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To promote the National Program for Children's Development (2011-2020), the Office of the National Working Committee on Children and Women (NWCCW) under the State Council, in cooperation with the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF), implemented a five-year (2011- 2015) project to promote implementation of the program in the 20 counties, cities or districts in which the project was introduced. The purpose of the project is to help solve the problems children face in their lives, to promote children's development and to protect children's legal rights and interests.  相似文献   

“两癌筛查”造福广大农村妇女 Women make special contributions to social progress and human development, as they give birth to and raise their children. Therefore, it is vital that their health be protected properly. In 2009, the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) and China's ministries of Health and Finance implemented the cancer- screening project. Under the project, rural Chinese women can receive free screening for cervical and breast cancer (the "two cancers"). Tile project's aims are to raise awareness about the importance of healthcare and to detect the "two cancers" early so afflicted women can receive timely medical treatment.  相似文献   

To safeguard peace, to enhance cooperation and to promote development are common desires of women of the world. At the 50th anniversary commemorating the victory of the Chinese people in the War of Resistance Against Japan, and the victory of the struggle against fascist throughout the world, Women of China recently invited some women survivors of the war to talk about their views on war and peace.  相似文献   

摩卡站 With the success of their two restaurants, Mosto and Modo Urban Deli, chef Daniel Urdaneta, from Venezuela, and co- owner Alex Molina, from Columbia, are now embarking on a new concept for their cuisine empire. Moka Bros opened last month in Nali Patio, Sanlitun, and the partners' concept is for the eatery to be a casual spot tbr urban diners to relax and have access to clean, healthy and affordable food.  相似文献   

I recently moved to China, with my family, and 1 have been wolTied abot, t the air pollution. As my children are relatively small, 1 am very concerned about their health. I want to know the best way to protect them from the pollution, both outside and inside the house. Which masks should they wear? Where can I buy air puritiers?  相似文献   

ALL parents hope their children will grow up healthy and clever. To provide children with good health care and education early on and to mold them into talented people who will be able to contribute toward the next century is the mission of China's development program for children. In order to implement the "National Program of Action for Child Development in China in the 1990s," to mobilize all walks of life to become concerned with the health of mothers and children and the fate of the next generation, as well as to improve the quality  相似文献   

Invited by the president of Polish Women's League, a four-member delegation of Chinese women visited Poland and attended the event to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the establishment of Polish Women's League from October 18-20, 2013. The delegation, headed by Mu Hong, Director-General of the International Department of the All-China Women's Federation, visited grass-roots organizations of Polish Women's League. A. Michalak, President of Polish Women's League, met with the delegation. Both sides shared their opinions on improving the friendly cooperation between Chinese and Polish women. The visit helped to renew the traditional friendship between ACWF and Polish Women's League.  相似文献   

To promote the spirit of the 18th CPC (Communist Party of China) National Congress and the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, and to help women better understand the nation's laws, the All- China Women's Federation (ACWF), the Office of the Central Committee for Comprehensive Management of Social Security, and China's Ministry of Justice on February 12 issued the notice that the 2014 Women's Rights- protection Week would be held in March.  相似文献   

Dear Women of China, Are there statistics, or studies, to which I can refer on the matter of women's land-use rights? Do women in rural areas manage/contract their own land?  相似文献   

Earth Hour is an initiative that encourages people,all over the world, to turn off their lights and other electricity consuming devices on the last Saturday of March, every year, from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm.  相似文献   

第二届“国际女童日”呼吁关注女童权利 Plan International (China) (an international organization dedicated to helping poor Chinese children access their rights, especially to health, education, a livelihood and protection) and the Beijing Cultural Development Center for Rural Women (BCDCRW) on October 11 held a seminar to mark the Second International Day of the Girl Child. Discussed were gender issues and matters related to disaster reduction.  相似文献   

To promote healthy living and to raise women's awareness of the importance of improving their health, the Women's Development Department of the All- China Women's Federation (ACWF) launched the long-distance-run campaign, entitled "running for health and beauty," in late October. The event, which was held in Beijing, Tianjin Municipality (in North China) and Sichuan Province (in Southwest China), was also intended to promote the implementation of the cancer-screening project. Thousands of women, who wore pink T-shirts, participated.  相似文献   

老漂族 This phrase refers to elderly Chinese who move from their hometowns, to the big cities, to take care of their grandchildren.  相似文献   

Lack of access to funding is the main obstacle to women in rural China who want to start their own businesses.
To counter that problem, Liaoning Women's Federation has made unremitting efforts to implement the Small Secured-Loan Discount-lnterest Policy in recent years. For example, the federation has monitored the policy's implementation in villages, and it has conducted research in the villages to determine what women need and how it can meet those needs.  相似文献   

TIAN Xiaofang was born in a small mountain village of Banlishu Township, Miao Autonomous County of Mayang, Hunan Province. Owing to their hardscrabble life in the mountains, four generations of her family had never had the chance to go to school. Her father had lost the ability to do heavy physical work after breaking a rib in a farming accident, and from then on, her mother had taken on nearly all the labor for the whole family. To lighten the family's financial burden,  相似文献   

After years of preparation and months of tense anticipation, China has realized the dream to hold an Olympic game! On the night of the announcement, Beijing exploded into a celebration of pride and joy—fireworks burst in the air, and people poured out of their apartments and into the plazas to share their happiness. The next day, work continued on the renewing of Beijing, because making the 2008 Olympic Games successful is not only important to the Beijingers but to all Chinese people. Representing all of China as  相似文献   

I'm delighted to write a column in Women of China English Monthly. Here, 1'11 share interesting findings, key insightsand real stories from the work I've been doing with thousands of competent professional women in China -- and around Asia. Given that it's the start of the calendar year, I want to shave a powerful exercise -- on reflection, to set you up for success in the coming year, and beyond. To start, grab a journal, and answer the following questions: What do you think your colleagues would say about you? What have been your key successes during the past year? What are the best practices you used to achieve those successes'?  相似文献   

IN recent years,more and moreforeigners have been coming toBeijing to work and study for longperiods of time,some are evensettling down here.For those that are,the first hurdle is finding out how toactually lease or buy a house in thecity.To help our new guests andfuture residents,we interviewed anumber of people and asked themwhat the best course of action wouldbe.Here are their answers--  相似文献   

IN the 1930s, the first red political power was set up in southern China. Women in the area cut their hair short and unbound their feet. But its significance was more than that—women had broken the feudal yokes restraining their hearts. They were able to get married by their own will and stand arm-in-arm beside men. To allow the Red Army to move fast and fight against the  相似文献   

Women in ancient China were prohibited from holding any position of power. Essentially,the women were"objects" sold into marriage.Their feet were bound to prevent them from escaping. While they could not hold positions of power,women were in control of their homes.A man was permitted to have more than one wife,and the women had a rank within the household.The first wife could dictate who went where,how much  相似文献   

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