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Yinchuan, capital of Northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, is one of China's important commercial cities. The city is inhabited by more than 800,000 Hui and Han women and children. Over the past several years, the Yinchuan Women's Federation has taken the lead in establishing women's organizations, such as "Carnation Home" (an organization that provides financial aid, psychological counseling and free physical checkups to single mothers), mutual-aid groups to benefit left-behind women (whose husbands have left home to work elsewhere),  相似文献   

Chen Feixian, a woman from Wuyang Township, in Shexian County, in East China's Anhui Province, works at a local reeling mill near her house. Like Chen, more than 10,000 local "leftbehind women" -- whose husbands have moved to other regions of the country to find manual work -- have been employed by township enterprises.  相似文献   

Collecting Photos
On September 24, workers who carried out the national preferential agricultural policy, organized by Heping Town, in Shaowu, in East China's Fujian Province, visited Kantou Village to provide special services to farmers and "left-behind women" (women whose husbands moved to other regions of China to do manual work). The special services included collecting photos,  相似文献   

Officials in Ma'anshan, a city in East China's Anhui Province, during the past year have done the following to improve the lives and promote the development of left-behind children (whose parents have left home to work elsewhere):  相似文献   

The China Children and Teenagers' Fund (CCTF) organized a children's charity tour, in East China's Anhui Province, from October 26-29, 2014. According to the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), China has 61 million left-behind children, whose parents have left their hometowns to earn a better living in urban areas. To ensure the proper development of the left-behind children. ACWF and CCTF launched the "Safeguarding Childhood,Walking Together with Love" nationwide project on July 28, 2014. The project was announced ill Beijing.  相似文献   

'Love Phone Calls'"亲情电话"Many"left-behind children"——whose parents work in other areas of China——in remote mountainous regions in Yixian County,Anhui Province,are having a difficult time,as they have little or no contact with their parents. However,101 children in the villages of Kecun Town,in Yixian,have been lucky.Why? Since March 2007,some telephone landlines,known as"love phone calls,"have been set up to help"left-behind children"stay in touch with their parents.The children are happy to hear their  相似文献   

TIMES have changed. Now rather than seeking a good husband, women find solace in good careers and self-reliance, according to a recent Beijing University survey. A 1995 questionnaire of women graduates of Beijing University indicated that more than half the graduates believe women work in order to gain self-reliance in person and economy; 36 percent of these students agreed that women work in order to show their power, make a contribution to society and realize their own value. The survey of 1,254 people was conducted by Beijing University's "Women's Issues Research Center."  相似文献   

OF the 517 large and small cities in the country, more than 300 have women mayors and vice mayors. These women play an important role in the construction and development of their cities. Ordinary Chinese people like to call their local officials "father-and- mother officials," but these women  相似文献   

SINCE the policy of reform and opening was implemented in China, the Chinese farmers who toiled in the fields for thousands of years have been awakened. They have surged into large and medium-sized towns and developed areas. Now they earn more money than ever and have a chance to see the world. Many of these people are women. A new trend is quietly emerging among young women from farming communities who have traveled to the  相似文献   

SINCE more and more rural women have become involved in commercial production, they have become more and more eager to learn about scientific technology. The Women's Federation of Beijing had long been looking for a direct and effective way to help them. Luo Xiaolu, vicedirector of the Federation, found in her investigation of the present conditions of intellectual women in Beijing that women students were also eager to get in touch with society. Then she had an idea that women students in universities and colleges should go to the countryside. Thus, an activity developed called "women college students and rural women, hand in hand."  相似文献   

WHEN they first entered the open door of China, foreign entrepreneurs probably did not expect that their coming would help to shorten the distance between ordinary Chinese women and developed countries of the outside world. In the Jinzhou Industry and Technology Development Zone in Dalian, Liaoning Province, a large number of young women whose families have been living a rural life for generations are working in foreign funded enterprises and are a major part of the labor force there.  相似文献   

I am writing my thesis on microfinance, and how it contributes to the empowerment of women in society. More specifically, it is focused on female entrepreneurs. I would like to focus on China, and I have noticed that you have some articles about the effects of microfinance on women (in China). Could you please offer me more details about the issue?  相似文献   

The Chinese Government and countless people in society attach importance to the healthy growth of rural left-behind children. In recent years, officials fl'om the Department for Children, under the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), have emphasized the need to enhance existing system for caring for rural left-behind children. They have explored ways of providing services to care for rural left-behind children.  相似文献   

Women in ancient China were prohibited from holding any position of power. Essentially,the women were"objects" sold into marriage.Their feet were bound to prevent them from escaping. While they could not hold positions of power,women were in control of their homes.A man was permitted to have more than one wife,and the women had a rank within the household.The first wife could dictate who went where,how much  相似文献   

Shen Yueyue, Vice-Chairperson of the NPC (National People's Congress) Standing Committee and President of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) on February 11, 2014, chaired the symposium on work related to migrant women and children and left-behind women and children. The symposium was held in Nanchang, capital of East China's Jiangxi Province.  相似文献   

Women Attracted to Journalism越来越多的中国女性青睐新闻事业Women are holding up almost half of the sky in Chinese journalism. In recent years, female students majoring in journalism have outnumbered male students. In addition, more than 70,000 women journalists-of the 180,000 documented journalists in China-have been registered at  相似文献   

The Sharing Blue Sky, Growing Up Happily -- Caring For Children Project was implemented provincewide by Jilin Women's Federation on June 8. The project is intended to help disabled children, migrant children and left-behind children (in rural areas) to grow up in a healthy way. Officials from the women's federation intend to help 10,000 children, and their parents, this year.  相似文献   

ON November 12, 1993, the Chinese Women Lawyers Society was established in Beijing. The more than 10,000 women lawyers in the country were excited to have their own organization. Xu Weihua, secretary-general of the society and a lawyer working in the All-China Women's Federation, said: "The society's establishment will promote the participation of  相似文献   

HUABEI Oilfield in the North China Plain beganto be explored in 1976. Its annual oil output hasbeen over 10 million tons for the past ten succes-sive years and it is ranked ninth amongst thenational enterprises handling oil and natural gas.During its 20-year construction, it was built to bea grand oil city. There are 110,000 emptoyeesincluding almost 40,000 women. It displaysfeatures of a modernized city when you walkthrough it-wide streets, office buildings, grass-land in inhabited areas, hospitals, schools, shopsand various recreation facilities. It takes on thehappy and auspicious atmosphere more than theimpetuousness of a big city On a mission to learnmore about the women working there, talked toHuang Lan, the committeewoman of the LaborUnion of Huabei Oil Administrative Bureau. Thefollowing are the women she sent me to meet:  相似文献   

IT was only about ten years ago that there were only a few of newspapers and periodicals about women in China. But China has seen a rapid development of newspapers and periodicals on women since it began the policy of reform and opening to the outside world. Today the All-China Women's Federation and local women's federations sponsor and publish 47 different publications about women and children, some of which have a circulation of more than one million. These colorful, influential women's newspapers and periodicals are now some of the most interesting publications in China. Why have these publications been so successful? Recently our staff reporter interviewed several women chief editors about their work. The following interviews are in their own words.  相似文献   

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