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The "voice of the people," the root meaning of public opinion,is an old idea. Early political thinkers struggled to definethe proper role of public opinion in government. The confluenceof developments in commercial opinion polling and social psychologicalstudies of attitudes in the 1930s gave the concept new meaning.An historical perspective is helpful in understanding how publicopinion research has progressed; it also allows us to identifyonce vital but now neglected issues. A concern with professionalstandards in opinion research links modern researchers withthe moral imperative contained in the earliest idea of publicopinion.  相似文献   

This article first describes trends of a few key data on publicopinion on national security in West Germany since 1970, andthen examines in some detail the development and structure ofpublic attitudes on NATO's double-track decision and its implementationin the early 1980s. It addresses the problems of measuring suchattitudes and interpreting relevant public opinion data in thelight of levels of public awareness and of the personal importanceof these matters for respondents. In that context, the resultsof some methodological experiments to ascertain the impact ofquestion formats and wordings on response distributions fordefense policy survey items are also presented. Generationalreplacement and partisan polarization hypotheses to accountfor the dynamics of these attitudes are compared. The main findinghere is that growing dissent among the major parties over missiledeployment has played a much greater role in realigning publicopinion than has the coming of age of a predominantly antinuclearand antidefense "successor generation."  相似文献   

This study investigates how an interviewer’s characteristics affect how respondents answer survey questions about democracy and political engagement. I analyze data from the 2008 Afrobarometer surveys, in which 810 interviewers surveyed 27,713 respondents across 20 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Using these data, I study how interviewer education, age, and gender affect two outcomes: (1) response distributions to attitudinal and behavioral survey questions and (2) the likelihood of respondents saying ‘don’t know’ to a survey question. The analysis also investigates how the respondent’s perception of who sponsored the survey (NGO, private sector, government) affects attitudes. The results show that these interviewer characteristics affect the quality of survey data on political attitudes and behaviors. In the discussion, I consider the implications for research based on public opinion data about democracy and political engagement.  相似文献   


From the inception of colonial film-making in British West Africa in the early 1930s, dirt and the cinema were closely connected. Numerous educational movies were produced to show Africans the economically, physically and morally degrading consequences of “dirty habits.” By the early 1940s, the Colonial Office had come to realise that, within the cinema spaces created by mobile health units across Africa, intended audiences processed images and messages through their own aesthetic, spiritual, moral, economic and political value systems. These systems exceeded colonial projections and defied assimilation into colonial categories of dirt. This article focuses on the complexity of intended audiences’ responses to the simple ideological formula of colonial health and hygiene films. It argues that the presence of local aesthetic tastes and values in media archives on public health and hygiene in colonial Africa represents a vital space of mediation that must be considered alongside film content and film-makers’ intentions.  相似文献   

This study aims to empirically investigate whether cognitive interviewing is effective as a pretesting method for detecting problems in translated survey questionnaires as in the English language source questionnaire. The validity of non-English cognitive interviews is of concern among researchers because the cognitive interviewing technique was developed based on the communicative norms of Western cultures where directness and openness in expressing one’s opinion is encouraged. However, different communicative norms are present in Asian languages and cultures. To date, little research has been conducted on this topic. Using qualitative and quantitative analysis, we compared survey question problems identified through the cognitive interviews conducted in English and in Korean and found that Korean cognitive interviewing was indeed effective for detecting problematic survey questions.  相似文献   

This paper links the work of Sebastião Salgado, recipient of the 2010 American Sociological Association (ASA) Award for Excellence in the Reporting of Social Issues, with the discipline of sociology. I reflect on Salgado’s biography, method, and concerns in order to demonstrate how his work contributes to the awareness and understanding of social issues. Toward this end, I summarize sociology’s record of involvement with visual documentation. Prior to 1915, the American Journal of Sociology regularly included photographs that provided visual documentation of environments under study. However, as sociology moved away from social reform activities and toward scientific investigation, the regular publication of photographs ceased. During the 1930s and 1940s, photographic projects in disciplines and social movements beyond sociology developed a variety of methods that would prove useful to sociology. During the 1970s, sociologists once again began to use visual methods in their teaching, research, and publication, putting sociology in the position to both contribute to and benefit from insights and social commitments that have distinguished Sebastião Salgado as a globally significant photographer and social activist during the late twentieth and early twenty‐first centuries.  相似文献   

Since the Millennium, the use of physical punishment in the home has been a widely debated topic across the UK. Reliance on public opinion has been an important feature of this debate with a variety of UK surveys showing that many find physical punishment acceptable and do not support a complete ban on smacking. Drawing on the results from a comprehensive review of the literature, this article highlights that public/parental opinion is less than straightforward. Parents are often ambivalent about physical discipline, do not view it as an optimal method of behaviour management and are more prone to smack when stressed or angry. Likewise, a survey of the disciplinary practices and attitudes of 1000 parents in Northern Ireland shows that majority of parents have negative attitudes towards physical discipline. Nonetheless, many parents continue to smack despite the fact they do not believe it to be effective. Lack of parental support for legislative reform should be reconsidered in the light of this ambivalence. Most important, the UK Government needs to reframe the smacking debate in terms of children’s rights rather than relying on public opinion if it is to fulfil its commitment to protect children from harm as set out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.  相似文献   

Mixed methods researchers usually discuss how to combine qualitative and quantitative data of the same data type (typically interviews). However, mixed methods research becomes vastly more complicated, when not only standardized data are combined with more open-ended data but simultaneously different data types are mixed (e.?g. ethnographical data with survey data). Using two examples from spatial sociology, this paper illustrates that the specific benefit of such combinations is that ethnography and surveys provide complementary information. The paper also discusses how to solve some problems typically arising in mixed methods studies with mixed data types. In particular, which mixed methods design is most suitable, strongly depends on the specific research question and the social theory used. Regardless, researchers have to decide which strand of the mixed methods study is core component and which is supplemental component.  相似文献   

The punitive turn in criminal justice policy, epitomized by policies like three-strikes, truth in sentencing, and mandatory minimums, is often attributed in part to demand for harsher criminal justice responses from an increasingly punitive public. It has been argued that public opinion, known to be both largely uninformed and often misunderstood, might both indirectly and directly affect policy. This survey article on punitiveness in public opinion opens with a discussion of competing depictions of the nature of the relationship between a punitive public and increasingly punitive criminal justice policies. The article then focuses on some of the most influential explanations for variations in punitiveness within individuals and across groups. A review of what we know about public attitudes toward punishment and a brief explanation of how we know what we know (e.g. the methodologies by which we gauge public opinion) follow. The article concludes with the observation that as methodologies continue to improve and the literature in this area continues to grow, so too does our understanding of punitive public opinion in all of its complexity.  相似文献   

随着互联网时代的到来,网络语境下当代青年的爱国主义教育缺失日渐凸显,在部分青年群体中存在潜在的网络极端化爱国主义舆论倾向。分析发现:从问题的出现或偶然性事件的刺激到多数个体发表的评价性意见,再到"群体极化"现象的出现,最终极端化爱国主义舆论在互联网上广泛传播是网络极端化爱国主义舆论的基本形成机制。如此网络极端化爱国主义舆论不可避免地对国家、社会、制度和青年自身产生一系列的危害。网络语境下当代青年的爱国主义引导是新时期爱国主义教育的重要课题:应该正视青年的爱国情感,加强爱国主义教育;立足祖国长远利益,培养青年的理性爱国情感;增强舆论引导,减少青年非理性情绪的蔓延,对青年的网络极端化爱国主义舆论进行积极有效的引导。  相似文献   

This study seeks to investigate how amiable attitudes toward the United States as an ideal development model can be decreased by a predisposition toward accepting China as a favorable regional power. The empirical results from performing regression analysis of survey data in 13 Asian countries show that a positive evaluation of China in terms of its democratization level and having good influence in one's own country negatively correlate with a liking of the United States. The middle class is less likely to be pro-American. Higher national income leads to a lower evaluation of the importance of the United States, probably revealing a self-congratulatory tone in public opinion. This study concludes that the United States is not loved wholeheartedly by the public opinion of this region. Neither is China sought after as a development model. For most Asians, Japan appears to be a popular choice, besides choosing one's own country.  相似文献   

The 2004 election was remarkable for a number of reasons, includingthe harsh, personal attacks from all parts of the politicalspectrum on a number of media pollsters. The idea of "killingthe messenger" has been around long enough for the phenomenonto have its own name, but it appears to have intensified muchmore than in the past. The article details the experiences oftwo polls and their pollsters, one national and one statewide.These attacks are part of a growing practice of trying to mitigateperceived damage by any message in the political marketplace.The article suggests that while there are positive effects fromthese developments, including heightened awareness among votersof polling methods, negative effects can damage the credibilityof specific polls and their sponsors, as well as the professionin general, including market and other public opinion research.The article ends with a call for researchers to be more openwith their methods and measures, and to strongly defend properlydone research against critics; for journalists to be more discerningin evaluating poll criticisms before publishing them; and forprofessional organizations to help the public better understandpolling, market research, and other public opinion researchand their benefits to society.  相似文献   

This study involves an analysis of the major topics published in theAmerican Journal of Sociology andAmerican Sociological Review from the 1890s through the 1970s. The data indicate that the discipline focused initially on its self-definition and major social problems, moving to more theoretical and methodological matters during the 1930s. The war years reflect a major concern with political matters, shifting to economic issues and the problems of minorities in later decades. The limitations of these normative and economic interests are discussed. He has concentrated on sociological theory, the history of sociology and comparative minority relations. He is presently engaged in a world-wide analysis of racial discrimination and conflict.  相似文献   

Six studies published in the 1940s have become classics in the analysis of rural community and change: the community stability/instability studies. One of their less recognized features is that their analyses included women. This article revisits these six studies, but from a different vantage point. As a socially constructed enterprise, the community studies can be seen as a product of human agency. Examining how these researchers saw and included women, this analysis examines the historically embedded mediating impact of the research producers' positionality on the knowledge they produced. In particular, this analysis examines how women came to be included in the studies, how these researchers interpreted women's roles, and how gendered assumptions affected the conclusions they reached regarding the communities' stability or instability.  相似文献   

Tunisia is the only country that emerged from the Arab Spring as a democracy. However, Tunisian democracy is threatened by political divisions, economic problems, and the threat of terrorist attacks. We shed light on Tunisia's democratic prospects by examining (1) the degree to which major terrorist attacks in 2015 influenced Tunisian public opinion on democracy and (2) the extent to which preference for a democratic system affected opinions on the prospects for democracy in Tunisia. We use data from three waves of a nationwide survey conducted just before and just after Tunisia's first major terrorist attack, and just after the country's second major terrorist attack. We demonstrate that after the attacks the Tunisian public became less favourable toward democracy and less optimistic that Tunisia would soon be ready for it. Such scepticism was widespread, affecting people who preferred democracy as much as those who did not. We conclude that the prospects for Tunisian democracy are more precarious than is sometimes assumed.  相似文献   

Stimulated by debates on public sociology in the recent years I studied contributions of sociologists in daily newspapers in Austria. Although sociologists are rather present in the Austrian press, I argue this remains without noticeable effects on public opinion formation; the topics sociologists write and talk about are rather arbitrary and they lack factual content. Although my data refers to sociologists in the Austrian press, the study’s conclusions might be true to the wider sociological community: Through such exposure, a public profile of sociology cannot evolve. Furthermore, the article discusses criteria that prevent and complicate the relationship between sociologists and the press: avoidance of publicity, the problem of values and ideology, incompatibilities of language-games, divergence of relevance criteria, and deficient cultural empathy.  相似文献   

After briefly outlining the historical development of the Jewish community in Newcastle‐upon‐Tyne, this article examines the extent to which anti‐Semitism was a major concern in the life of modern North‐East Jewry. The focus of this discussion is on the 1930s and 1940s, a period when anti‐Semitism assumed greater significance. What this artcle revals is that on Tyneside, even though the fear of anti‐Semitism gave rise to active responses from within the local Jewish community, anti‐Semitism remained small scale. The experience of Newcastle's Jewish community should caution us against overstating the prevalence of anti‐Semitism in British society.  相似文献   

This selective survey endeavors to summarize leading eventsand situations in the various fields of communication that particularlyconcern problems of opinion formation and control. The periodcovered extends from September through December 1939. So faras possible, the survey seeks to bring together in a conciseand convenient form not only factual data having public opinionimplications but also summaries of current ideas and hypothesesregarding communicational activities, news of current research,and suggestions for desirable research projects.  相似文献   

Robert Park's proposals for the study of human and urban ecology were grounded in pragmatism, but critics of his perspective from the late 1930s through the 1940s totally missed his use of pragmatism and thereby defined four lines of deficiency: dualism (between the biotic and cultural), neglect of the sociocultural, biological determinism, and problems of measurement. These criticisms became reified as fact, out of which came Hawley's 1950 pivotal text that redirected human ecological study. Developments since then have largely been reactions against the so-called neo-orthodox approach, but in the process, the criticisms of Park have become intertextually sedimented into what we call "mythic fact' and what rhetoricians refer to as constitutive rhetoric. We document the lines of criticism and their consequences in ecological study, and then show how they were inaccurately grounded by neglecting Park's pragmatist perspective. Our analysis contributes specifically to the further understanding of predecessor-selection processes and suggests a political sociology of knowledge that challenges the cumulative theory growth model.  相似文献   

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