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The debate over the community question has generated several perspectives on the sources of ties to the territorial community in modern society. This paper attempts to empirically assess the utility of each model for predicting the number of ties to the local community and extra-local area, using data on voluntary association memberships in Seattle. Results indicate that the community of limited liability perspective is most accurate in predicting the importance of social, economic, and temporal investments for local memberships, and social position for extra-local memberships.  相似文献   

Novel approaches to natural resource management, particularly those which promote stakeholder participation, have been put forward as fundamental ingredients for establishing resilient, polycentric forms of environmental governance. This is nowhere more pertinent than in the case of the complex adaptive systems associated with urban areas. Decentralisation of urban green space management has been posited as an element thereof which, according to resilience thinking, should contribute to the adaptive capacity of cities and the ecosystem services upon which they rely. Implicit in this move towards increased adaptive capacity is the ability to manage through innovation. Although the importance of innovation towards system adaptability has been acknowledged, little work has thus far been carried out which demonstrates that innovative use of urban green space represents a form of adaptive response to environmental conditions. The current paper reports on research which maps examples of organised social-ecological innovation (OSEI) in an urban study area and evaluates them as adaptive responses to local environmental conditions which may contribute to system resilience. The results present OSEI as a coherent body of responses to local social and environmental deprivation, exhibiting diversity and adaptability according to individual contexts. The study therefore provides evidence for the importance of local stakeholder-led innovation as in the building of adaptive capacity in urban social-ecological systems.  相似文献   

大城市快速路系统规划研究--以天津市中心城区为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
曹伯虎  王国良 《城市》2003,(6):39-42
随着城市化和机动化的快速发展,中心城区的居民出行总量持续增加,现有交通网络承受的压力加大,主干道机动车运行速度逐年下降,机、非干扰严重,道路建设上缺少大容量的机动车快速通道,单一的平面常规道路系统疏解交通的方式已无法满足日益增长的交通需求,迫切需要形成以快速路系统为骨干的综合交通网络,改善中心城区交通紧张的状况,实现道路交通"12469"时空通达目标,即"1"--中心城区内任意一点到达快速路10分钟,步行至周围公交站不超过10分钟;"2"--中心城区内任意一点到达外环线20分钟;"4"--中心城区内任意一点到达另一点不超过40分钟;"6"--中心城区内任意一点到达滨海新区内任意一点及外围区县中心(塘沽、汉沽、大港、开发区、保税区、天津港、宝坻、武清、静海、宁河、蓟县等)60分钟以内;"9"--中心城区到达区域范围内主要周边城市(北京、保定、唐山等地)90分钟以内.  相似文献   

Urban Ecosystems - Understanding the structure and function of urban landscapes requires integrating social and ecological research. Here, we integrate parallel social and ecological assessments of...  相似文献   

京津冀北地区机场布局研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
欧阳杰  张肖峰 《城市》2003,(3):33-35
进入21世纪,以京津冀北地区为核心的环渤海地区正迅速成为我国第三个经济高速发展的城市群,而将大北京地区建成世界城市的说法也已深入人心。在经济全球化和城市群落化的时代,建立由多个机场组成的区域机场体系是构筑世界城市的重要物质基础。目前,京津冀北地区尚未形成布局合理、等级结构适宜、市场运营良好的区域机场体系。2002年底,中国首都机场集团公司的挂牌成立,预示着京津冀北地区的区域机场体系已经开始初步构筑。一、京津冀北地区机场布局和航空运输业的特点1.机场布局基本合理、机场密度相对较低。机场布局的主要网络已经基本成型…  相似文献   

大都市圈域交通走廊建设的新思维   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一、都市圈的概念及形成机理 (一)都市圈的概念 都市圈是国际上对现代城镇群体发展地区空间组织的基本模式的称谓,日本《地理学词典》中论述到:“城市通过对其周边地域辐射中心职能而发展,以城市为中心形成的职能地域、结节地域称为都市圈。”其地理含义是指在现代交通技木条件下,具有相当直径的类似圆形的面积,人们可以一天内乘汽车到达并进行面对面交流的特定经济区域。值得指出的是,目前,学术界没有形成“都市圈”的一致性定义。  相似文献   

董金柱 《城市》2007,(6):28-31
一、研究背景 人类聚居环境从史前文明到工业文明,随着生产力的提高、人口的增长呈总体恶化态势,而到了大都市工业文明时期,虽然局部环境保护意识增强,生态技术发展,但环境恶化趋势不减.从横向来看,聚居环境农村优于城镇,城镇优于城市.但是大都市以其信息技术发达、产业制度环境优越等良性条件,吸引着本地和外来资本、劳动力要素不断集聚.目前由大都市创造的GDP在全球经济产值中占据着显著的成分.但从居住环境来看,大都市面临的环境污染却越来越严重.既然如此,为什么还有那么多人抢着在城市落户?为什么消费这么贵,还买不到房子,为什么还要来大都市?在城市里,生活惬意的都是哪些人?在城市里面,人与人的社会关系还应该继续冷漠下去吗?大家彼此有信任安全感吗?怎样创造一个既美好又生态的大都市人居环境?  相似文献   

Humane education focuses on the interconnectedness between human rights, environmental sustainability, and animal protection, and started in the United States in 1996 through the Institute of Humane Education. While social work and social work education has emphasized human rights, the ecological, person-in-environment perspectives need to be expanded to include environmental preservation and animal welfare considering the numerous negative consequences on the global ecosystems. This article makes the case that humane education is an interdisciplinary link for helping social work educators expand their definitions of environmental justice and human–animal relationships so that student ecological consciousness includes the welfare of humans, nonhumans, and the broader ecosystem in their pursuit of change. It offers practical suggestions for opportunities to do this in the social work curriculum.  相似文献   

In the age of globalization, new regionalism has become a new trend of regional development. This study examines the making of new regionalism in South China, using the case of Hong Kong-Shenzhen region. By tracing the process of Hong Kong and Shenzhen integration during the past three decades, the research finds three stages in Hong Kong-Shenzhen regionalization after the late 1970s, namely, the emergence of informal regional society from below, the transitional regional society and formal regional society, with reference to Hettne’s concept of regionness. Hong Kong’s internal economic, political and societal difficulties and external changing conditions are conducive to Hong Kong government’s re-regulation toward a more positive stance on cross-boundary regionalization. Although intense economic and social interactions exist between Hong Kong and Shenzhen, a cross-boundary regional community has not emerged yet. The slow development of cross-boundary regional community is different from European case. The active participation of the governments aims to facilitate cross-boundary economic and infrastructure development and planning. This can take place well before reaching higher level of regionness: the formation of a regional community or the regional institutionalized polity.  相似文献   

Over time, correctional institutions have actively implemented innovations in prison administration. Most correctional institutions constitute conservative and closed societies. Generally, people do not have sufficient knowledge or understanding of penal correction. Therefore, it is difficult but necessary to break the stereotyped impression people hold about correctional institutions, actively integrate them into society, and encourage people to assume a more humane attitude towards correctional institutions. We conducted an inductive analysis of Penghu Prison administered by the Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice, Taiwan. After creating evaluation indices for the development of more humane correctional institutions, we conducted a survey to classify the evaluation indices into criteria under the four major evaluation dimensions. Using DEMATEL, we determined the causal relationship among different evaluation indicators and generated an influential network relation map about the evaluation criteria. Using DANP, we subsequently calculated weightings for the influence of each criterion. Finally, using the modified VIKOR, we conducted a gap analysis. The results of this study can be used to build a more positive and human reputation for correctional institutions and enable their sustainable creation.  相似文献   

Calls to reflexivity in social science have a long history. This article, after defining the terms endogenous and referential reflexivity, examines that history within several traditions. It argues that this history has tended to prioritize endogenous over referential reflexivity through an over-emphasis on the process of social research compared to what is learnt about social relations. As a result, interactions within the social world and the potential for transformations are not adequately understood, nor are the relations between the social sciences and social life.  相似文献   

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