but I never stayed in any one of them long before we had to flee again. By the time I was supposed to graduate from middle school I had been to five different middle schools, but because of the constant changes of schools I never obtained any graduation certificate. In my research work I see some materials on the war, and  相似文献   

Again I make the “around the world” journey back to my home, New York City. Having lived primarily in Beijing for the past four years, my internal bearing,my internal clock takes longer to realign with the new place, the new time (day is night) and the returning though momentarily unfamiliar culture.  相似文献   

IT has been many years since the last time I visited West Lake in Hangzhou but it is still fresh in my menlory. It was in late spring, a cloudy and drizzly day. I did not feel like going at first, but later went along as two veteran editors insisted upon going. It didn't take long to get to the lake. This was my first time to appreciate the landscape of the region south of the Yangtze River at leisure. The air was damp and chilly as we strolled along the bank. Mist and fog hovered over the lake, and it was hard to distinguish the water from the sky. At a kiosk on the  相似文献   

As I head back to China after three weeks in Canada and the US, I reflect back on one of my earliest, and key,lessons about effective communication in China.  相似文献   

I have become very fond of returning to my own parents' home, and to my mother's side, ever since I was 30. When I am tired of life in the noisy city and being a mother and wife, returning to my mother's side makes me feel like a daughter again. There I am free from worries and can enjoy the tender care and love of my mother. In the morning, lying in bed lazily in the most comfortable posture, I do not need to urge my son to get up for school. The clatter Mother makes when she goes to the kitchen to prepare breakfast is the  相似文献   

me and my Angel     
MY dream of being a university student vanished like soap bubbles when I failed the national examination for higher education. Saying goodbye to the high school in town, I returned to the village where I had been born and brought up. The prosaic rural life seemed to be my destiny, but I had no desire to watch my youth slip away in commonplace pursuits. I loved to read books and newspapers, and even kept up my habit of writing my diary. I still had my  相似文献   

1 I had lived at Shuiguo Lake in Wuhan for several years, when one day a wasp flew on my balcony. I was sitting there, reading my newspaper. Because I had been stung by wasps many times during my childhood, I had a lingering fear of wasps. I hurried to cover my face with the newspaper, but the wasp flew' unharmed onto my bonsai. I looked at it quietly and it also looked at me. Then it stuck up its tail and lowered its head to drink from the pot. Once it  相似文献   

Mentorship is crucial to career growth; in addition to benefiting both those who mentor and those who are mentored (mentees), mentorship helps organizations retain talent, maintain employee engagement and improve business acumen. Given the importance of this topic, I'd like to use my next few columns to share some critical information. In this edition, I will focus on being a mentee, and how one can best take advantage of mentorship opportunities to foster his/her growth and development.  相似文献   

The Atmosphere Wang, a governmental clerk in Beijing, still remembers the good old days when the Beijing sky was clear and blue. "When I was a child, I used to stare at the flowing clouds against the pure, blue sky, and let my imagination roam. But now, I raise my head only to see the sky gray and dull," said Wang, who usually goes to work by bicycle. "When I arrive at the office I have to clean my face with tissues, and they always turn dark." A global inspection on the atmosphere  相似文献   

Twenty-five years ago when I was 17, I went to the countryside and spent three years in a village called Rucun one thousand kilometers away from Beijing. During the three years, like an ordinary farmer, I went into the fields at sunrise and returned at sunset to obtain my rations from my own labor. I never expected the three-year experience would become an unforgettable memory in my life. I went to settle down in the  相似文献   

I have given a name to the studio where I make my soft sculptures: "Spirit Existing." It means that my life exists together with my spirit; that spirit is inseparable from body. I believe the original nature of life is the most beautiful thing in the world. On September 6th, 1997, I handed in my resignation to the tax bureau where I worked. Leaving my family and my son at home, I came to Beijing alone to create a new life for myself. As a woman making such a choice at the age of 35, I  相似文献   

Iam 21 years old. My home is in a small village of Putian, Fujian Province. Like thousands of healthy children, I once had a colorful childhood. Unexpectedly, however, I contracted an eye disease at the age of 13 and began to gradually lose my eyesight. At first, I cherished a gleam of hope that heaven would kindly make me see light again someday. My mother took me to one hospital after another for treatment, but my eyesight remained dim. I became frightened and restless. I realized that sometime soon I might no longer be able to see my mother's kind face, my father's thin figure, the golden rape flowers in the fields, or the meandering stream by the village. In the daytime, the adults went to work in the fields and the children went to school. I was left alone in the empty house. I tried  相似文献   

I have been living in Beijing for nearly 20 years. I often ride my bike to and from the office. I love to avoid crowded roads and ride through the hutongs, or small lanes. My feelings of bustle and agitation can disappear when I ride in the lanes—so simple and unsophisticated, quiet and familiar. In my spare time, I  相似文献   

I am writing my thesis on microfinance, and how it contributes to the empowerment of women in society. More specifically, it is focused on female entrepreneurs. I would like to focus on China, and I have noticed that you have some articles about the effects of microfinance on women (in China). Could you please offer me more details about the issue?  相似文献   

WHEN I was asked where my home was the name of the unknown county would always escape my lips. By then I had been in this fancy metropolis for quite a few years. It had accompanied me to do everything and my family, my habits and whatever I had had all been merged with the city. But still I didn't know why I believed that remote and nameless village  相似文献   

I was not a flower lover when I was a little girl. Instead, I spent my days mixing with the "mischievous" boys in the neighborhood; my favorite toys were wooden sticks which I imagined to be guns. I guess part of the reason for my unusual behavior goes to the influence of my father serving in the army and China was undergoing the Cultural Revolution. Then all things beyond bare necessity were categorized as bourgeois extravagance. How could a prole-tariat offspring come to love flowers, which  相似文献   

My True Joy     
Ihave special ties with paper-cuts. My interest has developed from my childhood to the present. Now I am over 40 and often use scissors to create art. I cannot deny this interesthas has matured with me. Being a newspaper arts editor I'm busy all the time. I'm the only one who knows my suffering and joy, I lack the time and energy to work on big art projects. That's why I can only  相似文献   

Dear Women of China,
I'll be working in China for the next few years and I'd like to bring my dog, Copper, with me. He's a full-grown golden retriever and he weighs 72 pounds. Will it be difficult to import a large dog like him to China? What should I do before leaving for China? I have heard there is a mandatory, 30-day quarantine for all pets. Is there any way to skip it by showing the right health documents?  相似文献   

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